Steam Daming: Stop calling me to supervise the country

Chapter 214 The Powerless and Powerless Little Commander

For a time, the situation in the courtroom was unpredictable, and everyone looked at each other, not knowing what would happen next.

Chen Yun's firm request to take away Zhu Zhanchang's title and power, and to demote him to a commoner, has exceeded everyone's expectations. Some smart people think about the events of the past few days and feel that something is wrong.

This is almost one-sided. The denunciation of Zhu Zhanchang seems to be driven by an invisible hand. This is a premeditated suppression of Zhu Zhanchang, just like a party dispute in the court, one party has obtained a powerful charge He will definitely try his best to get the other side to his death.

Instead, these people were used as spears, but in the final analysis, it was Zhu Zhanchang who misbehaved himself and was caught by others, so he could wantonly attack on such a large scale.

But who is it, who wants to be the enemy of the Prince of Zhujiang County, and the astute ministers set their sights on the other three grandsons, and Zhu Zhanyong is the least suspicious.

Zhu Zhanzhen and Zhu Zhanchang were both sent out to serve as vassals after the last time they supervised the country. There were conflicts between the two when they supervised the country. Many people know this, and Zhu Zhanzhen himself is not a good person to get along with. .

But Zhu Zhanji is the most suspect than Zhu Zhanji. Before Zhu Zhanchang came out, Zhu Zhanji was almost a standout, but now in terms of military power, and the development of Weihai Port and Hong Kong Port, Zhu Zhanji is obviously everything Behind Zhu Zhanchang, and to mobilize Wenchen, it is obvious that Taisun has many supporters.

Most of these adults who can stand in the court are very refined, and they can feel the taste in an instant. This may be an open and secret battle between the emperor and the grandson. If you are not one of them, or do not want to join one of them, it is best to remain silent.

Zhu Gaochi, who was already annoyed, said: "Your Majesty, although Zhan Chang is at fault, but the crime does not end there, please punish your Majesty to demonstrate strictness, and please show your kindness to your Majesty."

"Please punish your majesty to demonstrate strictness, and please show your kindness to your majesty." Several of the dynasty's Dayuan behind him echoed. The prince's words were loud and clear, and the voice of the East Palace made those ministers who helped Chen Yun hesitate to speak. Now, what a weight the prince is.

The bottom line of the crown prince is obvious. The punishment can be punished, but it cannot be so severe. Zhu Zhanchang has done something wrong, but if you give him the title of rebellion, it will be over.

Zhu Di looked around: "What's your opinion, Weizhe?"

This matter still fell on his own head, Xia Yuanji said respectfully: "His Royal Highness Zhujiang County mistakenly fought against Chen Lang in the war of trespassing. Excessive power and arrogance, they should be severely punished."

"But..." Xia Yuanji hurriedly connected his but, for fear that it would be too late to pick up.

"Chen Langzhong said that His Royal Highness the Prince of Zhujiang County and Wenda have the meaning of overturning and transcending the rules. This minister thinks that he has over-understood it. In recent years, literary expressions have become popular. Because of the newspapers and magazines, the number of people reading and reading has increased a lot, so His Majesty also said it. , the folk culture should also be relaxed a little bit, Your Majesty is generous and will not go to prison because of the inconsistency of these two sentences.

Xia Yuanji is still an old fox. The first sentence Zhu Di said today was to be more tolerant of folk books. He had ordered [Origin] to be burned and not to be published again. Wenda rushed into the army of the Guangdong vassal. Having set the tone for the crimes of Wenda and the publications, the crime of Wenda being punished so lightly to Zhu Zhanchang must also be punished lightly.

Don't take out these ghost charges for rebelling, and punish Zhu Zhanchang for beating people.

So why does Zhu Di like Xia Yuanji, or he can understand his own mind and grasp the key points in the leader's words very well.

"What do you think of Gaochi?" The ball reached Zhu Gaochi's feet again.

"My son, I hope Your Majesty will show mercy."

No other nonsense, it's basically a nod.

Zhu Di called the eunuch and whispered a few words, and then said to the courtiers: "Zhu Zhanchang, the king of Zhujiang County, is young and frivolous, and has misbehavior. He beat the court ministers at the time. In the two months of the Zongren Mansion, he ate fast and recited the Buddha, revoked the golden seal of the tiger talisman of the four southern vassals, fined his salary for three years, and took back the sword of Emperor Yongle.

"Your Majesty, Long Live Long Live Long Live."

This wave of Zhu Zhanchang returned to before liberation. Emperor Yongle lost his sword, lost the right to kill at will, lost the tiger talisman and golden seal, lost all the military power of the Sifan Division, and was fined for three years. It doesn't matter. What's the money for.

All of a sudden, Zhu Zhanchang fell from the sky to the ground, changing from a prince with real power to a prince with no real power but just handsome.

This punishment can be said to be heavy. Although Zhu Zhanchang still retains the title of county king, he has taken away all the real power in his hands, and almost nothing is left. Of course, Zhu Di, the family he earned himself, ignored him.

Zhu Gaochi's face is not very good-looking, obviously someone has premeditated against his son, how can the father not be angry?
Setting the tone for the matter of the Prince of Zhujiang County, it is clear that the civil service group represented by Chen Yun won the victory this time, and directly pulled down a powerful figure like Zhu Zhanchang.

It was enough to go to the top of the matter earlier, and then began to discuss the matter of the Northern Expedition. Zhu Di asked the cabinet to briefly talk about the current division of [-] declaring and proclaiming political divisions. Obviously, Zhu Di was very satisfied with this plan, as long as some minor revisions were made. , he was ready to give the order.

"The major event of the Northern Expedition has been decided, and I will set off in the spring of next year. I will drive the expedition in person, and the prince will supervise the country."

"Reporting to Your Majesty, my son has been feeling unwell recently. The north is too cold and it is difficult to take on the heavy responsibility of supervising the country. Please also ask Your Majesty to order the King of Han to supervise the country and let this son go to Yingtianfu for a period of rest."

Zhu Gaochi stood up and bowed his head respectfully.

The amiable fat prince is very tough today. He doesn't agree with the Northern Expedition, so don't call him to supervise the country. Now there are still people who are obviously messing with my son. Then I will quit and let the Prince of Han come. Anyway, he has long wanted to. Going to jail the country.

Today's court, with his intelligence, can't he think who wants to target Zhu Zhanchang?

The King of Han was overjoyed, this is a dream thing, wouldn't it be beautiful to hand over the power of the boss.

But after thinking about it carefully, he felt that something was wrong. The boss looked friendly, but he had never given power in this way. Out of prudence, Zhu Gaojiao did not answer at this time.

Zhu Di stared at Zhu Gaochi with some anger in his eyes, but it dissipated after a while.

Although Zhu Gaochi was scolded the most by him, if he said that the important task of supervising the country can only be reassured by handing it over to him. The achievements of the world, I didn't get great achievements last time, I will definitely go this time. If Zhu Gaojiu is in charge of the country, I am afraid it will be difficult to convince the public.

Moreover, Zhu Di is going to do a big thing this time, something bigger than everyone expected. Zhu Gaochi must come to supervise the country, otherwise he will not be relieved.

Zhu Zhanchang Zhu Zhanchang has experience in supervising the country, but Zhu Zhanchang was not satisfied with him, and Zhu Zhanchang just let him demote.

For a while, the hall became cold again, and Zhu Di's tone softened a lot: "You go back to recuperate first, and you won't go out until spring next year, and the weather is warm. You, the prince, can't leave the hall and the people of the world alone."

Zhu Gaochi didn't speak. Silence represented resistance. Today's Zhu Pangpang is extraordinarily tough.

It doesn't matter if he usually targets himself. Now someone wants to target his son. Fat Dad is not a soft persimmon that can be kneaded by others.

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