Chapter 224 Shotgun and Hand Gatling

Zhu Zhanji's Vulcan armored vehicle is so majestic, the courtiers talked a lot next, Zhu Gaojiao quietly leaned on Zhu Zhanchang's side: "Boy, look at this big guy your brother made, no matter how you look at it, it's very fierce, you are Experts in this field, if you don't come up with something to show off, your elder brother will steal the limelight, then you will be finished."

"Second uncle, what kind of limelight does the younger brother compete with the eldest brother?"

Zhu Gaojiu patted his head, and put it aside to make a pun for his second uncle. The relationship between the two is still very good, mainly because there is no conflict of interest. Of course, Zhu Gaojiu did not change his original intention, and he kept tinkering with Zhu Zhanchang and his father. , against his brother.

"Second uncle, you know that I have always been very low-key as a person. I have already ordered someone to bring equipment from Guangzhou, but I have to wait a few days. It is estimated that I will arrive later."

"Don't let me down."

Zhu Zhanchang returned to the yard, and Chen Xinyue prepared warm tea for him to sober up: "Your Highness, let's have a cup of tea first."

"New Moon, I have to go to the northwest after the new year. Because I am participating in the war, I may not be able to take you with you."

Chen Xinyue nodded and said, "His Royal Highness, take Zara with you. She is the princess of the Timurid Empire. If you need to translate, she can also help His Highness."

"Aren't you jealous?" Zhu Zhanchang
"It's a little bit, but Zara can always help His Highness when he goes along, and His Highness..." Chen Xinyue's face turned red as she said, "What if Your Highness went to think about us?"

It's very vague, so you still have to go with a concubine, man, you have to fight during the day, and you have to fight at night, so that you don't have to fight at home, so I went outside to find another concubine. Now that I have three concubines, don't add it lightly. .

And she is so smart, knowing that Zhu Zhanchang has something to do with Hu Shanggong, Zhu Zhanchang did not avoid her, which means that there are already four.

Zhu Zhanchang picked him up and danced the gun all night.


Two days later, in the east of Shuntianfu, Shenji Ying, Zhu Gaojiu rushed to Shenji Ying after receiving the news early in the morning.

Zhu Zhanchang informed that it was still the Shenji Camp, what else could it be, and Zhu Gaojiao seemed to get on a carriage to the Shenji Camp.

At this time, a group of people in the Shenji Camp were surrounded by many soldiers and generals, with Zhu Zhanchang in the middle.

"Second uncle, you are finally here, everyone can't wait."

Zhu Zhanchang was in no hurry to show it, and waited until Zhu Gaojiu came to show it.

"I came here in a hurry." Zhu Gaojiu glanced at the strange things on Zhu Zhanchang's table, except for Akka Siqi, he couldn't recognize the others, so he hurriedly asked: "Quick, quick, what is this good for? something, show it."

"Then let's talk about what the second uncle knows first. Akka Siqi and grenades, Akka Siqi's are still similar, but the position of the hand has been improved, making it lighter and more convenient to carry." Akka Siqi still There is no real solution to the burst thing.

"In the case of the grenade, when the explosion increases, iron pieces will be ejected inside, which increases the killing range."

Zhu Zhanchang tried a grenade, and Zhu Gaojiu was shocked by the bang. This kind of weapon, the louder the sound, the higher the damage. The gunpowder refined by Guangzhou Prefecture is more powerful than ordinary ones.

"Quick, quick, look at other things, don't just order something like that." Zhu Gaojiu urged.

Zhu Zhanchang picked up a stubby firearm in front of him, with a pitch-black gun barrel the thickness of a child's arm, which looked very scary.

"Second Uncle, this thing is called the shotgun, which was improved from the burst fire gun in the Song Dynasty. The burst fire gun uses a giant bamboo barrel as the gun body, and is filled with gunpowder and bullets. After the lead is ignited, the gunpowder erupts, and the bullet is ejected, with a long range. 150 steps, but in fact the distance is far away, the flash gun has no accuracy at all." The flash gun is the first generation of shotguns.

"So our weapon factory in Guangzhou Prefecture has been improved according to its performance. Unlike traditional firearms, I do not regard this shotgun as a long-range firearm, but a melee firearm, which does not require accuracy, only short-range firearms. The bullets are sprayed in a large area within a distance, making it difficult to defend." The shotgun has the name of equality of all living beings.

A shot from close range, the gods and Buddhas can't be saved, but this thing can make the head of the East Ying second.

Zhu Zhanchang showed him a shot, and the dummy not far away was densely populated with bullet holes. Zhu Gaojiao looked at it in surprise. If such a thing was shot, it would really be unnecessary to rob it for rescue.

"Second uncle, have you ever thought about our current tactics, after the grenade and Akka Siqi hit a wave, they are still in close quarters, but after the shotgun, even if the enemy charges over, a shot is fired at close range. It is still effective, and the most important thing is that after the siege enters the city, the battle on the street, if our soldiers are equipped with shotguns, it is almost impossible for a single soldier to fight at close range."

Zhu Gaojiu thought about this scene for a while. He is famous for being good at sieging cities, especially now that Daming's artillery firepower is ferocious, and sieging the city is like destroying the city, but after entering the city, he often fights in the streets or alleys. fighting.

Shotguns can play an unexpected role on the battlefield.

Putting down the shotgun, Zhu Zhanchang placed another firearm with the help of the soldiers. This thing is very heavy, and its total weight is no less than an artillery piece. It was developed by Zhang San according to his own ideas and just made. At that time, Zhu Zhanchang was dumbfounded.

The twelve barrels of this thing are connected in a circle, which can be rotated and fired. Some people at the back are filled with special disc-shaped bullet gunpowder, and three people are required to operate it together at one time.

What is this, this is a hand-cranked Gatling, and Zhang Sanguan calls it the Five Thunder God Machine.

The Five Thunder God Machine originally had three eyes, five eyes, seven eyes and various specifications. Generally, when it is used, two people shoot in groups and one person stands. Zhang San improved it to no need for a stand, but a built-in stand for the soldiers to sit on. The place.

Twelve eyes increase the number of one-time attacks. One person is responsible for turning the Five Thors and launching the soldier's seat. The disc under the Five Thors can be rotated and can shoot in all directions.

Moreover, the bullet is made into a disc, and once the twelve rounds are finished, the bullet powder is directly filled at one time.

There are three soldiers, one is responsible for filling the ammunition, one is responsible for turning the console to observe the battlefield situation, and the other is responsible for shooting, and the ammunition is far superior to ordinary firearms in both power and speed.

The only downside of this thing is that it does not have any mobility, but this shortcoming is not fatal. It is very difficult for the opponent to rush into the Daming army camp.

With two weapons, plus the aerial surveillance of the hot air balloon, Zhu Zhanchang felt that this was enough.

But Zhu Gaojiu was obviously not satisfied: "You are not as powerful as your elder brother's Vulcan armored vehicle."

All the time, he is trying to find a way to stir up the internal relations of the prince's family.

"Second uncle, these things are practical and have new tactics. I'll give you a drill this afternoon."

"What new tactics."

"I call it coordinated combat with infantry and artillery. Where's my tactical book? Where is my tactical book?" After Zhu Zhanchang finished speaking, he wanted to tell Zhu Gaojiu, but he found that his tactical book was gone, and just put it next to it. .

Everyone looked around and found a young soldier who was sitting on the edge of the school field and reading the tactics book.

The little soldier in his early twenties looked like a literati. He was so absorbed in reading the book that he didn't notice a group of people surrounding him.

When he reacted, he looked at the crowd surrounded by him in surprise and asked, "Has the meal started?"

By the way, his name is Yu Qian, and he is good at chiseling lime.

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(End of this chapter)

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