Steam Daming: Stop calling me to supervise the country

Chapter 232 The development of steam chariots

Chapter 232 The development of steam chariots
The Seven Guards in Kansai did not dare to disagree. The fighting power of Daming's army is now completely beyond their ability to resist. Even if they are not scared, they will only support for a few more days. Their team and Daming have already opened the gap. , the equipment gap.

The difference between cold weapons and firearms is greater than that of bare hands and swords, and unless they capture the firearms of Daming in a short period of time, they will not be able to make them themselves. .

As long as no tactical mistakes are made, Ming's army will advance slowly.

The entire Chagatai Khanate has a vast territory, complex terrain, and many desert areas. Therefore, if you are not familiar with the terrain, it is easy to suffer from topographical losses. This is also the reason why Zhu Zhanchang and Zhu Gaojiu felt that they must have the Seven Guards of Kansai.

Zhu Gaojiu's prestige has been completed, Zhu Zhanchang went to Jiayuguan when he received the news, and he wanted to do both. In the same way, one black face and one white face, one trick fresh, eat all over the sky.

When Zhu Gaojiao came back, he came back with the leaders of Hamiwei and A Duanwei. Zhu Gaojiao identified the original Hamiwei commander as the commander as a reward for killing the original commander. This man also promised Zhu Gaojiao that he would be well. Allegiance to Ming.

As soon as he arrived at the city gate, Zhu Gaojiu met Zhu Zhanchang who greeted him: "Zhantang, your weapon is really easy to use."

"The second uncle is still very powerful, and he defeated Hamiwei in one day."

Zhu Gaojiu laughed and put his arms around Zhu Zhanchang's shoulders, and introduced him to the leader of A Duanwei: "This is Halemi, the commander of A Duanwei, and this is our good brother. Send troops to reinforce, but I didn't expect that I would be down in one day."

Zhu Gaoxu is like a man who is 1.8 meters tall, no matter what he says, he can say that he is more than 1.8 meters tall. He is afraid that others will not know that he defeated Hamiwei one day.

And looking at the relationship between him and A Duanwei, he knew that he must have benefited from others. This is how Prince Han is, and he does things even after receiving the money.

Zhu Zhanchang asked all the commanders of the Seven Guards of Guanxi to go into one room. With Zhu Gaojiu's prestige this time, other things were much simpler.

Zhu Zhanchang saw that the expressions of several people were not good. They looked at each other and waited. Among the seven guards, it is considered one of the best in strength.

"Commanders, the King of Han invited you to come to Jiayuguan before, but Hamiwei deliberately did not come. In recent years, he has been disrespectful to Daming, so the King of Han punished them. Our Daming always treats people with courtesy, of course, before the soldiers. If you don't receive our courtesy, then pick up our soldiers."

Zhu Zhanchang's words made the other people's faces still look bad, which was a kind of threat.

At this time, the cantaloupe was brought up, and Zhu Zhanchang greeted everyone: "Let's eat cantaloupe, we are all our own people, and we don't want everyone's relationship to become deadlocked. This time Daming went to the Chagatai Khanate without your help. ."

The commander of A Duanwei made his head live the most, and immediately said: "The King of Han and the Prince of Zhujiang County, please speak up if you can get my Halemite. I am willing to send [-] troops to assist the Daming Army in the West Expedition."

"I will also send [-] troops." The commander of Hamiwei immediately stood up to show his sincerity. The two of them both agreed with Zhu Gaojiu on the way, so they were very active at this time.

These two disobedient places express their own meaning, and it is naturally not easy to keep silent in other places, but they hesitate to send troops.

Zhu Zhanchang said in a timely manner: "I think it's good for the rest of the guards to send three thousand troops, and the commander of Hamiwei is willing to lead the troops to the expedition. Do the rest of you want to go? If not, all the seven guards in Kanxi All the troops will be returned, and Harik, the commander of Hamiwei, will command."

The newly appointed commander, since he has followed Daming, must give him a chance to perform.

"Of course, everyone contributes to Daming, and it is impossible to let everyone contribute in vain. Now we have established a factory in Suzhou. Some agricultural tools and production tools will be sold to you at low prices to help you in production. If the location of the market is Chijin Mongolian Guard is close to Jiayuguan, so it is convenient for everyone, and of course we also accept the cattle and sheep of the herdsmen."

Promoting trade and increasing stickiness will be good for maintaining the Kansai Seven Guardians for a long time in the future.

The Seven Guards of Guanxi originally had trade with Guannei. After all, the Silk Road has a long history, but because the Chagatai Khanate was in the middle, the road to Central Asia was blocked. Only the Seven Guards of Kansai and Daming traded, and the Seven Guards of Kansai, after all The number of people is limited, the consumption capacity is insufficient, the demand for commodities is not strong enough, and the trade cannot be prosperous.

Zhu Zhanchang's purpose is still the same as that of the Nanyang countries, to stimulate business and trade. The rich people in these places rely on Daming to live, their stickiness to Daming will increase, and they themselves will be biased towards Daming.

In places like Jiaozhi, Malacca and other places, the trade of all major firms is inseparable from Daming. Daming is their largest customer in overseas trade and their largest supplier in domestic trade. Even if there are voices against Daming in China, These people will also unite with their own high-ranking court, and they don't need Daming to take action, and everyone will have a good time.

Military is the ultimate deterrent, trade is the long-term means.

"By the way, Daming's army needs war horses, and we will buy any war horses that you can provide." Zhu Zhanchang gave the first business.

Guanwai has always been the acquisition place for Ming war horses. The horses in the Central Plains are not as strong as those in Guanwai, which are limited by climate and region and different species.


After some discussions, Seven Guards basically had no room for bargaining, and Daming was very strong, which made these people a little dissatisfied.

They have always obtained benefits from Daming, but this time Daming is obviously here to suppress them. They have been detained in Jiayuguan for so long before, and now they are aggressive and have to send troops to assist. This makes them uncomfortable when they are used to getting benefits from Daming.

But the discomfort in my heart is uncomfortable, and the Ming army is strong and strong, this is the confidence.

Several commanders met privately on the way back, leaving aside the commanders of A Duanwei and Hamiwei.

"What do you think about this, do you really send troops?"

"Do you dare to leave?"

"Isn't this a pawn for Daming?"

"Are you going to be the next Hamiwei? Now Hamiwei's melons are almost all picked by Daming soldiers. In the past, these melons could be exchanged for a lot of money when they were sent to Daming. It collapsed, I heard that Daming can still fire cannons from the sky, but I dare not."

"Fighting in the sky is definitely deceiving. Damn, Daming deceives people too much."

No one dared to agree with these words, that person was afraid that someone would sue, and immediately changed his words: "I will send troops anyway, and opening up the trade route is also good for us. I heard that the Prince of Zhujiang County is in Guangzhou, and has increased the entire Nanyang commerce and trade dozens of times. The common people are rich and oily.”

"Is that the handsome guy? He looks really handsome."

"Don't think about it, you don't look down on your daughter."

"Dare to say my daughter, I'll work hard with you."

"Okay, don't make trouble, we must come to the conclusion that Daming's current combat effectiveness is too strong. Look at the artillery of Jiayuguan and some unknown weapons. We will have to find a way to get it back when the time comes."

"No, I don't want to." Some people are bold and others are timid.

"How do you think they attacked the Chagatai Khanate? This place is vast and sparsely populated. If Daming wants a large army to march on the desert road, many people will die."

"Who knows? Prince Han is good at fighting, so let's just follow. Let your son be smart and don't be someone else's pawn."

"However, this seems to be a good opportunity to make meritorious deeds. In case of victory, it is uncertain what Daming will reward. Emperor Daming is very generous."

After the seven guards in Kansai were stabilized, Zhu Gaoxu was preparing for the Western Expedition. A group of students from Whampoa National Military University, no less than 20 people, followed Zhu Gaoxu and a group of generals under his command with their notebooks, watching and listening while studying combat.

Zhu Zhanchang's order was to follow Zhu Gaojiu all the time, to discuss military matters with Zhu Gaojiu instead of Zhu Zhanchang, and to let them learn actual combat.

Zhu Gaojiu didn't want to teach them, but these people stick to Zhu Gaojiu, because they are Zhu Zhanchang's people, and he can't drive them away. Zhu Zhanqiu also appointed them military posts one by one. They are all empty posts. The first secretary, second secretary, staff officer, and even the cook of the Governor of Grain and Forage, Zhu Gaojiu couldn't send them away at will with their positions.

They woke up early in the morning and waited for Zhu Gaojiu. Zhu Gaojiu had to discuss things. In desperation, they could only let them listen. These people went to school after listening, and they held small meetings by themselves to discuss them in the evening. They were very serious, but Zhu Gaojiu felt that these people were just talking on paper. The literati, not at all like a military attache fighting a war, there was a trace of contempt in his heart.


Zhu Zhanchang was thinking about developing new things, something, armored vehicles in Suzhou.

When reminded by Zhu Zhanji's Vulcan armored vehicle, Zhu Zhanchang thought of this kind of tank, the king of land warfare. If this can be developed, the power of the tank will make it difficult for the marine army of Daming to resist. Invincible.

But a real tank needs an internal combustion engine, and it is really troublesome to put it in a steam engine.

However, there is still a long way to go in the research and development of internal combustion engines. To make a chariot, a steam engine must be used.

After Zhu Zhanchang thought about it, there are two main points that need to be overcome at present, one is the weight reduction of the steam engine, and the other is the problem of terrain passability.

If the locomotive is too heavy, it does not mean that the steam engine cannot be driven, but the traveling system, the wheel chassis cannot bear it, because it is impossible to lay a railway to fight, and the chariot needs to face complex road conditions.

In order to deal with non-planar road conditions, either raise the body to improve the passability, or use a crawler body.

What Zhu Zhanji thought of was to raise the body to improve the passability. This is also a method that normal people can think of. After all, only Zhu Zhanchang came through and knew the track, but the overall heavy weight, plus artillery and other things, made it possible to support the battle. The wheels of the car are overstressed, and without the rubber it's all hard contact, bumpy and very prone to breakage.

Rubber is native to South America, not yet.

One is weight reduction, and the other is crawler tracks. As long as these two things are done, a similar tank can be built. Although the practicality may not be enough, it is more than enough to face the current enemy.

When Zhu Zhanchang told Zhang San and the others how the crawler would travel, Zhang San and others were so surprised that they couldn't speak.

"His Royal Highness, you are really a god, how could you come up with such a method, a car with its own road is simply amazing."

"Next, we will be divided into two groups, one group will reduce the weight of the steam engine, and the unnecessary total amount will be reduced, and the size of the steam engine is not as big as the locomotive, it is enough to drive the chariot and the cannon itself. You have done it all. After so many years of quantitative engineers, I believe there is no problem."

These people like Zhu Zhanchang to call them engineers the most. They were all workers before, but the engineer's title has the word "teacher", which means more respect.

"Zhang San, you lead people to mainly develop crawler tracks, so be quick."

"Yes, Your Highness."

Zhu Zhanchang himself has never touched the crawler. The closest thing to the crawler is to stay on the side of the road and watch the excavator, but at that time, it was romantic to watch the bucket flip of the excavator and the swing of the long arm. Watch out for the tracks.

Tracks are used in both engineering vehicles and agricultural vehicles. Its passability on non-level roads is far better than that of tires, but the speed is slower, but that is compared with modern vehicles. In this era, as long as the speed of infantry marching can be compared. Use it first.

After arranging the research and development of the steam chariot, Zhu Zhanchang went to deal with the next food and forage matters non-stop. Zhu Gaojiu was about to set off for the expedition. The two of them had the same opinion.


Because the Chagatai Khanate borders Mongolia to the north, the enemy of the enemy is a friend, and Zhu Di’s side is also on the northern expedition. They are on the westward expedition. They must cut off the connection point between the Chagatai Khanate and Oara as soon as possible. increased.

They have been arguing about two routes now, one is more recognized by everyone, passing through Turpan to Weilumu (now Urumqi), and the other is a detour from the north through Tingzhou to Weilumu.

The end point of the two routes is Weilumu, because Weilumu is the most important transportation center around, and one of the most important cities in Chagatai Khanate. As long as Weilumu is defeated, Chagatai Khanate will be defeated. Lost control over the east of the country.

Everyone agrees with the first route, because it is easy to walk, the roads in many parts of the Chagatai Khanate are different, and it is difficult to walk, and even without a local guide to lead the way, it is easy to get lost, but obviously the defense of the Chagatai Khanate will also increase on this road. The greatest resistance is expected.

The other route is difficult to take, but once it hits Tingzhou, it will be close to Weilumu.

Tingzhou is located in the eastern part of Tianshan, and it is mainly downed. As a place for our army to rest and rehabilitate, Weilumu is close at hand, and it can be attacked and retreated. time issue.

In the end, Zhu Gaojiu's decision was to divide his troops into two steps, attacking Turpan all the way, harassing Turpan with light cavalry, prompting the enemy to reinforce Turpan, and then attacking Tingzhou with a group of men and horses.

According to the current news, the Chagatai Khanate has not yet stopped the war with the Timurid Empire, and the reinforcements they can send are bound to be limited. In the end, as long as the two-front battle between Tingzhou and Turpan is formed, the mother of Weilu will have it at her fingertips.

When our troops and equipment were given priority over the local area, Zhu Gaojiu's only concern was the terrain.

Now Zhu Gaojiu has led a team to Hami, and the team to attack Turpan is mixed with the team of the Ming army and the Seven Guards of Guanxi. As for the team that took the detour to attack Tingzhou, all the soldiers of the Ming army, this matter has nothing to do with Guanxi. Said the people of the Seventh Guard of the West.

Prince Han led [-] troops out of Jiayuguan. This time, he did not bring many large-scale siege artillery. The area was too far and transportation was inconvenient, and the main purpose here was to drag and stretch the front.

Zhu Gaojiu knew this kind of thing in one day after beating Hami Guard. He had strong soldiers, strong cannons, and good luck. Hami Guards had different opinions. Otherwise, how could he attack the city in one day? The opponent surrenders quickly.

The Chagatai Khanate is not so easy. They are already ready to go to war with Daming, so they are passively prepared when there is no way.

Daming's peace talks demanded that they could not sign and transfer most of the country, how could this be possible, and the war with the Timurid Empire was also dragging on, so they could only passively challenge Daming.

They are holding on to a glimmer of hope now that Daming's army can't conquer their city, or Daming is dragged by the Oirat Tartar and cannot carry out a large-scale battle against them.

 Today's seal, ask for a monthly ticket
(End of this chapter)

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