Chapter 256 Steam Mothership
"What is this?"

"What else can you do with a boat? It can be a mother-in-law."

"You guys are sincere, can I not see it's a boat? What kind of boat I'm asking about."

"It's a big ship."

The two ship bosses in the port began to discuss the steamship that had just docked.

Of course, not only the two of them are discussing, but almost everyone is watching. The steam mothership is docked in a military port, but because it is too conspicuous, commercial ports can also see it.

Coercion is a compulsory course for human beings.

This wave of Zhu Zhan has installed a big one.

A group of people rushed to the military port as if flying, and when Zhu Zhanchang arrived, Zhu Zhanji had already boarded the steam mothership.

The huge body made of steel looks unusually heavy, but it is full of oppression, and the transpiring white air has not yet dissipated. It seems to be a ferocious steel sea beast, warning all people along the shore to get out of the way.

"Fifth brother, how heavy is this big guy, how can he not sink in the sea." Jiaxing County Master's surprised eyes showed yearning.

"This is the steam mothership. Now the largest ship we can propel with a steam engine is about half the size of Zheng He's treasure ship, but it's enough. Let's go and show you up there."

The group boarded the steam mothership, and the Black Snake Princess followed Zhu Zhanchang as if she had never seen the world at this time, and said with surprise: "I thought Daming's most powerful weapon was the tank, but I didn't expect that. There is still such a behemoth, fortunately the former Chagatai Khanate had no sea, how can such warships resist?"

Shocked by the powerful weapons of Daming, he also witnessed the prosperity of Daming during this period. In just a few years, Daming has been completely different from the past, leaving other countries far behind. At this time, he was fortunate to surrender with himself and his father. Daming.

Continuing to fight with such a Daming, the Chagatai Khanate has no chance of winning, just how long it will last, and Daming who surrendered, Daming was treated quite well, and he even became the concubine of the Prince of Pearl River. This empire One of the most powerful men.

This may be the most important and correct choice she has made in her life.

On the deck, Mu Bin, the heir of Mu Mansion in Yunnan, was ready to welcome Zhu Zhanchang.

"My subordinate Mu Bin, I have met His Royal Highness the Prince of Zhujiang County."

Mu Bin has been in Guangzhou House all these years. His father told him to go back, but he didn't go back. He saw the latest knowledge and the latest weapons. He knew that he would have a bigger future with Zhu Zhanchang in his life.

Moreover, his ability is excellent, and his learning speed is also fast. Now he is also a teacher at the Huangpu Military Academy, and Zhu Zhanchang is the first fleet commander of the South China Sea Fleet. This steam mothership belongs to the First South China Sea Fleet.

Zhu Zhanji took a tour at this time, and walked towards Zhu Zhanchang excitedly: "Zhanchang, you have installed twenty tanks in this mothership?"

"Brother, not only 3000 tanks, under full load, they can also transport more than [-] soldiers at one time. Of course, it is a short distance, probably from Weihai Port to Dongying, and the farthest is from Ningbo Port to Dongying."

There is no need to explain what this means, the brothers Zhu Zhanchang and Zhu Zhanji both understand.

"Zhanchang, why is such a huge steamship not equipped with artillery pieces? If dozens of artillery pieces are mounted on the deck, the power is really close to God."

Zhu Zhanji is still keen on stacking guns, and the simplest stacking of gun barrels can always bring unexpected results.

If one is not enough, then two, if not enough, then three and four, as long as the number of barrels is increased enough, it can make up for the lack of caliber and firepower.

"Brother, we have also thought about equipping the mothership with a large number of artillery and other combat tools, but the size of the mothership is too large, and it is not flexible enough in battle. Although it has a huge deterrent force, its actual combat capability is insufficient, so after trying, we will Most of the weapons of the mothership are dismantled to reduce its own weight to achieve greater load-carrying capacity. At the same time, the surrounding of the mothership will be equipped with battle fleets according to the mothership to ensure the safety of the steam mothership and conduct maritime operations. ."

"Battleship group?" Zhu Zhanji came into contact with this concept for the first time.

Zhu Zhanchang pointed to the pile of steam warships that were now docked and said: "These warships together form the battle fleet of the steam carrier. Such a whole fleet."

"The two ships over there are cruisers. As the name suggests, they have the fastest maneuvering speed and are equipped with the most advanced long-range artillery. The attack distance is also the farthest. Once the enemy is found at sea, they will be the first to attack, both patrol and Ranged attack firepower."

"The four ships are called battleships. They are equipped with a large number of artillery pieces, and they are also equipped with heavy armor. They are also capable of carrying strikes. However, because of their excessive weight, their mobility is poor. They are mainly responsible for combat. They are responsible for the main firepower when the battle occurs."

"The smallest one is called a frigate. It is small and flexible, and it is mainly responsible for the small-scale enemy forces close to the steam mothership."

"We also need two supply ships to supply the mothership and other warships with materials and fuel."

Such a whole steamship battle group was formed, and Zhu Zhanji seemed to imagine the steamship that would show off its might on the sea under the escort of these battleships.

Such a battle group is enough to capture the seaports of any country except Daming.

What else is there to do, just run over it directly.

"How many steamships like Zhanchang are there in Guangzhou?"

Zhu Zhanzhen scratched his head embarrassedly: "It's just one, it's expensive to build, and it hasn't been very useful. I also took this opportunity to show you guys and ask my father and grandfather to make some money."

"Dial, it must be dialed. Such a powerful weapon must be continuously developed and manufactured." Zhu Zhanji understood the meaning of the steam mothership at a glance.

Although the production of steam motherships is expensive and the follow-up operation guarantee costs are huge, the Guangzhou government can actually afford to have two more ships. The reason why Zhu Zhanchang is crying is that he can't spend his own money without spending his own money.

Public money is the end of all expenses.

He calculated that according to Zhu Zhanji's temper, he must have this kind of important weapon for a big country, and he doesn't need to think about raising money himself. Zhu Zhanji and Zhu Di and Zhu Gaochi want to be the most beloved by Zhu Di. Do you want this money?

Zhu Zhanchang felt that he was an ordinary financial genius.

The story of the steam mothership was not only seen by the people of Ming Dynasty, but also by Dongying of North Korea and some other foreigners who traded in Weihai Port. Many of them were interested in taking it down and even drawing it down as a letter to pass on. back home.

This is also the result that Zhu Zhanchang wants. Zhu Zhanchang is not afraid that people from other countries will see this kind of large warship. I wish they could see how they can make such a large ship when they don't even have a steamship. You can't make a battleship, even if you have blueprints, you don't have the technology, you don't have the productivity.

However, letting them know the existence of the steam mothership is an invisible deterrent, like a sword hanging high on the top, so that they dare not have any intentions against Daming.

"Big brother, I plan to let the fleet of steam carriers in the waters between Daming Korea and Dongying to clear the pirate forces during the period of my departure to Dongying, which will form a long-term feeling of oppression. Our mothership will have to be supplied from Weihai Port at that time.”

Zhu Zhanji nodded: "This is not a problem, we will let the people in the port get in touch with the supplies."

The current goals of the two are exactly the same, to help Zhu Gaochi stabilize, to help Daming stabilize, and finally, Daming should not have any turbulence in the recent period of time, the weather is calm, so they will definitely agree to the outside world.

"I see that there are a lot of hot air balloons on your steam mothership. Do you plan to let the hot air balloons take off on the mothership?" Zhu Zhanji continued to talk about his discoveries.

Zhu Zhanchang nodded: "I think so, but there are strong winds and waves at sea, and the hot air balloon can only take off when the wind and waves are calm, so there are not many with you, and it is estimated that the probability of using it is very small."

Zhu Zhanji himself used a hot air balloon when he fought in the desert. This era gives you air dominance, which is almost invincible.

At this time, Zhu Zhanbian, the ninth brother of Jiaxing County Master's little follower and their ninth brother, suddenly said, "Big brother, fifth brother, can I go to sea with the steamship?"

An ordinary taciturn boy, this time, the two brothers glanced at each other, Zhu Zhanchang smiled slightly: "If you want to go with Mu Bin, but remember not to be squeamish, since the The warship is a soldier of Ming Dynasty, if you let me know that you are delicate and hard to bear, then disembark."

"Yes, fifth brother."

"Fifth brother, I'm going too, I'm going too." Jiaxing looked at Zhu Zhanchang with hope.

But Zhu Zhanji and Zhu Zhanchang shook their heads together: "No, you can't go to Jiaxing."

"Why, Xiaojiu can go, why can't I go."

Zhu Zhanji said solemnly: "Jiaxing, you are the county master, and you should look like the county master."

The county master of Jiaxing was gloomy. Although she knew that she could not board the ship like a boy, the feeling of loss made her extremely uncomfortable.

Why didn't she want to see the outside world.

Zhu Zhanchang looked at her lost appearance and touched her head lovingly.

When Zhu Zhanji walked away for a while, Zhu Zhanchang quietly approached the ear of the Jiaxing County Lord and said quietly: "Jiaxing, when I went to participate in the Zhoushan naval battle, I was a warship that sneaked on, the civil and military of the Manchu Dynasty. Who would allow me to go to war as a child, but fortunately, Zheng He has a problem with his eyes, so he let me get involved."

The county master of Jiaxing rekindled hope: "Fifth brother, you mean, hehe..."

"I didn't say anything, I just told you a story from the past."

Jiaxing was discouraged again: "But Zheng He is not here. How can I get along with such a steam mothership?"

Zhu Zhanchang pointed to Mu Bin and said, "This is Mu Bin, the prince of Mufu in Yunnan. He is upright and upright and can never do anything against his orders. He just likes to eat mushrooms. You've heard of Yunnan's mushrooms. People are in a daze, so there is a problem like Zheng He, and his eyesight is not good."


"Shh, take it easy."

"Thank you fifth brother."

Jiaxing was excited.

Zhu Zhanchang stood up and prepared to explain a few words to Mu Bin, but Mu Bin said directly: "Don't say it, Your Highness, I just heard it loudly, I heard it, and my eyesight is not good."

"Mu Bin, your main task is to demonstrate, so it doesn't matter if you bring the two of you, but you have to be careful, Jiaxing is a girl, take care of it more. As for Zhanbian, I, Zhu Jiaerlang, ask him to use the standard of a soldier, If it is a coward, let him disembark the next time it docks, and if you can bear the hardship, you will always take him with you, and you will take it yourself."

"It's His Royal Highness, but the county master of Jiaxing is on the mothership. This matter can't be concealed. What should the grandson blame?"

"Hey, in Jiaxing, you only have one chance to go out to sea. You must disembark the first time you come to shore to supply supplies. My eldest brother will inevitably blame me at that time. Just put the blame on me, and the Emperor Tiangao will be scolded far away. She can't stand it either, she only has the chance to go out to sea this time, so it can be regarded as fulfilling her wish."

"Understood, Your Highness, I will eat some mushrooms before departure, otherwise I won't be able to get through."

"Eat, eat."


In the early morning of the third day, Zhu Zhanchang took a warship to North Korea, and the steamship also set off afterward, but the two directions were different.

Zhu Zhanchang's fleet has five warships, and in theory, the escort force should be sufficient.

Zhu Zhanchang watched with the map in his hand.

"Your Highness, where do we land?"

"Cross the Han River from Incheon Port and enter Seoul." Zhu Zhanchang said the route.

Seoul is also the capital of North Korea. North Korea has always been a vassal of the Central Plains. Although the words are different, they have always used Chinese characters. The capital is called Seoul.

A lot of the history and culture of modern North Korea, clothing is influenced by the Ming Dynasty, even the festivals, they learn our culture.

In recent years, because Daming opened the imperial examinations to foreign countries, North Korean students can be said to be the most enthusiastic. As long as they can pass the imperial examinations of Daming, even if they are not jinshi, they are only scholars, and their status in the Korean civil service group is detached. Yes, the king will give him various preferential treatment and let him enter the court as an official.

A high-achieving student who has returned from overseas training.

The king of the first Joseon was Li Yu, Li Xiaozhu's third brother, and the former prince of the Joseon Dynasty was Li Yu, but he was ignorant and incompetent. Tired" became famous inside and outside the court, in stark contrast with the eldest brother, and finally the king was easily saved.

This time Yichu may be the old king's most correct choice.

Li Yu is very famous. The North Koreans call him Haidong Yaoshun (self-proclaimed), and his most far-reaching contribution is the creation of the Korean national script - Hunminjeongyum, which is the Korean script.

Before that, Korean only had language but no characters, and Huaxia characters were used as writing tools.Because Korean and Chinese are completely different language families, it is not easy to record Korean using Chinese characters. In addition, ordinary people do not understand Chinese, which is very unfavorable for cultural exchanges and development.

And when he was in power, the Jurchens did not dare to violate Korea. Generally speaking, for Korea, he was a very wise king.

His most sensible point now is to strengthen the suzerain-vassal relationship that maintained a stable relationship with the Ming Dynasty, and then North Korea responded most positively after the Ming Dynasty opened the sea ban, which also improved North Korea's people's livelihood and economic situation to a certain extent.

At the same time, it also achieved commercial exchanges with Dongying, drove out the Jurchen in the north, and stabilized the territory of North Korea.

Zhu Zhanchang is going to see the King of Joseon this time.

"Your Highness, what do you want to do when you meet the King of Joseon?" Hei Snake asked.

"North Koreans are very keen on studying in Daming. I plan to open a gate so that North Korean students can study at Nanhai University, and then strengthen trade."

"His Royal Highness seems to be very kind to North Korea."

"They are loyal vassals." Zhu Zhanchang said with indifference in his eyes.

He wants all the high-level intellectuals in North Korea to look towards Daming. If the scholars who have studied in Daming are superior to others, then Daming's experience will become the capital of their pride, and they will involuntarily promote Daming's culture to show off their knowledge.

And after these literati become ministers of North Korea, they will still form a civilian force close to Daming, strengthen the attributes of suzerainty, and make North Korea completely dependent on Daming.

As for the Korean language, I think there is no need for it to appear.

(End of this chapter)

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