Chapter 261 Monk Yixiu

A shot made the fiery atmosphere among the crowd disappear instantly, Yang Song led people to surround Zhu Zhanchang, Alia took out two short knives from the armor on the outside of her left and right thighs, and took a fighting posture.

After the shooting, the scene was chaotic. The shooter was controlled for a while, but the attacker fell in a pool of blood.

The shooting was not aimed at Zhu Zhanchang, but called Emperor Guangxi.

At that time, almost everyone's attention was on Zhu Zhanyi and Ashikaga Yoshihide, and Emperor Guangyi was behind the two positions. At this time, someone in the guard team of Emperor Guangyi suddenly took out a fire gun and gave it to him. Emperor Guangyi shot.

Human nature is repetition.

Fortunately, because the murderer didn't have enough time to aim, he didn't hit the head of the emperor, but hit the shoulder.

There was a lot of blood, but it shouldn't be life-threatening.

Yang Song and the others were guarding Zhu Zhanchang stubbornly, not daring to relax, and the sudden shooting made Ashikaga Yoshichi's guards alert.

After taking down the murderer, Ashikaga Yoshichi shouted angrily: "Haga, babble." This meant that he wanted to personally interrogate the murderer, and he couldn't let this person die before he arrived.

"I'm sorry, His Royal Highness Zhujiang County, I made you laugh. If this happens suddenly, we will quickly interrogate the murderer." Ashikaga Yoshichi came to apologize to Zhu Zhansi when the situation was stable. Will definitely look down on you.

Zhang Xianqi said sternly: "General Ashikaga, our Royal Highness of the Pearl River County of Daming visited Dongying and came with the goodwill of Daming, and I hope you can protect our safety."

"Yes, yes, it won't happen again."

Ashikaga Yoshichi apologized to Zhu Zhanzhen. He didn't seem to care about the injury of Emperor Shiguang, and ordered his subordinates to deal with it.

Because of an emergency, the grand welcome ceremony prepared for Zhu Zhanchang at the port was also terminated, and Zhu Zhanchang was brought to the mansion where he stayed first.

The place where Zhu Zhanchang lived was called Osaka Palace, which seemed to be the place where the nobles lived in the past. All of them were emptied and Zhu Zhanchang lived alone.

The shape of the Osaka Palace is unique, and it is not the same as the building of the Ming Dynasty.

But this kind of building can withstand a sword, but an artillery is a living target, so in recent years, Dongying has not built this kind of building itself, just as a reception place.

Because Emperor Shimitsu was attacked, Ashikaga Yoshichi needed to deal with some things, so he let Ashikaga Yoshihide accompany Zhu Zhanang.

When it was first handed over to the Osaka Palace, there was a monk standing at the door. The monk was less than 30 years old, but he looked older if he was unkempt, and monks in Japan can have hair, which is even more sloppy.

Standing on crutches at the door to greet the crowd.

When Zhu Zhanchang walked over, he thought it was a beggar, and took a few taels of silver as a reward to the monk, and the Ashikaga Yoshikage looked stupid.

But the monk picked up the silver and put it in his pocket, without the slightest sense of disobedience.

"His Royal Highness, allow me to introduce to you, this is our famous monk in Dongying, Master Kuangyunzi, with the dharma name Yixiu."

Zhu Zhanchang was greatly astonished. This is actually the legendary Yixiu who cut the chicken and cut the chicken, and the aunt stole the donkey. How can it be completely different from the cute appearance in the cartoon.

Looking at the monk in front of him carefully, this sloppy appearance and deep dark circles under his eyes feel like a flower monk whose mind has been hollowed out by the color of wine, and is completely incompatible with Brother Yixiu.

The cute look that the animation depicts to you, why do you look like this.

"Master Yixiu." Zhu Zhanchang greeted him.

After a break, Zongchun hid the silver and did not give Zhu Zhanchang any chance to take it back. Then he put his hands together and said respectfully, "The little monk has seen His Royal Highness the Prince of Zhujiang County."

Ashikaga Yoshio said in the middle: "His Royal Highness, Master Ikyu is very accomplished in poetry and poetry, and he is the most famous monk in our Eastern Ying. Hearing that His Highness is the first literary talent of the dynasty bestowed by His Majesty the Great Emperor, I thought of coming to pay a visit. Fan."

"Master Yixiu also writes poetry?" Zhu Zhanchang was a little surprised, he didn't know these things.

Ashikaga Yoshinaka said: "The poem written by Master Ikkyu when he was 15 years old is still popular today. When he recites the poem "When is the love in Keshou, the world is clear. The fragrance on the pillow is sweet, and the dream is not clear."

Zhu Zhanchang looked at Monk Yixiu, what kind of ghost poem is this, a monk's dream of spring can still be circulated, and he is proud of it. It seems that the atmosphere of Dongying is completely different from other places.

"Master Yixiu is very talented, why don't you enter the manor and talk about it."

A break nodded.

However, Zhu Zhanchang kept an eye on it, and Yixiu came to him inexplicably. Is it really because he admired his talent as he said?

However, it can be seen that Ikyu Mongjun's status is very high, Ashikaga Yoshihide respects him quite a bit, and he can come outside his residence, which ordinary people do not have.

Entering the Osaka Palace, Zhu Zhanyan asked Yang Lu to arrange his own guards around the Osaka Palace. Fortunately, the buildings in Dongying are not too big, and a guard team of 200 people can guard them tightly.

After sitting down, Zhu Zhanchang asked, "Master Yixiu, what can I do for you this time?"

"I admire His Highness's literary talent. Every time I read the song "If life is just like the first time, I feel that His Highness's heart is like the bright moon in the sky, which is better than the common things like spring breeze and autumn rain."

Being so praised by a sloppy male monk Dongying, Zhu Zhanchang got goosebumps.

"Master Yixiu speaks Chinese very well."

"Xiao Seng has learned some things since he was a child. With the smooth business and trade, he also went to Daming to visit famous mountain and ancient temples. The Chinese culture is extensive and profound, and Xiao Seng has only learned some furs." Monk Yixiu was very respectful.

Ashikaga Yijia then said, "Master Ikkyu has set foot in famous mountains and rivers. This time, His Royal Highness the Prince of Zhujiang County also wants to travel in Dongying. If possible, please invite Master to accompany him."

Ikyu really knew the famous mountains and rivers of the East Ying very well, and when Ashikaga Yoshigoshi spoke, he asked the two for their opinions.

As soon as it hit it off, Zhu Zhanchang was also happy to have a guide, but it was a coincidence that the guide, Master Yixiu, was sent to the door as soon as he arrived.

Zhu Zhanchang understands that it is normal for people in this era to admire literary talent. After all, there are such people in any era. When the great writer Tagore arrives, a bunch of people greet him.

Although Zhu Zhanchang does not have many poems, he has a great reputation, and it is reasonable for literati from all over the world to admire him after Zhu Di's handpicked number one in the world.

It was the same in North Korea. A group of local cultural people came to the door almost every day to ask to see the Prince of the Pearl River.

The appearance of Monk Yixiu was reasonable but unexpected. Unexpectedly, the only animation character he knew appeared alive in front of him, and he was arranged to receive him to travel with him.

Speaking of which, I still prefer Dongying beautiful girl escorts. What does this middle-aged sloppy monk mean? Although he is Yixiu, he is still a middle-aged sloppy monk.

"Your Excellency Ashikaga Yoshikage, Master Ikkyu, I just arrived in Hong Kong today when something like that happened. I'm very tired. I'm used to taking a nap after noon. When I wake up, I'll go to see the situation of Emperor Chenguang."

"Your Highness, take a rest."

The two withdrew, while Zhu Zhanchang, Heishenji and Zhang Xianqi stayed in the room.

"Where's the bed, Your Highness, why don't they have a bed here?" Hei Snake Ji searched for a long time and found that there was indeed no bed in this place.

"They didn't have a bed here, they all slept on the ground with a quilt. Zhu Zhan pointed to the neat quilt folded not far away."

Hei Snake Ji was not very satisfied and said, "How can I do without a bed, it hurts without a bed, and my knees hurt too."

Zhang Xianqi has a black line on his head, but dare not speak

"Zhang Xianqi, what do you think of the attack on Emperor Huang today, did he really attack Huang Huang or came at me?"

Zhang Xianqi frowned and thought deeply: "His Royal Highness, the perpetrator's purpose is clearly aimed at Huang Guangyi, it should not be against you, but on such a day so blatant, Wei Chen will go to General Dongying to ask for an explanation."

It can be heard from a short conversation that Zhang Xianqi's status in Dongying is now very high. After all, he represents the Ming Dynasty. It is normal for him to use this as the title of this shooting incident and ask General Dongying to investigate thoroughly.

"The security work of Dongying is the top priority. No matter where you go next, Your Highness must bring a good guard."

"Well, I know this. This incident is a wake-up call. After all, going out is not as safe as being at home. As far as you know, who wants to kill Huang Guangyi?"

Zhang Xianqi thought for a while, and first said the relationship between Emperor Chengguangyi and himself: "His Royal Highness, I have communicated with you in the letter, and according to your intention, I have a good relationship with Emperor Chengguangyi, and I deliberately approached him, The Ashikaga family doesn't respect Emperor Shimitsu, and my respect makes Emperor Shimitsu attach great importance to me."

"Emperor Guangxi came to the throne at the age of 11, and he is only in his early twenties. From the communication, I think he is quite ambitious. He often tells me that he wants to pay a visit to the Emperor of Ming Dynasty, and he is willing to meet him as the emperor. When Da Ming pays tribute, he also wants Da Ming to recognize his position and help him, of course he only dares to tell me in private that he is somewhat ambitious, but because he has been a puppet for a long time, he is actually very cowardly."

Zhang Xianqi's evaluation of him is not high, but this person is someone who can be used, which is why Zhang Xianqi showed his favor to him.

Zhang Xianqi went on to analyze: "Ordinary people in Dongying still believe in Emperor Yi, so ordinary people will not think about assassinating Huang Huang for no reason, and the management of fire guns in Dongying is still strict, and ordinary people can't get it. His main opponent is the General Ashikaga Yoshichi, do you think Ashikaga Yoshichi will play this role?"

Zhu Zhanchang thought about it and asked, "Does Ashikaga Yoshimo want to be the emperor?"

"Ashika Yoshimitsu is different from his father, Ashikaga Yoshimitsu. Ashikaga Yoshimitsu is an uncompromising careerist and a hero. He has coveted the throne of the Emperor for many years. On the contrary, Ashikaga Yoshimitsu is relatively peaceful, and the relationship between father and son is normal, but Ashikaga Yoshimitsu has followed some basic policies of Ashikaga Yoshimitsu, so that the politically well-off state can be maintained, and there are frequent business exchanges with Daming, and the economy develops rapidly, but He doesn't seem to have that much interest in the throne of the Emperor."

Hearing this, Zhu Zhanchang was puzzled: "But Dongying studies steamboats, and I sent spies to the court. Will Ashikaga Yoshichi not be what it seems on the surface."

Zhang Xianqi nodded: "It is possible, but I think Ashikaga Yoshimo seems to be not interested in the position of Emperor Dongying after his father's series of actions, but as far as I know he is implementing his new policy."

"New Deal?"

"Yes, a new deal with generals as the mainstay. It completely overrides the power of the emperor, and combines several important figures and generals to form a cabinet organization similar to the Ming Dynasty, with the general as the leader."

Zhu Zhanchang was shocked, this was going to be a constitutional monarchy.

"His Royal Highness, don't think that he is superfluous. Although the actual power of Dongying is in the hands of the general, he still has to ask the emperor for many things. Without the imperial order of the emperor, some things cannot be carried out. limits."

So it seems that Ashikaga Yoshichi really does have a reason to kill the Emperor. Now the Emperor Shimitsu is getting older and not so easy to control. Killing him and supporting a new Emperor is obviously beneficial to his rule.

But Zhu Zhanchang still shook his head: "Today's assassination method is too inferior, and the accuracy of the fire gun is not high, and the occasion is not suitable. If Ashikaga Yoshichi really wants to kill the emperor, he will be careful and careful. In a place that is not easy to be found, the best killer will be found and the best preparation will be found, saying that Emperor Guangxi must have no way to survive, and today's assassination is more like a show, intentional."

"Your Highness, you mean that today's assassination was a deliberately unsuccessful assassination, why is that?"

Zhu Zhanchang shook his head: "I don't understand now, whether it is for me or for others to see. When I first arrived, it seemed that I wanted to take advantage of me."

Zhang Xianqi saluted respectfully: "Your Highness, rest assured, this time, Wei Chen must be chasing Dongying and must give a reasonable explanation. If you collide with Your Highness, you will collide with Daming."

Zhu Zhanchang smiled and said, "You don't have to be so restrained. You have worked hard all these years. Now my sister-in-law is pregnant. I will arrange a warship to send my sister-in-law back to Daming first."

Looking at Zhang Xianqi's wife next to him, it is indeed very hard to accompany her husband when he is abroad. When he is in a foreign country, he can't go back for several years after leaving, and his homesickness is always difficult to relieve.

Zhang Xianqi smiled and looked at his wife with tenderness: "Thank you, Your Highness."

Zhang Xianqi's wife spoke by herself: "Your Highness, I'll go back later, Xianqi still has some things that need my help."

"You're all pregnant, it's better to be safe."

"Since I've been helping Xianqi for so many years, it's not less than a few months away, and I have to cooperate with His Highness."

Zhu Zhanchang nodded: "Well, I am very satisfied with the way you did in Dongying."

What did she preach in Dongying?It preached that every woman in the Ming Dynasty can have a phoenix crown, a man in the Ming Dynasty is proud of loving women, and women in the Ming Dynasty have the same rights as men.

(End of this chapter)

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