Chapter 269 I figured it out
Zhang Xianqi's slightly threatening words made Hino Kotaro a little stunned.

"Jun Zhang Xianqi, the existence of Jun Jianwen is not our wish to call Emperor Guangyi, but a problem left over from history. We hope to establish a cooperative relationship with you and His Royal Highness the Prince of Zhujiang County through the matter of Jun Jianwen, and the two sides will remain friendly and jointly deal with this legacy question."

"If you've thought about it for a long time, why would it be delayed until now."

Hino Kotaro sighed: "Zhang Xianqi-kun, you have also seen, we say that although Emperor Guangyi is old now, he is still controlled by others, and all power is in the hands of Ashikaga Yoshihide, even today I can come to see You have also taken a great risk, and please forgive me."

Zhang Xianqi was silent at this moment, thinking about it.

Hino Kotaro continued: "Jiang Xianqi, the root of everything is the ambition of the previous general, Ashikaga Yoshimitsu. Taking advantage of the Daming Rebellion, he sent Jun Jianwen to the east and raised him in the mansion, waiting for an opportunity. What the Ashikaga family did, we, His Majesty the Emperor, were not involved, but were victims, please clarify with His Highness the Prince of Zhujiang County."

Ashikaga Yoshihiro and Emperor Chengguang sold the news of Jianwen Jun to Zhu Zhanchan by coincidence, because they both believed that this was extremely important news for Daming and Zhu Zhanchang, and it was news that could be exchanged for benefits.

One of the most important reasons is the changing times.

Jianwen-kun was an important figure in the era of the previous general, Ashikaga Yoshimitsu. Ashikaga Yoshimitsu brought him back to the East, and then sat on his back to peep into the Spring and Autumn Dream of the Central Plains, that is, from that time onwards, they sent them to Daming one after another. He has gathered many secret agents, intending to destroy the stability of the Ming Dynasty in the Central Plains, or to find an opportunity to go to war when the Ming Dynasty is in turmoil.

In his Spring and Autumn Dream, the most perfect situation is that there is turmoil in the Ming Dynasty ruled by Zhu Di, or Zhu Di died early. After all, Zhu Di is relatively old, in this case, he can use the name of Zhu Yunwen to find the orthodox Daming Emperor. Opportunity to enter the Central Plains.

So he is constantly sending people to harass Daming's coastal border, deploying some military forces on the island, and is always ready.

But who would have thought that Zhu Di could live so much, and Daming became more and more powerful, which made his plan have no chance to be implemented until after he died, his son had different ideas from him.

In fact, they waited for this turbulent time to come. They didn't know that there were signs of unease in Daming's interior.

Isn't Ashikaga Yoshichi's intention to the Central Plains?No, he wants it too, but he is more cautious and conservative than his father, and the current Ming Dynasty is many times stronger than his father's era.

Before Daming's westward expedition to the north, the whole country went on an expedition, but Dongying could still see groups of troops and powerful steam warships in the seaports of Daming. At this stage, this heart is closed.

And Ashikaga Yoshichi felt that Zhu Yunwen was not that obedient.

The [Kui] organization co-founded by Ashikaga Yoshimitsu and Zhu Yunwen is like the Jinyiwei of Dongying. It has a supervisory function, but it focuses more on the training of spies. Now this [Kui] organization is basically controlled by the monk Huasou Zongtan. In his hands, Huasou Zongtan was a staunch supporter of Zhu Yunwen, which made him aware of a certain threat.

If the tail is too big to lose, it is better to give it up directly and let him make the final value for himself, so he decisively sold it to obtain his own interests, and because Zhu Yunwen is now Emperor Xiaosong, Zhu Zhanchang wants to get rid of him, It is equivalent to taking action against the Emperor. He has a follow-up plan, and let Zhu Zhanchang help him clean up the Emperor's system and achieve his goal of commanding Dongying as a general.

Of course, he understands that Zhu Zhanchang is not a person who does a loss-making business, and he is sure that Zhu Zhanchang will help him willingly.

As for Huang Guangyi, he was already in a weak position. If he wanted to counterattack, he had to use the power of others. If he wanted to get rid of the general's control, he had to overthrow the general, so he wanted to use Zhu Zhanchang.

The two have different goals but similar behaviors.

Poor Zhu Yunwen, he was betrayed by the two of them at one time.

Because people have never treated you as their own.

Zhang Xianqi frowned slightly: "Kutaro-kun, this matter is too big, I still have to report it to the Prince of Zhujiang County, it's been a long time, and I also ask Kotaro-kun to tell the truth about your follow-up plans, I can talk to Zhujiang all at once. The county king reports."

Hino Kotaro took out a map of the East, and said: "Now the Emperor Komatsu, also known as Jianwen Jun, is in Hiroshima. This is also the base of [Kui], and their base is located near the port. Zhang Xianqi-jun can rest assured that as long as the Prince of Zhujiang County supports the Emperor Guangyi and is confident that he can stabilize the situation in Dongying, Dongying will become a solid backing for the Prince of Zhujiang County in the future."

Their chips are pitifully small, which is different from the back-and-forth between Ashikaga Yoshichi and Zhu Zhan, saying that Emperor Guangyi and Kotaro Nikita had no real power in their hands, and they gave empty checks. Their plan was to let Zhu Zhan Suo mobilized the army to annihilate Ashikaga Yoshichi and Zhu Yunwen in one fell swoop, and then asked Zhu Zhansu to help them control Dongying.

Is he Zhu Zhanchang a great man?You have to eat and drink, and you have to chew it up and feed it into your mouth, saying that if the Emperor Guangxu is the world's number one beauty, there is still room for negotiation, why should you, a brainless puppet, let me do this ?

The adult world is all about interests, and empty promises like you mean nothing to me.

Besides, Zhu Zhanzhen really launched the army to destroy Ashikaga Yoshichi and Zhu Yunwen at one time. Why should you support the ambitious emperor of yours? All right.

What do you want.

Zhang Xianqi knew that Emperor Guangyi had nothing to do, but he didn't expect that his plan was really a secret. .

Of course, Zhang Xianqi couldn't say it face to face, mainly because he was not very polite.

The comparison between Ashikaga Yoshichi and Shimitsu Koichi is obviously more secure to choose to cooperate with Ashikaga Yoshichi.

Although Ashikaga Yoshihiro is insidious and cunning, he has real power. Although Zhu Zhanchang is not happy with him, the ultimate goal of cooperation between the two parties should be achieved. The ridiculous plan called Emperor Guangyi almost all needs to rely on Zhu Zhanchang. to complete.

Even if Zhu Zhanqi sent troops and killed Ashikaga Yoshichi and Zhu Yunwen, Zhu Zhanqi would not believe that Emperor Guangyi had the ability to control the internal affairs of Dongying and the ability to keep the news of Zhu Yunwen from spreading.

But Zhang Xianqi would not tell them clearly that your plan is naive and your conditions are not convincing, but said: "We understand the plan of Lord Kotaro and Emperor Chengguang Yi, and I will tell His Royal Highness the truth and everything will be done. We have to wait for His Highness to decide, how many people on your side know about the news of Kotaro-kun about Jianwen-kun."

"Only Master Danyang, me, and His Majesty Huang Guangyi. After all, this matter involves Xin secrets, and I will not let anyone else know about it."

"I also ask Kotaro-kun to keep the secret. If this matter is leaked, His Royal Highness the Prince of Zhujiang County will be furious."

"Understood, then I'll wait for the good news from Jun Zhang Xianqi."

"I'll take you out."

Nikita Kotaro shook his head: "Although it's late at night, Mr. Zhang Xianqi is still easy to be found when you walk through the front door. I believe that Ashikaga Yoshichi must have sent someone to monitor your yard. I'll climb over the wall and walk through the back door. I'm used to it. Go through the back door."

"Kitaro-kun is really good at it." Zhang Xianqi praised.

Zhang Xianqi asked his subordinates to bring the news to Daejeon City to Zhu Zhanchang.

Zhu Zhanchang, who had just arrived in Ota City, received the news and couldn't help but smile after reading it. It is not unreasonable for the person who said that Emperor Guangyi was under the control of Ashikaga Yoshihide, and his ability of Hino Kotaro was also very limited.

Of course, Zhu Zhanchang also understands that they really have no actual power, so they appear so passive. After all, they are just puppets, and they can't come up with any good conditions.

Moreover, he was a little threatening with the news of Zhu Yunwen, but he didn't know that his opponent had already revealed everything about Zhu Yunwen and Zhu Zhanchang.

Zhu Zhanchang thought about it and wrote back to Zhang Xianqi to let him keep in touch with Emperor Chengguang, so that the other party thinks that we have the intention to cooperate and see if the other party has any trump cards that are still hidden.

Keep in touch for a long time, no actual progress occurs, and it has been hanging.

Because Zhu Zhanchang felt that there might be something hidden behind the Emperor Guangxi, after all, he was considered an emperor after all.

And if you have to choose between Empress Mitsuyuki and Ashikaga Yoshichi, the wise choice is Ashikaga Yoshichi, but Ashikaga Yoshichi is an ambitious and difficult to control, and the counter-claiming Emperor Mitsuyuki has plenty of experience in being a puppet.

What a dilemma.

Zhu Zhanchang visited Daejeon City. The place in Dongying is not large, and the population of Daejeon City is not large. Although there are ports, they are not large. Steam merchant ships can stop two or three ships, but this is the limit.

The port of Daejeon City is the closest port to Iwami Ginzan. If Iwami Ginzan is developed, a huge amount of wealth will flow to Daming from here.

There is no doubt that the best choice is to completely include Dongying under the Ming Dynasty, but the premise is that the news of Zhu Yunwen cannot be leaked, otherwise the world will say that Zhu Di launched a war against Dongying in order to kill Zhu Yunwen and silence him, and the evening will not be guaranteed.

Zhu Zhanchang knocked on his head while blowing the sea breeze. It seemed that suddenly his brain was not enough. The current situation is really too complicated.

Hei Snake Ji looked at his distressed look and asked with concern: "His Royal Highness, what's wrong with you?"

"It's nothing, I just feel a little annoyed. After this trip to Dongying is over, I will take you back to Guangzhou, and live a happy life as a prince."

"His Royal Highness is someone who does big things and can't rest." Black Snake Ji saw through Zhu Zhanchang's words at a glance.

He does not mean that.

Black Snake Ji said that Zhu Zhanchang was a person who did great things, so that Zhu Zhanchang understood that in the eyes of others, he might be the one who was going to fight for the position of [-], and he had this qualification and strength.

Black Snake Ji thinks so, and Zhu Zhanji will definitely think so too. Will he believe me when I tell him I won't rob him?
Zhu Zhanchang himself smiled bitterly and sighed.

Daming is an eventful season now, and it will continue to last.

Zhu Di's days are thin, and he has lived a little longer than in history. It is not surprising that his father took over the throne, so he should be named a prince, and in this way, he will face the battle for the throne.

Once Zhu Gaochi becomes the emperor, Zhu Zhanji will be the first heir, Zhu Zhanyong will be the second, and he will be the third, but Zhu Zhanji will definitely regard himself as the biggest enemy.

He knows his eldest brother. Zhu Zhanji is a good eldest brother. He has taken good care of his two younger brothers since he was a child, but in front of the throne, Zhu Zhanji also understands the ruthless side of his good eldest brother, and he is his biggest opponent.

How to do this?Is it clumsy?Retire his power and become a prince of peace, but will Zhu Zhanji feel at ease?Without the protection of power, can he still live in peace?Will Zhu Zhanji do it to himself who has already let go of his power?
Zhu Zhanchang would not do such an act of insecurity, and the Guangzhou government, which has been hard-built, and the southern business system cannot be given up.

Fights seem to be inevitable, and in order to protect yourself, you have to hold the power firmly.

And now the situation in Dongying is so troubling.


Zhu Zhanchang put the two things together and suddenly seemed to think of a way that seemed to be the best of both worlds.

The crux of the matter lies in Dongying, which is surrounded by sea on all sides. If you want to attack Dongying, you must go to sea, and what you are proud of is sea combat power.

If he is located in Dongying and leaves the Central Plains, with the terrain of Dongying, even if Zhu Zhanchang is willing to do it himself, it is impossible, because the consumption is too great.

He will guard against himself, but as long as Zhu Zhanchang doesn't make any changes, he should be able to live in peace.

Threatening each other and supporting each other is the long-term way.

If this is the ultimate goal, Zhu Zhanchang needs to seek Dongying as much as possible without fighting. He cannot let the fire of war burn too fiercely here. The people here are resisting, and that's a big headache.

Hatred is the most tenacious seed. It does not need irrigation, sunlight, or nutrients. Once it is planted, it will bloom everywhere, in the fields of the mountains, in the cliffs, in the deserted deserts, in the snow-covered ice fields. , it will take root.

Zhu Zhanchang quickly began to adjust his ideas and strategies. Ashikaga Yoshihide and Shimitsu Emperor are not the opposite of him. This is my partner. It just depends on the situation. You can only choose one of the two.

Even Zhu Yunwen doesn't seem to be a thorny problem anymore.

The sudden change of thinking made Zhu Zhanchang feel relaxed. Black Snake Ji keenly observed this change in Zhu Zhanchang, and asked curiously, "Why does your Highness seem to have suddenly become a lot happier."

"Suddenly I figured out a lot of things, Alia, what do you think of this place in Dongying?"

"The conditions are a little worse, but the natural scenery is very good, the folk customs are not good, and there are things everywhere in the fields on the roadside." Hei Snake Ji gave her own evaluation.

"Yeah, then let me educate the people in this place. Zhang Xianqi has made a good start. With a solid foundation, it should be a lot easier to do."

"Why did Your Highness suddenly change his mind?"

"Didn't you say that men are fickle?" Zhu Zhanchang laughed at himself.

Alia shook her head: "His Royal Highness is not a fickle person, he has always been determined."

"Hey." Zhu Zhanchang sighed with a smile. Will he be on the opposite side of his elder brother and father in the future?Coming out this time is also a good way for him to get out of the quagmire of political struggle.

Can you just go back on your own?
(End of this chapter)

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