Chapter 271 Dongying Stock Exchange
Daejeon City was originally not developed, and even a little backward, but these few days, big figures from Dongying have been flocking to this small city, which makes the people and even officials here have some doubts.

Well-informed people know that the Prince of Zhujiang County and General Ashikaga of the Ming Dynasty are going to set up a consortium here, so many important people have visited.

Zhu Zhanchang's residence has been crowded with big figures of Dongying these days, and it can be considered that he took this opportunity to meet with various high-level executives of Dongying.

The top management of Dongying attaches great importance to this cooperation consortium. After all, Zhu Zhanchang's bargaining chip is to establish a steam engine factory in Dongying.

The steam engine, who doesn't want it, is the key to rapid development.

The etiquette of Dongying people was largely influenced by the Ming Dynasty, so everyone came here, how could they come empty-handed, and brought some gifts more or less. receive.

Gifts fill a room, and they are more or less a respectable person. The things they give are not too bad. Generally, they are mainly gold and silver. If you send souvenirs, the Prince of Pearl River may not be able to remember who you are. .

The small port in Daejeon City has become very busy today, and some of the craftsmen and equipment sent by the Guangzhou government have also arrived, and now they are rushing to build a factory.

Zhang Xianqi also arrived in Datian City. He found Zhu Zhanchang immediately, reported the situation of Emperor Guangyi to Zhu Zhanchang, and then said with worry: "His Royal Highness, why do you have any other things with Ashikaga Yoshichi? It would be inappropriate for the dignitaries to build a steam engine factory together and give the steam engine to Dongying."

"Conditions of exchange." Zhu Zhanchang said lightly.

Zhang Xianqi understood what Zhu Zhanchang meant and exchanged a steam engine for Zhu Yunwen, and the price was indeed very high.

"But Your Highness, why did you suddenly propose a shareholding system?" Zhang Xianqi didn't know much about Zhu Zhanchang's proposed shareholding system, but he had also heard of it. It seems that those big companies in Guangzhou and many ports in Nanyang are the capital of Zhu Zhanchang. That's what it does.

It's just that so many high-ranking officials of Dongying have gathered together, and Zhang Xianqi is really puzzled by the distribution of shares to so many people. It is troublesome enough to deal with Ashikaga Yoshichi alone, so why bother to join so many people.

Zhu Zhanchang took a sip of tea without answering.

"Bah, bah, what kind of ghost tea is this, so unpleasant to drink."

The Black Snake Princess brought a silk handkerchief: "Your Highness, this is a gift from the Spo family. It is a famous tea from Dongying."

"Change, change, it's terrible to drink to death, how can I drink this damn thing, did the Spo family bring other things together?"

"And some gold and silver."

"Forget it, we're not the kind of people who hold grudges like that." Zhu Zhanchang was very generous to forgive the other party.

After changing his own tea, the taste was much more comfortable, and Zhu Zhanchang continued to say: "I and Ashikaga Yoshichi are not bad for money, we can easily take out the money to build a steam engine factory and let these people come The reason for the stake is not because of the funds, but because of the desire to tie it together.”

Zhu Zhanchang said calmly, word by word: "Another advantage of the shareholding system is that it changes business from private to public. Most private business is not insured, and as long as the joint-stock company is big enough, this group of senior officials of Dongying will not be guaranteed. The nobles will do everything they can to ensure the normal operation of the company, and even if Ashikaga has some ideas, these people will support themselves, because no one wants the company to collapse."

When the interests of a group of people are tied together, these people will stand with you for their own interests.

At this time, the Black Snake Princess brought up a vermilion gold box, which Zhu Zhanchang gently opened.

Inside are stacks of paper similar to treasure banknotes.

With the continuous implementation of food stamps, the papermaking and printing in Guangzhou have also been rapidly improved. With heavy investment, the output is also very gratifying.

Zhang Xianqi picked up the paper, with "Zhu Rihe Group" printed on the front and details of a share on the back, printed on the paper with four-color ink for anti-counterfeiting.

The eight characters of benefit sharing and risk sharing are the most eye-catching, and they are specially marked below with Dongying characters.

"His Royal Highness heard that this stock can still be traded?" Zhang Xianqi asked suspiciously?

"Yes, but you can't buy or sell privately. You can only buy and sell by sending someone to the stock exchange in Daejeon Port to be certified and registered. Both buyers and sellers must register the price, and a trend table of price fluctuations will be made every day to give People look at it, let them know that dividends can make money, and stock trading can also make money.”

Zhang Xianqi roughly understood what Zhu Zhanchang meant. He knew that the steam engine factory made money, but could it really make as much money as Zhu Zhanchang expected?Earn enough to make these high-ranking officials of Dongying stand on Zhu Zhanchang's side?
Seeing Zhang Xianqi's doubts, Zhu Zhanchang took out the prepared stock and handed it to Zhang Xianqi: "Zhang Xianqi, this is for you, you own [-]% of the entire Zhurihe Group, don't think it's too small, In terms of personal holdings, you should have the most besides me and Ashikaga Yoshihiro, and you don't have to worry about the size of the Zhu Rihe Group. Once the group is established, I will let it quickly intervene in various lines of Dongying. Industry, with the advanced manufacturing capabilities of Guangzhou Prefecture, to attack the local manufacturing industry in Dongying."

Because there is money to be made, Zhu Zhanchang believes that these senior executives of Dongying will also be happy at first, but it is too late when someone with insight really reacts.

There is a famous saying in the financial world: "too big to fail."

It means that it is too big to cause sagging, the forehead is not no, the translation is too big to fall.

As a good auto mechanic, it is reasonable to master a few foreign languages.

It is mainly to say that the government will not let them go bankrupt when they encounter a crisis, because there are too many involved, the government will save them, and when the top management of Dongying can get a share from the Zhurihe Group, many People will maintain its inability to fall.

And Zhu Zhanchang chose Daejeon City and Iwami Silver Mountain, because there is a huge amount of wealth buried here, one-third of the silver in the world during this time period, once the total wealth is excavated, there is no way to calculate the total amount.

It's just not enough now, the Zhu Rihe Group has not yet started, and it is not stable enough. This wealth is the source of chaos.

This amount of silver will inevitably lead to wars and looting, and the ultimate owner can only be the victor of the war. Don't look at so many high-level figures and aristocrats in Daejeon City, but they don't have a chance to get a piece of the pie.

While Zhu Rihe Group will develop silver mines in the future, they will be able to get a piece of the pie. Even if they only drink soup, they will be able to eat, drink and have fun for a lifetime.

The silver mine was not listed in advance, and Zhu Zhanchang began to prepare for tomorrow's IPO meeting.


On Daming's side, Zhu Gaochi also received what Zhu Zhanchang did in Dongying, and Zhu Zhanchang reported it to him, because he knew that such a thing could not be concealed.

At this time, he frowned and frowned. He couldn't understand Zhu Zhanchang's construction of the steam engine factory in Dongying.

Before, Zhu Zhanchang's attitude towards Dongying had not been very good, and even had some hatred, but why did Zhu Zhanchang do this now.

Similarly, Zhu Zhanchang's actions were resisted by most of the civil and military forces of the Manchu Dynasty. The reason was nothing more than the heavy weapon of the steam engine country.

Zhu Gaochi couldn't make a decision, and Zhu Zhanchang didn't clarify the reason, so he could only go to Zhu Di.

Zhu Di's complexion was much better than before, but this was supported by a pile of tonics, just like a building with a load-bearing beam about to collapse. No matter how beautiful the facade was, it was useless.

When Zhu Di knew about this, he asked Zhu Gaochi: "Gao Chi, Zhanchang is your son, what do you think he did?"

"I don't understand, I'm going to send a letter to ask him." Zhu Gaochi answered honestly, and he didn't hide anything from Zhu Di.

Zhu Di held the memorial with his hands behind his back and coughed twice: "According to the news from the spies, Dongying already has the ability to manufacture its own steam engine, Zhan's approach should be to make Dongying give up its own steam engine manufacturing, which can be regarded as a compromise. plan."

"But this plan finally gave Dongying the ability to manufacture steam engines, which is a huge threat to our dynasty." Zhu Gaochi thought about it and still felt inappropriate.

Zhu Di sighed: "Hey, yes, when Zhan Chang went to Nanyang when he was so old, he always brought a steamship to prepare for war. Now that he is old, he has compromised, you know."

Zhu Gaochi suddenly understood: "My son understands."

"Understand what?"

"Zhanchang probably doesn't want to have a war at this time." Zhu Gaochi observed his father as he spoke.

Zhu Di put his hand on Zhu Gaochi's shoulder and patted: "As a father, you should trust your son more."

The old man in front of him said that he wanted to trust his children and grandchildren, but he seemed to have forgotten that he was the best at playing his son between his palms.

Of course, they don't know that Zhu Zhanchang is now trying his best to deal with Zhu Yunwen's affairs quietly in Dongying. If Zhu Yunwen's affairs are passed back to Daming, Daming must be in chaos now. Change occurs.


The next morning, Zhu Zhanchang opened the prospectus meeting.

There were hundreds of people sitting in the temporary venue. After Zhu Zhanchang came to the stage, he said in a lame Dongying language: "Take your chicken baby." When Dongying greeted him, Zhu Zhanchang learned it specially to show his sincerity.

Ashikaga Yoshichi took the lead and replied: "Duck your chicken baby." Zhu Zhan felt that he was scolded by hundreds of people with a smile, which was indeed a bit ugly.

But regardless of these details, Zhu Zhanchang said with a smile: "The new situation of Zhu Rihe Group has been issued to you in the form of articles of association of the company. authority."

"All shareholders have the right to attend the general meeting of shareholders and vote on major issues of the company according to their shares. Today, 9 members of the board of directors will also be elected. The two-thirds of the voting rights of the board of directors must be approved by the board of directors. Nine board members came out."

Zhu Zhanchi, Ashikaga Yoshihide and Zhang Xianqi were directly and automatically elected as members of the board of directors, as well as Zhao Quan, president of the Great Wall Street Industrial and Commercial Bank, and the chairman of the Australian Iron Ore Group. The remaining four will be elected at today's prospectus. .

A total of 50000 shares will be sold in this IPO, accounting for 15.00% of Zhu Rihe Group.

The preparatory shareholders below are also eager to try it today. The project led by the Prince of Pearl River and Ashikaga Yoshichi, and it is a steam engine project, needless to say what it means in terms of prospects.

Zhu Zhanchang first introduced the development and progress of Zhurihe Group. Everyone knows about the port of Daejeon City and the steam engine factory, and Zhu Zhanchang will build a stock exchange here.

The stock exchange is responsible for the stock trading of Zhu Rihe Group, and will also conduct stock trading for other high-quality groups in the future, such as the shares of Australian Iron Ore Company.

Speaking of which, Zhu Zhanchang gave an example: "Everyone, this is the report of the Australian Iron Ore Group last year."

During the conversation, a report was taken out. This is the report of the Australian Iron Ore Group last year.

A lot of data is dazzling, and Zhu Zhanchang estimates that most of them can't understand it, so let's get rid of the data that they can't understand.

Total assets: 20 taels of gold
Annual net income: 5000 taels of gold
Number of shareholders: 2225

Total number of shares: 1200000 shares

Total market capitalization of stocks: 3 million taels of gold.

As soon as they heard 3 million taels of gold, a group of people stood up in an uproar. You must know that before Zhu Zhanqian developed the steam engine a few years ago, the annual fiscal revenue of the Ming Dynasty was counted as taxes in kind such as grain and tax money. With just over 2000 million taels of silver, the total is less than 400 million taels of gold. The total market value of such an Australian iron mining group exceeded half of the revenue of the Ming Dynasty at that time.

Of course, Daming's political income has doubled several times.

The total market value of the stock is 11.5 times the total assets. This multiple is not very high according to the current listed companies, but after all, in the Ming Dynasty, transactions were troublesome, and there were not many people speculating in stocks, so it was mainly limited to the Great Wall Street, otherwise it would have to be turned over. , after all, is doing the exclusive business of Australian iron ore, and there are so many places.

"His Royal Highness Zhujiang County, why does the total market value of the stock exceed the total assets and net profit by so much?"

"Because stocks not only have dividends, but also have transaction value. The Australian Iron Ore Group has only been in less than half a year this year, and its revenue has already approached the whole of last year. Not surprisingly, those who hold stocks this year will have double the dividends of last year. The above, this is the expectation for future value, and now the Australian Iron Ore Group will allocate 5.00% of the total shares to the exchange in Daejeon City for trading, and everyone can buy the shares of Zhu Rihe Group after the subscription is completed."

The expectations of future value, the expectations of this group of people were raised in an instant. With the actual example here, this group of people will naturally not miss this IPO opportunity.

Considering that the economic situation of Dongying is incomparable with that of Daming, Zhu Zhanchang's own purpose is not to make money by offering shares, but to tie this group of people to the same chain of interests, so Zhu Zhanchang's stock price expectations this time are not. too high.

50000 shares, starting from 212 shares per lot, and one person can buy multiple lots. In the end, 5 people bought the shares, all of which were sold out. The final share price was a little over 25 taels of silver, which was converted to [-] taels of silver.

The 50000 shares in the IPO accounted for 15.00% of Zhu Rihe Group. According to a rough and simple calculation, the current market value of Zhu Rihe Group is 1606 million taels of silver. There is no doubt that there is room for growth of more than [-] times.

Once you get on my pirate ship, don't even think about leaving.

After the prospectus ended, Ashikaga Yoshichi found Zhu Zhanchang: "His Royal Highness the Prince of Zhujiang County, the Emperor Komatsu is here."

Zhu Zhanchang has done what he promised, or is in progress, and Ashikaga Yoshichi has to show his sincerity in cooperation, and finally wait for you.

Zhu Yunwen! !

(End of this chapter)

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