Steam Daming: Stop calling me to supervise the country

Chapter 285 The Great Ming God of War

Chapter 285 The Great Ming God of War
In front of Zhu Di's mausoleum, Zhu Zhanchang knelt down reverently. For this eternal emperor and for his grandfather, Zhu Zhanchang had great respect in his heart.

The grand mausoleum of Zhu Di's Changling was built, and the great emperor Yongle was buried in the ground.

Zhu Zhanchang was alone in the place of worship, talking: "Grandpa Huang, grandson suppressed Zhu Yunwen's matter, grandson does not know whether you think what I did is right or wrong, if you think it is wrong, come out and scold me. Two sentences, if you feel right, then continue to lie in the mausoleum."

After a long while, there was no movement, Zhu Zhanchang finally felt at ease, Zhu Di should think that what he did was okay.

"Grandpa Huang, now the second uncle and father are in a quarrel, and the northern Tartars are not honest, grandson understands that you don't want to see your children and grandchildren fighting, but ordinary farmers have to fight for an acre of fertile land. Let’s start a relationship, there is no indisputable truth in this great country, although the second uncle can fight, he is definitely not Dad’s opponent, and I have to help the second uncle.”

If Zhu Zhanchang's words were heard by others, it would definitely cause a big uproar.

Of course, he didn't want to help King Han to take over the world, and he was not stupid. In the end, he was not good enough to help King Han, and Fat Dad was his own father, so he couldn't help outsiders to deal with his father.

What he meant was that he was afraid that King Han would be too miserable in the future, so he had to help, or at least save his life.

In front of Zhu Di, Fat Dad promised not to kill his brothers and sisters, but now that the King of Han is pressing him again and again, if something goes wrong, it is very possible to fight. When the sword is blind, who can guarantee what happens.

Anyway, Zhu Zhanchang knew that his good brother would definitely kill him.

"Grandpa Huang, my grandson is not filial. It took so long to come back to pay homage. It's not surprising that the grandson developed Dongying for the sake of self-protection."

Zhu Zhanchang stayed in front of Zhu Di's mausoleum for a long time before rushing back to the imperial city overnight. He didn't have time to go home to change clothes and bathe, so he went straight to the palace.

Zhu Gaochi was already in a hurry, and he even sent edicts on the way to let Zhu Zhanchang return quickly.

Zhu Zhanchang strode into Zhu Gaochi's study and shouted, "Father, father."

The eunuch hurriedly said, "Your Highness, you have to change your tune."

"Oh, yes yes yes, the son-in-law knocks down to see the emperor."

The fat father rolled his eyes, his son became more and more handsome, handsome and martial, although his face was white and handsome, but there was also a lot of masculinity, and the enthusiasm of the youth was on the surface, this is what a young man should look like.

Zhu Gaochi stretched out his hand to signal for the eunuchs to retreat, and spoke to the father and son.

"Zhanchang, I read your secret report and did a good job. It's better not to be mentioned when it comes to that person. What reward do you want for this matter."

Zhu Zhanchang thought about it now that he really doesn't seem to have anything to reward. If you want money, you want power, and you want women and women.

It shows that the gong is too high.

Zhu Zhanchang giggled and said, "Father, why don't you reward me with a princess, the kind that looks good."

Zhu Gaochi said with a smile: "You, you, you are still not a good type. You are a big man, and you will have to be a father in two years."

"Father, I haven't thought about it yet."

The two chatted about family affairs, and Zhu Gaochi turned the topic to business.

"Zhanchang, you can go to Yingtianfu in two days. You go to help Zhanji and persuade your second uncle. Now that the country is dragging on, there is no intention of expedition to the north, and the northern Tartars are so violent that they cannot be allowed to do so. Go on like this." Zhu Gaochi said with a headache.

You can't fight, let alone condone. The best result is that Zhu Gaojiu surrenders himself, but he thinks it's impossible.

At this time, Zhu Zhanchang took out a dozen secret letters from his clothes and handed them to Zhu Gaochi.

"This is?" Zhu Gaochi looked at the secret letter in front of him, puzzled.

Zhu Zhanchang scratched his head and said, "It's all letters from the second uncle. Father, you can read it yourself."

Zhu Gaochi opened the letter and glanced at it. He was a little sullen at first, but turned into a funny expression.

"This Gao Xu." Zhu Gaochi shook his head with a wry smile.

In the letters on the desktop, all the letters written by Zhu Gaojiu to win over Zhu Zhanchang.

"Zhanchang, go back to Daming and come to Ningbo Port to hang out with the second uncle. The second uncle named you the king side by side."

"Help the second uncle take down the world, and our uncle and nephew will share the world."

"Cross the river and rule, you are south and I am north."

"Second uncle's eldest son died early, and the second son's conduct is not good. I will be the emperor first, and then pass the throne to you. Daming will surely flourish for another five or sixty years in the hands of our uncle and nephew. It will be an eternal story in the annals of history."


There were a lot of letters without any cover, and they were all very straightforward. Zhu Gaojiu didn't say anything to Zhu Zhanchang, and the conditions he gave were much better than Zhu Gaochi.

Although Zhu Gaojiu's words are like love at night dancing disco, and they are never credible, Zhu Gaochi is also afraid that Zhu Zhanchang will believe one of them.

It's just that Zhu Zhanchang took out all these letters, so he was relieved, and his son's mind was still very clear.

"Father, the second uncle is very ambitious, and everyone knows it. It's hard to do good things."

"Alas." Zhu Gaochi sighed: "I don't know, but he and I are still brothers of the same mother. Although the relationship has not been harmonious since childhood, but because of the affection of the mother and the queen, I can't always subdue him. Dead hand."

Zhu Gaochi was rated as Renzong by later generations, and his generosity and kindness are obvious to all.

"Procrastination can only make the domestic situation worse, the contradictions intensify, and the Tartars in the north have more opportunities. The father and emperor do not want to kill each other, but they also have to take into account the situation in the Ming Dynasty. Currently, the two vassal divisions of Zhejiang and Fujian are isolated from other places. There is a lack of commerce and commerce, and people’s livelihood is mourning. Zhejiang is already prosperous, and there are many merchants. Now that the canal and maritime affairs are cut off, the merchants and the common people must be complaining and mourning.”

Zhu Zhanchang reminded Zhu Gaochi that he could start with the common people.

Since ancient times, the people who least want to fight are the common people. No matter who wins or loses, it is the common people who suffer. Moreover, when Daming is so prosperous and the people are strong, who wants to fight at home.

If the people are unwilling to fight, should the soldier be willing to fight?
Fighting against foreign countries is a meritorious deed, and fighting within the country, and under the circumstances of the disparity in the strength of the enemy and ourselves, the soldiers of the two feudal vassals in Zhejiang and Fujian are not without brains.

"In the vassal of Zhejiang, the industry is developed, the business is prosperous, and the tax contribution has been extremely prominent in the past two years. It is just too difficult to influence Gao Xu's behavior with the wishes of the industrial and commercial people." Zhu Gaochi does not think that Zhu Gaoji will be led by others. Walk with your nose.

Zhu Zhanchang held a different opinion: "Father, it is not people who are fighting the war now, but money. Without sufficient financial support, it is impossible to maintain the state of war. Guns and guns need money, and personnel need money. If the second uncle has It might be enough to loot Yingtianfu with certainty, but it is obvious that he is not sure."

"Just now I said that Zhejiang and Fujian are both prosperous places for maritime trade, with abundant tax revenue." Zhu Gaochi emphasized it again.

"The tax revenue is abundant, but the second uncle is different from the father, the father is used to breaking a penny into two flowers, and Xia Shangshu helps the father manage the finances, and the central bank of Daming runs smoothly, but the second uncle, The second uncle has the character of a military commander, and he has never been extravagant in spending money, and the people under him also follow the second uncle. It is extravagant, spending tomorrow's money today, it sounds chic, and the time to spend the money is really tight. "

Zhu Gaochi thought about it and it seemed to be the case. Zhu Gaojiu and Zhu Di were like big spenders. They never knew how to save money, and the people who followed him also made a lot of money.

But Zhu Di's money was saved by Zhu Gaochi and the officials of the Ministry of Household. There are people around Zhu Di who help him, but there is no one around Zhu Gaoji who helps him save money, and no one helps him plan carefully, and he can't find it temporarily. Very tight.

According to the usual practice, taxation must be increased at this time, and taxation will accumulate public grievances. Now, the commerce between the Zhejiang and Fujian vassal divisions and the outside world has stopped, and there is a backlog of public grievances.

But Zhu Zhanchang's procrastination, I don't know how long Zhu Gaojiu can last. It's not what Zhu Gaochi wants. After all, he has to solve this matter as soon as possible so that he can fully deal with the rebellion problem in the northern tile.

"Zhanchang, go and persuade your second uncle to surrender." Zhu Gaochi still hopes that Zhu Zhanchang can directly persuade Zhu Gaojiu to surrender, at least give it a try.

This is also a common method of ancient warfare.

Zhu Zhanchang sighed, but now Daming has gradually transformed from the era of cold weapons, and now if you want to defeat the enemy without fighting, you should use trade wars and economic wars.

And Zhu Zhanchang didn't think that he had a three-inch tongue that could persuade Zhu Gaojiu to surrender.

Seeing that Zhu Gaochi seemed to have made up his mind, Zhu Zhanchang said, "I can go, the royal father, but the royal father prepares a bargaining chip. It is not easy to get the second uncle to return. I can do it all by myself. not."

"The cabinet has been ordered to take care of it. How to persuade Gao Xu to surrender is really difficult. You have a good relationship with him, so you can only go. It's hard for you."

Zhu Zhanchang looked at Zhu Gaochi with a hint of helplessness in his eyes. Perhaps the emperor in the hall could not help himself, and asked softly, "What will happen if my father fails to persuade him to surrender this time?"

Zhu Gaochi sighed: "Let's try it first."

Obviously, Zhu Gaochi didn't learn Zhu Di's ability to fool his son into drawing cakes, and he probably felt that he couldn't fool Zhu Zhanchang.

Zhu Zhanchang understood that Zhu Gaochi's insistence on asking him to persuade him to surrender should be the ultimatum given by the court to Zhu Gaojiu. He didn't want to delay it, which meant that the situation in the northern tile was worse than expected. Zhu Gaochi must resolve the matter of Zhu Gaoji as soon as possible, and then parted ways. to deal with the vara.

Although Zhu Gaochi is not a person who advocates conquest, but after all, he made a promise at the last moment of Zhu Di's life that the Ming Dynasty will not give up an inch of land.

"Father, let the cabinet discuss the results as soon as possible, so I can set off."

"Go back to the mansion to rest first, take a shower, you haven't come back for a long time, take a rest these two days."

"My son is the first to retire."

Zhu Gaochi looked at Zhu Zhanchang's leaving back and sighed. He always felt sorry for this son in his heart, and even more afraid that Zhu Zhanchang felt unfair and hated him.

I have not had a good relationship with Zhu Gaojie since childhood, and I was psychologically prepared for it to happen like this, but Zhu Zhanchang and Zhu Zhanji have had a very good relationship since childhood. If there is a brother wall in the future, his heart as a father will not feel good, but he is now There is really no way to balance the relationship between the two, and can only go with the flow first.

Zhu Zhanchang went out and returned to his house.

Chen Xinyue and others had returned to Shuntian Mansion a few years ago, and they were all waiting for Zhu Zhanchang's return.

When he saw Zhu Zhanchang's carriage approaching the door, Chen Xinyue went up to meet him, and after taking Zhu Zhanchang off the carriage, he immediately instructed: "His Royal Highness, let's go into the house, it's cold outside."

The night was silent, the ice and snow melted.

The next morning, someone came to visit.

Zhu Zhanchang got up sleepily: "Who is it? It's so early."

Chen Xinyue had already packed up beautifully at this time, and said with a slight smile, "It's Sister Ruowei who brought your eldest nephew, Your Highness."

Zhu Zhanchang was agitated. He didn't expect that the Daming God of War was sent to the door. This kid is a key figure.

Sun Ruowei gave birth to the current emperor's eldest grandson, and brought him often into the palace. It has only been four months now, and the queen's wife is not good at it. Even with Sun Ruowei's own favorability, her own favorability has also increased rapidly. Although she is not a concubine, Zhu Qizhen can only be regarded as the eldest son of a concubine, but with Zhu Zhanji's favor, she has no fear.

Now Zhu Qizhen is like a treasure to show off in her hands.

Hu Shanxiang has only two daughters, and has never had a son. Her stomach has not moved for so many years and she has not been favored by Zhu Zhanji.

He even expressed to the empress that he wanted Zhu Qizhen to be called the grandson of the grandson like Zhu Zhanji back then, but he was declined.

Chen Xinyue hurriedly went to the front hall and saw Sun Ruowei sitting and teasing her son to play, and hurriedly ordered the servants: "You blind man, go and add more stoves to make the room warmer. Little, what should I do if I catch a cold?"

The servant hurriedly nodded his head and went to do it.

Sun Ruowei smiled. She has matured a lot in the past two years, and has lost her innocent and cuteness as a girl.

"Don't panic, little sister, look at this kid, he looks like a living dragon, he was carved out of the same mold as his father, and he will be a good horse and archery player in the future, and his body is strong."

Chen Xinyue looked at the chubby boy in the swaddle, and he had to say that he was really cute and had a big head. Who doesn't like chubby children.

"Qi Zhen is really blessed, Yo Yo Yo, I'm smiling."

The two laughed hilariously.

At this time, Zhu Zhanchang had already dressed and walked over. He tried his best to conceal his dislike for Zhu Qizhen. After all, Zhu Qizhen in history was called the Emperor of the Door, the Great Ming God of War. Now Zhu Qizhen here is just a Infant children, the future will be different.

History has long since changed, and the probability that Zhu Qizhen will not be able to defeat Oira in the future is almost negligible.

As long as Daming's combat power doesn't degenerate into the appearance of Yidaili during the First World War, it is impossible for things to be called the emperor in history.

Seeing Zhu Zhanchang coming, Sun Ruowei came forward with the child in his arms: "Zhanchang, come and hug your nephew."

Zhu Zhanchang suppressed the disgust in his heart, stretched out his hand and took Zhu Qizhen in his infant, looking at the white, tender and chubby child in his arms, before he had time to speak.

The kid started crying and pulling.

(End of this chapter)

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