The man did what he said, but Zhu Zhanqian said he didn't care about it, so he just let it go, spread his hands, and sang a little song, patting his thighs to beat the time, this song is really white and long.

Zhu Gaoxu was puzzled, Zhu Zhanqian came to persuade him to surrender, why didn't he even bargain, and he didn't even talk about the conditions of the court until now, he really came to find his own enjoyment.

Of course, at the end of the night, Zhu Zhanqian went back to the place where he was staying to sleep. Who would have brought his wife here? Chen Xinyue ordered Alia that Zhu Zhanqian was absolutely not allowed to mess around outside this time when he came out this time.

The empress and Chen Xinyue analyzed the disadvantages of not having children many times, and used the example of herself and the first queen mother to give Chen Xinyue an example of how beneficial it is to have a son first.

Chen Xinyue thought about Sun Ruowei again. Sun Ruowei, who had a son first, almost always overwhelmed the crown prince and concubine Hu Shanxiang. Even the mother-in-law, the empress, turned a blind eye. What about the eldest son?

No, the sense of crisis came up. With Zhu Zhanqian's identity and appearance, how many girls want to jump up. Zhu Zhanqian's temperament is not the kind of person who is locked at home. The woman at the bottom of the mountain is a tiger. I can't afford to suffer.

In the name of Haiwang Zhengfei, Alia was forced to take control of Zhu Zhanqian, and Alia had to obey.

Under such circumstances, Zhu Zhanqian slept until noon the next day and then went to the streets with his entourage, Yu Qian and others when he got up.

The King of Han sent someone to stare at him, and when he heard someone report that Zhu Zhanqian had gone shopping, he looked speechless, did he really come to travel?
"Send someone to continue to follow him. This kid is the most perverse, and there is no basis for what he does. Pay attention to his every move."

The guard next to him pretended to be clever and asked, "My lord, do you want to find a chance to do something?"

"Do it? What kind of hand? Are you out of your mind? That's my king's nephew, my best friend, what kind of hands are you doing to him? Does killing him do me any good? Let you stare at you, just stare at you, Don't think about those useless things, killing him just gives the other party a reason to fight, when the time comes, will you fight the steam mothership battle group in Guangzhou Mansion?" Zhu Gaoxu sternly reprimanded the hidden guards.

The dark guard originally wanted to show off in front of his master, but he didn't expect to be scolded by the King of Han.

Zhu Gaoxu frowned and looked at Zhu Zhanqian who was wandering in the downtown area in the distance, feeling a little helpless.

Of course, the prince of Han was not the only one who was puzzled, and Yu Qian was equally puzzled.

Looking at Zhu Zhanqin who had just bought candied haws and Alia eating happily, Yu Qian finally asked: "Your Highness, we are here to persuade the King of Han to surrender. I am afraid that you will miss a big deal by having fun like this."

"Don't worry, the second uncle will find us himself." Zhu Zhanqian said with a relaxed face, and then took Alia to a nice silk shop to look at things.

The store owner was taken aback when he saw the tall Alia. This foreign woman was good-looking, but she was really tall.

The storekeeper looked at Zhu Zhanqian carefully, and knew at a glance that this was a big customer.

Seeing that this young man has an extraordinary appearance and he has followers, he must be a young master from a wealthy family, and the most important thing is that he is accompanied by a foreign woman.

In the past two years, because of the opening of the Silk Road, and the prosperity of Ming Dynasty, many people from the Western Regions have poured into Daming, but because of the difference in appearance, they can be easily recognized.

Beauties from the Western Regions are a scarce resource in the Jiangnan coastal area. Anyone who has a Western Region beauty with him must be a top rich person, because most people will not marry a Western Region beauty as a wife, they can only be concubines or direct spouses.

How can someone who is rich enough to support beautiful women from the Western Regions as a concubine be an ordinary person? He is really rich and loves to pretend.

Isn't this a big customer?

The shopkeeper hurriedly greeted him, bowed his head and waited on him.

At this time Yu Qian came out again, he couldn't see Zhu Zhanqian having fun like this, and said righteously: "Your Highness, you have the emperor's order, you should put the business first, and please postpone the shopping and pleasure."

Yu Qian, like most officials in the current dynasty, likes to support the royal family's behavior as his code of conduct.

This is where the officialdom of the Ming Dynasty is not good. Everyone wants the emperor to behave like a saint, but if something is wrong, someone will write a letter. The emperor's drinking hurts his health. The emperor should not be addicted to women. A lot of things, if you really do it according to their standards, you can only be a saint.

That's the way the atmosphere is, every censor is proud of catching the emperor's faults, but what the emperor did was not happy at all.

It’s okay for Zhu Di to be tough, but Zhu Gaochi is softer. These censors talk about the emperor’s benevolent monarch every day in the court, and they are not soft-spoken when they should say you. After Zhu Gaochi had a meal of pleasure and indulgence, the big sprayer spoke badly, which made Zhu Gaochi depressed for several days, and he couldn't be punished. After all, he was thinking of the emperor in righteousness.

This is the ethos of the court today, but some people are sincere and others are false. Yu Qian belongs to the sincere kind. Generally, this kind of people have a common characteristic, that is, they are young.

When I get older, I will understand that this is just a tool for them to seek fame and fortune in the court.

Zhu Zhanqian beckoned for Yu Qian to come closer, and said in a low voice, "Now the second uncle wants to talk, we have to drag him."

"Ah?" Yu Qian didn't understand Zhu Zhanqian's operation.

"Now there are too many people outside, so go back and tell you, you can go shopping with me at ease, see if there is anything you like, and buy some for your wife."

Seeing Yu Qian's embarrassment, Zhu Zhanqian remembered that Yu Qian's money seemed to be in the hands of his wife.

"I'm happy today, Mr. Zhu pays the bill for everyone in the audience, let's go and choose." Zhu Zhanqian simply waved his hand, so that the guards and followers also benefited.

It is good to follow Zhu Zhanqian, the salary will never be in arrears, there will be bonuses from time to time, and occasionally there will be extra surprises, these guards are naturally happy.

"This...this...not good." Yu Qian said with some embarrassment.

A guard patted Yu Qian on the shoulder and said, "Master Yu, just pick and choose. His Highness has always been generous. If you don't buy something, His Highness will be unhappy instead."

Yu Qian still felt embarrassed, and finally chose a wooden hairpin. Zhu Zhanqian couldn't stand it anymore, so he chose a jade hairpin for him and forced it to him. It was worth his monthly salary.

In his concept, there is no reward for no merit, so he finally retreated.

Zhu Zhanqian was a little helpless, but he was also a little fortunate. This kind of loftiness may seem stupid and pedantic to others, but only people with this kind of loftiness can become true ministers of the upright in the future, respectable and respectable .

Going shopping on the first day, Lingyin Temple on the second day, and Leifeng Pagoda on the third day, Zhu Zhanqian was not idle all the time, just looking like he was visiting mountains and rivers.

On the fourth day, Yu Qian finally couldn't help it, and blocked the door of the place where he was staying, trying to prevent Zhu Zhanqian from going out.

"Your Highness, if you don't do serious things today and persuade the King of Han to surrender, I will not let you out even if I die at the door." Yu Qian firmly blocked the door.

Because Zhu Zhanqian said that he would talk to him about the reasons, but Zhu Zhanqian has been dragging him for a few days, not caring about anything, he should go shopping and have fun, so he went to Lingyin Temple to ask for a son.

Although Yu Qian blocked the door, but because the door was too wide, he couldn't stop it at all. Zhu Zhanqian's guards walked out of him in an orderly manner, lining up on both sides.

Yu Qian stared blankly at the guards, but he firmly refused to let him go.

"Why stop it? Don't let it go."

"Your Highness, if you still want to go out to visit the mountains and rivers, you can step on my Yu Qian's body and go out."

After Yu Qian finished speaking, he heard the sound of horseshoes coming from behind, Zhu Zhanqian smiled helplessly and said, "My second uncle is here, should I step on your corpse to see my second uncle?"

Hearing this, Yu Qian turned his head and saw that Lord Han was getting off the carriage, and immediately stepped aside from the door.

For four days, Yu Qian couldn't bear it anymore, and so could King Han. He was not the only one who was anxious.

Zhu Gaoxu walked over with big strides with a smile: "Zhan Yan, where have you been to play these few days?"

"I have tasted the beautiful scenery and delicacies of Hangzhou Prefecture." Zhu Zhanqian replied casually.

Zhu Gaoxu and Zhu Zhanqian walked into the yard while talking: "Come and tell the second uncle what delicacies you have tasted in Hangzhou."

Zhu Zhanqian was at a loss for words for a while, and then said: "Second Uncle, please recommend me some Hangzhou food. I have tasted some these days, and I will try some if you recommend it."

Zhu Gaoxu was also at a loss for words. For a while, the two words of Hangzhou cuisine made the two eloquent people speechless.

Joking is not nonsense, adaptation is not random making up, and nonsense has to be grounded nonsense. Hangzhou cuisine is something that needs to be imagined completely, and the two of them stumped themselves when they said it casually.

Embarrassed: "Second Uncle, please come inside."

The two sat down in the hall, Zhu Gaoxu smiled a little awkwardly, and said without embarrassment: "Zhan Yan, yesterday I went to Yingtian Mansion to scold again, your eldest brother is full of truth, really scolding your mother Come on, he is not my opponent at all, I guess he is so angry that he dare not scold me for the sake of face."

"Second Uncle, his mother is also my mother, she is your sister-in-law, you can't abuse me." Zhu Zhanqian replied speechlessly.

Zhu Gaoxu seemed to have expected it a long time ago, and said happily: "Don't worry, the second uncle has a sense of proportion. I always scolded the lieutenant next to him, scolded him bloody, scolded his whole family, young and old, pointed at Sang and Huai, and never pointed at him. Looking at your elder brother, your elder brother also feels uncomfortable."

Gao, it has to be the second uncle's high, with a degree of relaxation, thick and thin, Zhu Zhanqian couldn't help but want to give him a thumbs up.

In Yu Qian's eyes, the King of Han's behavior was a little shameless, and he despised him.

"Second Uncle, don't always scold my elder brother. He is not easy. We are a big family. The way we are making trouble is not to make people laugh." Zhu Zhanqian knew that Zhu Gaoxu couldn't help coming to him Confused, he wanted to talk about persuading him to surrender, but he was too embarrassed to open his mouth, so Zhu Zhanqian went along with the flow.

Speaking of Zhu Zhanyi, Zhu Gaoxu naturally couldn't ask for it.

"It's not that your father and your elder brother are too bullying, just like your elder brother, you can't wait to make my head roll all over the ground in the next second." The prince of Han said angrily with a face full of displeasure.

Zhu Zhan said earnestly: "Second uncle can't blame my father and elder brother, it's all the fault of Chen Yun, who would have thought that this guy is actually a spy of Dongying, if I didn't wipe out the group of Dongying Bad guy, I really can't catch this guy, he just forged the imperial decree on purpose, wanting to let the whole world see the jokes of our family."

Zhu Gaoxu sighed: "Oh."

Seeing that he stopped talking, Zhu Zhanyan continued: "Second uncle, I really don't want my father and you to make trouble like this. They are all brothers. They shouted and killed, and the emperor's grandfather Quanxia will know if you know it." Sad, Grandpa Huang asked me to kneel in the ancestral hall for punishment. When he came to me, he told me earnestly that a family should be like a family. He also made me swear in front of the ancestral hall that I would never be with my brothers and uncles. They quarreled."

Zhu Zhanqian made up the story, but no one verified the authenticity anyway.

Zhu Gaoxu sighed again: "Oh, I was punished to kneel by my father back then. At that time, he told me that my son was sick, so you should help him more. Times have changed, and everything cannot be controlled by others."

Yu Qian was a little surprised, Han Wang's tone obviously meant to be subdued, what happened to this flamboyant Han Wang?

"Who says it's not? I have always had a good relationship with my second uncle, and my relationship with my third uncle is also good. The eldest brother is my own elder brother, and the father is my own father. Everyone here is my own family. If we fight It's just that my family beats my own family. Before I came here, I tried my best to persuade my father not to fight, never to fight, and it would be a joke to make people laugh. My father said he didn't want to fight, but my second uncle wanted to fight, let me I came to persuade the second uncle, and I said that I would not be able to persuade the second uncle, he told me to come no matter what, so I came."

Speaking of which, Zhu Zhanqian also took out the map: "Second Uncle, I have already made a plan, and I will definitely not be able to persuade Second Uncle, but I believe that Second Uncle definitely did not kill me, and Second Uncle is the most important family affection , How could it be possible to do something to my nephew, I will leave after I come to Hangzhou for a few days, and I will hide in Dongying, and I will hide if I can't be provoked."

The Prince of Han asked back: "Your father is already under pressure from the army, do you think it looks like you don't want to fight?"

This time it was Zhu Zhan's turn to sigh: "Second Uncle, the imperial decree in your hand was forged by Chen Yun, and the truth of this matter has been found out. If you want to see the case file, it is also possible. The truth of the investigation has been found out. You are still holding the imperial decree, the country has no two monarchs, even if you still don’t want to fight, but the civil and military forces of the Manchu Dynasty are attacking in unison, you also know my father’s temperament. .”

"Am I someone who is afraid of war?"

"Who doesn't know that the second uncle uses troops like a god, but those ministers who point to this incident to make achievements don't care. They are all people who talk about military affairs on paper. They say that there are more than 200 million troops in the country, and the two feudal officials are less than 30. There are two big steam fleets in the East China Sea and the South China Sea. How could they lose? I scolded this group of civil servants who can only do addition and subtraction in the early court. Is it a comparison of numbers and gun barrels in a war? Is the life of my soldier not his life? Everyone seems to be looking forward to a war." Zhu Zhanqian said with righteous indignation.

Zhu Zhanqian's words seemed to criticize the civil servants in the court who were shouting for war, but they were actually analyzing the combat effectiveness of the two sides for Zhu Gaoxu.

I also told Zhu Gaoxu that now the people in the court are very united, and they all want to fight. The new emperor is enthroned, and he is waiting to make contributions.

Zhu Gaochi is not the Zhu Yunqi of the past, and you, Zhu Gaoxu, are not the Zhu Di of the past. It is basically a dream to win the court.

Zhu Gaoxu's heart is the same as that of the mirror.

"Second Uncle, don't worry, I will definitely not participate. Helping Second Uncle beat his father, I am a rebellious son who has been infamous through the ages. Although I don't care much about reputation, but this name is too ugly. I can't bear it. I will never help my father beat my second uncle, my family will fight back and forth, I swore in front of the emperor's grandfather, if I do something, I will kill my children and grandchildren, I am only so young, I don't want to kill my children and grandchildren, I will go to Dongying , now the empress dowager of Dongying has a good impression of me. Although she is a widow, it is not difficult to see her appearance. .”

Zhu Gaoxu immediately patted his thigh and said: "Hey, who said no, I also swore in front of the old man that if I do anything to my brothers and relatives, I will cut off my children and grandchildren. You said this is a big deal."

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