Steam Daming: Stop calling me to supervise the country

Chapter 293 The King of the Western Regions

The situation on the Lord Han’s side has improved, and the entire court is relieved. Only those courtiers who want to take advantage of this incident to make contributions to their careers beat their chests. Some people even wrote that the Lord Han has rebelled and must be severely punished. Of course, this kind of argument is The court is now in the minority, and the things that the cabinet elders and the emperor have decided, it doesn't count if you submit a letter.

During the negotiations, the Prince of Han insisted on military power, but this was also the point that the court feared the most, so the negotiation process was more difficult.

In the end, both sides took a step back. The King of Han could still have a three-guard system when he arrived in the Western Regions. Each guard could have up to [-] people, but only one of the three guards could stay in the city, and the other two guards usually had to be sent to guard the border.

Theoretically, Lord Han has an organized army of 6 people, but in reality there are at most 2 people in the city, and there is no way to gather together in a short period of time, after all, the Western Regions are so vast.

Moreover, taking advantage of this opportunity to re-divide the Western Regions, the Western Regions will become three proclaimed chief ministers, each of whom will be managed by the third division. Jurisdiction.

Between the Western Regions and the Central Plains, if you want to come over, you have to go through Jiayuguan. If there is any change in the King of Han, it is impossible to enter in a short time. This is the imperial court’s plan, and there are many problems in the Western Regions. Most of the people are foreigners. Although the Silk Road is now Unobstructed, business is getting more and more busy, but after the past, Hanwang must also be entangled in many trivial matters, and has no time to take care of others.

The king of Han also asked not to use the title of king of the Western Regions, but to continue to use the title of king of Han, but the court refused to agree, and sometimes Zhu Zhanqian didn't understand why he couldn't fight for these titles.

In the end, King Han asked the court for money, but the court refused to give it, and finally agreed to give Lord Han 10 taels of silver, and the matter was sealed.

Zhu Gaoxu's matter was resolved peacefully, everyone was happy, and the generals under Zhu Gaoxu were also happy to see it. They didn't want to fight with the court, mainly because they couldn't fight it.

Early this morning, Zhu Zhanji came and brought his personal guards to the gate of Hangzhou Mansion.

Zhu Zhanqian and Zhu Gaoxu, who had received the news a long time ago, were already waiting at the gate of the city.

Zhu Gaoxu looked at Zhu Zhanji's team that was slowly approaching not far away, and said with some disdain: "The current crown prince's ostentation is grand, and his father lays down and frugal every day, but he is not as ostentatious as him."

Zhu Zhanqian said with some concern: "Second Uncle, don't trip up Eldest Brother, Eldest Brother has no eyesight."

"Don't worry, the second uncle is not stupid, we have already talked about it, there is no need to be unhappy, but if this kid is arrogant in front of me, I am not used to him." Zhu Gaoxu said nonchalantly.

"Second Uncle, you and I are both courtiers, so it's right to obey." Zhu Zhanqian reminded again.

Zhu Gaoxu waved his hand and said, "Look at the slow pace of his team. What did you say a few days ago that you were going to build a port in the Timurid Empire? Let's talk about it now."

"Second uncle, Nanyang is basically stable now. Although there are still some internal problems in the Nanyang countries, they basically don't affect us. Even if it is an internal coup, they are careful not to touch Da Ming's interests. Now they are tied to Da Ming. Yes, so I think it's time to go Western."

"Although Western countries also have trade relations with us, they are not close enough, and they have not explored them enough. Starting from Nanyang and crossing the Strait of Malacca, there are Bangladesh and Tianzhu, and further west is the Timurid Empire and others. A small country, followed by a vast continent, Tianzhu is what we call it, and they themselves are called Delhi Sultan, and they are currently divided, so I plan to bypass them directly and build a port to the Timurid Empire."

"It seems that you have a comprehensive grasp of the situation in the West over the years." Zhu Gaoxu praised.

Zhu Zhanqian smiled: "Tianzhu borders our dynasty, but because of the high mountains, it is difficult to get there by land, and you have to take a detour in the Western Regions, so it is very troublesome. As long as you can get through the sea, you can start a commercial road."

"You want Tianzhu?"

"Why not?"

The two looked at each other and smiled, and Zhu Gaoxu asked again: "Why don't you build the port directly to Tianzhu?"

"Tianzhu has a long history. They have their own hierarchy and long cultural traditions. They are completely different from our dynasty. Before that, we were able to make the surrounding small countries surrender so smoothly. In fact, they all belong to our cultural circle, including Dongpu. Tianzhu is It is completely foreign culture, and now that they are in a state of internal division, it may be difficult to achieve peaceful trade, so I plan to establish a port in the Timurid Empire, double-team front and back, and this time I plan to use the navy to suppress the border."

Zhu Gaoxu knew Zhu Zhanqian's way of doing things. He was not a person who advocated conquest, so he seldom used troops directly, and mostly used them as threats. But for Tianzhu, it was obvious that he was ready to fight from the beginning.

"When the second uncle arrived in the Western Regions, he began to contact the Timur Empire. According to you, the relationship between the Timur Empire and Tianzhu is not good. They should be happy to do so."

"I think so too."

"The fifty-five cents?"

"Second Uncle, I've done a lot."

"Four six, four six."

The two looked at each other and smiled. Zhu Gaoxu was willing to cooperate with Zhu Zhanqian. After all, he has made money with Zhu Zhanqian so far. Sometimes people are superstitious. If they succeed once, they think they will succeed the second time.

Zhu Zhanqian’s goal is not only Tianzhu. Tianzhu is in the sea between Central Asia and Ming Dynasty. If you go by sea, you must pass Tianzhu. With the sailing ability of steam ships, you have to stop at the shore for supplies after traveling a short distance. The coast of Tianzhu is a good supply. Point, gotta take it down.

Then take down Central Asia, the energy of Central Asia will also be a key strategic material in the future, and it will become history, and future generations will thank me.

While talking, Zhu Zhanji had already arrived at the base of the city, and with the posture of a winner, Zhu Zhanji rode a tall horse into the city.

Fortunately, he is not a domineering character, he got off his horse when he saw Zhu Gaoxu when he entered the city.

"Second Uncle, why don't you go back to the capital for this trip, and meet your aunt and cousin." Zhu Zhanji started a routine in front of Zhu Gaoxu. The relationship between the two has always been at odds, which is obviously a bit embarrassing for Zhu Zhanji It's just that the peace talks are completed, Zhu Zhanji has to make a gesture, and he has to tell Zhu Gaoxu that his family is fine.

Now thinking of Zhu Gaoxu's filthy words under Yingtian City, Zhu Zhanji still itch with hatred.

"Go back, but I won't bring my wife and children with me when I go to the Western Regions. There is a lot of wind and sand there, so let's keep them in the capital." Zhu Gaoxu had already guessed the court's thoughts, and the court must be on guard against him. At this time, the whole family It's obviously impossible to pass, why don't you find a step down first.

Zhu Zhanqian said leisurely from the side: "Second Uncle, there are so many beauties in the Western Regions, I'm afraid I wouldn't dare to take my aunt with me."

"You still understand Second Uncle." Zhu Gaoxu laughed out loud.

Zhu Gaoxu prepared a banquet for Zhu Zhanji, and Zhu Zhanji and Zhu Zhanji rode side by side on the streets of Hangzhou Mansion.

The eldest brother who hadn't seen him for a long time said with a smile: "Zhan Qian, you have made another great contribution."

"Where do you dare to claim credit? It was all prepared by the imperial court, and most of the discussions were made by people from Honglu Temple. I took this job because of my good relationship with my second uncle. Basically, what do I do?" None."

"It's good to be humble, but you don't have to be humble in everything. You are the first to do this. Father will definitely reward you well. By the way, Ruowei told me about Qi Zhen." Zhu Zhanji said with a smile on his face. The smile is even worse.

"Brother, are you talking about educating Qi Zhen in the future?"

"Yes." Zhu Zhanji is very satisfied with Zhu Zhanji's straightforwardness, which proves that Zhu Zhanqi attaches great importance to his eldest son.

"Qi Zhen's eyebrows and eyes are very similar to that of the elder brother. Since the elder brother intends to let him learn new knowledge, naturally I, the younger brother, cannot postpone it. Don't worry, the elder brother."

Zhu Zhanji warned again: "The earth is round, and there is no need to tell him about the knowledge that people are transformed from monkeys."

"Brother, the earth is really round." Zhu Zhanqian firmly emphasized that the theory of evolution is controversial, but there is no dispute that the earth is round.

"Whenever Zheng He comes back, you will be right."

Zhu Zhanqian became distressed. Zheng He had not returned for a long time. If he never came back, he planned to send a second team.

"Let's go back to the capital together, we haven't had a good get together for a long time."

"Well, big brother."

A few days later, the imperial decree regarding Zhu Gaoxu's appointment as the king of the Western Regions was announced to the world. The Ming court resolved the Hanwang Rebellion without bloodshed, and even sent the Hanwang to the Western Regions for development.


At the train station in Shuntianfu, Zhu Zhanqian and Zhu Zhanji got off the Zhujiang Junwang special train together. Zhu Zhanji looked back at the majestic special train and said, the young prince said with envy: " Zhan Qian agreed, if you send me a special train, it must not count.”

"Brother, how can you pluck your younger brother's wool like this, you still have to give some." Zhu Zhanqian pretended to be stingy.

"Haha...haha." Zhu Zhanji looked up to the sky and went out laughing, a series of laughter was paid.

The train station, the third brother and the third sister-in-law, Sun Ruowei, and Chen Xinyue were all waiting. Sun Ruowei held Zhu Qizhen in his arms and handed it to Zhu Zhanji immediately. Zhu Zhanji obviously loved his eldest son very much, so he teased him when he took it Laugh, it's a pity that this child is really pulled, and pulled again.

Chen Xinyue walked to Zhu Zhanqian's side and said with a slight smile, "Your Highness, you have worked hard."

The two looked at each other and smiled, and Chen Xinyue's smile was always heart-warming.

Zhu Zhanyong said to the two brothers: "Big brother, fifth brother, father is already waiting for us in the palace, and second brother is back."

Zhu Zhanyu is back?This surprised Zhu Zhanqian.

"Third brother, why did second brother come back?"

Zhu Zhanyong lowered his voice and said: "It is not only the second brother who came back, but also Uncle Su, who is the king of the Western Regions. The emperor told them some things."

Zhu Zhanqian nodded, this is normal, after all, both of them have military power.

"This should be Uncle Su's first visit to Beijing." Zhu Zhanqian asked, he has been away, and he didn't know whether King Su had entered the capital before.


Zhu Zhanqian turned around and said to Chen Xinyue: "Xinyue sent Xiaosheng to contact and make an appointment with Uncle Su. I want to meet Uncle Su."

"Yes, Your Highness."

The three brothers walked towards the palace first, at the gate of the palace, just about to go in, they saw Zhu Zhanxi and Su Wang Zhu Shanyan coming out.

"Second Brother, Uncle Su Wang." Zhu Zhanqian greeted him.

When King Su saw these three, he saluted immediately, maintaining humility and courtesy. Zhu Zhanyu didn't deal with it very much when he was in charge of the country with Zhu Zhanyi before, but the relationship between them became much better after the expedition to the Western Regions.

"Brother, Zhan Yan, just solved the second uncle's matter a few days ago, it's amazing."

He didn't address him as the prince, which made Zhu Zhanji a little uncomfortable. His two younger brothers can not be called, but Zhu Zhanxi is not his brother of the same father and mother. In fact, he still cares about these things.

Zhu Zhanqian said to the two of them: "Second Brother, Uncle Su Wang, I'll be the host later in the evening, so we can get together, how about it?"

Zhu Zhanyi rejected Zhu Zhanyi and said: "Fifth brother, I will set off to go back later, I am afraid it will be too late."

"Ah? Why are you in such a hurry?"

"Father is ordered to return quickly. I'm afraid we won't be able to get together this time. Let's wait for the next time. Li Shang's son and I are planning to return to the capital. You, as an uncle, need to take care of you when the time comes." Zhu Zhanxi's hostility has decreased a lot in the past two years, but his nature is hard to change, he just knows how to hide it.

"I also plan to let Xinyue and Xiaozhu live in the capital permanently, and let them take care of them more."

Zhu Zhanyi only told Zhu Zhanyi, because he knew it was useless to talk to Zhu Zhanji, and so did Zhu Zhanyong.

King Su also bowed to say goodbye, and Zhu Zhanqian said, "Uncle King Su, don't forget to come to my house to get together tonight."

"it is good."

After a brief encounter, the three brothers entered the palace.

Zhu Zhanji wears an orange-yellow flying fish robe, while Zhu Zhanyong and Zhu Zhanqian both wear red flying fish robes, but Zhu Zhanyong's is bright red, while Zhu Zhanqian's is dark red.

The three brothers lined up side by side, and the surrounding court ladies and eunuchs couldn't help but stare sideways. The three emperors and grandsons of the Ming Dynasty are really outstanding talents.

Needless to say, Zhu Zhanyong and Zhu Zhanji, although Zhu Zhanyong looks fat, but because Zhu Gaochi is fat and has inconvenient legs, in the past two years, in order to prevent Zhu Zhanyong from being like himself, he has specially supervised his exercise. He has become much stronger, but it seems that he is the most blessed and the strongest among the three.

The princes of the younger generation of a dynasty are so outstanding, how can people not imagine how strong this dynasty will be in the future.

The warm spring breeze blew across the Forbidden City, and the ice that had been frozen in the winter turned into spring water, flowing down the tiles and dripping on the ground.

Under the spring breeze, this austere palace also has a gentle feeling, it is vast and bright, refreshing.

Walk across the ground paved with gold bricks, the white marble bridge, and cross the threshold of the Son of Heaven.

"My son, Zhu Zhanji."

"My son, Zhu Zhanyong."

"My son, Zhu Zhanqian."

"Kowtow to the emperor, long live my emperor, long live, long live!"

Looking up, on the high hall, the third emperor of the Ming Dynasty, Hongxi the Great, was holding a dragon chair, and a dragon robe was added to his body. The brocade was woven with bright yellow silk, embroidered with dragon, Zhai and twelve chapter patterns, and the golden dragon rode the fog and soared through the clouds. , All blessings come to court!

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