On the shore of Kunming Lake in Shuntian Prefecture, pavilions and pavilions have sprung up. Each of the six main teaching buildings is six stories high. The architectural form is also different from the original one. The cement and steel structure of the house is more robust. , but it has to be said that the aesthetics of the architectural style of Daming is still a bit worse.

But for the sake of practicality, Zhu Zhanqian still ordered the main teaching building and dormitory building to be built in this way. This way the construction is simpler and faster, and it is not beautiful enough and can only be made up with other buildings.

Among them is a conference building built according to the prototype of Fujian Tulou, which is also challenging the skills of these craftsmen.

This is the first time that Zhu Zhanqian came here, and he ordered the artisans of Guangzhou Mansion to build the land. With the experience of building Nanhai University, these artisans are quite handy.

Beside Zhu Zhanqian are Yu Qian and Xia Yuanji.

Although Zhu Gaochi refused to pay, Zhu Zhanqian still tried his best to pull Xia Yuanji out, and he would pull it out first.

As for Yu Qian, Zhu Zhanqian wanted to let him see how his Yenching University was doing, and even invited him to be a tutor in the university. How could such an upright and good teacher be let go.

Zhu Zhanqian led them to the school, and said, "How about you two, my university is not bad."

Xia Yuanji looked around and said: "Your Highness, your Yanjing University, look at the scale, I am afraid it is much larger than the area occupied by the Imperial College."

"In terms of area, it is larger. At the beginning, the emperor gave a large piece of land, and then I saw that the surrounding areas were not too crowded, so I bought them all and built Yanjing University together. It's for Ming's educational cause, and I don't hesitate to spend my own money." Zhu Zhanqian said as if he was extremely wronged.

"Your Highness, I am afraid that no one can account for your huge wealth. If you cry poorly with my minister, I will really be unable to answer the conversation." Xia Yuanji ignored Zhu Zhan's crying voice. This His Highness's money, Xia Yuanji even felt that it could be compared to the national treasury.

"Xia Shangshu, my father taught me to be frugal since I was a child. I'm not rich. It's just that one piece of money is divided into two pieces, and I can save a little bit."

Xia Yuanji changed the subject with a smile on his face, "Your Highness, why did you make the building look like that?" He was pointing at the main teaching buildings.

Without any nonsense, Zhu Zhan led him into the teaching building that had just been built and had not yet moved in the tables and chairs, and then knocked on the wall.

"Sturdy and quick to build, that's the main reason. Scholars say they study hard in cold windows, but my school doesn't let them work hard in cold windows." Zhu Zhanqian then turned on the switch, and the lights in the classroom turned on.

During the day, I still don’t understand, but now Xia Yuanji knows about the electric light. Zhu Zhanqian invented it a few years ago, but it has not been popularized because of the trouble of generating electricity. The telephone is widely used in the palace. A lot of strength.

"Your Highness, have you electrified this place?"

"Yes, right next to Yenching University, I also built a power plant. The main function is to supply electricity to Yenching University. Now I have connected the teaching buildings in the university and the dormitory buildings where the students live. Electricity, just a light touch, can also be bright at night, not only that, the school is also equipped with a bath, open every day, as long as you are a student of Yenching University, you can take a bath every day."

In ancient times, it was not easy to take a hot bath, especially for ordinary people, it was even more difficult to take a hot bath in winter, and it was not necessarily once in ten and a half months.

Not only the bathhouse, Zhu Zhanqian even wanted to make floor heating, but the architect shook his head after hearing it. Now he can't handle it, but he tried it, and he used the method of laying earth kang in a small conference hall. After installing floor heating, we could only get it to the first floor close to the ground, so Zhu Zhanqian waved his hand and wanted to set up the largest conference room as well.

This is difficult for this group of people. In theory, it is possible. There are many technical problems and the space is too big. I am trying to find a way while doing it, but I have no complaints. Who asked Zhu Zhanqian to give me more money.

Zhu Zhanqian introduced the gardens and buildings of Yenching University to the two of them, and Zhu Zhanqian wanted to divide Yenching University into multiple departments, which Xia Yuanji and others did not understand before.

Department of Literature and Government Affairs, Department of Economics and Management, Department of Science, Department of Teacher Education.

This is what Zhu Zhanqian decided for Yenching University to be a basic department. Because it is a newly opened school, it dare not open too many categories, and the teachers can't keep up, so it is a basic category first.

Literature and government affairs, ancient dynasties all attached great importance to literature, which is the basis of everything. The reason why government affairs and literature are put together is that the two are inseparable in ancient times. key projects.

Economic management is the strength of Nanhai University. The science department is naturally unable to separate out physical chemistry. It can only be taught in one go. The teacher department is to feed back the university and its educational institutions as soon as possible. The number of students is increasing rapidly, so the graduation time of the teacher department is even one year shorter than that of other disciplines.

First mention the quantity and then evaluate the quality.

"Separate into different categories, and separate ways of learning, Your Highness, I am afraid that the students who learn in this way will not be as good as others." Xia Yuanji raised his concerns.

Zhu Zhanqian understood that he was worried that if the students of Yenching University wanted to become officials, they would be far inferior to the Jinshi who came out of the imperial examination in terms of academic ability.

"Xia Shangshu, how many officials were there in the Ming Dynasty? It's not good for everyone to be an official. Isn't it beautiful to write poems and lyrics in the Department of Literature? Isn't it good to go to business and go to the bank in the Department of Economics? It is my job to teach and educate people in the normal department, and everyone has a bright future.”

"Studying is not enough to be an official, Your Highness, I don't understand." Xia Yuanji said bluntly.

"Xia Shangshu, in the huge Ming Dynasty, someone must be an official, and someone must go into business, someone must go to the factory, and someone must go to the field. The literary talents are brilliant, and the articles are amazing, but the rice in the field will not grow a little bit because of it. What everyone has done Different, different learning, as long as it is beneficial to the prosperity of Ming Dynasty, it is good."

Xia Yuanji is not a pedantic utopian as the Minister of the Household Department. On the contrary, he very much agrees with Zhu Zhanqian's pragmatic words.

"Your Highness always has great opinions that are different from others, and I admire you."

"Xia Shangshu, take you to a place that will definitely interest you."

Zhu Zhanqian took Xia Yuanji to the most central location of Yenching University, surrounded by a lake, with four roads connecting the southeast and northwest, and in the center of the lake was a huge building, a huge building like Fengtian Temple.

Zhu Zhanqian led him on the road in the lake. The lake was very shallow, and he was dressed in an extremely elegant manner. The koi fish were swimming slowly and naturally, which made people feel a lot more relaxed.

Yenching University Library.

This building is the library of Yenching University that Zhu Zhanqian built with great painstaking efforts.

Walking into the empty library, looking around, there is nothing. The decoration of the empty and huge building is now complete, but the tables, chairs and books have not been moved in yet.

"What is the meaning of Your Highness's library?"

"It is a place to collect, organize, and store books and materials for people to read and refer to. I have ordered someone to put a reissue of the Yongle Canon here. As long as you are a student of Yenching University, you can come here to read books in the future, even Some are available for loan, and the collection continues to grow.”

"Yongle Grand Ceremony?!" Xia Yuanji exclaimed, this is a national treasure.

"That's right, it took me a lot of effort to get Grandpa Huang to agree to republish the Yongle Canon."

This was printed by Zhu Zhanqin when Zhu Di was alive. Zhu Zhanqin vividly described to Zhu Di that the Yongle Grand Canon is a treasure handed down from generation to generation. What if future generations damage it due to improper storage?It is necessary to reissue several copies and store them separately to ensure that after thousands of years, future generations will still be able to see the Yongle Grand Ceremony.

Zhu Di agreed and asked him to resume publication.

The scale of Yongle Encyclopedia is so huge that it is dizzying to gradually republish, but in terms of editing and editing, republishing is pediatrics, and it can be achieved by spending time and money.

Zhu Zhanqian’s idea is that Yenching University, Nanhai University, and Yingtian University should each give him a copy. It hasn’t been printed yet, but a part of it has been printed and can be put in first. When the semester starts, Yenching University’s library Make sure it's packed full.

And these things Zhu Zhanqian will allow students of Yenching University to read freely, which makes Xia Yuanji a little unbelievable.

Because Zhu Zhanqian reduced the cost of acquiring knowledge too low.

As the highest institution of learning and educational management institution in the Ming Dynasty, Guozijian has a strict hierarchy. It is not easy to enter the Guozijian. The old scholars and old doctors in the Guozijian do not teach casually. If you want to listen to their courses, you must have sufficient qualifications. If you are an ordinary person, people will not even look at you.

Therefore, the cost of learning knowledge is very high, and to a certain extent, it may not be possible to buy it with money.

The same is true for books, some books are not something you can read as you want, like the Yongle Encyclopedia, which collects the culmination of literature and organizes the world's books into categories. It took a lot of wealth and time, although many of them have single copies. There are many books, but they are not in volume, where can common people see these books.

However, Zhu Zhanqian filled it into the library, allowing students to read books at will, as if building tall buildings for the students all over the world, and having the demeanor of feasting guests.

Xia Yuanji looked at the facilities and houses of Yenching University. Even in the severe winter, Zhu Zhanqian prepared heaters for all the dormitory buildings. Students can still study in the school, and the library can accommodate thousands of people. Even the Guozijian can't match such conditions.

Moreover, the old scholars of the Imperial College think that scholars should endure hardships. What they admire is the learning spirit of chiseling the walls and stealing the light, so you can even say that it is a little bit deliberate to make the students' life more difficult. It is doubtful that the facilities and conditions of Yenching University will spread word of mouth among these students, and there will definitely be no fewer applicants.

Yenching University's incident will inevitably cause an uproar. Even if you don't get E, you must at least have D.

This is a predictable thing. Xia Yuanji looked at Zhu Zhanqian who was analyzing with several craftsmen in the library what needs to be improved and what needs to be added. He couldn't help admiring him.

This Daming prince who can point out the country in the court and scold Fang Qiu on the battlefield can also chat and laugh happily with the craftsmen on the construction site. Xia Yuanji has a feeling that the young prince in front of him seems to really have no family prejudice, not just pretending The kind, but in his speech and demeanor, he has never been seen to have any prejudice against the people at the bottom.

There are many people in the court, talking about people's livelihood, and flaunting that they are parents' officials, but how many people have looked at those hard-working people, and asked themselves, Xia Yuanji himself felt that the officials were higher than the people from the bottom of his heart.

They are a privileged class, they are aristocrats, how can they feel that they are at the same level as migrant workers from the bottom of their hearts.

But Zhu Zhanqian is different. Compared with his parents and officials in the court, Master Qingtian, he said less and did more, one after another, but all of them were for the well-being of the people. numb.

Suddenly he thought of how many people would flock to his command if this Daming Prince raises his arms one day.

This scared Xia Yuanji. As a courtier, he was thinking about these things every day, so everything would be considered from these perspectives.

"Xia Shangshu, Xia Shangshu." Yu Qian looked at Xia Yuanji in a daze, and shouted twice.

"Ah?" Xia Yuanji realized that he was absent-minded, and asked, "What's the matter with Mr. Yu?"

Yu Qian saw that Zhu Zhan was busy, and only the two of them reminded: "Xia Shangshu, you are His Majesty's important minister, Yu Qian hereby boldly remind you, please keep yourself clean."

Faced with Qian's sudden reminder, Xia Yuanji had a questioning expression on his face: "Why did Yu Lang make such a statement?"

Yu Qian looked around, but there was no one there, so he quietly told the story of Lord Han that he had been to the brothel before. If you want to say that the young Yu Qian was really stunned, can this kind of thing be said in front of people?People won't let you wear small shoes in the future?

Fortunately, Xia Yuanji is not the kind of person who holds grudges, instead he became embarrassed: "Yu Langzhong, Lord Han said it casually during the negotiation, why do you take it seriously, haha...hahaha."

Let's talk about cultural people, can it be counted as a female ticket?At most, it can only be called drinking tea for fun.

"Xia Shangshu, have you really never been there?" Yu Qian asked again.

When I asked Xia Yuanji that such a good-tempered person was about to get angry, if he didn't go back or not, he just left a sentence: "Yu Langzhong, you still have a lot to learn in dealing with people."

Zhu Zhanqian came over at this time: "I just explained to the craftsmen that I am going to erect another bronze statue of the emperor's grandfather at the entrance of the library, so as to warn all the students to study hard."

"Your Highness, Your Majesty said that you are going to host the Hongxi Literature Award. The reason why you allowed me to come today is also because of this. Let's talk about business." Xia Yuanji brought the matter to the point.

Zhu Gaochi gave him instructions that the Hongxi Literature Award must be held, and Zhu Zhanqian must be fully supported within the tolerable range. This is a major event for an emperor, and there must be a way.

This acceptable range, Zhu Gaochi's limit is no money, no money for killing.

"For the Hongxi Literature Award, I have ordered people to invite two literary giants. I hope that the judging committee will have three to five highly respected people to sit on the committee. Xia Shangshu, why don't you come?"

"Me? I don't count. Your Highness hopes to have a court official come."

"Yes, those who don't have an imperial court are worse after all."

"I recommend Yang Rong, and Shen Du, a Hanlin scholar."

Yang Rong is good at poetry and prose, and also loves poetry. Shen Du, a scholar of the Imperial Academy, entered the Imperial Academy with good calligraphy. The courtiers of the Ming Dynasty looked at the giraffe.

The two of them have poems and essays, and calligraphy and painting by one. It seems that Xia Yuanji and Zhu Gaochi had discussed it before coming here. Zhu Gaochi really attaches great importance to this matter.

Zhu Zhanqian immediately proposed: "Xia Shangshu, the scale of the Hongxi Literature Award is huge. I plan to accept the selection of poetry, literature, calligraphy and painting from all over the world, and the expenditure required is also huge..."

"No." Before Zhu Zhanqian could speak, Xia Yuanji said straightforwardly.

"Xia Shangshu..."

"The imperial court is marching north, and the treasury is empty."

"Xia Shangshu, how can the treasury be empty, it should be very full."

"Your Highness, the Northern Expedition cost a lot of money, and the imperial court has no extra money. If Your Highness is short of money, I will volunteer a part of my salary to support His Highness."

Zhu Zhanqian was speechless: "Forget it, Xia Shangshu can keep the tea for himself."

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