Steam Daming: Stop calling me to supervise the country

Chapter 304 Zhu Zhanji's Weighing the Pros and Cons

This is the result of Zhu Zhanqian's thinking for a few days. This Suyinshi Canal must be built. Without this canal, ships departing from Daming would have to go around the entire African continent to reach the European countries, and the Cape of Good Hope is not like that. Its name is so calm.

The voyage is too long and the risk factor is too high, which will inevitably lead to the baptism of the sea before the warship of Ming Dynasty arrives, and the follow-up supply and support will be difficult to continue.

So Zhu Zhanqian felt that this canal had to be dug. From here, it could go directly to the Mediterranean Sea, land from southern Europe, or cross the Mediterranean Sea directly.

And it has to start now.

Judging from the current situation, the imperial court will definitely focus on Zhu Zhanji's Northern Expedition. In order to avoid the emptiness of national power, Zhu Zhanqian will not be allowed to bring a large army to the expedition, and he can only use part of his troops.

Because of the gap in the combat effectiveness of weapons, Zhu Zhanqian is sure to use this part of his troops to fight, but this has to be done when the supplies can fully keep up.

The steam mothership is currently unable to carry out such a long-distance voyage, so for the time being, it can only rely on the steam warship to send some people there, and these people's eating and drinking are also problems.

Zhu Zhanqian is going to do two things at the moment. One is to send a fleet to France and Hou Xian according to the previous route. If he is still alive, he will first pick up our soldiers who are living outside. Send someone to dig a canal.

The Suyinshi Canal is located at the junction of the Asian and African continents, and now it is the commanding office of the Ottoman Empire. Of course, the current Ottoman Empire is not the Ottoman Empire in its heyday, and they can't beat the Timur Empire now.

As long as some "communication" has passed, it is inevitable.

Moreover, the distance to the canal is actually far away. Now the scope of Ming's maritime deterrence is mainly as far as Malacca, and the deployment to the west is limited. After all, the maritime trade capacity there is not strong enough.

Because of the fuel supply problem of the steam warship, Zhu Zhanqian must ensure that his own port will be supplied along the way, so he has to plan a little bit.

The maintenance and operation of these ports must have the help of these commercial firms, and someone must maintain the normal operation of the ports, commodity trade, and fuel supply.

If there is no accident, Zhu Zhanqin's words of gold everywhere will usher in the era of great voyages and the stage of great geographical discovery. These people have accumulated a certain amount of assets, and greed will drive them forward.

Zhu Zhanqian pointed at the map and said: "Now the farthest Ming's naval garrison is Temasek (Singapore), and Temasek is completely under the management of our country. Next, I will strengthen the garrison and start expanding the South China Sea Fleet. Now the Daming South China Sea The fleet has the first, second and third fleets, and I plan to expand to at least six fleets, and the number of infantry will also expand."

Everyone kept silent, because these major military and political matters were within the purview of the court, and they had no right to speak, because they had no right to discuss, but they didn't know whether Zhu Zhanqian's statement was approved by the court or was entirely his own idea.

Such a large-scale military expansion, without the permission of the imperial court, would be a crime of treason.

What Zhu Zhanqian told them was to let them know that they had the Ming Navy behind them enough to protect them, not to discuss or ask for opinions with them.


"Three places, I have already planned the route, Kochi Port (now Cochin Port, India), the Timurid Empire's Horumos Port, and Su Yinshi, who is about to dig a canal, three nodes are enough for us The navy is going to Su Yinshi, along the way, you can see where there are good deep-water ports, which can be developed by yourself, and those who need the assistance of the fleet can support them at any time, and the troops left behind in the major ports can send troops after consideration."

Zhu Zhanqian's words startled everyone. This is the Ming Navy as the backing to help them expand their territory. But how will the land be allocated and how will the population be allocated in this case?The soldiers of the imperial court are not so easy to mobilize, are they?What is the price?

There was a lot of discussion below, and everyone whispered to each other, but this also showed that they had intentions and were willing to do it.

Because of the current commercial capital, what is needed?People and land are needed.

Only a population can consume power, and cheap labor and land can reduce production costs. They naturally understand the benefits that exist.

After letting them discuss for a while, Zhu Zhanqian knocked on the table again and said: "The land you bought or occupied will become the land of Ming Dynasty, but you have the right to control the territory. Let's put it this way, on these lands, you It's like being a county magistrate."

There was an uproar in the audience!

What is the most expensive thing in this era?Nobility, something that money can't buy, Zhu Zhanqian's words have already shocked everyone.

"Your Highness, did His Majesty approve of this?"

"Not yet."

Zhu Zhanqian didn't lie to them, because it was impossible for Zhu Gaochi to pass the matter, and it was impossible for any Ming emperor to pass.

"Although there is no decree, this king hereby promises to protect your rights and interests in the territory."

Everyone couldn't help but feel a little disappointed. They thought that it was impossible to become a county magistrate who was rewarded by the Ming Dynasty, but Zhu Zhanqian's words were credible. He himself has always been a credible person. Even if there is no order, at least his class can After crossing a long distance, it is uncertain what will happen in the future. Since I have been mixed with Zhu Zhanqian, I have to keep going.

Almost everyone is willing to follow Zhu Zhanqian, and when the intention is reached, they will wait for Zhu Zhanqian's intention to set off.


At the same time, there was chaos in Daming's palace.

Because of Zheng He's affairs, but also because of Zhu Zhanqian's affairs.

The cabinet ministers are now full of sadness.

"Your Majesty, His Royal Highness Hai Wang was in Guangzhou Mansion, and he told those people from the big business houses that all the land purchased or occupied will become the land of Ming Dynasty and they are the Dukes of the same county."

"Your Majesty can't go on like this. His Highness Neptune is so good at making claims, and he wants to expand the South China Sea Fleet. The size of the South China Sea Fleet itself is twice the size of the East China Sea Fleet. According to His Highness Neptune, the expansion will be at least doubled. If this continues, it will be possible." Absolutely not, Your Majesty."

"Your Majesty, we are preparing our troops for the Northern Expedition. Now that the situation in the south is the same, Your Majesty, please think more about it!"

"Your Majesty, why don't you treat the Duke of Han like you are now, and establish a kingdom. Even if the King of the Sea wants to go to war, let him go by himself. You can't waste the national power of Daming."

Everyone felt that this was a good opportunity to help Zhu Zhanji solve future hidden dangers now, and let Zhu Zhanji spend money on expeditions and consume his strength in the kingdom.


Although the Guangdong vassals are rich, they all think that it is not enough to support such a huge consumption.

No one seemed to have thought about what would happen if Zhu Zhanqian won?

Zhu Gaochi also had a headache, because of Zheng He's matter, he also thought that Zhu Zhanqian had lost his mind, and what he was doing now was a little too much, completely without consideration.

Moreover, he personally does not approve of the expedition to Europa.

He also wants to avenge Zheng He, but the pros and cons are too obvious, and it is impossible to go according to his character.

If Zhu Di was there at this time, there is no doubt that the officials would oppose it, but Zhu Di would definitely fight there, and if conditions permit, he would personally lead the troops there.

No one in the entire cabinet agreed with Zhu Zhanqian's expedition.

"No, father, Zhanqian must be sent to fight." Unexpectedly, it was Zhu Zhanji who stood up and became the only one who supported Zhu Zhanqin.

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Everyone looked at Zhu Zhanji in astonishment. The cabinet, including the six important ministers, opposed it. The big reason was to avoid future disputes between the prince and Neptune, and to take this opportunity to suppress Neptune and pave the way for the prince.

But I didn't expect the prince himself to stand up and support Zhu Zhanqian.


I thought that the prince didn't understand the meaning of people like himself, but then I thought about it, how could the prince be so smart, how could he not understand what he meant, but he didn't know why he did it.

"Zhanji, what's your opinion?" Zhu Gaochi asked.

"Father, Francie and Yinggelan insulted my Ming Dynasty and my envoys. This matter must not stop here. I support Zhanqian's expedition. Anyone who offends my Ming Dynasty will be punished even if he is far away." Zhu Zhanji said extremely firmly .

"Your Highness, if you say that anyone who offends our Ming Dynasty will be punished even if it is far away, it may cost the treasury of the Ming Dynasty for many years."

Zhu Zhanji said righteously: "The emperor's grandfather went to the north and west. During the war, the cabinet ministers also talked about wasting the national treasury, but was it wasting? On the contrary, because of the war, a large wave of jobs and industries flourished."

"Times have changed, everyone." Zhu Zhanji stared at the courtiers with gray beards like falcons.

"In the current era, as long as the war is not happening at home, but abroad, perhaps participating in the war is beneficial to us and harmless."

Zhu Zhanji's point of view stunned everyone, and Zhu Zhanji's words seemed a little too belligerent, but after careful consideration, there seemed to be nothing wrong.

Daming has become more and more prosperous in recent years. Not only did it show the evil spirit of being invaded by foreigners, but it also developed better and better. The self-confidence of the people of Ming Dynasty is also getting higher and higher.

But in fact, these are just rhetoric. The most important thing is that Zhu Zhanqian has already had a showdown with Zhu Zhanji.

As long as Zhu Zhanji supports Zhu Zhanji's western expedition, Zhu Zhanji unconditionally supports Zhu Zhanji's ascension to the throne.

Such verbal remarks are not the most important thing, the most important thing is Zhu Zhanqian's attitude.

Zhu Zhanqian will definitely march west. If he also stops him, then it is very likely that the two brothers will have to fight. Whoever stops him will be his enemy.


Moreover, the courtiers were thinking of dealing with Zhu Zhanqian in the same way as the King of Han, but they never thought that the current Zhu Zhanqian is much more terrifying than the King of Han.

During the rebellion of the King of Han, Zhu Zhanqian could help check and balance, but once Zhu Zhanqian rebelled, who would be able to check and balance?King of Han?He wished that Zhu Zhan would turn against him.

And if Zhu Zhanqian is allowed to establish a country within a country, build a new kingdom, and let him go west with the power of the kingdom, all the courtiers think he must not be able to do it, but have you ever thought about what will happen if he wins? It is a super empire with a territory larger than that of the entire Ming Dynasty. At that time, who will be the suzerain and who will be the tribute.

Who is Daming.

Will he win?

Zhu Zhanji thought about this question many times. He felt that his younger brother had always been a miracle worker, and he felt that Zhu Zhanji had no intention of robbing the throne, otherwise he would not have talked about it with him.

But is he sincere?Will he treat himself like he treated Zhu Yunqi in Dongying? His thoughts are so deep that Zhu Zhanji is a little scared.

He finally understood the reason why others should not be allowed to snore beside the couch.

But after weighing the pros and cons, Zhu Zhanji made this seemingly unexpected but reasonable decision.

Then the entire cabinet fell into a fierce quarrel, and Zhu Gaochi's head was about to explode.

The quarrel continued the next day, but the eunuch sent an urgent letter from Guangzhou.

Zhu Gaochi opened the letter, read it himself first, and then handed it to everyone below.

In the letter, Zhu Zhanqian elaborated on the idea and specific implementation process of establishing an outpost port in the West and digging a canal in Su Yinshi, and said that the capital and operating expenses for the expansion of the army do not need to be paid by the imperial court for the time being, and the Guangdong vassal will do it on its own. bear.

That is to say, the imperial court has not yet discussed whether to send troops, Zhu Zhanqian has already arranged the steps, and he has the meaning of arbitrarily advocating.

Doesn't Zhu Zhanqian know that it's not good to do this?Of course he knows, but he also knows that the cabinet will definitely procrastinate, keep procrastinating, until they agree on when to go, his behavior will anger them, but he is also firmly expressing his attitude, I must fight .

The court is already in chaos, but Zhu Zhanji is still firmly on Zhu Zhanqi's side.

"My son has already discussed with the fifth brother. Now the Western Expedition is only making preliminary preparations. After the son returns from the Northern Expedition, the Western Expedition will start to avoid two-sided battles. My son will go out every day. No matter what, my opinion is only one word , fight!" Zhu Zhanji's words were loud and loud, expressing his position and leaving the court alone, no longer participating in any discussions.

Both sons are like this, which makes Zhu Gaochi very embarrassed.

He was originally a successful king, and he didn't expect to be an emperor through the ages like Zhu Di, but the two sons are still the best. The two sons are going to fight, can they not have a headache?

Under the bearing of the rolling wheel of history, he, the emperor, was also forced to become a person who expanded the territory.

Zhu Zhanji's firm attitude before leaving still had a certain influence on the cabinet ministers, at least the noise was not as strong as before.

Xia Yuanji looked at Zhu Gaochi, who looked distressed, and sighed. Zhu Gaochi was far less courageous than Zhu Di back then. If Zhu Di, these matters would definitely not be decided by others, but each has its own advantages. Zhu Gaochi's personality also gave the following talented people Greater space to play.

"Your Majesty, although the King of the Sea said that he would not use the court's funds, if he really wanted to build a canal so far away as His Highness said, how much would it cost and how many people would it take?"

Yang Shiqi questioned Zhu Zhanqian's plan.

"Zhan Qi said that he doesn't need the people of Ming Dynasty. He will find a way to let the people from Dongying and Nanyang dig."

Everyone was stunned, Zhu Zhanqian said so, but can it really be done so easily?

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