Chapter 311 The Fang of the Bay
Sehalim III fought in countless places, and he had a great reputation. When his envoy said these threatening words in the Ming army, it caused ruthless ridicule from all the soldiers of the Ming Dynasty.

Although he didn't understand the language, he could still sense that it was a mockery, a brazen mockery.

This made the envoy feel extremely humiliated and extremely angry. Their great Sehalim III is admired everywhere, and this group of people from the Eastern Empire does not seem to know how terrible he is. The horror of an army known as the Fang of the Gulf.

Their famous battle was to fight from the coast of the Persian Gulf to Cairo within a month, and all these lands were assigned to the Ottoman Empire, and no grass grew anywhere they went.

Sekhalim III also relied on the team of the Fang of the Gulf to establish his great reputation, and now he has great momentum in the Ottoman Empire.

So when he was in front of the Ming army, he didn't take them seriously, thinking that the opponent was just an ordinary team, and the steel warship was just a bluff.

Zhu Zhanqian did not stop the Ming soldiers from laughing, and the wanton laughter made the envoy extremely angry.

"You rude Orientals, you will pay the price for your rudeness." The messenger said viciously.

At this time, Zhu Zhanqian spoke in the local language: "Go back and tell your king, I will take this place for us."

After Zhu Zhanqian came here, he finally found out that the golden finger that he has never forgotten has a use. His super memory helps him to quickly learn the local language. He never thought that after so many years, he would actually use it. up.

The envoy was amazed that Zhu Zhanqian could master the local language so quickly.

Slightly threatening, he said to Zhu Zhanyan: "Your Excellency, I understand the consequences of your actions. You will face the attack of our Gulf Fang. The Timurid Empire dare not easily confront His Highness Sehalim III." .”

"I can give you money to buy these places, but if you don't want to, no one can stop me, whether it is the tooth of the bay or the eye of the bay." Zhu Zhanqian expressed his firm position.

The envoy finally said: "Your Excellency, please find a way to retreat as soon as possible."

The envoy was arrogant, but Da Ming refused to give an inch. The meeting between the two sides was the fuse of a war.

The locals in Suez don't care who is the ruler. Their original country was destroyed by Sehalim III leading the Gulf of Fangs, and their men and sons were also destroyed together. For them, the Ottoman Empire is the invader, and this war of aggression has only passed two years.

So in fact, when Da Ming and Sehalim III fought against each other, they had no intention of helping either side.

When Sehalim III learned of the attitude of the Ming army, he was furious, and immediately drew his sword out of its sheath: "People of the Ottomans, soldiers of the Gulf, my brothers! The army of the Eastern Empire wants to occupy our land. In your eyes, I see the same anger that occupies my heart, follow me raise your arms, draw your weapons, mount your horses, fight with ottomans, fight for victory."

Sehalim III immediately led the cavalry from the camp ten miles away from Suez to the city of Suez.

The iron riding scimitar, this is the magic weapon for the teeth of the bay to win countless victories. Sehalim III launched a surprise attack to catch the Ming army by surprise.

The yellow sand rolled in and the iron hooves raised dust. The Ottoman cavalry waved their scimitars and shouted loudly. They imagined that they would rely on their scimitars to take off the enemy's head and win another victory.

When the Ottoman cavalry could see the city of Suez, a flame passed through the middle of their ranks, and the fire fell in the astonishment of everyone, accompanied by a huge explosion.


The iron hooves charged, the artillery met them, and the Ming army opened fire as soon as they saw the Ottoman cavalry in the smoke, and this was not a warning. After the first shell, countless shells followed.

However, the Ottoman army is still a well-trained army after all. It was not the first time that Sehalim III faced artillery. He immediately ordered the team to spread out and attack from multiple directions, trying to tear apart Ming's artillery line. Things, even with the current national power of the Ottoman Empire, it is expensive to manufacture, and the equipment of each team is limited.

The Eastern Empire came from afar. Could it be that they were richer than the Ottoman Empire? A fleet brought dozens of cannons across the ocean?

Sehalim III used his usual strategy to disperse the cavalry so that the opponent could not use artillery fire to cover it in one direction. As long as the artillery was dispersed, one or two artillery pieces alone would not be able to cause large-scale damage to the cavalry. The artillery is so bulky, it is very troublesome to change the direction temporarily, and the accuracy is not high.

Sehalim III made a rough calculation. Based on his own Gulf Cavalry, the total strength is 5000, equipped with 8000 artillery pieces. This time he brought out more than [-] people. He did not bring artillery because he had to hurry. , the opponent's number is slightly smaller than his own, and the number of artillery can not exceed the total number of his own team.

Because he clearly knows that although the artillery is powerful, it also consumes a lot of money, and the price of the artillery is high.

In his calculation, as long as the enemy's firepower is dispersed, his cavalry can get close. He is very confident in his cavalry, and his individual combat ability is extremely strong, and Ottoman's scimitar is extremely sharp.

Zhu Zhanqian watched the opponent's cavalry scattered, and understood that the opponent was very well-trained and could quickly follow the command's orders on the battlefield. You must know that battlefield command in this era largely relies on waving flags. Well-trained, it is impossible to be so neat and fast.

Sehalim III has to be said to be a very good general. His calculations on the spot are indeed correct under normal circumstances. The power of Ottoman's cavalry in individual combat and collective charge cannot be underestimated.

His only mistake was that he only counted the normal case.

Under normal circumstances, how could the people of the Eastern Empire travel across the ocean and bring dozens of artillery pieces?I'm sorry that the current situation is abnormal, the Ming army's artillery fire is the priority, and this trip brought two hundred artillery pieces.

Under normal circumstances, artillery ammunition is expensive, how can it be bombarded at will?I’m sorry, it’s just so rich, because it was expected that there would be a battle in Suez, so when in Kochi Port, Zhu Zhanqian waited until the supply ship was full of ammunition before coming, and Daming’s productivity is not at the same level as theirs, ammunition Although it is expensive, His Royal Highness Neptune is rich, as rich as he is rich.

Under normal circumstances, the artillery is heavy and it is difficult to quickly switch areas, but I am sorry, considering that the main fighting method of the Ming army may still be offensive, Zhu Zhanqian has [-] large artillery pieces, and the rest are small artillery pieces similar to mortars. Lord, well-trained soldiers can move positions quickly.

Under normal circumstances, the Ottoman cavalry's proud individual combat capability is invincible in the Mediterranean and Gulf regions. There are many innocent souls under their scimitars, but sorry, everyone in the Ming army is well-trained, and this time The soldiers brought out are basically equipped with individual firearms, even if they fight one by one, they will not be afraid at all.

Sehalim III confidently dispersed the cavalry team to attack Suez in a direction, because there were no city defense facilities, he expected that the cavalry team would be able to rush into it soon.

But in an instant, there were explosions everywhere, and the sound of artillery landing was heard from almost every direction on the battlefield, and many landmines were also planted on the ground.

There are also chug, bang, bang, bang, dangdang sounds that he has never heard before.

The battlefield was filled with dust and smoke for a while. It has to be said that the combat effectiveness of the Ottoman cavalry is really strong, and each of them is very rich in combat experience.

They kept rushing through the fire coverage area and rushed towards Ming's line, but the Ming army hidden in the trenches kept suppressing them with various firearms. The Ming army was killed by the horse.

"Report, Your Highness Sehalim, it's not good, the enemy's artillery from the west is fierce, and our side has suffered great losses."

"Report, Your Highness Sehalim, it's not good, the enemy's artillery from the west is fierce, and our side has suffered great losses."

Not long after the battle started, Sehalim III received battle reports from various places. For a while, Sehalim III, who was full of confidence, was filled with paste, and everyone was stunned. The proud Fang of the Gulf troops , The cavalry team fell half of the opponent's line without even rushing in. Let alone the infantry team behind, the cavalry team couldn't rush over, but could their flesh and blood rush over?

Sehalim III said in a daze, "How is it possible, how is it possible."

"Your Highness, please order the retreat first, otherwise our army may suffer heavy losses."

Sehalim III turned around and said immediately: "Withdraw, withdraw quickly, hurry up and get someone to withdraw."

However, the transmission of war information in ancient times was not smooth enough, and the cavalry charging at the front line could not see the swaying military flag behind in the smoke and dust.

When their entire army chose to retreat, the front line had already lost [-] cavalry, which was a huge blow to the Fang of the Bay team.

And unlike in Kezhi, Zhu Zhanqian ordered the army to pursue.

As the saying goes, the poor should not chase, fearing that the other party has an ambush, but considering that Sehalim III led the team over when he received the news, time flies so fast, so Zhu Zhanqian decided to let the army pursue, this is also a test of the Ming army not relying on it. It's time for battle.

It is training for the future.

The two battles that have been fought so far are positional warfare. The Ming army has set up its posture, dug trenches, buried mines, and set up guns. , if there is a good city defense, it is almost an iron barrel.

But in the future, if they want to go to the interior of Europe, there will inevitably be a situation that requires large-scale inland operations. Now it is just a good time to take this opportunity to train troops and let the Ming army pursue Sehalim III's troops, and strive to directly hit the to Cairo.

2000 infantry troops began to pursue.

Because there were no horses, the Ming army only had infantry units, but the cavalry of the Fang of the Gulf cavalry suffered casualties from the charge just now, even if they were intact, they were terrified.

The opponent's cavalry can run fast, but the infantry can't keep up. Both sides are soldiers, but because of the Ming army's firearms, the armor has become lighter and better manufactured over the years, which means The Ming army's equipment was lighter and faster.

And with one bang, it will decline again, and it will be exhausted three times. Now is the time when the momentum of the Ottoman Empire's army is sluggish, and it is time to pursue the victory.

The counselors around Zhu Zhanqian warned: "Your Highness, it's going to be night soon. If we chase at night, our army is not familiar with the terrain, so I'm afraid it will be disadvantageous."

But Zhu Zhanqian shook his head: "This time most of the army are generals who are students from Whampoa Military University. It is also time to test their combat capabilities."

To train them and adapt them to the battlefield, only soldiers who have fought a hundred battles can do so.

The front line is chasing, and Zhu Zhanqian is not idle here. The indiscriminate bombing of this station has used up a lot of supplies. Although it is still enough, we have to plan ahead. We must ensure the smooth flow of the route and let the supplies continue to come. .

The next morning, before Zhu Zhanqian got up, there was a military report.

"His Royal Highness Hai Wang, our army chased for twenty miles overnight yesterday, encountered a place in the mountains and forests, and fought."

"What's the result?" Zhu Zhanqian asked eagerly.

"The enemy army was defeated, and our army continued to pursue the victory, interspersed in the mountains and forests, relying on firearms, the opponent is now continuing to flee."

Zhu Zhanqian laughed: "Tactics are interspersed, it seems that the skills passed down from the ancestors will be passed down from the ancestors at this time."

"Give me the order, our army will continue to pursue, but do not rush forward, use firearms to gain an advantage, reduce hand-to-hand combat as much as possible, end the pursuit this evening, and return." Zhu Zhanqian issued an attack order, after much deliberation, he decided to come back early. He is also afraid that there will be problems if the army goes deep alone.

And Zhu Zhanqian issued another order: "Let the ship going back to Daming give my order, and the steam carrier will set sail, and strive to reach Suez as soon as possible."

"His Majesty's steam mothership consumes too much fuel. This trip is so far away, I am afraid it will be difficult."

"Then equip more fuel supply ships, calculate the voyage and the amount of wealth, start from Temasek, first go to Kochi Port and then to Suez." Zhu Zhanqian must let the steam mother ship come, because only the steam mother ship can Bring over large equipment, including tanks.

At this time, another guard came: "Your Highness, the statistics of material consumption and casualties have been completed yesterday."

Looking at the statistical data, Zhu Zhanqian frowned slightly. Now, Daming's style of play is indeed small in casualties, but consumes a lot of material.

The coverage of artillery and firearms is used to fight for fewer casualties. These things are all money. If the massive consumption of ammunition cannot be exchanged for victory in the main result of the war, the loss outweighs the gain.

The first important result is to own and maintain the Suez waterway, either to bring down the Ottoman Empire, or let them sign a contract sincerely for Zhu Zhanqian to develop the route here.

And to make them sincere, at least they have to be afraid of them. In the final analysis, they still have to fight, but they can't fight aimlessly, but choose key targets to attack.

Zhu Zhanqian took out a map and said: "When the troops in the early stage come back today, it will be tomorrow if it is early, or the day after tomorrow if it is late. The army in the city will follow me to Cairo City."

Another group of people continued to call.

(End of this chapter)

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