Chapter 316 Joan of Arc
In the end, the Ottoman Empire succumbed. After O'Hara went back, the Ottoman Empire agreed to compensate 100 million taels of silver, of course in the name of investing in the canal.

If you win a war, you can make money, and if you keep fighting and signing contracts, you can make money continuously.

It's a pity that Zhu Zhanqian has more important things to do now, and doesn't care about this little money.

Today Zhu Zhanqian was going to let go of the previous captives, and just in the early morning of this day, a huge steam mothership appeared in the bay.

The unconvinced Sehalim III discovered that Daming had even bigger steam warships. The steam mothership was like a mountain stretching across the sea. How did Daming build such a huge ship?

The friction with the Ottoman Empire should not change much in a short period of time, so Zhu Zhanqian sent someone to thank the Timurid Empire's own uncle, and then promised to send him 30 taels of silver, and then started We dealt with the matter about the canal digging.

The steam mothership brought almost [-] slaves at one time. Because they are slaves, they don't need to be given a good living environment.

Zhu Zhanqian led the inspection team to plan the route of the Suez Canal in the shortest possible time, and then contracted the route of the Suez Canal in sections to the slave owners in Kochi, as well as the follow-up death row teams from Dongying and Nanyang.

Slaves and condemned prisoners, one has no human rights, and the other is deprived of human rights. In order to allow them to dig the canal with all their heart, Zhu Zhanqian stood by the canal a few weeks later and walked into the canal channel where the big hole had been dug Shout out.

"All the diggers of the canal, once the canal is completed according to the time, you will all be free. The condemned prisoners will be exempted by grace, and you will be given a chance to start a new life. All the slaves, as long as the canal is opened, you will all be free."

Zhu Zhanqian gave them a way out, and also gave them a hope, so that they will do their best to avoid turmoil as much as possible.

At the same time, Zhu Zhanqian also gathered all the slave owners and the death row management team together.

These people can only be regarded as small leaders who usually have little chance to meet people at Zhu Zhanqian's level.

Zhu Zhanqian said to the people below: "The canal has already been dug, and the cost of the canal is calculated by one mile. Daming will pay you for every mile excavated. I don't want any turmoil to affect the progress of the canal's excavation. , I will blame all of you for any turmoil, can you understand?"

Zhu Zhanqian's words were half exposition and half threat. Everyone present knew Zhu Zhanqin's thunderous tactics, so they all nodded.

"Okay, more work pays more. Daming's fleet is in charge of transporting the laborers for the opening of the canal. Suez City will regularly distribute certain supplies according to the number of registered laborers. Zhuang Sheng is in charge of this matter. If you don't understand, you can ask Him." Zhu Zhanqian looked at Xiaosheng beside him.

Next, Xiaosheng will tell them the details, and he will be responsible for such trivial things as how much supplies a laborer has every day, because these are all expenses, and Zhu Zhanqian can only let Xiaosheng be responsible.

After all, the amount involved in this expenditure is extremely huge, there are many items that can be deducted, and Zhu Zhanqian has more things to do, so it is impossible to keep an eye on it, and only the most trusted person can handle the money.

The huge expenditure required for the project of the Suez Canal would be unbearable for the Ming Dynasty a few years ago. If Zhu Zhanqian didn't have the Ishijian Yinshan behind him, he might not have enough money.

Just these warships transporting laborers here, as well as the consumption of food and lodging for laborers during this period is an extremely huge amount of wealth.

Zhu Zhanqian traveled on both sides of the canal route on horseback. In order to speed up the progress, Zhu Zhanqian used segmented excavation. It is estimated that the canal workers used this time will definitely exceed 20. Slaves and death row prisoners will be the ones who dig the canal main force.

Black Snake Ji followed Zhu Zhanqin and asked, "Your Highness, is it really worth the expense?"

Zhu Zhanqian sighed slightly: "At this time, it is hard to decide whether it is worth it or not. In addition to avenging Zheng He and promoting the prestige of the Ming Dynasty, there is another thing that worries me very much."

"What is it?"

"Do you still remember the warship that Eunuch Hou Xian traded to Ying Gelan in order to exchange Zheng He?"

"Well, Your Highness is afraid..."

Zhu Zhanqian nodded: "Yinggelan must have started to study the technology of the Ming steam warship. According to the time when Zheng He set off from Yinggelan, it should be almost three years now. I am a little worried now."

Zhu Zhanqian was worried, but after this period of time, Zhu Zhanqian felt that even if Yingge developed the steam engine technology, it should be very imperfect. Otherwise, now that they are close to the European continent, Yinggelan should have agreed to rely on the steam engine. The Hundred Years War started, and according to the news he got through the Ottoman Empire, the battle between Britain and France is still going on, very stalemate.

Still can't take it lightly, Zhu Zhanqian's expenses for this trip are huge, if Yinggelan really has a steam engine, then when his warship sails past, what awaits him is a bloody battle.

The Ming army has never encountered an opponent who can truly compete with itself in the same dimension. If they do, they will not be as powerful as they are now.

That's why Zhu Zhanqian raced against the clock.

"I don't know what happened to the fleet that was sent to bypass the African continent before?" Zhu Zhanchen muttered to himself, as long as the early fleet reaches at least a guarantee.

Alia said distressedly, "His Royal Highness has received another message from the court."

"How about this time?"

"It's still urging His Highness to go back, and His Highness the Crown Prince has already won the battle and is now returning to the imperial court, and, and..."

"What else?"

"Your Majesty seems to be in poor health." Aliya said cautiously.

Hearing this, Zhu Zhanqian's complexion was gloomy. Alia didn't know what he was thinking, and vaguely seemed to see tears in the corner of Zhu Zhanqin's eyes, and murmured softly: "Father, the child is not filial."

"Continue to order to step up the digging of the canal, divided into three shifts, day and night." Zhu Zhanqian's face was still grim.

Alia suddenly remembered something and said: "By the way, Your Highness, there are also several Ming merchant ships that came with the fleet this time, bringing some goods. Are they allowed to trade with the Ottoman Empire?"

"Except for steam engines and technological products, the rest of Ming's commodities can be traded with the Ottoman Empire and through the Ottoman Empire and the Timurid Empire."

Since the dawn of the Great Navigation Era in Ming Dynasty, this sea has become a paradise for adventurers.

The world is round, and it will not fall at the end of the world. This makes adventurers and speculators with a heart go out to sea to seek opportunities. Relying on the productivity far superior to other countries, even if the Ming Dynasty is a merchant ship with some people and guns, it is enough to conquer some place behind.

There is no doubt that the merchants of Ming Dynasty are all vying for the territory in this world. Now that Zhu Zhanqian has more important things, he can only turn a blind eye and close one eye.

At this time, the subordinate came to report: "Your Highness, Princess Zara has arrived."

Zhu Zhanqian immediately returned to the city of Suez. On the streets of the city, he saw a girl who was looking around. Wearing a white dress, she was always so conspicuous in the crowd. She had a smile on her face, which was the joy of returning to her hometown soon. It is the joy of seeing her husband.

It has been half a year since I left this trip, and I miss it for a long time.

In order to contain Zhu Zhanqian, his family members were all in the capital. Zara was able to come out this time because Zhu Zhanqian wrote to the emperor to explain the situation.

Because Zhu Zhanqian has already established a foothold here, although it cost a lot of money, this is also an unprecedented pioneering work, and the emperor's face is also bright.

Zara embraced Zhu Zhanqian with joy, and the others consciously pretended not to see it. The people on their side were more enthusiastic, and Daming was more conservative, so it had been a long time since he had hugged his husband so warmly in front of others.

The two reunited after a long absence, and it's good to be familiar with the road, and the three of Alia confide in their hearts all night.

The next day, Zhu Zhanqian was going to take Alia to the Timur Empire.

As long as you pass through the Arabian Peninsula, you will be in the territory of the Timur Empire a little further east, and Zara's brother is already waiting in the city near the border.

They marched lightly all the way, and reached the border city of the Timur Empire at the fastest speed. This was just a small town, and they were greeted outside the city by their second uncle, Prince Benjie, who had met once before.

Prince Benjie's face was full of smiles. It had been a long time since Zara met last time, and tears were streaming down his face.

"It's such a big girl, it won't look good to cry again, let's go into the city, the banquet set by the elder brother in the city, welcome you." Prince Benjie

A group of people followed into the city and met the king of the Timur Empire.

Although King Tull and Prince Benjie are brothers, their appearances are very different. Benjie is a tall and muscular middle-aged man, while Prince Tull is much more bloated, and they don't look very similar.

Prince Tours is older, and it is estimated that he should be twenty years older than Zara.

Prince Tour warmly entertained Zhu Zhanqian and his party. Now the relationship between the two countries is very good. The Timurid Empire and the Ming Dynasty have handover, but most of the handover is between some small countries, so there is not much conflict, and Zhu Gaoxu will do it After becoming the king of the Western Regions, he vigorously developed the relationship with the Timurid Empire, which also further improved the relationship between the two countries.

After drinking and eating, King Tur dismissed the others, leaving behind Prince Benjie, Alia and Zara, his own group.

Zhu Zhanqian's trip was not only to bring Zara to visit relatives, but also to help him collect information about Ingoland and Francie about the Prince of Tours who had sent someone to send a letter to him.

"Uncle, is there any news about Francie?"

After all, the Timur Empire has been here for so long, and they know more about it.

Prince Tours took out a thick document: "This is news about France."

"Uncle, are there so many?"

"Their situation is a bit more complicated, let me tell you briefly."

Tour took a sip of tea first: "The current king of France is called Charles VI, and it is said that he is a lunatic."

Zhu Zhanqian sneered, as long as this madman didn't die, he was deeply afraid that according to history, Charles VI would die, and he wouldn't know who to seek revenge at that time.

"Ingoland and France are feuds. Ingoland is an island country, so they want to expand to the mainland. France, which is closest to them, has become his primary target, and France's land is excellent. There is a saying that God gave France the most fertile land, but the two countries have fought intermittently for so many years since seven or eighty years ago, and many people died.”

There is no doubt that Tours is now talking about the Hundred Years' War between Britain and France. The war is divided into two stages. The first stage: the British army defeated the French army in the battles of Crecy and Poitiers, and captured the French king John at that time.

France's defeat increased the burden on the people, and Prince Charles of France ignored the legitimate rights of the people, which led to the uprising of the citizens of Paris and the uprising of the northern peasants.

After the uprising was suppressed, the two countries signed a peace treaty, and France lost a large area of ​​territory.

Speaking of a contract, this kind of treaty that loses a large area of ​​​​territory is an unequal treaty that humiliates the country and humiliates the country.

The king was captured and the land was lost. Later, France carried out reforms, turned defeat into victory, defeated the British army repeatedly, and regained a large area of ​​lost land.

But soon there was internal strife among the feudal lords, and some nobles colluded with the British. The British army defeated the French army at Agincourt, occupied the northern part of France centered on Paris, and besieged the city of Orleans leading to the south.

This kind of nobleman who betrays his country and seeks glory is a typical legal traitor.

"Not long ago, Charles VI was captured by the Duke of Burgundy, an ally of the British, and was forced to sign a treaty with King Henry V in Troyes. The treaty stipulated that as long as Charles VI died, King Henry of England would become King of France, ruling France."

Hearing this treaty, Zhu Zhanqian almost laughed. Isn’t this a joke? Only crazy critics can sign such a treaty. The person who came up with this treaty really had a problem with his brain.

To put it nicely, it is called the Hundred Years' War between Britain and France, and to put it bluntly, it is the history of France being beaten for a hundred years.

Zhu Zhanqian really couldn't figure out how Ying Gelan fought. France is so hip, you can still fight for 100 years, and you haven't beaten it yet. This is the most embarrassing thing.

King Tours continued: "Recently, I heard that France has produced a remarkable figure."


"I don't know the name, is it called Zhengde or Lide, a young girl, it is said that she is only in her teens, but as long as she has her army in France, she is invincible. They say she is a messenger of God. Accept God’s guidance to lead France to victory is passed on like a myth, and we don’t know whether it’s true or not.”

Joan of Arc.

Zhu Zhanqian immediately thought of her, and it was almost time.

Among the four most popular principles of milk law on the Internet, there are Joan of Arc, Napoleon, Charles de Gaulle and Paris gongshe.

As a national hero known all over the world, Joan of Arc was sent to the stake by the French themselves. It is an extremely sad thing to think about it.

A nation that does not respect its own national heroes has no dignity.

If you want to hold your head high among the nations of the world, you must step on the shoulders of the heroes. They support your feet, straighten your spine, and tell you, don't bow your head, I am behind you.

(End of this chapter)

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