I thought there would be a big war, and Zhu Zhanqian was also very puzzled by the appearance of Joan of Arc on the south coast of France so soon, but unexpectedly, Joan of Arc did not come to fight, but followed the order of heaven. Will to seek Zhu Zhanqian's help.

Zhu Zhanqian led her into Daming's position, and she came in alone, which surprised the other French people behind.

Seeing that they were about to follow up, Joan of Arc turned around and asked them to stop: "No one is allowed to step forward, and no one is allowed to conflict with the army of the Eastern Empire."

The Duke of Marseille and other French soldiers could only watch Joan of Arc enter Zhu Zhanqin's camp.

The Duke of Marseilles was very worried, that was his most precious white horse.

"What is Joan doing, how do you give the intruder a knight's salute?" The Duke of Marseille was extremely angry.

Joan of Arc's soldier said with embarrassment: "Your Majesty Joan of Arc accepted the guidance of the heavens and came here. The guidance of the heavens is not wrong, just like the Eastern Empire did come here according to the instructions of the heavens. Maybe they are not enemies. . " The words were a little guilty, but this was the only way to explain Joan of Arc's actions.

"It's best to be like this. If Joan of Arc colludes with the Ming people, I will report the truth to the king." The Duke of Marseille threatened.

The soldier glared: "The saint is not that kind of person."

The Duke of Marseille was taken aback by his aura, and retreated resentfully, but he was determined to report the matter.

As we all know, the relationship between Joan of Arc and the King of France is not good. The King of France doesn't like such a woman who is in the limelight and competes for his honor, but he has to rely on Joan of Arc to win the war. He even thinks that Joan of Arc is a prince. People who came to kill him, so he classified Joan of Arc and the prince into one party, very jealous, but helpless.

What would happen if there was news that Joan of Arc colluded with the Daming people and her reputation as a saint was insulted?

Joan of Arc also understood what she meant by following Zhu Zhanqian into the camp alone, but she had to go. This was related to the future of the French people, and God's will would not be wrong.

Zhu Zhanqian signaled Joan to sit down in the tent, then asked someone to make tea, and said with a standard Parisian accent: "You can taste our country's tea, and if you are not used to drinking it, just talk about it."

Joan of Arc took off her helmet, with short messy hair and a somewhat messy face, but her whole person is capable and capable, not inferior to a man.

"Your Excellency Neptune, your French language is just right, but I'm not used to drinking this water."

"Drink more in the future and you will get used to it."

Zhu Zhanqian continued to ask: "Your Excellency is the Saintess of France. I'm afraid that others may have seen the chivalry salute to me just now."

"I have been guided by the heavens. Your Excellency can solve the difficulties of France. Therefore, you are the one chosen by the heavens when you come here. It is right for me to give you the knightly salute."

Zhu Zhanqian was stunned, he was really a god, and gradually he fell into endless confusion.

If Joan of Arc is talking nonsense, then she should be on the northern line of France, how could she get around Marseille in such a short period of time.

If it is said that the Duke of Marseilles asked for help, it would not be so fast. …

There is only one possibility, that is, Joan of Arc was already nearby, but why did she come nearby, as she herself said, to receive the will of heaven?
Is there really a god?
Zhu Zhanqian didn't believe in these things. Before time travel, he was a 90.00% [-]% firm materialist, and the remaining [-]% was reserved for the God of Wealth, the only god he worshiped.

"Your Excellency Joan is joking, why make up such a reason to fool me?"

Joan of Arc looked at Zhu Zhanqin very seriously and said, "Is Your Excellency the husband of seven women?"

Zhu Zhanqian looked puzzled, because he was not good at math, after careful calculation, Chen Xinyue, Hu Shanwei, Li Xiaozhu, Li Xianyu, Zara, and Alia, there are only six.

Immediately shook his head: "I only have six wives."

"God says you'll have seven wives."

"Then you thank the old man for me."

Joan of Arc was not convinced about one thing and continued: "Your Excellency should not be from this world."

Zhu Zhanqian's scalp felt numb when he heard the words, but he suppressed his flustered thoughts and said calmly, "Why did you say that?"

"This is the instruction given by the heavens. An outsider from this world will lead the army of the Eastern Blue Dragon across the boundless sea, repel the army of Ingoland, and save the people of France. Fight fire with fire and blood Exchange blood." Joan of Arc said this, but she deliberately concealed the last sentence of God's Domain, [He will save you, my child].

Outsiders of this world! !

Zhu Zhanqian was stunned when he heard this prophecy. Could it be that there is a god in this world? It is impossible for Joan of Arc to make up such words, but he must not reveal the truth.

"Your Excellency Joan is really joking, what is an outsider in this world? Can I still be a person from another world?"

Joan of Arc looked at Zhu Zhanqian firmly: "I believe that Your Excellency was sent by heaven to save the people of France."

Zhu Zhanqian was stunned. It turned out that Joan of Arc understood the meaning of outsiders in this world. If she came down from the sky, wouldn't she become an angel?
It has to be said that she understands reading comprehension.

No wonder I always feel cold and cold feet occasionally. It turns out that boys with cold hands were angels with broken wings in their previous lives. QQ space sincerely does not deceive me.

This is not to worry that her identity as a time traveler will be exposed, and her mood has calmed down a bit, but Zhu Zhanqian is more convinced that she will be prophesied after receiving the divine decree. Is there really a god in this world?
"Your Excellency is joking, I am not here to save the people of France, but to my friends to ask you France to seek justice."

"Your Majesty the King of the Sea has a problem with our France?" Joan of Arc didn't know about Zheng He's affairs, and there was no such content in the will of heaven.

She was still young when Zheng He came to France.

"My best friend is named Zheng He. He came all the way from our Ming Dynasty, but your king caught him by tricks, stripped him naked, put him in a cage and paraded through the streets, and let everyone laugh at him and hack him. Cut off his arms and legs, leading to his death, since your king did this thing, we have been in a situation of endless death." Zhu Zhanqian slowly said the past. …

Joan was shocked, she didn't know about this matter, but it was indeed like what their king could do, she wanted to say something but the words of defense seemed pale.

After a brief moment of astonishment, Joan swallowed her saliva, and involuntarily took a sip of the tea she found unpalatable: "Your Excellency, Sea King, so you want to seek revenge on our king? Not the people of France."

That said, she understands reading comprehension.

Zhu Zhanqian asked with a slight smile: "Are you still willing to hand over your king to me? If so, we can cooperate."

Joan fell into deep thought.

In France, there are already complaints about King Charles VI. Because of his own mental illness, he has been elusive. He is also known as the lovely Charlie. It is not a compliment for a king to be called cute.

For details, you can refer to people telling you that you are really cute. Is it a compliment?
John the Fearless, Duke of Burgundy in France, was openly allied with the English.King Henry V of England used archers to destroy the French army with absolute superiority in Agincourt, and the commander of the French army, the Duke of Orleans, was captured.

After a series of defeats, the whole of northern France was occupied by the British.Charles VI was captured by the Duke of Burgundy, an ally of the British, and was forced to sign a treaty with Henry V in Troyes. Give way to Henry V.

If it weren't for the appearance of Joan of Arc, France would be beyond redemption now.

In addition to the influence on France at the national level, Charles VI was also very chaotic in his own family.

He always fantasizes that he is a glass man, and anyone who approaches him will shatter him. In order to prevent himself from being shattered, he also sews iron bars on himself.

Or if it's not that the whole family doesn't enter the house, his wife is a person with a very clear mind.

Queen Isabella of Charles VI was very worried about her husband's illness. In order to cure her husband, she not only turned to medicine, but also to witchcraft, using supernatural power to cure her husband. She firmly believed that beautiful women could help Charles VI. To treat illnesses in the world, select several beauties to serve Charles VI at the same time every day. Of course, the process is very happy, but the final result also ended in failure.

Joan deeply felt that France would be doomed if it went on like this, the king obviously could not govern the country well, and none of the three regents was a good person.

As the only capable, ambitious and ambitious Prince Charles in the royal family, he lost his right of inheritance because of the treaty signed between Charles VI and the King of England.

It is well known that Joan of Arc is a member of the prince's party. In history, Joan of Arc also escorted him to Reims Cathedral for coronation. Facts have proved that Joan of Arc did not choose the wrong person. Prince Charles, the future Charles VII, will end Britain and France in the future In the Hundred Years' War, France was rebuilt from the mud.

But it was also the king of France whom she had firmly chosen, who turned a blind eye to the suffering she would suffer in the future, and did not even think about saving the poor rural girl from the flames in the past.

Judging from the current domestic situation in France, King Charles VI is the root of all chaos. The French people need a new and wise monarch to lead them. Joan of Arc firmly believes that Prince Charles can become this person. …

Therefore, it would be great if Charles VI died. This idea has appeared in Joan's mind more than once, and the man from the East in the prophecy came to revenge on Charles VI. Is this a coincidence, or is everything wrong? It was arranged by God.

She could not say that she wished the King of France to die, though her heart wished it so.

"The King of France represents the dignity of France, how could we hand it over to Your Excellency." Joan of Arc said this in an understatement tone as if saying hello.

Hearing Joan's tone, Zhu Zhanqian smiled knowingly: "My best friend was once treated humiliatingly in France and Ingoland, which resulted in his death. The king of France, the king of Ingoland, and everyone I will not let anyone who is my best friend get hurt, and anyone who stands in my way is my enemy, the enemy of the Ming army."

Zhu Zhanqian expressed a more resolute attitude.

Joan of Arc sighed and said, "Your Excellency, King of the Sea, can you lend me your army to help me resist Ingolan." Although she knew that the hope was slim, Joan of Arc still firmly believed that she had received the will from heaven, and that the Orientals would help her Defend against enemy bandits.

"Do you think I will send troops? Or do you think you can give me any exchange conditions in exchange for my sending troops?"

Joan of Arc couldn't think of any reason for Zhu Zhanqian to send troops.

Zhu Zhanqian said by himself: "I'm curious, how did Your Majesty the Holy Maiden obtain the will of heaven? Do some kind of ceremony or some strange way?"

"I'll tell you the truth if I can get your help in exchange."

Zhu Zhanqian wanted to find out about this matter, but it was impossible to ask him to help, so he beckoned a guard to come over: "If you tell the truth, I can support you with some weapons. These are our latest weapons. Card [-] improved model, I can give you five."

"God and I keep silent, don't speak, don't speak, can't speak."

Zhu Zhanqian listened to her babble, and impatiently asked the soldiers to put ten guns and fifteen grenades on the table: "Is this okay?"

As soon as Joan was about to speak, Zhu Zhanqian immediately said: "It's okay, it means that your god has no destiny with me, and it means that I am not coming to save France in your prophecy."

Joan was in a dilemma, she firmly believed in prophecy, God's prophecy has never been missed.

Looking at the weapons on the table and Zhu Zhanqian, the chosen son, she thought maybe this was one of the ways Zhu Zhanqian came to help her.

"make a deal."

"Then please tell me."

Jeanne touched her shoulder, and there was still a painful wound under the armor: "On the first day of each month, I will accept God's will in my sleep, and God will tell me the battle that will happen next, and how to win the battle." The way I fight, but at the same time I have to pay a price to win the fight."

"What price?"

"We won the siege of Orleans, but the shoulders were pierced by sharp arrows, and that was the price."

Use your life for it!

The way she obtained the prophecy is not complicated, but there are conditions. Zhu Zhanqian asked: "Then what conditions are needed for France to win the final victory."

Joan's eyes were firm, but slightly sad: "I will give my soul, my body, my life, my everything. As long as France can win the final victory, I am willing to give my everything."

"Your God, there are still conditions to help you, and the mana is not enough."

"Your Excellency, King of the Sea, are you blaspheming our god?" Joan of Arc suddenly drew out her sword, and the soldiers around Zhu Zhanqian stood in front of him one after another.

Zhu Zhanqian waved his hand to let them go down, and said with a smile: "Your Excellency, you believe in God so firmly. God has given you prophecy, but wants to deprive you of your health and life. Has God really blessed you? You are God. Messenger? Are you really a saint as your followers claim?"

Joan's face was stern, and her words were firm: "If he didn't give me a gift, I hope he will give it to me. If I have already received his gift, I hope he can still give it to me. I never think of myself as a saint. I just A country woman who heard the sigh of God, but for France, I die."

At this moment Zhu Zhanqian admires Joan of Arc from the bottom of his heart, at this moment GODiagirl.

Heaven is unfair.

Zhu Zhanqian looked at Joan of Arc: "I can help you drive out the English and recover the land of France. Believe me, I can."

"But you have the conditions, right? If you want me to hand over the king, I'm sorry, I can't do it."

Zhu Zhanqian shook his head: "You always hold your flag high, and replace your flag with the military flag of Ming Dynasty. No matter when and where, as long as this flag is there, it will be pointed at by the sword of Daming Iron Army."

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