The Thames River traverses London, the capital of Ingoland, and more than 10 cities along the river, and finally flows into the North Sea.

On the North Sea today, several steam warships slowly approached. This waterway is very busy and is the most important water route in Ingoland. It is not surprising that people who make a living on the waterway see steam warships. After all, they have seen Duke Humphrey's steam warship many times.

It's just that the steam warship this time seems to be different from the previous ones. It is bigger and more majestic, and it does not fly the flag of Ingoland.

The warship was too high, and they couldn't see the situation above.

Zhu Zhanqian stood on the deck, and Duke Humphrey knelt beside him.

"Your Excellency, Duke Humphrey, show the way. Where are the other steam warships and your shipyard?" Zhu Zhanqian asked, which was the first goal of his trip.

Before the other party can react, destroy their shipyard first.

Although they agreed to the previous steam sea battle, one of the warships on Zhu Zhanqian's side suffered a relatively large injury, and the others had minor injuries, so this hidden danger cannot be allowed to exist.

Now that Duke Humphrey, who is involuntary in life and death, still has the ability to resist, he has become Zhu Zhanqian's leading party.

By the time the Yinggelan people realized that something was wrong, Zhu Zhanqian's warship had already arrived at the port of Yinggelan's shipyard.

Ingoland built the shipyard not far from the sea. The waters are more open and wide, but at the same time they are more vulnerable to attack. Maybe they never thought that their homeland would be attacked. After all, they have been fighting all these years. Others, even the Hundred Years' War with France, mainly took place on French soil.

Yinggelan's army immediately assembled when they realized something was wrong, but Daming's warship had already sailed outside the shipyard.

Zhu Zhanqian was condescending, and without the slightest hesitation, he let the warship aim its guns at the shipyard.

The sudden unknown warship made the atmosphere of the Ingoland army very tense, but no matter what they shouted on the shore, there was no response from the other side.

It can be seen that Yinggelan's soldiers are still rushing towards this side from the streets and alleys, ready to fight.

"Whose warship is this?"

"It's so big, is it that big for foreigners?"

"Could it be that the people of Ming Dynasty came again? These warships are much bigger than the ones we got before."

"Just look at the big one, you can't see the top, and what are they doing here? Could it be possible to declare war on us?"

"Although the warship is strong, it is said that it will take a lot of time for their country to come from the far east. We have encountered it before. Although it is powerful, it will become an ordinary army after the ammunition is exhausted."

"They dare not declare war on us."


During the discussion of the people below, the artillery of the Ming warship suddenly fired.

Inside the pitch-black gun barrel, fire snakes swallowed, and white smoke rushed out. The two closest steam warships fired directly under the command of the battle flag. Before Yinggelan's army could react, the battle began.



Cannon fire fell on the shipyard and the other four Ingoland steam warships at anchor, sending debris flying and sending people fleeing in all directions.

Duke Humphrey looked at the burning shipyard after being bombarded by a round of artillery fire, and felt distressed. After studying for so long, he came up with a rough idea. He planned to start building steamships next year, but now all the The drawings and all the materials were burned, and the craftsmen who studied steam engines and steamships would most likely die.

Because there was no advance warning, it must be too late for these things to be transferred now. Zhu Zhanqian made up his mind and made a surprise attack.

With the bombardment of the warships, Yinggelan's army began to organize a counterattack. They also had some firearms, but these inferior firearms could not cause actual damage to Ming's.

After the bombardment was about the same, Zhu Zhanqian ordered the warship to be brought closer to the shore, and the Yinggelan army on the shore opened fire one after another, and of course some retreated.

A man was hung from the side by a rope, and the Ingoland army ordered a ceasefire as soon as they saw the man, because that man was their Duke Humphrey, and the attack would now hit him.

The two sides ceased fire immediately, and Zhu Zhanqian stood proudly on the bow of the boat and said, "I am the King of the Sea of ​​Ming Dynasty! Let your king come to see me."

The soldiers of Ingoland immediately went to report the current situation. The Duke Regent was arrested, which was a big deal.

After learning that Duke Humphrey was on the warship, the English never dared to attack again, but Zhu Zhanqian and others returned to the sea along the estuary. There is still a certain risk in staying in the inland river for a long time. It is better to park the ship on the coast Come on safe.


In the resplendent palace, a child is playing with several court ladies. This is the king of Ingoland, playing ball with the court ladies.

Men love to play ball when they are young, and they still love to play ball when they grow up. Basketball, football, volleyball, softball, baseball, rugby, table tennis, there are big balls for big balls, and small balls for small balls. Even if it is an irregular ball like rugby, you only need to be strong and courageous. Bigger ones are also playable.

The soldiers rushed in in a hurry, and the first time they saw the king, they did the knight ceremony. The little king was a little displeased, and the soldiers offended his elegance of playing ball with the maids.

"Your Majesty, it's not good, it's not good, the big thing is not good."

The little king patted the ball twice and said, "What is it?"

"His Royal Highness Duke Humphrey was arrested by the Ming people, the Ming people are here! The Ming people are here!!"

The little king obviously didn't know who the Ming people were: "What Ming people? Is it the French army? They captured Duke Humphrey? How is it possible? How could our army not be able to defeat France."

"Your Majesty, it's not France, it's Daming, the same Daming who traded steam warships with us before."

When the steam warship was traded, the little king was still young, so he had heard of these things, but he had seen the steam warship, and he knew its benefits even at a young age.

The little king panicked instantly, and said to the guards beside him, "Quickly, go and inform mother."

"Your Majesty, I'm going right now."

He curled up in the arms of the maid, trembling.

In a beautiful garden, full of flowers, a beautiful woman stands alone among the flowers. She closed her eyes and expressed enjoyment, as if she was enjoying the fragrance of flowers and the slight breeze.

At this time, a rather handsome middle-aged man stood up from the half-person tall flowers, tidied up his luggage, wiped the corners of his mouth and said, "Madam's nectar today is sweeter than yesterday."

The beautiful woman's complexion was slightly red, and her beautiful eyes looked forward: "It's not thanks to the hardworking bees."

The elegant Ingoland aristocrat and the honorable Ingoland mature woman are like the skirts of medieval ladies, noble and beautiful, and a lot of filth can be hidden under the skirts.

"Madam, your favorite flower garden is already under construction. After it is completed, all kinds of beautiful flowers will bloom every month. Being in it is like a fairyland." Welsh nobleman Owen Tudor.

As long as the queen mother is brave enough to take maternity leave, the two gave birth to two sons in history, and later the little kings were all named earls.

Otherwise, it still has the atmosphere of the English.

Now Owen Tudor is being ordered to build a palace called Yanghuating for the Queen Mother. The palace costs a lot, and a large part of it goes into Owen Tudor's pocket. The two understand that they put the country's money into their lover's pocket .

The two were affectionately preparing to wait for the sky to darken day and night, when the soldiers ran over in a panic.

In this beautiful sea of ​​flowers, the haste of the soldiers seemed out of place and spoiled the scenery.

The queen mother showed displeasure at the back, but the soldiers couldn't care less, and hurriedly said: "Madame Catherine, it's bad, the Ming army is coming, they captured Duke Humphrey, and bombarded us shipyard."

"What!?" Mrs. Catherine, who had an elegant face just now and was enjoying the fragrance of flowers, suddenly became extremely ugly, her frowning looks like the evil queen in the movie.

She lifted her skirt and walked out angrily, Owen Tudor hurriedly followed: "Catherine, don't worry, there will be a way."

Mrs. Catherine can't count on his lover in state affairs. Although Owen Tudor can make her happy and is an extremely hardworking and skilled little bee, once it comes to big things, he can't make up his mind. I can't pretend to be a major national event, and I can only say things like the sentence just now, don't worry, there will be a way, such words are useless.

"Hold the imperial meeting and call all the ministers who can call." Madam Catherine's face was stern.

Back to the contract, Mrs. Catherine found her son first. The little king who was a little scared just now was having fun with the maids again. Catherine came to him, and just about to speak, she readjusted her The attitude became more respectful: "Your Majesty, please attend the imperial meeting."

The ministers of Yinggelan have all received the news that the Ming army is coming, even if the imperial meeting is not held, they will come.

Madam Catherine slapped her hand heavily on the table regardless of her dignity: "Useless Humphrey, incompetent navy, don't you always say that our Ingoland navy is an armada?"

"Why was it defeated by someone at sea, and drove straight to destroy our shipyard. Speaking of shipyards, why haven't we been able to build a ship after so many years? The money has been embezzled by you incompetent waste."

Because of the huge consumption of the shipyard but the slow progress, there were several quarrels in the imperial meeting, but no one helped Catherine in this matter, and she had to use the money she had built to raise the flower garden, which made her extremely angry. Take advantage of this opportunity.

With foreign enemies ahead, what she cares most about is obviously not the crisis that Ingolan is facing now.

The younger brother of Duke Humphrey said at this time: "Madam Catherine, the most important thing right now is to rescue Duke Humphrey first and how to deal with Ming's army."

"Hmph, what should we do? They all rushed into the Thames River and destroyed our shipyard. What else can we do? We must kill them all." Madam Catherine's face was full of anger.

"Madam, please be calm. According to the soldiers, the Ming warships that came this time are even stronger than before. Now our warships are all destroyed, and our army has no ability to defeat them on the sea."

"If you can't win the battle on the sea, you can fight on the ground. Before, Daming's army was short of supplies and was exhausted. This time it's just the same. I don't believe they can move the whole country over to fight us?"


"But what? You usually claim to use adjectives such as fearless, brave, and loyal before your names, why? Now that you have seen Da Ming's army, you have surrendered before even fighting?" Catherine scolded with.

Everyone in the imperial meeting bowed their heads one after another, and no one asked to fight against the Ming army.

"Madame Catherine, let's negotiate with the Ming army to redeem Duke Humphrey."

"That's right, Duke Humphrey is the regent appointed by the late king, so he should be rescued first."

Duke Humphrey is now the top leader of the imperial court, and many people here are following him. No matter what happens in the future, they all want to rescue Duke Humphrey first.

"Save? How to save? How much will it cost to redeem? The other party will definitely open his mouth now. It is better to fight first. It is impossible for the other party to attack Duke Humphrey now. They just want to negotiate terms with us. Only if we win Initiative." Lady Catherine expressed her opinion.

Although she is a woman, she has her own opinions, and of course she is dissatisfied with Duke Humphrey. The regent Humphrey often said that she spent too much.

But her opinion is not counted. The opinion of all the former imperial ministers is to rescue Duke Humphrey first.

"It's okay to save Humphrey, but it can't be exchanged for national interests. As for any amount proposed by the other party, the Duke's family will bear it. Our army has lost enough damage in this naval battle." Madam Catherine completely ignored the Duke's family. dissatisfaction.

Some of the imperial ministers looked ugly.

"Also, the army is ready to defend the Ming army on the coast. If there is any change in the Ming army, we will fight and send someone to notify Duke John and order him to return to Ingoland to take charge of the overall situation." Madam Catherine took off after announcing. The long skirt left.

Everyone looked in Madam Catherine's direction and shook their heads. What's the use of being dissatisfied? The little king is young, and Madam Catherine is the king's spokesperson.

After Mrs. Catherine left, the ministers discussed that they had to rescue Duke Humphrey first. No matter what the reason was, it would always be ugly for their own Duke to be captured.

"Who will be the envoy to negotiate with the Ming army?"

As soon as the question was raised, the heated discussion atmosphere stopped instantly. Silence represented everyone's attitude, and no one was willing to go.

The Ming army attacked Yinggelan without warning, and if they went to negotiate now, they might be killed without warning. After all, they didn't understand the behavior style of the Ming army.

"It's better to let Duke Humphrey's daughter go." Someone made this suggestion, and everyone looked at him.

If men dare not go, they will send women. Ladies are preferred, and the old gentleman is demeanor.

"It's better to buy it in the name of an individual."

"That's the truth."

"And the other party should not do anything to girls, otherwise it would be too shameless."

"But Duke Humphrey's daughter is so beautiful, there's no telling what the other party will do."

The crowd fell silent.

After a while, someone said: "Let her go."


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