With a red face, Windsor took the boat back to the shore, and when her carriage passed by the fishery market, a mess was visible.

This used to be one of the most lush markets in Ingoland. Although it is called a fishery market, it is also one of the gathering places for returning sailors. All walks of life have taken root here, and it is the commercial and population center of the nearby area. .

The current fishing market is already in ruins, and there are still flames burning in some places, wailing everywhere, collapsed houses, damaged markets, and some people who were crushed in the collapsed ruins.

Windsor couldn't bear to look directly and hastily closed the curtain. At this time, her heart was beating fast, and she kept thinking about Zhu Zhanqian. Although she should hate this person, after all, he is the enemy of this country now, but she couldn't help feeling that she seemed special. Like this bad man, he is beyond the laws of this country, and nothing seems to restrict him, just like his title, he is really the king of this sea.

What did he mean by the last sentence he said to himself? Was he flirting with himself on purpose?Is it to get yourself?Although the words are domineering, but the behavior is not presumptuous, did he do it on purpose?Or is it that kind of bluffing man?

Walking into the castle, Madam Catherine, whose face was already full of anger, saw Windsor and cursed in a sharp and piercing voice: "Da Ming people are really rude, Windsor, what is going on today?"

Windsor carefully summarized what happened today as: "On the warship today, I told the Neptune of Daming the result of your discussion yesterday. I want Neptune to enter the castle to discuss peace with the king, or find a place on the coast. In the right place, the former imperial ministers had peace talks with Haiwang first, but His Excellency Haiwang felt that our king was avoiding him, so he launched an attack in anger."


"And what?"

Windsor's voice became softer: "Your Majesty Sea King said that if the king and the queen mother don't go to see him, they will attack the coast of Ingoland in ten days and land in London."

There was an uproar in the audience, and Madam Catherine was furious: "Look, this is the disrespectful Daming people. Everything is just an excuse. They just want to start a war against us. He intends to force His Majesty the King to meet with him. He can arrest us." Duke Humphrey, if you have the guts to arrest our king, don’t forget what kind of contract we captured the king of France and forced them to sign. Give it to that outsider?"

Madam Catherine's attitude was extremely tough, and the imperial ministers had no other choice, and Zhu Zhanqian had already offended Ying Gelan, so it seemed that this battle had to be fought.

At this time a minister stood up: "Lady Catherine, Duke John has refused to return your request to Ingoland unless you agree to become his wife."

Another Duke Regent of Ingoland, John, was originally ordered to return to London, but he refused. The situation in France is not good, and he does not want to enter this troubled water now.

Madam Catherine slapped the table angrily again, her hands were red: "Damn John."

She was angry at John's shamelessness, and she knew that John wanted to get her and the whole Ingoland, and it was an act of making things worse.

The self-willed Madam Catherine was furious again, and the imperial ministers hurriedly persuaded: "Madam, what is more important now is how to fight against Ming's army."

"Windsor, how many of them are there?" Lady Catherine began to ask Windsor.

"About 700 or maybe 1000 people, I can't figure it out." Windsor said vaguely.

"Did these people frighten my Yinggelan boy? The arrogant Daming people actually said that they will attack our Yinggeland coast in ten days and land in our London city, so let him come, I Ingoland's son will make him come and go." Lady Catherine shouted passionately.

The former imperial ministers had a difficult time: "Madam, if you want to send the troops of the surrounding lords to the city of London, and transport all the artillery and other weapons, it will consume a lot of money, and the next war will also cost a lot. Now the treasury is empty of funds, can you Madam, please suspend the construction of Garden Garden Castle first, and use this part of the funds for national defense."

The Minister of Finance bowed his head and said to himself, building a luxurious flower garden castle for the Queen Mother cost a lot of money. Before the war in France was so tight, he wanted to use it first, but Madam Catherine refused. Now if you want to mobilize the army to fight, it will definitely cost a lot. If you don't move, you won't have enough money.

Mrs. Catherine became even more angry, even more angry than before: "You are really incompetent, the Minister of Finance. You know how to cry for poverty every day. How much reparation did we get from the war in France? Are the taxes of our Ingoland these years? Let you be greedy, how much can it cost to build a garden, when will the money for our Yinggelan war have to be embezzled from the money for women to repair the yard, waste."

In a word, the battle must be fought, and the Queen Mother's garden repair money cannot be moved.

The Chancellor of the Exchequer had nowhere to vent his grievances after being spat out by Mrs. Catherine. The money she spent on building the flower garden castle was enough to feed an army.

"Are you trying to bully us orphans and widows? Don't think that I don't know how much money you have embezzled over the years. You have to deduct money from women's money in wars. What is the use of each of you? I don't care what you give me. Find a way, no matter how you mobilize the army to defend the city of London, I will fight the Ming people to the death."

He patted the table and left again.

The imperial ministers sighed, and Windsor was arranged to go home first.

When Windsor returned home, she was still in shock today. The fierce and direct bombardment of the fish market by the Daming army frightened the little girl and changed her usual cognition.

She usually sees a lot of officers and even generals. At the ball, these people are all overwhelmed by herself, expressing her love and affection. She can use her appearance to walk among them. They all look gentle and chivalrous. Double blessing with gentleman spirit.

But these generals have been arguing in the imperial meeting these days because of Zhu Zhanqian's affairs, and they don't care about the spirit of a gentleman.

Under Zhu Zhanqian's bombardment, those officers fled around and even used civilians as shields, losing their chivalry.

Without their dignity, they were no different from the homeless people who molested women on the street. Only then did she understand that the nobles in Ingoland turned out to be such a group of people.

Instead, he thought of Zhu Zhanqian, this handsome Highness, his gun barrel was big and fierce, his battleship drove straight in, and he acted without any scruples.

He doesn't pretend to be a gentleman in front of himself like other men. He never deliberately shows his elegance and nobility, and he doesn't have to please himself.

On the contrary, he looked at himself frivolously, as if admiring and playing with a soft kitten, he looked at himself greedily, like a delicacy on a plate, thinking of this, Windsor couldn't help turning red.

A woman who is usually held high, but today she is teased wantonly has a different feeling. When she twists her fingers, it turns out to be the new rain in the empty mountains in the valley. The autumn comes late, waiting for the fishing boats rippling in the lotus pond Cut through the waves.

She looked at the gorgeous dress she had just changed into.

As the saying goes, men are not bad and women don't love, and the saying is right.

She is not the only woman who is confused. Lady Catherine, who got angry at the imperial meeting, returned to her garden. She complained about today's affairs with her lover Owen Tudor.

Owen Tudor didn't have any ideas about politics, but he was anxious when he heard that the ministers were about to stop the money for garden repairs. Fortunately, he later learned that the Queen Mother rejected them.

"Ma'am, you are right. These people take the royal family's money and eat the royal family's meals. At critical moments, they embarrass the royal family one by one. It would be fine if Duke Humphrey was here."

Mrs. Catherine also sighed. Duke Humphrey has handled the relationship between the royal family and ministers very well for many years. When he was away, Mrs. Catherine had to handle the relationship between the ministers by herself, which made her mentally exhausted.

"I'm very angry, help me to get rid of the fire."

After the fire, Lady Catherine fell down among the flowers she liked, as if she felt that she was the most delicate one among the flowers.

"Madam, there is a secret passage in the castle. If something unavoidable happens, we can escape from there." Owen Tudor lay on the skirt of Mrs. Catherine, talking while wiping the skin care essence.

"It is necessary to make some preparations in advance, the people of Daming are too unreasonable."

Mrs. Catherine, who has been advocating the war against Ming Dynasty, refused to spend the money to repair the yard, and was preparing an escape route. From the beginning to the end, her soldiers and her people never appeared in her eyes.

The lords and generals from all parts of Ingoland began to march towards London after receiving the order. The arrival of so many troops is a huge hidden danger for London. Are there no people with evil intentions?
But under the current situation, let them come after all. After all, the Ming army is too strong and unreasonable. He said that he will attack in ten days, so it will be ten days later?What if he comes tomorrow, bombards your fish market today, and bombards your church tomorrow?
Because of the military oppression of the Ming army, the current Yinggelan is in a very tense state, and at this time the Ming army has disappeared in the coastal waters of Yinggelan, although the ships of Yinggelan can still see the warships of the Ming Dynasty from a distance. , but no one dared to approach.

After Zhu Zhanqian ordered the warship to leave the coastal waters, he ordered two warships to go back to replenish supplies.

Daming and Yinggelan were about to officially start a war, and everyone in London was in danger. At this time, people with powerful families basically started to arrange their family members to evacuate.

Duchess Humphrey is no exception, but this woman is different from others. She found her daughter and said: "Windsor, there is going to be a war now. Your father must be in danger. Lady Catherine sees the situation. We are going to redeem him, but we can’t give up, your father is the loyalty of our family, once something happens to your father, our family’s huge property will be eroded by others, we still have to save your father.”

"But mother, how to go now? How to save?"

Negotiations in the name of the country have been negotiated like this before, and now they say they want to save people, which is a bit of a dream.

The Duchess held Windsor's shoulders with both hands, and said solemnly: "Windsor, we have to rely on ourselves, and we have to rely on you."

The duchess is planning to give up her daughter completely. She has no other choice. Once the duke is in trouble, she can imagine that group of Ingolans who are full of gentlemanly demeanor and chivalry. How the nobles treat their families.

"Mother, woo woo woo..." For some reason, Windsor burst into tears.

"Windsor, I know I have wronged you, but there is no other way."

"I went, and the other party might not let my father go."

The Duchess looked a little embarrassed: "I can only try, Windsor, you have always been able to handle men, and now you only have this chance."

"But how do I get to their warship?"

"I'll arrange a boat to take you there." The Duchess had obviously already thought about it.

"And I'll go with you." The Duchess was planning to go all out, and the mother and daughter boarded the boat together.

Windsor was shocked and said immediately: "Mother can't, you can't go, whoever you go will stabilize this family."

"But I worry about you and your father."

"Mother, this is the end of the matter, let the fate go."

On the sixth day, when the coastline of Ingoland was under martial law, Windsor still went to sea by boat. Although Duke Humphrey was captured, the energy of the Duke family was still there.

As time passed, a warship that Zhu Zhanqian sent back for supplies for the first time has arrived, but what a warship can bring is limited after all.

"Your Highness, do you really want to start a war with Ying Gelan?" Yang Feng asked puzzled, the posture of this confrontation seemed to really start a war.

"Yang Feng, what do you think our chances of winning this fight are?"

Yang Feng told the truth: "Your Highness, our army has strong ships and sharp guns, which can tear through the defense, but Ying Gelan is hoarding a large number of troops at this time, and our army has little chance of winning."

"En." Zhu Zhanchang nodded.

Yang Feng was even more puzzled, but before Zhu Zhanqian could answer him, a ship slowly approached.

The Ming warship was about to bombard, but Yang Feng had good eyesight. He saw that the sign was the sign of the Humphrey family. He had seen it before, so he ordered them to get closer, and then saw Windsor standing on the ship.

"Your Highness, it is Miss Windsor."

"What are you doing here at this time? Are you still thinking about rescuing the Duke?"

Although he was puzzled, Zhu Zhanyan let Windsor board the ship, of course she was the only one on board and directly sent someone to control the Humphrey family's ship.

"Miss Windsor, our two armies are still at war, why are you here at this time?"

Windsor looked at Zhu Zhanqian with beautiful eyes and said, "Your Highness, can I take a step to speak."

"Just say anything."

Windsor said with some embarrassment: "His Royal Highness, I am still here to discuss with you whether I can redeem my father."

"Do you know that the two armies are about to fight? Even if you spend more money, it is impossible for you to redeem it."

"Can your Highness not insult my father during the battle between the two armies?" Windsor asked cautiously, they knew that once the battle started, Zhu Zhanqian would first use Duke Humphrey as a shield.

"You are not qualified to negotiate terms with me."

Windsor lowered her head, blushing as if she could pinch the blood, and the principle of vermilion redness was activated again, and she whispered: "I came to see His Highness today, and I followed what I said before I left His Highness last time."

A girl who was able to do a job well among men, but she couldn't use any tricks in front of the Daming Prince who looked down on her.

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