The news of Joan's arrest also reached Zhu Zhanqian's ears, which was not surprising.

After Joan of Arc was arrested, the French did not try their best to rescue her, but felt a little idly by. The reason for their willingness was that Joan of Arc's personal reputation was so high that even the king and prince of France feared it.

Her followers regard her as the saint of God and her savior.

This made the king of France restless. This psychopath was always thinking that someone would persecute him. He had ordered Joan to be killed several times, but his order could not be delivered because of the strong protection of the minister and the prince.

As France regained more and more lost land, Joan's reputation became higher and higher. Many French soldiers only recognized Joan of Arc and did not recognize the king and prince, which made the French prince extremely jealous.

The arrest of Joan of Arc this time made him see the monstrous prestige of Joan of Arc. All the soldiers and people in France would risk their lives to save her. He worried whether the future France would be their France or Joan's France.

The prince of France did not have the right to rescue Joan of Arc in the end, but sold Joan of Arc to France. Now he is leading the French people to rescue Joan of Arc in the name of the prince. At this time, the teacher was famous, and the French people surrounded the prince. On the contrary, it made his power soar.

Kill two birds with one stone, kill two birds with one stone.

Killing donkeys has long been a traditional reserved item in various countries, but those who have made great achievements will not end well.

Pity a little girl like Joan of Arc, how many sacrifices she has made for France, she has a lot of sword wounds on her body, how sad she is now.

The first time Zhu Zhanqian learned about this, he said to Duke Humphrey expressionlessly: "Duke Humphrey, do you still have your loyal subordinates in London?"

"Your Highness, what do you want to do?"

"I want to save Jeanne."

"Ah?" Humphrey froze in place. This is too difficult, it means that you have to go deep into the hinterland of London, and why save her?
The Ingolans hated Joan of Arc deeply, and Joan of Arc would definitely die if it fell into their hands, and the people of France would definitely keep fighting with the Ingolands because of the death of Joan of Arc. For them, let Ingoland Wouldn't it be better to be attacked from both sides?
Humphrey then thought that Zhu Zhanqian came to avenge Zheng He. He thought it was an excuse. Zhu Zhanqian just wanted to take down Yinggelan, but at this time Zhu Zhanqian said he wanted to save Joan of Arc, but let He felt that perhaps Zhu Zhanqian's greatest purpose was to avenge his best friend. He couldn't understand what kind of friendship this was.

"Your Highness, there are still some loyal and reliable subordinates in London." Humphrey replied truthfully. After so many years as the Regent, it is impossible to have no background at all.

And he instantly understood that he was willing to help Zhu Zhanqian to save Joan of Arc, because it would not be harmful to him if he was rescued. On the contrary, if Zhu Zhanqian really wanted to avenge Zheng He, then he would control Yinggelan in the future. The chances are even greater.

"Make arrangements to rescue Joan of Arc, and I will give double the bounty that Yinggelan sold to Joan of Arc."

"Yes, Your Highness." Humphrey replied faithfully.

Humphrey rolled his eyes and said, "Your Highness, my daughter, Windsor has admired His Highness for a long time, can she be arranged to sleep with His Highness?"

This good father is about to send his daughter to the door, and he mentioned this matter in an indirect manner before. This is the first time Humphrey said it very directly.

He is good at entrusting wives and dedicating daughters.

Zhu Zhanqian understood what he meant. This was to strengthen the relationship. He had already started an uprising, and he had no way out. He could only follow Zhu Zhanqian to the end. If that was the case, let his daughter follow Zhu Zhanqian Wouldn't it be nice to be named as a concubine?
But Zhu Zhanqian didn't like this Windsor after getting in touch with him during this period of time.

But not dislike in the physical sense.

Windsor is very beautiful, even in the East, she is also very beautiful, but under her beautiful appearance is her unrestrained heart, she is like an Ingolan, gorgeous and dignified, but any spirit they flaunt on the surface is inwardly It's rotten.

Moreover, Windsor has an extreme masculinity mentality. She is willing to do whatever Zhu Zhanqian asks her to do. She was like an obedient little wild cat in front of Zhu Zhanqian.

But no matter how obedient the little wild cat is, she is also a wild cat. Is it because she obeys Zhu Zhanqian's instructions because she is obedient?
Wrong, just because Zhu Zhan is the only one who will give orders to her like this, she likes the feeling of being commanded by others, she is just looking for excitement.

Do you dare to marry this kind of woman back to the harem?

But in response to Duke Humphrey, Zhu Zhanqian nodded and said, "Let Windsor come to my bedroom tonight."


At night, Zhu Zhanqian stayed in the empty hall, where he usually held meetings. He sat alone in front of the hall, holding a rope in his hand.

At the other end of the rope is Windsor with a collar. At this time, Windsor is still wearing a luxurious skirt, but crawling on the ground with both hands and feet, like a docile puppy.

"That's where your father usually stands." Zhu Zhanqian pointed to a place, and Windsor crawled over. She seemed to enjoy the feeling of being trampled on.

After a while, the hem of the skirt became wet, and her complexion turned red. The rope in Zhu Zhanqian's hand was pulled, and she came to him, raised her face, drooling slightly.

... ([-] words in this chapter)

The antonym of lowliness is nobleness, which does not conflict with elegant appearance and dignified behavior. Some people are immersed in lowliness and cannot extricate themselves, while others face nobility directly and live to death.

Joan of Arc was imprisoned on a high tower facing the river at this time, she looked out the window, the moonlight was bright, and she was covered in mud, what chilled her most was that she would accept the judgment of his god.

The door of the cell opened, and two Ingolan guards came in to push Joan out.

Joan of Arc knew that what she was about to face might be torture or inhumane torture.

But she straightened her back and walked out by herself, she still firmly believed that the monarch she said she was loyal to would come to save her, and the prince of France would definitely try her best to save her, so she couldn't just lose her will.

She thought she would be taken to a dark cell full of instruments of torture, to suffer the pain of flesh and blood.

But I didn't expect that the place where she was brought tonight was brightly lit, with a magnificent and majestic church.

The church is in a classical style, covered with a huge dome and magnificent murals. It used to be a wooden church, which was later destroyed. People built the church with stones. After the stones became ruins, people rebuilt them. built this magnificent church.

When she saw the church for the first time, Joan, who had always been very calm and fearless, suddenly struggled, and she kept twisting her body in a mess, trying to make the guards comfortable, her hoarse wailing : "No! You cannot judge me, you have no right to judge me!!"

She is not afraid of physical torture, and she can survive no matter how much suffering, but now the Ingolans are planning to kill people, and they want to use the god Joan of Arc said to believe in to condemn Joan of Arc.

For a believer, this is worse than killing her. For a person who has always believed that her god will come to save her people, this is worse than burning her with fire.

But how could Joan of Arc, who was chained, break free, she was bound and came to the church.

In the church, Lady Catherine was wearing the queen mother's luxurious dress, and the little king beside her was wearing the king's clothes and wearing a crown. Duke John, Owen Tudor and others were all lined up on both sides. Countless Ingoland nobles were watching with sneers. Joan of Arc, the archbishop of Ingoland, wore a red cloak to show his status.

Joan was still struggling: "No, no, no, you cannot represent God, and you have no right to judge me."

The bishop signaled the guards to gag Joan's mouth to prevent her from disturbing the order, and from the very beginning they didn't intend to listen to Joan's defense.

After the solemn prayer, the archbishop slowly opened the heavy book in front of him, drew a cross on his chest, and said in his mouth: "I will judge you in the name of God, Joan of Arc, you have violated the heavens, you are an indiscriminate murderer!" Innocent devil, you are the messenger of hell, you are ashamed of your faith."

The gagged Joan of Arc made a whining sound, and for the first time a helpless look appeared in the eyes of the resolute girl. She looked at everyone present with pleading for help, at least let her speak, let her She pleaded, rather than being tried without plea in church.

It's a pity that no one has pity on her.

The archbishop pointed to the book and said: "Joan of Arc, there are 70 crimes about you. You are really a woman full of crimes. You are the incarnation of Satan and the servant of the devil. Your hands are covered with blood."

He yelled at Joan of Arc, Joan's eyes were bloodshot, so hateful, the wrath of a trapped beast.

"I will judge some of your crimes in the name of the Holy See."

"You claimed that you saw angels, St. Catherine and St. Marietta and received revelations at the age of 13. You said you could predict the future. These are all lies. Did you ever predict that you would be defeated and arrested?"

"You boast that those who disobey you will die by the sword of your subordinates. You use such means to prove that you have the rights bestowed by God. You say that everything you do is in accordance with God's revelation and orders. You are insidious. Vicious, ruthless, bloodthirsty, rebellious and bossy."

"You let countless devout Christians of Ingoland die under your knife, and the devil painted on your banner caused discomfort among the knights."

"After you were enlightened at the age of 17, you ran away from home against your parents' wishes. Your parents almost went crazy because of this. You were rebellious against your parents and violated the commandment of honoring your parents."

"You lied that the throne of France should be inherited by Charles. You violated the sacred treaty and intended to take the throne of France from our great king. You are a despicable and shameless villain."

"You say you're still a virgin, but you're wearing a man's attire, which goes against what a woman should look like."

There is no reason to add a crime, and the two countries are still at war. In this trial, in order to deprive Joan of Arc of her status in the hearts of believers, she will be labeled as a heretic.

At this time, a knight in golden armor walked up to Joan of Arc. The bishop said: "This is our Templar Knight. His sword has been baptized with holy water. If you are really the messenger of God, if you are really He has seen angels, and the holy sword can never harm his devout followers."

Speaking of the Templar knight's long sword unsheathed, he stabbed with the sword, blood spattered, and the long sword left a deep bloodstain on Joan's shoulder.

Blood splattered on the Templar's armor, and the Templar's hanging heart fell instead. He was really worried about what would happen if his holy sword really couldn't hurt Joan of Arc.

How can the flesh and blood stand against the sharp tenacity.

Joan's shoulder was pierced by an arrow before, and now the other shoulder was pierced by a sword. The girl felt pain in both shoulders and fell into a pool of blood.

Immediately, doctors came up to stop Joan of Arc's bleeding. They had already made preparations and would not let Joan of Arc die in this church, because it was not enough.

The church member in charge of the record couldn't stand it anymore and asked, "Can the bishop allow mortals to plead?"

But his words attracted the stare of the queen mother and the glare of the bishop.

"Your guilt cannot be slandered. After the resolution of our church, we will sentence you in the name of God. After one month, you will be taken to the Saint-Ouen Cemetery for confession. You will confess your crimes under the witness of all devout believers , you will die in the fire, repent piously, maybe God can have mercy on you in this way.”

After the archbishop finished speaking, Mrs. Catherine led the little king to Joan of Arc. The noble lady looked down at the dirty prisoner with contempt and said, "I thought it would be so beautiful, so many French men follow you, but I didn’t expect that they just look ordinary, French men have never seen a good-looking woman in these years.”

After all, Lady Catherine stretched out her hand


Two slaps fell, and he said resentfully: "Hmph, men in France actually have to rely on you, a woman, to lead the war. After you die, our Ingoland army will retake our territory, and my son will be crowned You legitimate kings of France, you and your false gods go to hell."

Joan wanted to bite the woman in front of her, but she couldn't do it.

After an unnecessary trial, Joan was exhausted physically and mentally. She was taken back to the tower where she was held, and she was thrown in the cold cell. She collapsed on the ground. Today's situation seems to make her more uncomfortable than killing her. .

She looked at the moonlight outside the high window, the moon was still so holy, never polluted by the dust of the world.

"God will definitely come to save me." Joan of Arc still believes to this day.

She dragged her tired body towards the window. It was a narrow window. If it was an adult male, it might not be possible to climb out, but the outside was more than 20 meters high, so what if it could be climbed out.


Under the night, two figures quietly came outside the tower where Joan of Arc was imprisoned, muttering softly: "This tower is too high, how do we go up?"

"How do I know, there are so many guards here, it's too difficult to save her."

"I don't know what the Duke is thinking, why he wants to save this person, it's thankless."

"It is said that the order was given by the Daming man. Does this Daming man have something to do with Joan of Arc? I heard that the two of them knew each other before."

"But it won't go up."

While the two were talking, there was a sound of something falling from a high place.

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