After Zhu Zhanqian ordered things to go, he sailed towards the Mediterranean Sea. When he passed the Spanish border, he found a fleet of ships sailing towards them.

"Your Highness, it is the Spanish fleet."

"Brighten the military flag and drive directly over."

During this period of time, the Ming army has frequently traveled to and from this sea area, so the exchanges with Spain have gradually increased.

Spain has made many requests to buy Ming warships, but they were all rejected, and finally gave a stern warning. Spain also wisely stopped mentioning it, and instead wanted to establish diplomatic relations with Ming Dynasty.

However, under Zhu Zhanqian's instruction, the only possibility of establishing diplomatic relations is to pay tribute. Unless Spain itself is willing to pay tribute to Ming Dynasty, it is impossible to establish diplomatic relations.

At this moment, they were approaching, and more than a dozen ships were flying the flag of the Spanish royal family.

After the two sides approached, the opponent had no intention of retreating, so Zhu Zhanqian ordered the guns to be aimed at the opponent's ship.

After the other party showed friendship, a small group of people boarded the ship and revealed that the other party was a Spanish prince Cassiville, but his succession was relatively low, and there were several older brothers in front of him.

Cassiewell was a handsome young man, who seemed to be about the same age as Zhu Zhanyan, and he gave a knight salute as soon as he came up: "Casewell pays his respects to His Royal Highness Daming Sea King."

"You and I don't have any intersection, how do you know that I passed here today?"

"The strait is narrow, and the warships of the Ming Dynasty sail regularly. We wait here every day, but if there are warships of the Ming Dynasty, we will communicate with them. I also learned a few words of Ming Dynasty, good morning (Chinese). "

Zhu Zhanqian smiled slightly. It seems that Cassiewell is really rich and has time, and more importantly, he is patient. thoughtful.

"What are you waiting for me to do?"

"I respect His Highness Daming Sea King very much, and I hope to meet His Highness, and also hope to establish friendship with His Highness and become His Highness's friend."

His posture is very low, because the health of the old king in Spain is deteriorating, so the competition for the reserve is intensifying. Cassieville's identity and power are not conspicuous among the princes, and he even said that he has no chance.

Under such circumstances, Cassiewell thought of a plan to make a comeback, and that was to seek Zhu Zhanqin's help.

The navy of the Ming Dynasty has been coming and going in this sea these years like no one in the land, occupying half of Ingoland. The powerful Ming Dynasty made everyone in the surrounding countries feel insecure. Fortunately, the army of the Ming Dynasty did not do anything to them On the contrary, the merchants of Ming Dynasty still traded with them, which also gave some of them a taste of the sweetness.

He also wants the throne of Spain, but normally, unless both his father and his elder brothers die, and then several ministers in charge support him, otherwise he has no chance to ascend to the throne.

Cassiewell made up his mind, wanting to put the treasure on the unmasked but extremely powerful Daming Sea King.

What if he could get the support of Daming Neptune?
With this in mind, he has been waiting. Anyway, the life of a prince who has no power is already boring, so he will stay at the seaside for vacation.

This day is equivalent to making him wait, and he lowered his posture very low.

Facing Cassiewell, who was performing the knight salute, Zhu Zhanqian motioned him to stand up: "You want to establish a friendship with me, how do you establish it?"

"I hope that Spain can become an ally of Ming Dynasty. We heard that His Highness seems to have some conflicts with Ingoland and France. We are adjacent to France. As long as Spain and Ming become allies, we can attack France from the side at any time. Attack, and help His Highness."

"It's not necessary, France is already in my pocket." Zhu Zhanqian said lightly.

Facing Cassiewell's kindness, Zhu Zhanqian didn't care, as Cassiewell's powerless princes were basically useless.

But he has a good attitude.

Cassiewell said calmly: "I came to see His Highness with friendship, even if His Highness doesn't need my help, but His Highness can use me in the future, even if you send someone to tell me, I'll be there at any time Your Highness's order."

Cassiewell is a prince after all, and he puts his identity like a subordinate because he only has this one chance, so he can only give it a go.

Zhu Zhanqian said relaxedly: "I'll give you some guns when I get off the boat, and you can tell everyone that I gave them to you."

Cassiewell understood that Zhu Zhanqian was expressing kindness to him, but it was only goodwill, and he would not interfere in more things.

Cassiewell wanted to say something else, but Zhu Zhanqian waved his hand and said, "I have something to do today, so you go first."

With the obvious intention of seeing off the guests, Cassiewell couldn't help but be savvy. After saluting, he said: "Thank you for the gift of His Royal Highness, and I hope to have the opportunity to do something for His Highness in the future."

The warship set sail again, and Cassiewell, who was holding three Daming guns, seemed to have a strong desire erupting from his eyes. Although the Daming prince did not say to help him, he returned to Spain with the Daming guns. It's all up to him, he can say that he has established a deep friendship with Lord Daming, Barabara and the like to improve his status.

Yang Feng asked a little puzzled: "Your Highness, it's fine to dismiss that man casually, why give him back the gun."

"Three guns are nothing more than three guns. We have enough enemies. It wouldn't hurt to add some friends. That kid has no power. If he can rely on us to do something, it will prove that he has some skills and can be used. , if it doesn’t work, it’s just three guns lost.”

The strait next to Spain is the route that must be taken to enter the Atlantic Ocean. It is not a big problem to have a good relationship with them, and reduce some security risks.

When Zhu Zhanqian sailed and docked, it was already a port city.

Xiaosheng and the others were already waiting at the port, and when Zhu Zhan got off the boat, Xiaosheng led the officers and men and many dignitaries and dignitaries shouted: "Welcome His Royal Highness King of the Sea!!"

Looking at the majestic momentum, it is very neat, and it is no accident that it has been rehearsed.

Zhu Zhanqian patted Xiaosheng on the shoulder: "Thank you for your hard work."

Just this sentence brought tears to Xiaosheng's eyes: "Your Highness is fighting on the front line, Xiaosheng dare not say it's hard work."

After exchanging pleasantries, Zhu Zhanqian looked at the bustling city and said, "This city hasn't been named yet."

"Yes, when His Highness comes back, the city built according to His Highness's request, all the streets are very wide, and the layout is also planned according to His Highness." Xiaosheng took Zhu Zhanqian to introduce the city in detail.

This is a completely new city, born out of demand, because it exists at the end of the Suez Canal near the Mediterranean Sea in the future, business and trade will inevitably be busy in the future, Zhu Zhanqian intends to build it into a completely new city.

named New Shanghai.

New Shanghai City has also reserved the location of the railway for future development. The current railway is only used to transport people and materials for digging the canal, and fully supports the canal's digging.

Zhu Zhanqian is very satisfied with the new Shanghai city. A city that has been completely lifted from the flat ground is still full of construction sites, and you can see countless people working. The most important thing in this place is the population.

After watching the new Shanghai City, Zhu Zhanqian took the train and drove around the canal route to Suez City. On the way, he saw canal pits, and every section was densely packed with people digging canals , along the way, it was divided into hundreds of sections to start construction together, and the manpower consumed was simply terrifying.

And under high pressure, it is not uncommon for people to die when building canals.

Standing on the edge of the canal pit and looking in, countless densely packed workers are constantly digging, the machinery is rumbling, and the sultry air is a bit suffocating.

Zhu Zhanqian and Xiaosheng looked down at the canal pit, Zhu Zhanqian did not speak, and Xiaosheng did not speak either.

The two had a tacit understanding. Zhu Zhanqian didn't ask why there were so many slaves, and Xiaosheng didn't say that the merchant ships of the Ming Dynasty would always bring some slaves to dig pits. Similarly, he didn't ask the merchants where these slaves came from. of.

In order to dig the canal as soon as possible, these continuous slaves are the necessities. This darkness is carried by the niche, because today, there are nearly a thousand corpses buried every kilometer under the canal. Mountains and seas of blood piled up, how should this be written in the history books.

Zhu Zhanqian and Xiaosheng boarded the train again and asked, "Xiaosheng, how long will the canal take?"

"Your Highness, it is expected that you can try it next month, but it will take some time to verify whether the river can pass through well."

"Well, very good, much faster than expected." Zhu Zhanqian nodded, of course he also knew that many more people died than expected.

"His Royal Highness, the western federation's plan has been approved, approved by His Majesty the Emperor, and another imperial decree was received yesterday." Xiaosheng said this, but he was somewhat lonely.

"what happened?"

Xiaosheng took out the imperial decree that had just arrived: "Your Highness, His Majesty the new emperor has ascended the throne."

Zhu Zhanqian accepted the imperial decree. This is the imperial decree that arrived just yesterday. The previous one said that he agreed to the plan of the Western Federation. Zhu Zhanqian submitted it two years ago, and that should be the last imperial decree issued by Zhu Gaochi. The imperial edict coming now is the imperial edict of Zhu Zhanji's ascension to the throne.

The distance is far away. At this time, Zhu Zhanji has been on the throne for several months, and it has been a long time since Zhu Gaochi died.

In fact, when Zhu Zhanqian received the last edict, he already knew that his fat father might not be able to hold on any longer.

Because at the end of the imperial decree, Zhu Gaochi violated the convention and added a sentence: "Queen Chang Si'er, I hope my son will return early."

After all, Chinese men are introverted, they think about it and want to tell their son how much they miss, and finally make up their minds to violate the convention, and write family affairs in the imperial decree, saying that the queen misses her, not about his own miss.

The gentleness of Chinese men is never a raging torrent, wanton intrusion, but a dam that blocks the flood, hiding and protecting emotions, for fear of disturbing the mountains, rocks and plants.

Zhu Zhan's eyes were red. He knew that Zhu Gaochi had approved the plan of the Western Federation at the last time, and he also wanted to maintain the relationship between the two sons as much as possible.

He also knew the reason why Zhu Zhanqian did not go back for such a long time. One was to avenge Zheng He, and the other was that Zhu Zhanqian had already posed a threat to Zhu Zhanji at that time. Everyone in the hall will feel that Zhu Zhanji is a threat from Zhu Zhanji, and there will be a tear between the two. Zhu Zhanxi hides far away, and Zhu Zhanji is enthroned, and he is the orthodox emperor.

Zhu Zhanji kept his promise and supported Zhu Zhanji's western expedition. The warships and merchant ships from Ming Dynasty have not been blocked by the imperial court in the past few years. Instead, all the funds and materials have been unimpeded. With a lot of support, Zhu Zhanji has done it the best you can do.

Naturally, Zhu Zhanqian couldn't go back on his word, this emperor must belong to Zhu Zhanji.

The plan of the Western Federation can alleviate the possible conflict between the two sons to the greatest extent. The Western Federation is a part of Ming Dynasty, but Zhu Zhanqian is the biggest leader of the Western Federation. Zhanji is also willing to make this compromise. After all, Zhu Zhanqian is allotted to land outside the region. For the Ming court, this is not the land of the Central Plains in the traditional sense.

Zhu Zhanxi took over Zhu Zhanji's enthronement edict and said: "Xiaosheng, please reply a letter to the imperial court for me, saying congratulations to the new emperor on his enthronement, the Suez River will be open to navigation soon, the situation in Ingoland is changing, and the Western Federation has just been established. The business is busy, the distance is long, time-consuming and labor-intensive, I can't go back to the court, and I will return to Daming to plead guilty to His Majesty after the chaos between Britain and France is put down.

"Yes, Your Highness."

Looking at the canal pit along the way, Zhu Zhanqian was full of thoughts in his heart. People who are engulfed by the times to move forward, even they themselves have times when they can't help themselves.

Xiaosheng took Zhu Zhanqian to visit the current situation of the canal and then returned to New Shanghai City together.

At this time, many businessmen are waiting, and the approval of the Western Federation's plan means that it is time for them to increase their ranks, so they have been waiting in New Shanghai City for a long time in advance. The city is very lively, and they are all rich people.

When Zhu Zhanqian returned to New Shanghai City, he was hugged by people to the half-built parliament hall.

The main venue of this parliament hall can accommodate nearly a thousand people, and it is also fully accommodated at this time.

Zhu Zhanqian stood on the rostrum and looked around for a week. The roof of the parliament hall was not sealed yet, and it was still in the open air, but Zhu Zhanqian insisted that the first meeting of the Western Federation would be held here.

"Everyone, you have worked hard all these years." Zhu Zhanqian's first sentence was condolences.

"This venue has not been built yet, and the roof has not been sealed. Our Western Federation is the same. It has just started, and there are still many places to be improved, but just as the roof of this venue will be sealed, so will the Western Federation. It will be your dome against the wind and rain."

"Follow Your Highness, there is meat to eat."

"Follow Your Highness, there is wine to drink."

"Follow Your Highness, Yougu..." Before she could say anything, someone held her mouth.

There was a burst of laughter, and everyone was in a very good mood.

Zhu Zhanqian knocked on the table and said with a smile: "The specific matters of the Western Federation have been discussed these days. Starting here tomorrow, we will formally establish a huge Western Federation."

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