Chapter 343
After Zhu Zhanqian figured out what Mrs. Catherine had done, he began his offensive plan against France.

He took the map of France drawn by Joan of Arc and said to his subordinates and Joan of Arc: "When we liberate France, it is absolutely impossible for us to encounter unarmed civilians and devout believers on the road. In principle, we are not going to slaughter the French people, but to rescue them from the evil French king."

The subordinates raised their arms and shouted, Joan shouted excitedly, the veins on the neck came out because of too much force.

These words are actually meant for Joan of Arc alone. As long as Joan of Arc is the banner, I believe there will be much less resistance from France.

There are many people who follow Joan of Arc. These people are not fools who spend 80 yuan a day, but truly devout believers.

Zhu Zhanqian took Joan of Arc to the flower garden, picked a flower and played with it in his hand, and said softly: "Joan of Arc, it will be time for us to go to France in a few days, you are really ready Yet?"

"Is Your Highness afraid that I will retaliate when the time comes?"

"To be honest, I have this worry." Zhu Zhanqian answered Joan of Arc without shy away.

Joan of Arc waved the Daming Dragon Flag in her hand. The girl who held the flag high was always used to carrying the flag with her, as long as she could fit it down.

"Your Highness, don't worry. Since it is God's will, Your Highness is the one destined to save France. I will always hold high the banner for His Highness, as long as His Highness doesn't do anything to the poor ordinary people in France."

Zhu Zhanqian nodded, staring straight at Joan of Arc, the young man was a little embarrassed and hesitant, Joan of Arc looked into Zhu Zhanqin's eyes, and also blushed slightly.

"Does your shoulder still hurt?"

"Occasionally, new wounds are not fully healed."

"Can you show me?"


"Uh... I didn't mean that, I meant..."


While Zhu Zhanqian was explaining, Joan of Arc was blushing and slowly pulled off the clothes on her shoulders.

Her collarbone and shoulder shape are very beautiful, and the position of her collarbone reminds Zhu Zhanyi of the first time Zhu Gaoxu took him to play and drank the beauty cup, and unconsciously thought that such a beautiful place should be filled with red wine. How about a drunken dream scene.

There is no shortage of beauty in this world, but the lack of eyes to discover beauty.

But such a beautiful shoulder has two scars on each side, one of which has not fully healed and is bandaged.

Zhu Zhanqian stretched out his hand, and gently lifted off the bloody white cloth, it seemed that there was still some pain, and Joan of Arc frowned slightly.

Looking at the wound, Zhu Zhanqian asked, "The Holy Knight's holy sword hurts, right?"

Joan of Arc bit her lip slightly, and remained silent with some grievances.

"If the wound is not treated well, it will still hurt after leaving hidden diseases."

"Your Highness, both of my shoulders are injured, and occasionally I feel a dull pain, especially when it rains or the weather is cold. Now the flags I hold are much lighter than before. I'm afraid I won't be able to carry heavy things on my shoulders in the future." .”

Zhu Zhanqian reached out again and picked the two most beautiful flowers from the bushes, and said, "The pressure on your shoulders is too great, and you have to let them rest." The woman who carried France on her shoulders was already weak. Burdened.

Reach out and place one flower on her old wound that has long since healed, and another flower next to the new wound that has not yet healed.

The young prince looked at the two flowers blooming on the shoulders of the saint with a smile, and said very proudly: "The girl's shoulders should be like this, don't worry about the hatred of the family and the country, and those who are upright, pick it first." The breeze and the moon, the willows and the grass and the yingfei, the girl's shoulders should be full of beautiful things."

Everything in this world is so beautiful, how can the hatred and ambition of a country rest on the shoulders of a teenage girl.

In the flower garden, a hundred flowers are in full bloom, competing for splendor, and the girl with the flowers on her shoulders is the most proud in the world.

Everyone praises the saint who follows, always brings the symbol of victory, she always holds the banner high, but no one asks if she is tired.

Zhu Zhanqian's words full of youthful taste made Joan of Arc's girlish feelings hidden in her heart burst open, turning into the fragrance of flowers all over the yard everywhere.

So it is still beneficial to read the chief manager's novels, at least when picking up girls, especially when picking up female literary youths, the effect of learning and using them is surprisingly good.

And female Wenqing generally don't read online novels, if you don't tell her, she thinks you wrote it yourself, as long as you have a thick skin, everyone is Mr. Chen.

Suddenly, it was spring all at once, Joan of Arc, who had never been so cared for and loved by anyone, blushed, and the deer bumped wildly.

It can’t be called a small deer, it’s not a big deer, but there are still some middle deer.

Everyone wants her to be a saint, and wants her to ride a horse and carry a flag to fight on the battlefield, but only this Highness can let her shoulders be full of flowers.

"After we liberate the suffering people of France, I'll let them erect a statue of you outside the church, how about a girl with flowers on her shoulders?"

"Let's carve the flag on it too, instead of carving the French flag or the Daming Dragon flag, just carve the flag with flowers."

"Flowers represent beauty and peace. May God bless there will be no more wars in the future."

After Zhu Zhanqian finished speaking, he walked forward on his own. Joan looked at the back of the young prince with trembling eyes, and thought: "He is indeed sent by God to save us. Flowers and peace will eventually come to the land of France. May all French girls after me dance with flowers on their heads."

Thinking of this in my heart, the hand holding the flag became tighter.

Joan of Arc immediately began to ask people to contact the former French subordinates. They were very happy to know that Joan of Arc was still alive, and Joan of Arc taught them that she had received God's will again, and she would lead the Ming army to rescue those in distress. France, from the rule of the mad King of France.

For a time, there were two kinds of public opinions on the Ming army in France. One was based on the fact that Ming defeated Yinggelan, saying that the Ming army was a vicious army. The artillery fire was accompanied by the Ming army, and the Ming army represented death and killing. .

Another way of saying is that the Ming army is a team sent by the gods to rescue them from the sea of ​​suffering. The Ming army will never slaughter the people and civilians, and only those who are stubborn are the real enemies.

Under this public opinion environment, the domestic contradictions in France are constantly erupting. The madness of the mad king, the repeated jumps of the Duke of Burgundy, and Prince Charles' ineffective rescue of Joan of Arc have all become the content of public criticism. , especially when Joan of Arc was on Daming's side, then the Ming army seemed so correct.

The public opinion is mixed, and the rumor that the mad king was sent by the devil to persecute France did not know when it started to spread like wildfire, because the French people who were in power under the mad king were living in poverty, and all kinds of rumors and gossips arose at this time. Powerless to suppress, let alone do things against public opinion. ,

Facing the avenues of Paris full of parades and uprisings, the king and the prince could only hide in their palaces to keep the army stable.

Paris was previously occupied by Ingoland, and there were still many Ingoland people at this time. Under the instruction of Duke Humphrey, they kept fanning the flames with a lot of money, intending to continue to give the French royal family a blow in public opinion. pressure.

As long as you continue to use rubbish information and negative information to stir up public opinion and spread rumors, especially what people with strong public opinion like Joan of Arc say, then people will not know what to believe, what not to believe, and even more so. Can't tell what's right and what's wrong.

Blindness and anger will overcome a little rationality. The French people have lost little trust in the royal family, the royal family, the army, and the army has also begun to lose trust in the rulers. Then the country will be vulnerable .

At present, a considerable number of people in France want to welcome Joan of Arc back, and let the saint who led France to restore its glory lead the French people.

Before Ming's army set foot on the land of France, it seemed that they had secretly gathered thousands of troops.


In New Shanghai City, Xiaosheng received an order from Zhu Zhanqian to invite Yushi Taidu Yushi, Dali Temple Minister, and Minister of Criminal Affairs to come to Yinggelan together. Although he doesn't know what Zhu Zhanqian wants to do, he still follows the order Pass the news back to Daming first.

Shuntian Mansion, inside the palace.

Zhu Zhanji had just abolished Hu Shanxiang's position as queen, and instead made Sun Ruowei the queen. Because Hu Shanxiang has never had any heirs, although this matter was a major event, it did not cause much disturbance in the court.

A woman's happiness is worth nothing to the stability of the country, so Hu Shanxiang turned to build a temple to chant scriptures and worship Buddha every day, without contending with the world.

Sun Ruowei was proud of his spring breeze, he won the position of empress, his son was also the heir, and his mother respected the world.

Zhu Zhanji was also puzzled when he received Zhu Zhanqian's letter.

Sun Ruowei seemed to be particularly concerned about Zhu Zhanji's news, leaned close to Zhu Zhanji, and said softly, "Your Majesty, is it the fifth brother who wrote?"

"Well, Zhan Qian said that he would invite Yushi Taidu Yushi, Dali Temple Minister, and Minister of Criminal Affairs to Yinggelan, but he didn't explain the reason."

Sun Ruowei thought about it carefully: "Your Majesty, is Fifth Brother going to have three trials?"

After being reminded by Sun Ruowei, Zhu Zhanji remembered that letting the three of them go was like having three trials, and he slapped the table with a happy expression on his face: "Okay, this fifth brother, fifth brother, I want to use Da Ming The king of England and France will be judged in the three courts, and he must be the fifth younger brother."

Sun Ruowei said not without blame: "This fifth brother is really, he does things in a hidden way, just like you, Your Majesty. It's fine to just talk about this matter."

"Okay, okay, okay, send people over there, take some craftsmen over there, and temporarily build a Ming court in Britain and France, and do everything you want." Zhu Zhanji didn't pay special attention to Sun Ruowei's words.

While arranging, Zhu Zhanji said excitedly: "The fifth brother did a good job. They defeated Yinggelan. They disrespected Ming Dynasty and insulted our envoys. They have to teach them a lesson. I also want to see these things." Western countries, when everything settles down, I will travel around the Western Federation to see foreign lands."

"Your Majesty, this is absolutely impossible. The Western Federation is so far away, and you are all barbarians from outside the region. You are a man of gold." Sun Ruowei hurriedly persuaded.

At this time, Sun Ruowei proposed again: "Your Majesty, if you send someone to go this time, it is best to have a royal team leader, and I will go to see the situation there for you."

Zhu Zhanji pondered for a while: "Well, let Qi Zhen go, this kid is like a monkey, just let him see and see."

Hearing this, Sun Ruowei hurriedly said: "Your Majesty, absolutely not, Qi Zhen is only five years old, and it would be too embarrassing for him to go as a child, and the journey is far away, and the sea is fierce. , Over the years, Ming’s warships have also capsized, once capsized, there is no chance of survival.”

"Qi Zhen is my prince, so it would be good to let him learn more." Zhu Zhanji obviously didn't care.

But Sun Ruowei began to persuade her earnestly, he didn't mind if he was bothered, and gave her a sentence: "A loving mother is a loser, this is a great opportunity for him to see the world, but you don't let him go."

"Your Majesty, let the second brother go."

Sun Ruowei recommended Zhu Zhanyu, but Zhu Zhanji gave him a blank stare: "Go and take Qizhen first, people in the harem are not allowed to discuss politics."

The deflated Sun Ruowei didn't want to disgust Zhu Zhanji, so he hurriedly resigned.

However, Sun Ruowei's statement got Zhu Zhanji's approval. This time, the royal family had to lead the team, and the name was more orthodox. At the same time, he was also going to see how the Western Federation was doing, as his imperial envoy.

"King Xuanyue has an audience."

The chubby Zhu Zhanyong came to the front of the main hall. The fatter Zhu Zhanyong became more and more like Zhu Gaochi back then as he got older, and now he looks like the second generation of Zhu Gaochi with flexible legs.

He did not go to the imperial court, but stayed in the capital to accompany the queen mother, and his honest and honest character was praised by all officials.

"Your Majesty, my brother Zhu Zhanyong..."

"Don't be too polite, don't be too polite."

"I don't know why the emperor recruited me?"

Zhu Zhanyong was a little puzzled. Zhu Zhanji has always been very kind to him, and he always has a share of the delicious food that tributes from all over the world, but he usually does not summon himself to the hall on ordinary days. He is just an idle prince. .

Zhu Zhanji walked up to him and patted his stomach: "It's time for you to lose weight. The queen mother has been talking about how much time you have."

Zhu Zhanyong showed embarrassment: "Brother Huang, it's not just because of this."

Zhu Zhanji put one hand on his hips and swung one hand. He looked like Zhu Di in high spirits. He was always imitating his grandfather.

"Zhanqian sent a letter, and Yinggelan shot down and captured their royal family alive."

"That's a happy event."

Although neither of them had ever been to Ingeland, they were familiar with the name.

"Yes, and Zhan Qian intends to interrogate Britain and France in three sessions. I am preparing to send people there. At the same time, I plan to send you there too. As my imperial envoy, go and see that distant place for me."

The imperial envoy represented the emperor himself, but Zhu Zhanyong was not happy when he heard the words.

But, does he have the right to refuse?
"Zhan Yong, this time you go on the [Golden and Green Emperor's Royal Seat Dragon Boat] that I just ordered someone to build. I haven't even sat on it twice before."

"Your brother takes the order." Zhu Zhanyong saluted and accepted the order.

There is a brother between the boss and the younger brother, and it is difficult to be a man in the middle. It is unfortunate and fortunate, after all, there is someone who can talk to both sides.

(End of this chapter)

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