Chapter 345 Normandy Landing

Normandy is located in the north of France. The cliffs on the west coast are granite, the east is shale, and there are long sandy beaches in the center.

Because it is close to Ingoland, the Duke of Burgundy deployed heavy guards in the two ports of Normandy, and the Duke of Burgundy received the naval equipment left by Ingoland, and now it is his between Britain and France. The strongest.

The long sandy beach does not allow Ming's warships and steam motherships to dock, and they still have to go to the port, so the main defense of France is still in the port city, so Zhu Zhanqian and the others are considering whether to attack the port city in an all-round way or think of other plans.

After several discussions, the two main cities in the Normandy region are Caen in the west and Rouen in the east. Caen is where the Duke of Burgundy is now and is heavily guarded.

Finalize the battle plan and fight on the third front.

The troops were divided into two groups, all the way to the port on the edge of Caen, all the way to the Seine River and all the way to enter Rouen. As long as Rouen was captured, Paris would be close at hand.

The other part of the troops took small boats and landed on the beach in the middle on a large scale. Under the leadership of Joan of Arc and other Frenchmen, they carried out landing operations. After the landing was successful, they attacked Caen and Rouen with infantry groups. 70.00% of the troops of Ming Dynasty are on top.

Strive to complete the battle in a short time and reduce the duration of the war.

In the history of the world, nearly 300 million soldiers crossed the English Channel to Normandy in Normandy. The Battle of Normandy was the largest sea landing operation in the world.
The population of this era is not as high as that of that era, but Daming has now organized a force of [-] troops, plus the troops following the steam mothership from New Shanghai City, the total force is close to [-].

In addition, the Yinggelan people can almost make up an army of [-].

These people, together with Ming's warships straddling the English Channel, have already made the French on the other side tremble.

At this time, the Duke of Burgundy in Caen was flustered. They sent three groups of envoys to Yinggelan to negotiate peace with Zhu Zhanqian, but Zhu Zhanqian insisted that the Duke of Burgundy and the King of France must be handed over. Only then can the next step of the peace talks be carried out.

Who would sit still and wait to be caught without a fight?

It is naturally impossible for the Duke of Burgundy to hand himself over to the opponent.

It's just that there is no hope in the stubborn resistance, and the Duke of Burgundy is in deep despair.

"Your Excellency, there is news from the front line. The Ming army has entered the strait. It is so vast that it cannot see the side. There is also an extremely huge warship. I have never seen such a warship before. It is like Noah's Ark. generally."

Suddenly, a spy came to report that the Duke of Burgundy hurried up to the highest point of the port, looking at the sea.

Today's sea is calm and calm. Looking at it from a distance, there is nothing there. It is quiet and long-lasting, and it is empty.

This beauty is uninspiring.

Because under such a beautiful view of the sea and the sky, warships in iron armor slowly approached from a distance.

They were like warriors of the Ming Dynasty with pale faces, holding the dragon flag of the Ming Dynasty and wearing the iron armor of the Buddha, one step at a time.

It seemed as if the sound of armor colliding could be heard, and the steam warship that broke through the waves let out the roar of a lion, and the sky-shattering roar was transpiring with white mist.

At this time, the sky was getting dark, and the sunny day suddenly turned cloudy. After a while, the light rain started to fall, and the Duke of Burgundy looked far away again, as if he could hear the rain hitting the iron armor of the Ming warship. sound.

Every sound seemed to hit his heart, making his fear a little deeper.

Dark clouds overwhelm the city, and the city is about to be destroyed, and the Buddha is full of dark waves.

Daming's armored warship was like a huge black wave, a tsunami that was ready to go.

The sky in France was frightened and cried, and the pattering rain was its low cry, falling on the hearts of all the French troops.

Standing on the deck of the flying Henann, Zhu Zhanqian said with a gloomy face, "God helped France. The hot air balloon can't take off in this weather, and it lacks the ability to strike in the air."

"Your Highness, counting the time, Joan of Arc's team is already rushing to land on the beach. We can attract attention to make their login smoother. When they successfully log in and outflank the rear, our pressure will be much less." Fan As Zhong said, he signaled his subordinates to quickly protect Zhu Zhanqian from the rain.

As the wind and waves picked up, Zhu Zhanqian stretched out his hand to signal that no one was needed to keep out the rain.

"Fan Zhong, guess if the Duke of Burgundy is in the port or hiding in Caen."

Fan Zhong said respectfully: "Your Highness, I think he should hide in Caen."

Zhu Zhanqian smiled slightly: "I guess he is at the port, but he is already trying to find a way to escape."

If the news received in Caen City is delayed, it will be too late to run.

As Zhu Zhanqian expected, the Duke of Burgundy is now trying to find a way to escape, but he can't show it, otherwise the army's morale will be turbulent and there will be no resistance, and he will not be able to escape even more.

"Soldiers cheer up, don't slack off, don't be intimidated by the bluff of the Ming people, stand ready, and open fire as soon as the warship of the Ming Dynasty approaches."

Following the order of the Duke of Burgundy, the French soldiers waited anxiously. They didn't want to fight such a steel fleet in their hearts, but they had to fight.

When the Ming Fleet got closer, before the defending French army could fire, the countless pitch-black cannon barrels on the warship fired snakes and fired at the French defensive line.

I am longer than you, I am taller than you, and I shoot farther than you.

Daming's artillery is much more powerful than that of France. When the artillery fire rang out, it was destined to be a one-sided massacre.




Countless cannon fires sounded, and a devastating destructive force swept over for a while, more violent than the storm. When the cannon fire landed, there were layers of flying sand and rocks, and the French defense line that was hit face-to-face collapsed.

Ben was still thinking about being able to fight and resist for a while, only to realize that the first wave of offensive was launched completely outside his range, and the counterattack really wanted to counterattack, but how to counterattack?
The French soldiers fell into endless panic. If they want to inflict effective damage on the Ming warship, at least they have to wait until the first wave of the Ming warship finishes its bombardment and approaches the port. But can they organize an effective attack at this time?

The bombing lasted for an hour before the Ming army approached some dusty ports.

On the other side of the Seine River, Daming's warships sailed in brazenly. The weather was different for ten miles. There was no rain here, and the sun was shining. This fleet was led by Yang Lu himself, and it was the first time for the commander to fight such a naval battle across borders. Excited And excited, the first time I saw the enemy's port was to bombard it indiscriminately.

The coverage of firepower will give people an illusion that cannons can solve all contradictions, but is this an illusion?

The resistance encountered here is smaller than that there, and there is the Seine River. After the first round of firepower covered by the Ming warship, it rushed straight into the Seine River, and the French troops along the coast fled one after another. Without going to the Ming army, the warship wanted to rush towards Rouen.

"Commander all, go deep along the long line of the river, I'm afraid it will be difficult to see from the beginning to the end." At this time, a general raised a question.

Yang Lu flicked his hand and said: "Put away your old tactics. Our army's current combat power and level of weapons and equipment no longer need to rely on the previous tactics. Let the soldiers fight openly. Surrenders will not be killed. All the way Kill the city of Rouen."

The Ming army pierced into the French defense line like a bayonet cutting tofu.

Next to the steam mothership in the sea, small boats kept coming to the beach. There was almost no obstruction here, and the French army did not expect that Da Ming would use small boats to dock from the beach. By the time they realized it, it was too late. The mind of the group army quickly divided into two teams, approaching the two cities of Rouen and Caen.

Among them, the army heading to Rouen was led by Joan of Arc. During the rapid advance, they encountered a French team, and it was a team under Joan of Arc. Only the cavalry, the Ming soldiers replaced the French, followed Joan of Arc to form a cavalry team of more than 50 people, and as a forward force, they rushed all the way to Rouen.

"French devout believers, Daming Sea King is here to save you. Those who surrender will not be killed, and those who surrender will not be killed."

The Ming army advanced and yelled all the way, and all the soldiers learned this French phrase. Although they had many accents, the French could understand it.

On this day, the land of the northwestern frontier of France can be seen everywhere, shouting that those who surrender will not be killed.

The defeat across the board made the French understand the gap in combat effectiveness between the two sides. Deming's warships entered the port, but the French army broke out in resistance in the port. I never thought it was still relatively tenacious, and the buildings were complicated. Time is really hard to beat.

The Ming army underestimated the tenacity of the French, and the French underestimated the strength of the individual soldiers of the Ming army, and skirmishes began everywhere in the city.

While capturing the city, let the steam mothership dock as much as possible, and then drive the tanks on it down.

There aren't even enough streets when this steel monster appears, but layers of armor are enough to knock down houses.

"What is that? Is that a weapon of the Ming army? I've never seen it before. How can I fight this?"

"Its iron armor is harder than a warship. Is that an iron rhinoceros?"

"Run, run, it's coming."

With the appearance of tanks, the speed of the defeat of the French army was accelerated. At this time, the Duke of Burgundy had disappeared. I know that the city of Caen is not a long-term place.

As long as the Ming army breaks through the port, the city of Caen will follow.

There is only one thought in his heart, that is to run, but he has lost where he is going. Perhaps going to Paris to meet the king is the only way out.

On the way back to Caen, the Duke of Burgundy temporarily changed direction and took his cavalry to Paris.

He forgot that the troops were delaying behind, no matter how bad it was, it would be okay to delay for three or four days. It should be safe for him to run to Paris now.

On the fertile land of France, a cavalry team of more than 300 people was galloping, and suddenly a team came out from the side. The Duke of Burgundy didn't know where it came from. It was actually Joan of Arc, and Joan of Arc was holding the Daming Dragon Banner.

Joan of Arc also found each other.

Neither party expected the other to appear suddenly. Joan of Arc hated the Duke of Burgundy deeply. After all, it was because of the Duke of Burgundy that she was arrested, sold to the Ingolans, and suffered inhuman treatment.

The enemy was extremely jealous when they met, and Joan of Arc immediately led the cavalry to charge towards the opponent.

The Duke of Burgundy doesn't understand why Joan of Arc is here, but I have three hundred cavalry, and the other side only sees forty or fifty, so I have the advantage, if you want to fight, I will fight you.

If you can't beat Daming, can you still beat you, Joan of Arc?

As the distance between the two shots approached, there were gunshots and wailing sounds.

The Duke of Burgundy, who had a huge advantage, was captured by Joan of Arc's troops in less than half an hour of fighting.

The difference in equipment between the two sides is too great. Among Burgundy's more than 300-strong team, only about ten people are fully armored with firearms. However, Ming's army, especially the one following Joan of Arc, can be said to be full of battles. army, and armed to the teeth.

He was beaten to pieces in a short period of time, and the Duke of Burgundy didn't realize why at the moment he was arrested.

Joan got off her horse and walked up to the Duke of Burgundy: "Long time no see, Your Excellency the Duke."

"Joan of Arc, you betrayed, you betrayed, you betrayed France, you are the eternal sinner of France."

Joan smiled disdainfully: "Your Excellency, the Duke, is the real sinner of France. I followed Ming's army to rescue France, and rescue France from the rule of you stupid and incompetent people."

"" The Duke of Burgundy was at a loss for words.

"Tie him up and send someone to inform His Royal Highness that the Duke of Burgundy has been captured by our army."

This is exciting news. The Duke of Burgundy, one of the two main targets of this war, was captured less than a day after the war started.

The Duke of Burgundy could only be incompetently furious, shouting: "Joan of Arc, you have betrayed, you have betrayed France, you are France's eternal sinner."

It seemed that he couldn't find any other words. Endless despair hit him, and he knew what he would face when he was caught.

When the spies came to report, Daming had already laid down the port and was about to advance towards the city of Caen, but Zhu Zhanqian immediately changed his strategy as soon as he got the news.

"The vanguard advances towards Paris and cancels going to Caen." The purpose of going to Caen is to capture the Duke of Burgundy, but now that he has captured it, there is no need to go.

"Let Joan form a small team to send the Duke of Burgundy here, and I will interrogate him."

(End of this chapter)

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