Steam Daming: Stop calling me to supervise the country

Chapter 348 Stuck in place and unable to move

Chapter 348 Stuck in place and unable to move
Back then, a mad king used some people as test subjects in order to study chicken cutting techniques. Some of them died directly, and some of them survived with bad luck. Young children may not understand it at the beginning, but as they grow older, The hatred for the Mad King is constantly deepening. They didn't become eunuchs voluntarily, but they couldn't take revenge.

The courtier who stood up just now was a victim of the mad king's sword. He tried his best all these years and wanted to take revenge on the mad king, but unfortunately he never had the chance. At this time, he finally stepped forward.

His words made everyone startled, and they all looked at the French prince Charles. Zhu Zhanqian waved his hand and the guards first completely controlled Charles and pressed him to the ground.

"His Royal Highness, he is talking nonsense, he is talking nonsense!"

Zhu Zhanqian didn't care what he said, but asked the courtier: "Is what you said true?"

"It's true. I can guarantee with my life that it is absolutely true. I saw it with my own eyes at the time. The king and the crown prince tortured the envoy of the Ming Dynasty. The king was a little delirious, but His Royal Highness wanted to press him The secret of the Ming steam warship, as well as the location of the Ming Dynasty and the strength of the coastal defense forces."

"The envoy has been refusing to tell any news. No matter what kind of torture, there is no way for him. He has been refusing to say that he is about to be tortured. The king is sober and said that at least the envoy And the value of the deal."

Listening to Zheng He's tragic experience, Zhu Zhanqian narrowed his eyes slightly, looked at Charles who was pressed to the ground, and then looked at Joan of Arc: "Joan of Arc, is this what you call the righteous prince of France?"

Joan of Arc was also surprised, she never thought that the prince she was loyal to would do such a thing.

"His Royal Highness, don't listen to his nonsense, don't listen to her nonsense!" Charles impotently defended: "I have a bad relationship with my father, how could we interrogate the prisoner together?"

Zhu Zhanqian looked at the courtier again: "How do you explain this matter?"

"His Royal Highness, the relationship between the crown prince and the king is not good, but not all the time. The two had a good relationship before, but later the king thought that the crown prince wanted to murder him, so the relationship between the two became bad."

"Nonsense, nonsense, Your Highness, King of the Sea, don't listen to such a person's framing, Joan... Joan, I am innocent, I am still innocent, someone must frame me." Charles began to beg Joan for mercy .

Joan couldn't bear to say a few words for Charles, but at this moment, the courtier who reported it stretched out his hand to untie his clothes, and took off all his clothes in front of everyone, revealing own mutilated body.

The young courtier burst into tears for a while: "His Royal Highness, I am still a small person, and I am light-hearted, but everything I say is true. My body was mutilated by the king to what it looks like now. Your Highness, Haiwang, you should be able to see that he mutilated me. The method is the method of the eunuch of Ming Dynasty."

Zhu Zhanqian looked at Hou Xian, and Hou Xian nodded to confirm after just a glance.

Seeing that stubborn and aggrieved face, the tears kept falling on the ground, and everyone couldn't bear it, but the king of France suddenly laughed: "Hahahaha, it's fun." He also took off all his clothes.

In the surprised eyes of everyone, the King of France took off his clothes crazily, and started dancing naked, and there was nothing under him like the courtiers just now.


A lunatic is a lunatic, even he can do it himself, except for Yue Buqun and Lin Pingzhi, this dharma king has also joined the glorious evolution.

"Neither have you, nor have I, nor have we, la la la la."

The crazy appearance of the King of France made people feel disgusted and funny. The French nobles present all hid their faces and felt ashamed. Their king is now even more ashamed than those jesters.
You can't reason with a madman.
Zhu Zhanqian ignored him and continued to let him dance, ignoring the strange noise he made, and said to the courtier: "Put your clothes back on first, and continue to talk about why your king and prince cut off Zheng He. legs."

The courtier put his clothes back on little by little, as if picking up his lost dignity.

After he got dressed, he wiped away his tears and said slowly: "At that time, it was useless to torture him, and he couldn't ask anything, so the two decided to sell the Ming envoy to the Duke of Burgundy at a high price. "

"The king asked him a question."

"what is the problem?"

"Why did you travel across the ocean to come here? It was because of this problem that Prince Charles cut off Zheng He's leg with his own hands."

Zhu Zhanqian looked at Charles, who was being pressed tightly, and he couldn't get away with this matter: "What did Zheng He answer?"

"The envoy of Ming Dynasty replied that he said that the people he followed told him that the world was round, and that he would go west all the way to the end of the world, to prove that person's conjecture, that the footprints of Daming would spread all over the world, and all the people in the world Corner, we can all go."

After saying these words, the courtier went on to say: "Probably this is the meaning. Prince Shire felt that he was talking nonsense, so he said that since you want to travel all over the world, you should make people have no legs to walk, and then severely cut off the legs." As for the human leg, the doctor can testify that it was the doctor who treated the emissary at that time."

As he spoke, he excitedly pointed to a doctor from the French Royal Court, who immediately fell to his knees when he saw the situation.

"His Royal Highness, Hai Wang, I don't know anything, I don't know what happened, I was just treating the injured envoy of Ming Dynasty."

After it is roughly confirmed, at least it can be confirmed that Shire must have participated in this matter, otherwise a courtier would not be able to make up the matter so vividly.

Charles was dragged in front of Zhu Zhanqin, still begging for mercy: "His Royal Highness, you can't listen to him alone, he is just a little courtier who hates my father in his heart, so he wants to send him to the court at this time." I also dragged myself into the water, he was afraid that I would retaliate against him in the future."

"I will find out whether it is true or not. I will not let anyone involved in this matter go. But His Royal Highness the Crown Prince of France, it seems that it is possible that Zheng He's leg was lost in France. I The Duke of Burgundy will also be reviewed together, and the Ingolans said that they lost arms and legs when they received Zheng He, and there is no doubt that it was your actions."

"His Royal Highness, His Royal Highness, I am really innocent, Joan of Arc, Joan of Arc, I can swear to His Royal Highness that I have not done this thing, you know me, please help me talk to His Highness Hai Wang."

Joan of Arc looked at the Prince Charles who kept begging for mercy, and felt pity for a moment. After a battle of thoughts, she was about to ask for mercy.

Looking up, I saw Zhu Zhanqian's indifferent eyes. He was leaning on the seat behind him, with anger, indifference, contempt and ruthlessness in his eyes.

"If you want to intercede, take it back, Joan of Arc, don't meddle in the matter of Zheng He." Zhu Zhanqian said coldly, like the words of a devil in an ice hole, although none of the words was a threat, but let Joan felt a chill spread all over her body.

Joan of Arc didn't dare to say more, Zhu Zhanqian also ordered people to take Charles and the king down, the king who was still dancing was crazy like a farce.

"Hou Xian, go and interrogate the Crown Prince of France yourself, and save your life. When my third brother comes with the people from the three courts, I will set up a court in France."

"Yes, Your Highness."

"Yang Feng, on the edge of Notre Dame de Paris, order someone to build a court according to Ming's specifications. It should be done quickly, regardless of the cost."

"Understood, Your Highness."

After ordering these two things, Zhu Zhanqian said to all the French nobles and high-ranking officials present: "Many of you are in favor of surrender. I appreciate your understanding and interest. There is a saying in Ming Dynasty that those who know current affairs should be Junjie, many of you are believers in God, and Joan of Arc is a saint who received an oracle to save France, and you surrendered to her, which means you followed God's will."

"You are farsighted, so I hope you can also understand that if you know about my best friend Zheng He, please tell me everything. As long as I investigate and find out that the matter has nothing to do with you, I will release the matter to you." Let you be free, and continue your original life in France, occupy your original position, and even be promoted."

Zhu Zhanqian began to fool these ministers.

"His Royal Highness, can we also join the Western Federation like Ingolan?"

The French ministers cooperated unexpectedly and offered to join the Western Federation.

Zhu Zhanqian nodded in satisfaction: "Naturally."

"France, I will also give you two parliamentary seats. All the specifications are similar to those of Ingoland, and because Joan of Arc has helped me a lot, I will give France better conditions. Of course, the prerequisite for all this is On the premise that Zheng He's matter can be properly resolved."

"His Royal Highness, can we also get the seats of councilors?"

"Two places."

After receiving Zhu Zhanqian's positive answer, everyone felt relieved. It can be seen that after what happened just now, they knew that the king and prince of France must surely die.

Moreover, the ministers of France have had enough under the rule of the mad king. The mad king cut the chicken himself and took off his clothes to dance. How can this kind of behavior be the king of a country? Help, at least you can get rid of the mad king's rule.

The only thing that made them feel okay was the matter of Prince Charles. Prince Charles should be gone in the matter involving Zheng He. They thought that after the king was overthrown, Charles would inherit the Kingdom of France.

From their point of view, Charles should be regarded as a good prince overall, and he showed his benevolent government and love for the people. They didn't expect that he was as vicious as the Mad King.

Zhu Zhanqian left the church and led a troop of cavalry to inspect the French royal palace, and Joan of Arc followed on horseback.

"Do you still want to intercede for Shire?"

"Your Highness can't trust just one person's words."

Zhu Zhanqian smiled slightly: "I guessed that you would come, if you don't come, you won't be Joan of Arc."

"Your Highness, I really can't listen to that courtier alone."

Zhu Zhanqian asked back: "Then you can intuitively judge whether your prince Shire has anything to do with this matter."

When she said this, Joan was silent.

"Actually, you have the answer in your heart, and so do I, but I won't let go of anything about Zheng He, so you can rest assured that I will not make judgments lightly. I will interrogate and ask little by little. But I will not let anyone who is involved in this matter be spared."

Speaking of this, Zhu Zhanqian added: "Don't worry, I'm not the kind of bloodthirsty person, and I won't be easily confused. Otherwise, I'll kill all the people in front of the French imperial court at once. It's fine. Alright, take it easy."

"Your Highness, please speak carefully." Joan of Arc was also a little surprised when she heard that all of them had been killed, but she knew that Zhu Zhanqian did have such strength.

Zhu Zhanchen sighed: "Hey, the Ingolans want us to keep our mouths shut, and the king of France wants us to stay where we are and prevent us from traveling far. My best friend has been hurt so much, but still Believing in what I said to him back then, I have traveled all over the world, and I still saved many lives, which is enough kindness."

Zhu Zhanqian smiled slightly, looking at the surrounding buildings and scenery: "The buildings of your French people are generally pretty good-looking, and the land in France is also fertile. No wonder the English people always say that God favors France, and there is some truth in it. .”

Joan of Arc obviously didn't have such a leisurely way to watch the scenery, and still had a bitter and bitter expression on her face: "Your Highness, if the prince and the king are captured, how will you rule France next?"

Zhu Zhanqian stopped his horse and looked at Joan with interest: "What do you think should be done?"

"Find a worthy successor among the king's children."

"The child of a lunatic may also inherit mental illness. I don't want the future king of France to be a lunatic. You saw the king's appearance just now. It's too ugly."

"Your Highness, do you want the Ingolans to be the kings of France?" Joan of Arc asked doubts in his heart. He was very worried about this situation, because Duke Humphrey had previously shouted that the French should be allowed to follow the treaty. The King of Ingoland came to be King of France.

Zhu Zhanqian smiled wryly: "Jeanne, do you think I look like a fool?"

"Your Highness is far smarter than ordinary people."

"Then it's all right, will I give the Ingolans such great rights?"

"Then what is your Highness planning?"

"Jeanne, did God bless France in the oracle God gave you?"

"Yes, Your Highness."

"Then how do you feel about being the Queen of France?"

Joan turned pale with shock: "Ah? Your Highness, absolutely not, I'm just a simple village woman."

"Do you want the French to live well?"

"Of course I do."

"Then I will let you be the queen of France." Zhu Zhanqian said with a smile before Joan of Arc could answer, and continued to ask: "By the way, you said before that I will have seven wives, right?"


"Okay, then you will be my last wife."

(End of this chapter)

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