Chapter 351 The Three Trials

Charles refused to punish him, and kept saying that he was the prince of France and should not be treated like this.

Gu Zuo and Zhu Zhanqian looked at each other, and then shouted: "Xuan, the French Saint Joan of Arc stepped forward."

Joan of Arc came into the lobby by accident, Gu Zuo asked: "Joan of Arc, as the saint of France, after the sentencing just now, do you think he is guilty?"

Joan stared blankly at Charles, who was asking her for help, and she looked at Zhu Zhanqian, who looked at her expressionlessly.

On the one hand was the French prince whom he had sworn allegiance to, and on the other was the prince of Daming whom he had promised for life.

On one side is the lord who once trapped himself in darkness and did nothing, and on the other side is the hero who rescued himself from the fire.

The one who fought for him is now kneeling on the ground in ragged clothes. His somewhat insane appearance deeply hurt Joan of Arc. Joan of Arc has pity in her heart, as she always does, and she can't see any suffering.

But when she looked at Zhu Zhanqin, the emotion of not wanting to disappoint this man overcame everything.

Pulled out the sword from his waist, and put the blade on Charles' shoulder, just like the etiquette of conferring a knight's medal, but as the sword moved, the sharp blade easily cut through Charles' shoulder, and with Xia Blood gushed out of Er's screams.

The righteous saint said righteously: "I once told Charles that the blue dragon from the east will save France. He is the one chosen by God, but because of fear of exposure of his evil deeds, Charles has been deliberately Contrary to His Highness Haiwang, Haiwang has never hurt any innocent French civilians, he is not a bloodthirsty villain, Charles is the one who did such an infuriating thing for his own selfish desires, he violated God, he is a blasphemer! "

Joan of Arc's choice made Zhu Zhanqin smile slightly, and the young man's shallow smile made Joan of Arc like a spring breeze.

She had chosen the right path, which seemed to be an easy one.

She immediately said to everyone: "God came from the east, we should follow God's will, become a member of the Western Federation, and become a member of Ming Dynasty. God said that he would bless France. We have gone the wrong way. Madmen and blasphemers lead France, and demons dance with fallen angels, so France will fall and be eroded continuously. The France saved by His Royal Highness, the French of the French, His Royal Highness Neptune fulfilled his promise to God, France will be governed by the French."

The really passionate speech had a very provocative effect, coupled with Joan of Arc's detached status among French believers after her rebirth from the ashes, her words made countless French believers cheer.




The overwhelming momentum responded to him, and Zhu Zhanqian's eyes signaled Gu Zuo not to interrupt.

The sound lasted for many minutes, and finally settled down with Gu Zuo's three gavels.

Joan's sword condemned the prince Charles, which represented her position. The shout just now represented the position of the French believers. France will change its day from today. Even some French nobles are still lucky, but this Now they also see that the general trend cannot be violated, and Joan's popularity among the people is too high.

Gu Zuo pronounced the sentence in court: "One of the main criminals in this case, King Charles VI of France and Prince Charles of France, maliciously injured the envoys of the Ming Dynasty, insulted the majesty of the Ming Dynasty, violated the theocratic rights of the French Church, and the blasphemers were bloodthirsty. For the punishment of beheading, Prince Charling of France was put to death, and three days later he was beheaded at the gate of Notre Dame Cathedral."

Following Gu Zuo's verdict, the matter of the King of France and the prince was settled, and Charles was still struggling. When he was pulled away, he passed by Joan of Arc, grabbed her clothes and shouted: "Joan of Arc, save me!" , Joan of Arc saved me, I discovered you and let you lead the army to fight."

Joan of Arc's sword fell, cut off a small part of her clothes, and cut off the connection with Charles. Watching Charles being taken away, a trace of loneliness inevitably flashed in her eyes.

After the two were sentenced, Gu Zuo continued: "Leader, Mrs. Catherine of Ingeland, Owen Tudor, and Duke John."

The three were brought up, and Owen Tudor's face was ashen. After being castrated, Owen Tudor had to watch Lady Catherine suffer every day. She has to be judged, so the daily punishment has been reduced. The woman who used to be extremely graceful is now as miserable as a woman who spends 20 yuan on the street.

Duke John was the first to confess, and he mainly handled Zheng He's affairs, and he did not persecute. After being sent to Duke Humphrey, Zhu Zhan was kept alive, but he was only locked up. After all, the two People are blood relatives, even if they don't deal with them, Humphrey will still save his life.

After a long period of torment, Mrs. Catherine glared at Zhu Zhanqian now, like a mad fox, rushing to Zhu Zhanqin's position recklessly.

But the torture she suffered made her legs weak, and she fell to the ground after taking two steps.

"According to the criminal's confession, after buying Zheng He, the envoy of the Ming Dynasty, Lady Catherine and Owen Tudor tortured Zheng He inhumanly, just to extract the secret about the Ming steamship from Zheng He's mouth, but failed After that, Zheng He's tongue was cut off to prevent Zheng He from saying anything."

After Gu Zuo finished reading the evidence, ordinary people sniffed at him. What he did was ugly and cruel. How could ordinary people think that just hearing about the trial process in the church has caused people outside to discuss it.

Seeing that more and more people came around, Yang Feng sent more people to maintain the order of the scene for the sake of safety, and blocked some people who came later to the outside, but they could still hear the inside of the church from the interpreter outside. Case.

Duke John was the first to plead guilty. He is not guilty of death, and the best choice is to plead guilty quickly.

"His Royal Highness, my lords, I plead guilty, I plead guilty, everything is as stated in the evidence, and I have not lied a single word." Duke John knelt and kowtowed.

Owen Tudor's eyes were dull and he didn't say a word. Mrs. Catherine shouted crazily like Shire just now, but she was weak and her voice fell after shouting twice, and she looked at Zhu Zhanqian angrily.

If it wasn't for the person in front of her, how could she have ended up like this, her lower body was also bleeding at this time, endless torture had already tortured her body into a pool of rotten flesh, and her life would not be long.

"Duke John pleaded guilty in a good manner, and he had the merit of reporting. He was sentenced to imprisonment and life imprisonment without seeing the sun."

"Owen Tudor, who caused chaos in the harem of Yinggelan, committed adultery with Lady Catherine, persecuted the envoys of the Ming Dynasty, and insulted the prestige of the Ming Dynasty. What he did violated the principles of human relations and nature, and he was punished by beheading in half."

"Mrs. Catherine, who is immoral, endangers Ingolan, commits adultery with Owen Tudor, persecutes Ming Dynasty envoys, and insults Ming Dynasty's prestige. What she has done is against the principles of human relations and nature, and she will be punished by delay."

The three of them were also taken down, because Hou Xian had already interrogated his confession clearly in prison before, so things in the courtroom went very smoothly, and there was only one person left, the Duke of Burgundy who was finally arrested , he cut off Zheng He's hand.

"Duke of Burgundy."

The Duke of Burgundy was brought to the front of the hall. The man with disheveled hair, not as crazy as Charles, kept begging for mercy.

"Forgive me, His Royal Highness Haiwang, please forgive me."

Gu Zuo asked: "Duke of Burgundy, according to your testimony, you confessed that you interrogated Zheng He on the way to transport him, and you also wanted to get the secret of the Ming steam warship. Why did you cut off Zheng He's arm?"

The Duke of Burgundy said cautiously: "At first I just wanted to ask the secret of the steam warship. I didn't intend to hurt him, but he threatened me."

"Threatening you for what?"

"The man named Zheng He said that the people of Ming Dynasty will use their words and history to write about all injustices. All disrespect towards Ming Dynasty will be recorded. The descendants of Ming Dynasty will always remember these humiliations. The warships of Ming Dynasty It's not the reason why Ming is strong, it's the people of Ming."

Gu Zuo glared: "Just because of this sentence?"

"I'm scared, I'm really scared, I'm afraid of Da Ming's warships, I'm even more afraid of Da Ming's people, I don't know what happened, so I got angry and cut off his arm, I dare not let him cut off these I don’t dare to write down the matter, I am afraid that one day the people of Ming Dynasty will come to settle accounts with us.”

While speaking, the Duke of Burgundy burst into tears, but Zhu Zhanyong and the three presiding judges who were present were also very angry.

They want to make us lose our legs and be stuck in place, want to make us unable to speak, want to make us unable to write our own words and history, although their reasons are different.

There are those who are angry at the advanced Ming, those who are jealous of the bravery of the people of Ming, and those who are afraid of the strength of Ming. No matter what their purpose is, they do the same thing. They try their best to destroy Ming and its culture.

Zhu Zhanqian slowly closed his eyes, and the trial came to an end without a doubt.

Gu Zuo patted the gavel again: "The criminal, the Duke of Burgundy, killed the envoys of the Ming Dynasty, insulted the prestige of the Ming Dynasty, and ordered him to be cut in half."

The three trials were vigorous and full of voices. After all the three groups of criminals were interrogated, the three presiding judges looked at Zhu Zhanyong and Zhu Zhanqian. Gu Zuo said, "Your Majesty Yue, the case has been thoroughly reviewed. Now, the prisoners have basically confessed, my lord, let's see what you say next."

Zhu Zhanyong thought for a while, and after hearing what happened just now, he felt a bad breath in his chest. He didn't know that Zheng He had suffered so much suffering and torture before returning to Daming all the way.

He didn't have a deep relationship with Zheng He, so he felt uneasy. Looking at Zhu Zhanqian with his eyes closed, Zhu Zhanqian has a good relationship with Zheng He. He is also a teacher and a friend. Zhu Zhanqian must feel more uncomfortable than himself. .

"Fifth brother, I have nothing to say, do you want to say a few words." Zhu Zhanyong asked tentatively.

Zhu Zhanqian opened his eyes, his eye sockets were slightly red, stood up and said: "Everyone here, whether it is the soldiers of the Ming Dynasty, the French of Ingoland, or people from other countries, from today onwards, I hope everyone understands, Anyone who offends the prestige of our Ming Dynasty will be punished no matter how far away, but I have come all the way from the east to dig canals, costing countless money, and I am here to demand justice for Zheng He and my Ming Dynasty!"

No one in the room dared to speak out, Zhu Zhanqian took a deep breath: "My Ming Dynasty has never been a warlike nation, and if we can do it, we won't do it. Even in this battle, we try our best to avoid hurting Yinggelan With the people of France, I hope that everyone can develop peacefully together, just like I treated Joan of Arc."

"She is my friend, it can be said that she is a close friend. I admire her for her character, her noble character, and she is willing to show her noble character in life for France. Therefore, even in the fire, I will save her, because she is mine. Friends, this is the principle that we Daming people treat friends."

Zhu Zhanqian walked up to Joan of Arc, took her hand and walked into the hall: "Sinners have been judged, crimes have been punished, everything has subsided, and there will be no more wars. I asked Joan if she would like to Follow me to Daming, I believe that our emperor will also be impressed by her noble character, she can get a beautiful and generous life in Daming, and enjoy life."

At this time, everyone was talking about it, including the common people outside the conversation.

"No!" Zhu Zhanqian said high-pitched.

"She said, no!"

"She rejected the beautiful and rich life. She said that there are still so many people in France living in the water and fire. She said that the wounds caused by the war of nearly a hundred years are still hurting the people of France. She said that God gave her instructions. will fight for the French all his life."

"How noble, how selfless, God gave France such a saint, but the mad king and the prince still want to persecute her, I admire her spirit, I want to justify her name, I want to give her the highest honor , I want to give her Daming's respect."

"From now on, Joan of Arc will not only be the saint of France, she will also be the queen of France."

As soon as this statement came out, the crowd became chaotic and noisy again, and shouts sounded outside Notre Dame after a while.




Compared with the mad king, the cowardly and incompetent prince, or the old aristocratic group to lead France, the people naturally hope that Joan of Arc will be the leader of France.

With great momentum, Zhu Zhanqian raised Joan of Arc's hand, and came to the gate of Notre Dame like a victor, letting all the French see their saint and their queen.

Joan of Arc's momentum is overwhelming, and it can be seen that the French people love their queen very much.

Zhu Zhanqian breathed a sigh of relief, it was finally over, everything was over.

He looked to the east and muttered to himself: "Zheng He, I have avenged you."


Amidst the mighty momentum, Yang Feng cautiously approached Zhu Zhanqin, and said in a low voice: "Your Highness, I just heard that a group of nobles and Puritans from Ingoland traveled west from Ingoland in order to avoid possible sanctions. "

"Ah? What ship?"

"It seems to be called the Mayflower."

"The whole army is attacking, hurry up and sink it for me."

"Your Highness, Your Highness is not well." Another guard ran over in a panic.

"What's the matter? I'm in a panic."

"His Majesty is dead!!"

(End of this chapter)

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