Chapter 354 United Nations

"What do you think this Neptune is thinking?"

"Who knows, I landed in Tianjin yesterday and rushed to the capital overnight, but I didn't see anyone except the few people in the palace. I heard that Xia Shangshu and others have been asking for permission outside the palace."

"Who says no? Do you think Neptune will have a different heart?"

"Shh, take it easy."

The two courtiers who were discussing in low voices were waiting for the morning court to start at the gate of the city where the sky had not yet turned white. They were also discussing with the courtiers at the front of the line. This group of senior courtiers had been waiting since last night. Leng waited all night.

With this scene, even the emperor Zhu Zhanji, who had just passed away, would not have left these people alone for so long for no reason.

"Keep your voice down, the best thing for us now is to do nothing, understand?"

"Hey, the imperial court doesn't know what to do now. I heard that the soldiers from the Western Regions approached Jiayuguan a few days ago. What if there is a fight?"

"Don't talk, don't talk."

During the discussion, the palace gate slowly opened, and with the golden light in the early morning, the mist scattered the golden light throughout the capital, and the ancient and ancient atmosphere permeated every corner of the palace, sacred and majestic, like a serious face Greet every courtier.

The leading cabinet minister led the crowd to file in. They have walked this road countless times, but today seems to be extraordinarily long, because no one knows what will happen today, maybe it will be bloody, maybe it is something else, They didn't expect it.

In the main hall, the little emperor Zhu Qizhen was drowsy, and getting up early made him very unhappy. A child who is only a few years old has to wake up so early to watch a group of adults bully him.

Empress Dowager Zhang sat next to her, she didn't listen to the government behind a curtain, and she didn't want to monopolize the power, but the late emperor was ordered to be regent, so she just sat beside the emperor openly and aboveboard.

When the ministers came in, they didn't see the sea king Zhu Zhanqian, which made Xia Yuanji, Yang Shiqi and others feel a little uneasy.

When the morning court began, the ministers looked around, you looked at me, I looked at you, Zhu Qizhen was sleeping peacefully on the throne, finally Xia Yuanji spoke first, and asked the question that everyone cared about most: "The empress dowager , I heard that His Royal Highness Neptune has returned to court yesterday, but where is His Highness Neptune?"

"It was late at night when I came back yesterday. I rushed back after the battle there. I didn't let him rest after a long journey. I saw that I lost a few laps, so I let him sleep on the floor in the imperial study. Now I'm still asleep. .”


Of course the ministers wanted to say what kind of decent this is. The late emperor’s Minister Gu Ming and the Assistant Minister are still sleeping on the floor in the imperial study room, which is not decent from all angles.

The ministers immediately began to discuss it.

Empress Dowager Zhang had a fierce look in her eyes, and she slapped the handle of the seat, waking up Zhu Qizhen who was sitting on the dragon chair.

The dignified Empress Dowager pointed at the courtiers angrily: "Go and try it instead. You have just finished the trial in the three halls of England and France. Before you have time to rest, you have come back to Daming across the mountains and seas. You can even sleep well. Don't let him sleep."

The court officials fell silent, they were mainly waiting for a result, what did the court say now, what did Haiwang say.

The Empress Dowager looked around and said, "The Sea King has refused to be the assistant minister."

In one sentence, eleven words, like a thunderbolt, it caused an uproar in an instant, and it was hard to see.

"His Royal Highness Haiwang openly resists the decree, please Your Majesty, please arrest the Empress Dowager immediately."



Someone immediately suggested that while Zhu Zhanqian was in the deep palace at this time, he should be arrested quickly. Since he refused to be the assistant minister, he was resisting the edict and had a rebellious heart.

The condition of several cabinet ministers is a little more stable, and they understand that since the Empress Dowager can say this sentence so casually, at least it will not be the king of the sea that they imagined, and they naturally know that Zhu Zhan is not a fool If you resist the decree and still sleep in the palace, you worry about living too long?
Those who shouted to be beaten and killed were all officials of the censor. These people never thought about what would happen if Zhu Zhanqian was really killed?Are you going to be Aquaman's army?Doesn't this just give Zhu Gaoxu a reason to be a surprise soldier? As far as Zhu Zhanyi's momentum is concerned, once he dies in the palace, Zhu Gaoxu will be able to serve Tianjing immediately, and there must be many responders.

Doctor Yushi is addicted to talking, that is, Zhu Gaochi and Zhu Zhanji are too used to them, let them talk about everything, and speak without regard to the consequences.

"Who said they wanted to arrest me?"

A voice came from the entrance of the main hall, and everyone turned their heads in astonishment. It was Zhu Zhanqian who arrived, stretched his waist and walked in under the surprised eyes of everyone.

All of a sudden, the noisy atmosphere just ended, and the surroundings were as quiet as the Busan library.

Zhu Zhanqian walked up to the person who spoke first, and looked down at him: "You said you wanted to arrest me just now?"

"'s not." The man was speechless under Zhu Zhanqian's aura.

"Who said they wanted to arrest me?" Zhu Zhanqian roared angrily, but no one dared to respond.

Xia Yuanji, who has a good relationship, came out to rescue: "His Royal Highness, speaking is the responsibility of the speaker. This practice has been in place since Emperor Gaozu, and all your majesties have always followed the old practice."

The words are simple, but Zhu Zhanqian is pressed against Gaozu, grandfather, father, and elder brother.

Zhu Zhanqian just gave up, and had no intention of doing anything, but to give them a bad impression.

"You're lucky, Xia Shangshu has to give you face when he talks to you."

Zhu Zhanqian walked in the direction of Zhu Qizhen, and passed among the ministers. Today's Haiwang is dressed in white, with the pattern of ink bamboo, and looks like a young man with a clear and bright appearance.

Those courtiers who saw Zhu Zhanqian for the first time couldn't help but understand why this Sea King was called the most beautiful man in Ming Dynasty.

Zhu Zhanqian stopped in front of the emperor's steps, and bowed respectfully to Zhu Qizhen who was sitting on the throne: "Long live my emperor, long live, long live."

This move also shocked the ministers. Zhu Zhanqian refused to be the auxiliary minister. It should be a quarrel. Why is he so respectful now? The scene they imagined that the adult prince disrespected the little emperor did not appear.

I couldn't help thinking whether Zhu Zhanqian wanted to coerce the emperor to order the princes like Cao Cao in history. These etiquettes are all fake and false.

But it's not right to think about it again. If you really want to be Cao Cao, you can take over the assistant minister and take over the dynasty openly.

No one knew what Zhu Zhanqian was thinking.

"The former emperor had a will to assist the new emperor. As a minister of the Ming Dynasty, I should do my best for the government. As the younger brother of the former emperor, I should share the worries and sorrows of my elder brother. However, this king has repeatedly fought and fought for many years. , now I have a hidden disease, even just standing in this hall, I have already exhausted my strength, my legs are weak and it is difficult to stand."

It's really hard to imagine that these words were spoken by the majestic and eight-foot-long Neptune standing proudly in the court hall.

It was said that he was sick and could not stand up, and no one would believe it.

This is more like a resignation. Could it be that Neptune is going to engage in the old tradition, resign for a while, and then ask for three resignations.

Xia Yuanji immediately said, "Your Highness..."

But Zhu Zhanqian stretched out his hand to signal him to stop: "I'm not you literati who want to pay attention to thatched huts. It's pointless to waste time. What I say is my true thoughts. If my body allows me to do something for Daming, It's a pity that the body really doesn't allow it, and this king doesn't have any heirs yet, so it will take some time to pass on the family line first."

Those who talk about the fact that they haven't had a child yet swallow all the bullshit they have.

Zhu Zhanqian was indeed afraid that he, a time traveler, would have sequelae of infertility. Now that he was getting older, he became anxious. Now that things have settled down, he will have to be a hardworking bee every night in the future.

"Today is to come to the court to formally ask His Majesty to resign."

Yang Rong looked at the empress dowager who was standing above. At this time, the empress dowager was expressionless, and she could not see joy, anger, sorrow, joy, or sadness. Yang Rong understood that Zhu Zhanqian was absolutely in harmony with the empress dowager The queen mother reached a unified opinion.

The empress dowager, who has gone through Yongle, Hongxi, Xuande, and then the new emperor's registration, has always been known for her dignity and stability. She is not the kind of woman with a small stomach and no eyesight. She understands that Zhu Zhanqian's current attitude means something to the Ming Dynasty What, since she is sitting as firmly as Mount Tai, it means that Zhu Zhanqian must not simply ask for resignation.

Yang Rong could see it, but many people couldn't.

Among them was Yu Qian.

Yu Qian, who was honest and blunt, stood up: "Your Majesty, please reject Haiwang's resignation, and ask the empress dowager to reprimand Haiwang for being lazy, and a man should stand for the country."

What the hell.

Zhu Zhanqian couldn't help cursing inwardly, now you are the ones begging me to figure out the situation, so that you can say such righteous words, and let my mother scold me, it must be you Yu Qian.

"The new emperor is still young, please consider Hai Wang for the people of Ming Dynasty, and assist the government to rejuvenate the country."

Following Yu Qian's words, the civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty echoed.

"Please consider the king of the sea for the people of Ming Dynasty, and assist the government to rejuvenate the country~"

The ones who said they wanted to arrest me just now were all of you. No matter how fast your tongue changes, you have been addicted to talking, right?

"Don't worry, Langzhong, my fifth uncle has already discussed it with the Empress Dowager." At this time, Zhu Qizhen who was sitting on the dragon chair rushed to speak.

It should be because of what happened just now that he lost his drowsiness, so he is completely awake now.

Zhu Zhanqian glanced at Zhu Qizhen speechlessly, what does your lord have to say about you, the interrupting at this time is not to show me the truth, I was thinking of fooling these civil servants and officials for a while, to get some benefits for myself, there is no hair on my mouth, Can't speak firmly.

The Empress Dowager also said slowly: "Zhan Qian, don't make things difficult for them, let's talk about it."

Zhu Zhanqian then sat on the steps and said in front of all the ministers: "It is true that I am unwell as I told you just now. I am not refusing. I can't do heavy work now, and I can't be tired. The emperor has orders, and the queen mother is above me, as a son and a younger brother, I can only do something for the Ming Dynasty with my body overdrawn."

"However, due to physical reasons, I will still resign as the assistant minister, but don't worry, I will use another method."

"I plan to form an alliance between countries, the name is the United Nations, as long as the countries participating in the United Nations will be protected by the United Nations, and the United Nations will help member states to deal with conflicts."

Everyone is puzzled, they don't understand what the United Nations is.

"As you all know, this time I took the army to the far west. Most of you have only heard the names of Suez Canal, Ingoland, and France, and you don't know where those places are or what they are like. , what kind of person is living?"

"This world is very big, very big. Zheng He has completed his journey around the world. There are still many things in this world waiting for us to discover, so I plan to set up an organization around the whole world, which is the United Nations. With a whole, with Ming as the core, build a huge and innovative world."

Zhu Zhanqian's words were too advanced, and many courtiers talked about it.

It seems that Neptune wants to surpass the Ming Dynasty!

Shocked by Zhu Zhanqian's thoughts, none of the courtiers dared to answer.

Zhu Zhanqian opened his hands and said: "The purpose of the United Nations is to maintain international peace and security; to develop friendly international relations based on respect for the principle of equal rights and self-determination of peoples of all countries; to conduct international cooperation to solve international economic, social, issues of a cultural and humanitarian nature, and to promote respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms for all human beings.”

This United Nations is not the useless United Nations that shrinks whenever it encounters a big country war, but a powerful organization with huge military strength as a guarantee.

It is impossible for Zhu Zhanqian to serve as the auxiliary minister. When the little emperor grows up to deal with him in the future, he is not interested in doing anything to the orphans and widows left by his eldest brother. It violates his principles of life. Looking at myself, I thought of this way.

Independent from Daming, but also surrounded by Daming.

The current Ming Dynasty has the Kingdom of the Western Regions and the Western Federation. Theoretically speaking, the Kingdom of the Western Regions belongs to Zhu Gaoxu, and the Western Federation belongs to Zhu Zhanqian, but they are still the land of Ming Dynasty in name.

The United Nations will be formed around Ming, and the other small countries that join can only be regarded as vassals, but the status of the United Nations will be very high, and almost all countries will join.

Zhu Zhanqian does not need to have the name of the assistant minister of the Ming Dynasty, but when the Ming Dynasty or the little emperor needs help, he can directly intervene without so many scruples. He can ignore the annoying civil servants in the Ming Dynasty Hall, and he is much more free , and the group of people who followed him also had the opportunity to take another step forward.

It is not a country, but it has power beyond a country. Of course, the premise of all this is to transform the current South China Sea Fleet into a United Nations fleet. Without military strength, it is just a fantasy.

Detached from Daming, and taking Daming as the benchmark.

Not surprisingly, this proposal was rejected by all the courtiers, and there was another uproar in the court.

But Zhu Zhanqian sat back on the steps, watching a group of ministers making noise, he was just afraid that he would have to face such a scene every day in the future.

We are here to enjoy life, not to suffer.

Now you are begging me, not me begging you.

But Zhu Zhanqian also knew that if it couldn't be done this time, the United Nations should be out of luck.

(End of this chapter)

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