The imperial court of Ming Dynasty agreed to the plan of the United Nations, but the signing was not that simple, and the conditions of the two parties had to continue to work together. As for Zhu Qizhen's education, Zhu Zhanqian implemented it very quickly.

Within two days, Zhang San came up from the Guangzhou mansion with a few people.

They are all experienced teachers. They were nervous and excited when they learned that they were going to be the emperor's teachers. Generally speaking, the emperor's teachers would eventually become the emperor's right-hand man and cabinet ministers. heaven.

Zhu Zhanqian personally greeted Zhang San at the train station. After a long absence, Zhang San immediately saluted Zhu Zhanqian when he saw Zhu Zhanqian.

But Zhu Zhanqian supported him: "The hypocrisy will be avoided."

He stretched out his hand to support Zhang San, but his arm still didn't use much strength, Zhu Zhanqin patted his arm and said, "You have taken care of the factory and trained the workers well these years, thanks for your hard work." .”

"Working for His Highness, I dare not say it's hard work."

Zhang San only knew that he followed Zhu Zhanqian, Zhu Zhanqian never treated him badly. Although he didn't understand why Zhu Zhanqian wanted him to be the emperor's teacher this time, he still came without any hesitation.

First brought a few people to Yenching University, and Yu Qian, the principal, greeted them at the school gate.

It was visible to the naked eye that Yu Qian was a bit haggard, and he was also busy with multiple jobs, no matter how capable he was, he would be tired.

"My lord." Yu Qian saluted respectfully.

"Yu Qian, Yenching University has become better and better in the past two years, and you have contributed the most."

Yu Qian said very modestly: "Yanjing University is run very well by the prince. I have been very impressed by the past two years. As long as the rules are set, it is very easy to implement. The rules of Yenching University are excellent, and the relationship between teachers and students is also very good. It is far more harmonious than ordinary schools."

Realistically feeling every day, the academic atmosphere in Yenching University, Yu Qian couldn't help sighing that this is what his dream school should look like.

Because Zhu Zhanqian asked the teachers not to put on airs, and many of the teachers were excellent students who graduated from Nanhai University before, so the whole school did not have the old-fashioned airs of the past.

The environment changes people, even if an old pedant comes, after a few years, he has become much more peaceful.

The academic atmosphere is very strong. You can hear students or teachers and students discussing academic topics anytime, anywhere, including literature, machinery, and physics. New ideas come out every day.

Many of the students are from ordinary people, and their desire for knowledge is very strong.

Walking in Yenching University is full of vitality everywhere.

"About His Majesty's study plan, I have made a step-by-step study plan for him, which is divided into elementary school, junior high school, high school, and university, and I plan to let His Majesty receive education in Yenching University."

"Ah?" Yu Qian looked at Zhu Zhanqian in surprise.

Zhu Qizhen's identity is still the emperor of the Ming Empire, the most honorable person in the Ming Dynasty, so it would be good for him to come to the university to study.

"Your Highness, this... is not good."

"There is nothing wrong with him. He is the emperor of Ming Dynasty. He needs to know what the students of Ming Dynasty are like. He needs to know what the common people want. He also needs to know the principles of life. This is what the late emperor wanted him to learn about new learning. One of the original intentions is that he shouldn’t be trapped in that palace, not knowing what the world is like, and it will be over if he becomes an emperor who doesn’t eat minced meat in the future.”

Zhu Zhan said so, but Yu Qian still had no idea.

Seeing Yu Qian's scruples, Zhu Zhanqian patted him on the shoulder and said: "Of course the emperor, after all, has a special status. He set up a separate school in Yenching University for the emperor's food and lodging. All regulations will be arranged by someone from the palace. Your Majesty From the beginning, all the children of the royal family will enter this school to study, this time not only His Majesty, but also his younger brother Qi Yu."

Yu Qian understood what Zhu Zhanyi meant, which was to establish a royal school in Yenching University for the children of the royal family to study.

"In addition to Yu Qian, the teacher of the culture class, because of your majesty's particularity, I hope that you will personally
As His Majesty's ideological and moral teacher, and in charge of all the royal school teachers. "


"Yeah, I think you are the most suitable one. In addition to learning knowledge, the ideological and moral awareness of the members of the royal family is also very important. You can't appear in the future if you lose a battle and are captured by the enemy, you will call outside the gate of Shuntian Mansion." Shame on the emperor."

Yu Qian was taken aback: "Impossible, absolutely impossible, there has never been such a brazen person in history."

Regarding Yu Qian's certainty, Zhu Zhan said leisurely: "Don't be so absolute. Teaching and educating people must cultivate students into talents, preaching, accepting karma, and solving doubts. Your task is very heavy. Your Majesty's studies will be entrusted to you. is you."

"Oh, by the way, as an ideological and moral teacher, you must be proud of loving the motherland and ashamed of harming the motherland. Teach him these words every day, just in case."

Yu Qian didn't know why Zhu Zhanqian cared so much about this matter, how could the ruler of a country be so shameless?
He didn't know that there was more than that in history.

Arrange teachers well, delineate a good place and let people start work. Yenching University has always had sufficient funds, no matter how poor you are, you can’t afford poor education. As one of the two highest universities in the north and the south, Yenching University’s own hematopoietic ability is also very good.

The school invested in things like factories opened by graduates, and made a lot of profits from it. In addition, Zhu Zhanqian ordered that the investment in education be regardless of the cost.

As the principal, Yu Qian is often distressed because he doesn't know how to spend the money. After all, he is a frugal person. He has always wanted to split a penny into two parts, but now he can't spend the money in front of him no matter how much he spends.

This is still a sweet distress.

After arranging the affairs of the royal school, Zhu Zhanqian began to prepare for his second uncle.

Now Zhu Gaoxu is aggressively hoarding heavy troops in a place very close to Jiayuguan. The second uncle's soldiers are not stragglers, they are all elite soldiers and well-equipped.

The second uncle is a person who sees things very clearly. Only those who have soldiers have power. Therefore, the military expenditure of the Kingdom of the Western Regions has always been very high, and a large part of the money has been spent on the army.

Fortunately, the economy of the Kingdom of the Western Regions is getting better and better due to the opening of trade these years, but because of the regional environment, there are still only a few cities suitable for people to live in, which also limits the continued development of the second uncle in disguise.

Everything in ancient times paid attention to the teacher's reputation. Now Zhu Gaoxu is doing it with great fanfare. Anyone with a discerning eye can see what he is thinking, but the excuse he used is that the former emperor died suddenly in his prime, and he demanded a strict investigation of the important officials in the court. He suspected that someone had poisoned him.

At this time, there is no way to use the excuse of the Qing emperor, because the people in the world are living well now, and the atmosphere in the court is considered upright.

It can be used to help the emperor find out the cause of death, and speaking out can show his loyalty and is very effective.

Because as long as he disagrees, he can use it all the time. No matter how the court officials investigate, even if there is a murderer, he will not admit it. He will bring troops to Beijing to seek justice for his eldest nephew.

Now among these people, Zhu Gaoxu is the most troublesome. He wants money, soldiers, power and power, and it is not a matter of a day or two for him to become emperor.

The third uncle Zhu Gaosui has always been a double-faced man. Over the years, he has also understood that the probability of him becoming emperor is basically very small, but if Zhu Gaoxu really rebelled, the probability of Zhu Gaosui's defection is very high.

Now Zhu Zhanxi's attitude is ambiguous, you say he is not in the mood, obviously he is not, he is the second son of Emperor Hongxi, but he is not the son of a direct descendant, not in name, but he has always been an ambitious person.

Zhu Zhanqian ordered his subordinates: "I brought back some exotic beauties from France and Ingeland, my second uncle, third uncle, and second elder brother. Each of these three people sent two to them. It’s normal to bring some souvenirs, and these three letters are given to the three of them.”

The first purpose of Zhu Zhanqian's move is to express his attitude. Daming will take the lead in forming the United Nations, and he will stand on the united front with Daming forever. If there is any change in them, although he is not the auxiliary minister, he will definitely participate in.

The letters to Zhu Gaosui were just family matters, and then he drew cakes for the third uncle, planned how his fief would develop in the future, and how he would help write things.

In the letter to the second brother Zhu Zhanxi, it is almost the same, but there is another one that wants to send his eldest son to the Royal Academy to study together.

His eldest son is the son of Li Shang, the princess of North Korea. When Zhu Gaochi was in power, he took the eldest sons of Li Shang and Zhu Zhanxi to the capital, and Zhu Zhanxi's concubine was also in the capital. After Zhu Zhanji became emperor Did not let them go back.

Because of Li Shang and Li Xiaozhu's yard, Zhu Zhanyu's eldest son often came to Haiwang Mansion before. The young man in his early ten years old is very energetic, with a somewhat restrained personality, well-mannered, and quite gentle.

He didn't follow his father's side all these years, but he didn't learn any of Zhu Zhanxi's hostility. Li Shang himself is a law-abiding person, and the son he raised is much more law-abiding.

This move is also a warning to Zhu Zhanxi. Although he may not care about his heirs, because he has the most heirs among the brothers, he is not used to him. If he dares to do something, he will directly order Su Wang attacked back and forth.

Zhu Zhanxi doesn't have Zhu Gaoxu's ability, and his own reputation is not very good. He can't accomplish much by himself, so he has to be warned.

In the letter to Zhu Gaoxu, Zhu Zhanqian directly analyzed the consequences once Zhu Gaoxu sent troops to Jiayuguan, compared the strength of Jiayuguan with theirs, and then continued to analyze what would happen to the court even if Jiayuguan was broken. counterattack.

He also explained that he would do his best to help the imperial court, and would also send troops to join forces with the Timurid Empire to attack the Kingdom of the Western Regions from the rear.

Tell Zhu Gaoxu the consequences of the war in the most direct way, even if Da Ming is seriously injured, Zhu Gaoxu will definitely lose.

It may take Daming more than ten years to recover, but Zhu Gaoxu will be nailed to the pillar of shame forever.

In the end, Zhu Zhanyan also explained that he invited the Kingdom of the Western Regions to join the United Nations, because the Western Regions were conquered by Zhu Gaoxu, and Ming also recognized the special status of the Kingdom of the Western Regions, which is the same as the Western Federation, so it is no problem for him to join the United Nations.

After receiving the letter, Zhu Gaoxu immediately became angry. Zhu Zhanqian was the threat of Hongguoguo. In the end, he turned his anger on the two European beauties sent by Zhu Zhanqian.

After venting, people become more rational.

"Zhan Qiang's analysis and threats are nothing more than talking about war on paper. No one knows what the outcome of the real fight will be. How many people in the current imperial court can fight, except for the few young people who have been trained by Zhan Qiang's Western Expedition. There are only a handful of soldiers with combat experience." Zhu Gaoxu's eyes were full of fierceness.

The subordinate next to him said: "My lord, are you determined to fight?"

"Fuck, shit, although this kid is talking on paper, he doesn't know how to fight, but this kid is good at logistics, can make money, and can arrange things. If he is on my side, I will do it right away. Over there, he is really fighting me for a long time, all of us in the Western Regions combined are no match for him, even if we reach the capital, as long as that kid's navy is still there, we will not be able to defeat Daming."

When Zhu Di died, he had a chance, but the civil and military forces of the Manchu Dynasty were all facing Zhu Gaochi, and most of the northern and southern armies were in his hands, so he retreated that time.

When Zhu Gaochi died, he continued to grow in the Kingdom of the Western Regions, but he passed on in line, and his eldest nephew hissed against him, and he couldn't do anything about it.

Now that Zhu Zhanji is dead, this is his best chance, but why, why is there a Zhu Zhanyi who doesn't want to be the emperor standing between him and the dragon chair.

Sighing, Zhu Gaoxu raised his head and looked up at the sky helplessly: "Sometimes in your life, you must have it, and there is no time in your life, so don't force it."

Zhu Gaoxu slapped the table and said: "Withdraw half of the army, and continue to send papers to ask the court about the cause of the late emperor's death, and investigate to the end."

"Yes, Your Highness."

He will never give up this idea in this life, but the situation is stronger than others, and this idea can only be kept hidden. Maybe there will be no chance in this life, but the times make heroes. He survived Zhu Gaochi and Zhu Zhanji's death. Know what will happen next, the opportunity will come again

Not necessarily.

The plan of the United Nations gradually took shape, and Zhu Zhanqian received Zhu Gaoxu's reply letter, which was full of scolding and ugly words, avoided the women at home, and scolded Zhu Zhanqian severely.

Zhu Zhanqian laughed as soon as he saw the letter, so feel free to scold, the second uncle has always been an outspoken temper.

It has been two months since I came back, Zhu Zhanqian lit the letter on fire, lay down on the rocking chair, folded his hands and relaxed.

"My lord, my lord!!"

The female envoy of the mansion came running with a smile on her face, and the little girl's face flushed with joy.

"whats the matter?"

"Yes, yes, the princess has it!!!"

Hard work pays off.

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