Konoha: Make Uchiha Great Again

Chapter 152 Don't Forget You Are a Konoha Ninja

Chapter 152 Don't Forget You Are a Konoha Ninja

After several days of martial law, the situation inside Konoha also began to ease.

After all, everyone has to eat, and the long-term martial law is not conducive to development, nor is it conducive to the reputation of Habara and the others.

Therefore, the most correct choice is to relax the control smoothly, and now Habara and the others have also achieved this step - of course, the three families do not want to be relaxed.

During these days, Habara and the others were not idle either.

During this period of time, they continued to eliminate some important ninjas belonging to these three families, and at the same time added a large number of newcomers.

And these newcomers, Hanbara and the others are basically civilian ninjas.

This is a very important point. Although Habara and the others are family ninjas, if they really want to stabilize the situation in Konoha, then civilian ninjas will always be the ones who need to be attracted.

To put it bluntly, what Habara and the others used was actually Sarutobi Hiizan's method, but it had to be said that this approach was really effective.

How many members of the ninja family account for the total population of Konoha?
And how much can the family ninja occupy in the entire Konoha ninja system?
Even if they do have great power, it is really difficult to make up for the gap in population.

And the construction of a ninja village, except for those who stand at the top of the Konoha pyramid, if there is no huge civilian ninja to fill the middle and lower layers.

This Ninja Village can't be called Ninja Village anymore, it would be better if they just disbanded and lived until the Warring States Period.

After all, it was a clan-based ninja group at that time, but in this day and age, they will end up being crushed by other ninja villages!
"In addition to these, we should also increase the welfare of civilian ninjas."

At the meeting held in the Hokage Building, Habara directly put forward his ideas.

"Of course, the purpose of this is also very simple, which is to stabilize ourselves.

Don't feel like empowering the civilian ninjas is weakening us, on the surface it is.

But in fact, their strengthening will stimulate our own people to work harder, thus making us stronger.

This is a competitive situation and relationship. Once a person settles down without an opponent, he will soon degenerate.

If a ninja is at ease, then the ninja is not far from death, and a family or even a ninja village is like this.

I am afraid that at that time, its fate is to disappear into the long river of history. "

Habara's words made everyone present frown, but they had to admit that it was true.

Stable ninjas are prone to lose their vigilance, and the comfortable family will only lie on the honor book of the past, which is absolutely not allowed by them.

What's more, even if the welfare and resources of civilian ninjas are improved, as family ninjas, they inherently have advantages that others cannot match.

Thousands of years of inheritance have given them sufficient confidence and heritage, and cultivating their younger generation from an early age can directly make them win at the starting line.

It's not enough under such favorable conditions, so let's honestly take care of the family's business.

Just using it to improve the welfare of civilian ninjas is a huge pressure on Konoha's finances.

At the same time, what to give, and to what extent, is really a headache.

It's just that they haven't figured it out yet, and Habara spoke again.

"There should also be reforms in education. Our current education is completely following the comprehensive education system of the second generation.

And the third generation has not changed at all, but we can do something about it.

For example, we can offer some theoretical courses and specialized courses.

For example, some civilian children have very strong theoretical knowledge, and we can train them towards civilian jobs.

Some people are talented in ninjutsu, we can let them learn ninjutsu specially.

There are also physical arts, illusions, etc., we can all set up classes to teach them to cultivate them. "


The reform of the education system of Habara made their faces slightly changed.

If it wasn't for Habara from Uchiha, or the patriarch of the Uchiha clan, they would all doubt whether this person had a problem with his position.

It is good for Konoha to cultivate and strengthen those civilian ninjas in this way, but it seems to be another blow to their family ninjas?

It's just that Habara's next words made them nodded with satisfaction.

"And then there's meritocracy."

Habara said faintly, he simply took out the Western European and American education.

Anyway, the island country in the previous life has been following others with wagging tails, and this world itself is a bloodline world, so he naturally won't break and make any changes.

After all, he himself is a member of the vested interests of the blood family. Could it be that he still wants to 'I killed myself'?
"The best people on campus, we will discuss the allocation and educate them personally.

In such an education process, how to make them have a sense of identity depends on their own practices.

And the ones that are not bad are handed over to the Shangnin to lead them, and cultivate them to enhance their sense of belonging and identification with Konoha.

As for the rest, keep the status quo, supported by the welfare of our reform, plus they themselves perform their tasks.

I think they will definitely live better and happier than they are now, won't they? "

Habara's proposal naturally satisfied the other clans present, and even the most conservative Hyuga clan couldn't help nodding their heads.

Although these most talented children are not members of their own family, they can definitely make these children have a special sense of belonging by cultivating them in this way.

It's also a way of strengthening their family, and it's a particularly novel, low-cost, yet efficient way.

Because this is directly using the power of the village to help them select talents. If they are still opposed to this kind of thing, it is really unreasonable.

Of course, everything has advantages and disadvantages, such as how to allocate these talents, I am afraid there will be some entanglement of interests.

But fortunately, if everyone can sit down and discuss going to him together, then a relatively acceptable result will always be obtained.

"This proposal, I think we can accept it."

Hyuga Hizu glanced at everyone present, and finally he nodded and said.

"Then Patriarch Habara, do you have any other insights?"

"Don't be high or low, it's also a big trouble for us to do these finances."

Habara said with a smile, but soon he thought of something, and then he said.

"However, Xiaochun died and the position of Finance Minister was vacant, which gave me an idea.

That is to set up a financial budget and audit agency under the Ministry of Finance. The role of this agency also has two aspects.

The first is to calculate the approximate budget expenditure of various aspects of Konoha that year, and then we tell the amount to the Minister of Finance and let him talk to the big name.

The second is to review and monitor whether the money is used in key places to ensure that it does not go into the pockets of people who should not get it.

And, in some organizations that shouldn't exist, what do you say? "

The Finance Department has always been a low-key, but a very powerful department.

Rich is a father. This is the same in this world. Of course, it also depends on what kind of existence this rich person is.

If it is a daimyo, it may be a purse, if it is an institution of Shinobi Village, it is a behemoth.

Why did Habara secretly resell arms?

Why did the three clans of the pig, deer and butterfly readily agree, and why were the other three clans willing to participate when they knew about it?

To put it bluntly, it is to earn money with Hanbara. This money can improve the strength of the family and the budget of their department. How could they refuse.

Of course, there is another reason why they are willing to do it, that is, they will do it if they abide by the interests of Konoha.

These people are still very ethical. Compared with a guy who is full of 'for Konoha', they are like the patron saint of Konoha.

Moreover, the people present were all smart people. When Habara raised this opinion, they felt like it was no big deal when they heard it just now.

But as they thought about it carefully, they immediately thought of some key.

"Who does the head of the Habara think, the Minister of Finance should be handed over?"

Nara Shikahisa's eyes twinkled, he tapped the table and asked.

"It's up to us to decide whether it's a bit overstepped, I think it's up to Naruto-sama to decide."

Habara gave a perfect answer without any leakage, and this answer instantly made everyone present nodded with satisfaction, they had completely confirmed what Habara thought.

The Minister of Finance handed it over to Hokage to choose, as if to fulfill Hokage's rights.

But in fact, under such a plan, what is the function of the Minister of Finance?
That is to ask the big name for money!
Although Daming is nothing, he is still a famous name.

Therefore, the superficial respect still has to be given a little - unless he is in a hurry, the ninja will let him know how big the gap between ordinary people and ninjas is.

The head of the finance department was personally selected and appointed by Hokage. When the name is unhappy, it will also be unhappy with Hokage, and they have a fart relationship.

Although they all felt that Habara was a little shameless, after all, Jiraiya was still a very good person, but he had not yet taken office, so he was calculated like this.

But no matter what, they used to be the culprits, but now the feng shui turns, you are also a disciple of Sarutobi Hizen, so what happened to you?
As for reviewing the whereabouts of each transaction, in addition to supervising various departments when the money is really put into practice, it is also supervising themselves.

How much the three families swallowed, no one can say clearly, the industry that they are currently under martial law is a bit jaw-dropping.

Now they are the seven families who have jointly impeached and overthrew Hokage. If they themselves pay attention to me, then I am afraid that they will suffer in the future.

Being strict with oneself is a requirement that these family ninjas must meet now!
Of course, there is another point they can think of, which is to monitor whether the money will flow into some places it should not enter.

Although the roots have been destroyed, this institution has given them an indelible memory.

In particular, this institution was dug up to do human experiments and trained a lot of unregistered ninjas like Deadpool, which is really terrifying.

They absolutely do not allow anyone in the future to bypass the financial barrier in any form and in any way, and then come up with a new root.

As for whether they will learn from them and export weapons to those 'needed' places?

This is embarrassing, they have already walked this road, will they continue to walk for others?
In fact, this meeting is almost over here, and the rest is some small details and the exchange of some intelligence.

During this meeting, Habara also learned about the current situation of Anbe.

Kakashi has done a good job, even if he is not welcomed by the members of Anbu, but with the endorsement of Habara and the others, he has reintegrated Anbu.

Although Anbu's combat power and work experience at this time are really different from before, after all, this was all formed by the reserve team just now.

However, they can also complete the basic defense tasks normally now, so the rest is to give them time and battle to slowly temper them.

And what's interesting is that Habara also got a piece of information, that is, the frontline garrison found that Jiraiya had returned from the land of Yuno to the land of the land of fire.

Hearing this news, Habara probably guessed that Jiraiya also came back to send Sarutobi Hiizan the final ride.

No matter what, Jirai is also his disciple.

"That's why you pulled me up and asked me to go see Jiraiya with you."

On a path outside Konoha Village, Yan Ye looked at Habara silently, but she did not expect that she would be pulled by this guy inexplicably.

Although Konoha has settled down these days, the three families are still on the verge of thundering.

At this time, Habara leaves Konoha, doesn't this mean that Konoha's combat effectiveness is weakened?

But even so, I thought that Yan Ye came out with Habara. As people of the Nara clan, their nature is that they recognize you and will help you.

Yan Ye has been doing this from the beginning to the end, although she often complains like Shikamaru in the original book, but Shikamaru in the original book also helped Naruto wipe his ass.

Not to mention Konoha, there are two kaleidoscopes of Fuyue and Zhishui, and the three families can't make any waves.

"It's our default Hokage, isn't it a matter of course to greet him in advance?"

Habara knew Yan Ye's character too well, so he didn't care about Yan Ye's complaints, but explained the reason with a smile.

For this explanation, Yan Ye could only shake her head slightly, but her eyes kept falling on Yu Yuan.

The strength of language can really be described as unimaginable. This guy is obviously as big as himself, and he has also formed a team with himself.

Although he had the aura of genius since he was a child, this growth span is really incomprehensible.

However, one thing about this guy Habara has not changed, that is, his character and his heart are still the same as many years ago.

Smart and cunning, he is still cold towards his enemies, but he is gentle and tolerant towards his own people.

His character is really different from other Uchihas, which is why Habara has so many friends and he recognizes him so much.

"I said you keep staring at me like this, do you like me?"

Suddenly, just as Yan Ye was thinking in her heart, Habara's voice with a chuckle instantly broke her thoughts.

Glancing at Habara in dissatisfaction, Yan Ye withdrew his gaze, and at the same time added a sentence inwardly.

"Cut, when did this guy get so narcissistic?"

In a secret base in the forest of the land of fire, Orochimaru is brewing chakra very seriously.

After finding the skeleton, Orochimaru collected the skeleton as soon as possible, and rushed all the way to the base in the Land of Fire.

This base used to be a frontier assembly point for the roots to gather and replenish supplies. As a former member of the Sannin and the roots, Orochimaru naturally knew this place.

And the roots have been eradicated by Uchiha Habara, so this place is empty and perfectly suitable for what Orochimaru is doing here.

Orochimaru still can't forget that when he encountered this skeleton in that crypt, the cold, domineering and destructive aura even he felt desperate.

The residual breath of a dead person is so terrifying, so what will he be like when he is alive?
This question has been constantly circling in Orochimaru's mind, how could he not be curious about who this guy is?

Therefore, he spent several days preparing, not only to choose a suitable 'material', but also to adjust his own state.

In terms of materials, he chose a ninja from Grass Ninja Village, and this guy was a Shang Ninja in Grass Ninja Village.

However, one can imagine how much water the master has in such a small country, but this is what Orochimaru needs.

The deterrent power of that skeleton was too terrifying. He really couldn't imagine how strong such a person would be if he survived.

Therefore, in terms of materials, he can only make such a choice. Of course, he also knows that his current research on the reincarnation of dirty soil is not very good.

I am afraid that using good materials may not be able to fully utilize the strength of the summoned, but there is absolutely nothing wrong with being careful.

After all, he really had never encountered such a terrifying existence.

"It's almost ready."

Orochimaru felt the boiling chakra in his body, and couldn't help whispering in his mouth.

In the next moment, a complicated formation appeared on the ground, which looked like a spiritual formation.

In fact, in essence, reincarnation in the dirty land is a variation of spiritualism, but it is more advanced to summon a person's soul from the pure land.

Not only that, the person summoned has infinite chakra, which is unimaginable for normal people.

It's just that this technique also has certain flaws, that is, the soul and the carrier need to be compatible.

In fact, for powerful ninjas, chakra is not a problem at all, the quality of chakra and the strength of their own bloodline are the most critical.

Chakra has always been to define the lower limit of a ninja, not to determine the upper limit of a ninja.

In this world, what determines the upper limit of ninjas has always been the bloodline thing.

Therefore, the higher the degree of fit, the higher the strength that can restore the summoned person, and the stronger the strength that the summoned person can exert, the stronger and closer to the peak level before his death!

Orochimaru obviously can't do this now, and he doesn't want to do it at all.

To put it simply, he couldn't guarantee that he could control the person who was summoned.

In case a person who was accidentally summoned by himself was instantly killed, then he would really lose a lot.

The formation spread rapidly and surrounded the stunned grass ninja. Orochimaru put the liquid he extracted from the bones with special techniques into the formation.

Chakra continued to output, and that special formation began to shine strangely.

With the appearance of this ray of light, pieces of white paper quietly floated out of the formation.

Each of these pieces of paper has a strange power, and such power makes people shudder, because such power seems to represent death!


The grass ninja's body suddenly shook violently, and he was obviously awakened by this force.

He stared blankly at the dark surroundings in astonishment, but when he found that he was tied and couldn't move at all, his face suddenly turned pale.

Orochimaru ignored him very much, and with the continuous influx of Chakra, these white papers slammed into him in an instant.


The grass ninja let out a scream in an instant, his face began to twist, and his body trembled even more.

Because he could clearly feel that his consciousness was being erased by these white pieces of paper, and his body was in great pain. This feeling really made his life worse than death!

Fortunately, the pain didn't last long, the white pieces of paper quickly spread over him, and it only took a moment to completely drown him.

The painful screams came to an abrupt end, and at this moment, a strange and powerful chakra appeared in the person who was completely covered with white paper.

Orochimaru felt this very strange chakra, and his expression became solemn. This feeling was exactly the same as when he found this skeleton in the cave.

However, the feeling at this time was much lighter than before, but it was scary enough.

When the white paper completed the final transformation, the chakras of the people under the paper began to solidify, and they slowly began to fall off.

Orochimaru looked at the person in front of him intently, and he was silently waiting for the final result.

When the piece of paper fell off to reveal the man's face, Orochimaru froze.

It took him a long time to lick his tongue, and a strange smile appeared on his face!

"I really want to thank you, teacher.

If it wasn't for that thunderbolt, I really wouldn't have found that place.

If I hadn't found this place, I wouldn't have been able to find this Asura-like existence! "

Looking at the figure with long black hair in front of him, the smile on Orochimaru's face became even brighter.

At this moment, the figure of Habara appeared in his mind again, and he already had some new ideas.
Jiraiya walked slowly in the direction of Konoha. It had been a few days since he set off, and he was thinking about a question along the way.

That is, what kind of situation will you encounter when you return to Konoha by yourself?
As a disciple of Sarutobi Hizan, Jiraiya's current situation seems a little embarrassing.

His teacher was impeached, and finally died due to various reasons. Among these reasons, there is resistance.

Although Jiraiya looks like a fool, he is also a wise man in essence.

He can probably guess that Konoha's situation at this time is not very optimistic.

Although the seven major families have controlled Konoha, the three families headed by his teacher may not be so optimistic.

When he went back this time, he didn't know how the seven major families would treat him.

And the three big families are said to have not been attacked, if they know what they will do when they go back, he does not dare to imagine.

All these things gave Jiraiya a headache, but he did not regret that he wanted to go back to the wood industry and send his teacher the last ride.

No matter how bad the situation is, it's what Jiraiya should do, and it's what he has to do.

"Hopefully there will be a better outcome."

Naturally, he sighed softly, but soon he frowned because he sensed that someone was following him.

Following him in the realm of the country of fire, he never encountered such a thing before. After all, the ninjas on duty in the country of fire are basically Konoha ninjas.

The Konoha ninjas are now following him, which says two things.

The first is that he is probably in a less popular situation now, and his return may have attracted the attention of many people.

Second, that is, Konoha has now been completely controlled by the people of the seven major families, just as he thought.

This made him sigh involuntarily, but he did not stop his steps, but continued to walk forward firmly.

This is the attitude he wants to show, he just wants to tell everyone that he is going back to Konoha!
Walking all the way to the front, naturally, he soon came to a small town, which was the only way for him to get to Konoha.

In fact, as soon as he stepped into this small town, Jiraiya's expression never changed.

He had been to this town before, but at that time the town had become a gathering point for Konoha ninjas, and he was relatively familiar with it.

This town has always been stationed by Konoha ninjas because of its geographical location, and as soon as he arrived, he saw several ninjas standing at the intersection of the town waiting for him.

"Lord Jiraiya." A Konoha ninja stepped forward and nodded lightly, then said respectfully, "If someone wants to see you, please come with me."

"I know, I'll go with you."

Jiraiya took a serious look at the ninja in front of him before continuing.

"What do you think of such a major incident in the village?"

"Although it is unexpected and incredible, there is evidence in all of this."

The Konoha ninja glanced at Jiraiya, and in the end he didn't say anything serious. After all, he knew that the adult in front of him was a disciple of the third generation.

"Three generations of Hokage-sama himself has admitted everything, which means that all this is true.

And we are ninjas, so we can only follow orders. "

Hearing this, Zilai also nodded lightly. He got the information, too. It was his teacher who took the initiative to admit all the accusations.

"Can you tell me, who wants to see me?" Shaking his head gently, he naturally asked.

"Now the adults will know when they see it, so please come with us." The ninja didn't say anything, he just made a 'please' gesture.

Seeing this scene, Zilai also understood that it was impossible for him to get more information, so he simply nodded and walked over.

Following this ninja Jiraiya quickly came to the door of a tavern, and he understood that this might be the place where he was going to meet.

Pushing open the door alone, he slowly entered, and he found that the entire tavern had been emptied, and only two people were sitting in the interior.

The two men, one man and one woman, were both young, and they might have looked seventeen or eighteen.

Even when he came to look closely at the man, his brows could not help but wrinkle, because he had already recognized that this man was the all-powerful Uchiha Habara!

"Why is it him?" Naturally, he thought silently in his heart, but at this time he also began to be a little more alert.

If Uchiha Habara can be present in person, then this shows that this matter is definitely not that simple.

However, although he still walked over, he then reached the opposite side of Habara and Yan Ye.

"Lord Jiraiya, I have long admired the name but this is the first time we have met. Please give me more advice."

Habara smiled and said to Nature, then he pointed to Yan Ye next to him and continued to speak.

"This is my teammate and a member of the security department. His name is Nara Kotoba."

"Lord Jiraiya, hello." Yan Ye also nodded to Jiraiya, and then she became quiet.

Along the way, she has actually figured out what she wants to do, and she has clearly given herself a position, that is, to assist Hanbara to persuade Jiraiya.

She knew that Jiraiya was also the default Hokage, because there were too many benefits to having Jiraiya on stage.

On the one hand, he is a disciple of three generations of Hokage, which is a very good choice in terms of inheritance.

The second point is that Jiraiya's reputation is absolutely enough, and there is no one who can compete with him in the whole Konoha.

Of course, the most important point is that Jirai is also a person who can't manage.

Not being able to manage means that he will hand over the management authority to more professional people, which is the best choice for the seven major families.

Of course, Tsunade will also be a good choice. Although Tsunade is a bit rotten, her ability, prestige, and identity as a descendant of a thousand hands are definitely an excellent choice.

It's just that Yan Ye has studied the history of Uchiha and the Qianshou clan, and she knows that the person around her will not allow such a thing to happen.

Not only Habara, I am afraid that people from other families will not hope for a truly capable Hokage to take the lead.

So Tsunade can only become a decoration in the end, and Jiraiya is their best choice, and I am afraid it is also the only choice.

"Patriarch Yuyuan, although this is the first time we meet, your name is already familiar to me."

Jiraiya stared at Habara, and finally he asked with a sigh.

"I wonder if Patriarch Habara has anything to do with me this time. After all, it's not so easy for a busy person like you to come to see me, an idler."

Jiraiya's words can be said to be straightforward, he doesn't seem to be interested in going around with Habara at all.

His attitude made Habara nodded slightly, which was quite in line with Jiraiya's character.

Although Jirai is not a completely straight-forward person, but in the face of some serious things, he still prefers to explain things directly.

It's just that Jiraiya's attitude at this time really made Habara a little helpless. This guy seemed to have a big misunderstanding of himself.

In fact, Habara can understand why Jiraiya has such an attitude, after all, he personally 'killed' Jiraiya's teacher.

However, Habara didn't bother to pay attention to this little issue. It saved him a lot of time by delivering it to his door by himself, so he was still in a very happy mood.

"Before talking about my question, I would like to ask Mr. Jiraiya two questions."

Habara tapped the table lightly, and then he said with a smile.

"The first question, I want to know what is the purpose of your return this time, Lord Jiraiya?
And the second question, I want to ask Lord Jiraiya, do you still remember what your identity is? "

Since it is necessary to persuade Jiraiya, then this matter cannot be too rushed.

First of all, he also wanted to know what he wanted to do when he came back this time.

Although he guessed that it was probably just to pay homage to Sarutobi Hizen, and then send his teacher the last ride, it was better to ask clearly than to cause some misunderstandings.

As for the second question, that is to pave the way for my follow-up words.

Jiraiya he must be a Konoha ninja, this has not changed from beginning to end.

Habara said this just to strengthen his concept, and to use this concept to force him to submit.

Jiraiya didn't know that there was so much thought in Habara's heart, he frowned and glanced at Habara before speaking slowly.

"The purpose of my return is to give my teacher the last ride, although according to various information, it has been proved that he has made many mistakes that should not be made, and he has humiliated the reputation of Hokage.

But he has admitted everything before his death, and he is dead now, I think everything is over, so there should be no problem for me to send him the last ride, right?

As for you asking me what my identity is, then I can tell you very clearly. "

Speaking of this, Jirai also paused slightly, and then his expression became extremely serious, and he said firmly.

"I am a disciple of Konoha Village's three generations of Hokage Sarutobi, and I have always been a Konoha ninja."

"Very good, Jiraiya, I admire and am very satisfied with your answer."

Habara couldn't help laughing when he heard this, he nodded in satisfaction and then took out a scroll and handed it to Jiraiya.

"Look, here's a record of that night's actions.

At the same time, there is also a lot about what your teacher, Danzo, and Orochimaru have done.

These are all action reports and records from the root, and you don't have to doubt the authenticity.

There is no need for us to cheat in this regard, after all, your teacher himself admits it.

Of course, you have to go back and give Hiruzen Sarutobi a ride. We welcome you, because we are also waiting for you to return to Konoha. "

Jiraiya's expression became even more puzzled, but he still silently took the scroll, then opened it gently and began to read it seriously.

There was a lot of content on the scroll, and Zilai read it very slowly, but the more he looked at it, the more his body trembled slightly.

He knew some things, but he really didn't know some things, especially what happened after he left Konoha, he really didn't know anything.

After watching all this, Jiraiya silently closed the scroll, and finally lowered his head and said softly to Habara.

"If this is true, then I apologize for what my teachers did to you."

"There is no need for this, both he and Danzo have paid the price they deserved.

And you are not them, you are not involved in this matter, you have no need to apologize for them. "

Habara shook his head calmly, he tapped the table slowly and looked at Jiraiya with a smile.

"And I said, we welcome you back to Konoha, do you know why?"

"I do not know."

Zilai also shook his head, but soon his expression changed slightly.

He seemed to realize something, but before he could speak, Habara had already given the answer.

"Because Konoha has lost Hokage now, we naturally need a suitable person for this position.

Just looking at the entire Konoha, there are not many suitable people, and none of our seven major families have this qualification for the time being.

After all, we only impeached Hokage. If any of us came to power at this time, don't say whether we are satisfied or not, I am afraid the villagers will not accept it.

And you are a disciple of the three generations of Hokage, and one of the Konoha Sannin.

In terms of prestige, strength, and inheritance, you are the most suitable, Lord Jiraiya.

In other words, you are the five generations of Hokage who are most suitable for Konoha now! "


Naturally, he heard this answer, and even though he had already realized it, he couldn't help but stare at Habara in astonishment.

Five generations of Hokage, they actually let themselves be five generations of Hokage?

Jiraiya stared at Habara, he knew that his character was definitely not suitable for being a Hokage, these guys probably had ulterior motives in choosing him?
Jirai has never been someone who likes to speculate on a person's heart with the greatest disgust, but at this moment he has to think in this direction.

If I become the fifth Hokage, I am afraid that it is impossible to really handle Konoha's affairs with my own management ability.

In the end, many things in Konoha will still fall into the hands of these seven major families.

To put it simply, what they want is not a Wudaimu Hokage, or a qualified Wudaimu Hokage who can manage Konoha.

All they want is a five-generation Hokage with symbolic meaning that can stabilize the situation in Konoha!

"Do you want me to go back to be a puppet?" Jiraiya almost gritted his teeth and said, "I refuse this matter."

"I'm sorry, Lord Jiraiya, you can't refuse."

Habara shook his head gently, and then he said slowly.

"Why do you think that you are a puppet, do you think that what Hokage does must be comprehensive?

You are mistaken, Jiraiya-sama, if that's the case, why are there so many ministers like us to assist Hokage?

And Hokage-sama used to take power, don't you think this is a serious problem?

I very much agree with one sentence, that is, there is a specialization in the art industry.

It's much better to leave things to someone who is professional than someone who is not good at the industry at all. "

Having said this, Habara paused slightly, and then he said with a smile.

"And of course, my lord, you can't refuse us.

You just said it yourself, you are a Konoha ninja.

Now Konoha needs you, is that how you refuse? "

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(End of this chapter)

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