Konoha: Make Uchiha Great Again

Chapter 162 Young Habara or Young Jiraiya?

Chapter 162 Young Habara or Young Jiraiya? (For [-] characters to subscribe~)

In fact, there are still chakra simulations similar to the fairy mode in the world of Naruto. For example, the Lei Dun chakra mode used by the fourth generation of Raikage is the best.

With that kind of explosive power and speed, it can even evade Amaterasu's attack directly, and it is already conceivable how terrifying it is.

The fairy mode is different, because it is a special way of using natural chakra.

The so-called fairy chakra is actually a state of using natural energy.

However, in this state, natural energy can be used to enhance attack and defense, and at the same time, natural energy can be used to increase the attack range and perception of Taijutsu and Ninjutsu.

This kind of all-round, super-powerful improvement.

More importantly, natural chakras are endless, and there is essentially an upper limit to the chakras that can be produced in the human body.

One is infinite, and the other has an obvious upper limit. How can this be compared?

However, the effect of immortal chakra on the human body also has a bearing strength, that is, it depends on how strong the person's body can accept.

The immortal mode also has strengths and weaknesses, which is obvious.

When it comes to the ceiling of the immortal model, the first thing that comes to Habara's mind is the first generation Megumi Hokage, Senju Hashima.

It's Naruto, and Minato Namifeng who said he's not good at immortal mode, the weakest is naturally this Jiraiya.

But under such a mode, Jiraiya is as terrifying as a changed person!
He can actually keep up with Hanbara's speed now, and his escaping technique is many times more powerful than before.

Such an all-round improvement is really incredible, and this kind of power also makes Habara understand why Madara Uchiha is so strong that he has to get it all.

"Could it be that the so-called fairy mode is actually a simplification of the six-chakra mode?"

The six-chakra mode, at least in Habara's view, is actually the aggregation of all chakras plus a special mode that incorporates immortal chakras.

However, after reaching that level of existence, the power they use may have been replaced by normal chakra with natural chakra.

Therefore, reaching the level of Six Paths Immortals, they can say that they are not in a state of immortal mode all the time.

It belongs to the fairy mode itself, and with the integration of chakras of various attributes, is this the so-called six-chakra mode?

"It's getting more and more exciting!"

Habara quickly dodged Jiraiya's attack, and then swung a knife at Jiraiya.

Jiraiya dodged quickly, and while dodging, he also attacked Habara.

He didn't summon the two toads to assist in the battle, maybe for him, calling out the two toads was just desperate.

But that's fine, it's also more convenient for Habara to explore and discover.

As the battle between Habara and Jiraiya continued, Habara also figured out a lot of things.

Especially through the constant observation of his writing wheel, he also saw a lot of hidden secrets.

"Jiraiya is not as tacitly acquainted with the immortal chakra as he imagined. If you compare it according to Naruto's state, Naruto is [-]%, then he can only be regarded as about [-]% or [-]%."

Dodging an extremely exaggerated fire escape that was used in conjunction with the immortal chakra, Habara thought to himself.

At this time, Jiraiya also rushed to his side, his hair became sharp again, and stabbed towards Habara fiercely.

"Xianfa·Lion's Hair Technique!"

This time, mixed with natural chakra, his hair became a lot longer, and the constantly flying sharp hair formed a semi-encirclement that seemed to be completely trapped by Habara.

And the strength of these hairs has also become stronger, obviously it is not so easy to be broken!
Habara didn't dare to be hit by this thing. With a wave of the ninja sword in his hand, he quickly blocked the hair in front of him and immediately jumped back.

However, Jiraiya will not give Hanbara any time to rest. His speed is extremely fast, and he does not know when he has jumped above Hanbara.

In his hand, a huge light ball containing the terrifying magic chakra appeared.

Spiral Pills, or Xianfa Super Large Jade Spiral Pills!
This thing is more than ten times larger than a normal spiral pill.

Habara fully believed that if he was hit by this thing, he would be in serious trouble.

It's just that Habara is not so easy to be hit, even Jirai is well aware of this reality!

The huge roar was incessant, and the earth was punched into a deep pit by this terrifying spiral pill in an instant.

Habara stopped steadily on a tree, Chakra beside him was shaking frantically, obviously he directly used Void Walk in the face of this attack!
He silently looked at the traces left after being attacked by the Immortal Magic Spiral Pill, and finally shook his head gently.

Spiral pills are like this. Although the explosive power and range seem to be very general, the actual effect and lethality are really amazing.

With this technique, Namikaze Minato and Naruto galloped across the ninja world, defeating and killing powerful enemies one after another. It's really not without reason.

"Xianju and Spiral Pills, if I use Susanoo to block it, can I stop it?"

Habara thought to himself, but soon he noticed another problem.

"Also, Jiraiya's immortal mode seems to be different from other people's immortal mode."

Habara jumped to his feet, and while he was thinking, he rushed directly to Jiraiya's side, and his ninja sword was once again swung at Jiraiya.

And Jiraiya's reaction speed is also extremely exaggerated, although he does not have the insight of Habara.

But at this moment, he seems to be able to 'see' Habara's movements, and his brain and body can respond.

This allows Habara to confirm and judge more things, and Jiraiya is fighting purely by relying on the 'perception' ability improved by the immortal mode.

"It's just that even though he has perception, his movements still seem a bit slow, and this kind of performance is not as exaggerated at all.

Could it be that the immortal mode of each holy place is actually different? "

Habara clearly remembered that although the Earth Dragon Cave Immortal Technique used by Kaoru was also very exaggerated, the performance of this guy did not seem to be that comprehensive.

In the original book, the power of ninjutsu he performed in the immortal mode was also unbelievable. In addition, after he closed his sight, it also did not affect his battle in the slightest.

It can be seen from here how strong his perception ability was at that time.

But what surprised Habara was that at that time Tou seemed to have lost the ability of taijutsu.

This is completely different from the current Jiraiya performance.

It is true that he is facing two owners with kaleidoscope writing wheel eyes, but don't forget that his physical skills are actually very strong.

"Is it understandable that, in fact, in each so-called holy place, the magic they are good at is actually different?"

A very relaxed sideways, Habara dodged Jiraiya's attack, and then he directly punched back again.

At the same time, his ninja knife also stabbed at Jiraiya's chest at a strange angle, and Jiraiya also shook his hair fiercely at this moment.

"Idea · Needle Jizo!"

His long hair hardened and wrapped around his entire body, forcing Habara to refrain from punching.

And his ninja sword also made a metal collision sound after hitting his hair. It is completely imaginable how hard this guy's hair is!

It's just that Habara didn't care at all, he basically got the result he wanted.

According to Jiraiya, Naruto, Namikaze Minato, there are still pockets, and even the performance of Shigego, Senju Hashima and the like are used as analogies and summaries.

He did find something more interesting.

Namikaze Minato, Naruto, and Jiraiya, they are all representatives of Mt. Miaomu Xianshu.

From their performance, it seems that the strengthening aspect is really 'all-round'.

It can only be said that the big toad deserves to be the product of living from a thousand years ago to the present, and even had an intersection with the young six-path immortal brothers.

The immortal mode it created may be the 'six path immortal mode' that is closest to the state of Otsutsuki.

Of course, the products in these holy places are born to use natural chakra, which can also be regarded as a representative of the natural immortal mode.

Therefore, the 'immortal model' created by the three holy places has also appeared a 'bias' similar to the kaleidoscope Sheron.

"Besides the manifestation of one's own abilities, Miaomushan's immortal art provides powerful manifestations of physical, ninjutsu, and perception abilities.

Moreover, it also performed very well in terms of defense. Ninjutsu resistance and illusion resistance have reached a terrifying strength. "

Although Jiraiya has been using ninja techniques or his own speed to evade Habara's attacks, more or less he will still be rubbed by the Habara Shinobi sword.

However, after Habara's ninja sword with Lei Dun Chakra hit him, he was still alive and well as if he was nothing, which really made Habara sigh.

"However, it can basically be judged that the three holy places formulate the immortal model through their own bias.

Miaomushan's immortal mode is completely based on the performance of Otsutsuki Yui, and then strips off other inner modes of chakra to perfect the immortal mode.

Although it is quite satisfactory, there are no advantages or disadvantages, but it can be regarded as the most comprehensive and complete fairy mode.

The immortal mode of Dilong Cave is completely integrated with the characteristics of snakes, perhaps because snakes are sensitive to life and the perception ability of snakes is very terrifying.

Therefore, in addition to the basic enhancement, the fairy mode of Dilong Cave will also enhance itself towards perception and chakra.

However, it seems that Taishu is not so strong, but at least in this chakra mode, he can make movements similar to snakes to avoid attacks.

And the last one is the Shibone Forest. The representative of Shibone Forest is the first generation of Hokage and Qianshouzhujian.

His own strength is already at its peak, and he himself has a terrible perception ability, which can be seen from the performance of the second-generation Hokage.

Although there will be no more users of Shibone Forest Immortal Technique in the future, I can make some simple judgments based on the animations and comics I have watched.

It seems that his immortal mode has greatly enhanced the physical activity to increase agility and defense, and at the same time, the power of all the techniques he is good at has been improved by leaps and bounds.

That is to say, the immortal mode of Shibone Forest actually eliminates the perception ability, greatly increases the performance of physical fitness, and improves the power of 'jutsu'. "

Thinking of this, Habara's face became a little weird.

His kaleidoscope ability itself has an ability to enhance the power of magic, but now he looks back and finds that there are similar ones in those fairy magic.

This made Habara a little unstoppable, and he also understood more why Madara Uchiha wanted to stare at Senju Hashima's magic to grab it.

"Is this the ultimate experience, double the joy?"

While Habara was thinking, Jiraiya's offensive also became more ferocious, because Jiraiya Habara seemed to be thinking about something while fighting.

This suddenly made him understand one thing—

"This guy is exploring and researching fairy mode!"

He is not stupid. After he started the immortal mode to attack, Habara began to dodge constantly relying on his own speed and space ninjutsu.

Then when you can't dodge or want to learn more, use basic attack methods, then observe and think.

Such a scene really made Zilai feel angry and funny, but he had nothing to do.

There are so many things that Habara is hiding, like Lei Dun, like this damn space ninjutsu.

While Habara was observing Jiraiya, Jiraiya was also observing and collecting information about Habara.

It's just that the more he collects, the more depressed he becomes, because he finds that Habara's space ninjutsu is fundamentally different from his own understanding of Fei Lei Shen.

Flying Thor still needs the left side anyway, and a traction can be completed smoothly.

The space ninjutsu of Habara doesn't need these things at all. He seems to be able to move directly wherever he wants!
However, this space ninjutsu also has certain problems, that is, every time it is activated, it seems to cause a strong chakra effect.

This is like telling you where this guy is going to fly, and it can give people a very clear direction to predict.

But in the end, this is space ninjutsu, even if you can predict it, you have to react, otherwise it will be of no use.

"This guy is too difficult to deal with. It seems that it is really not wrong for the teacher to lose in his hands, but how does this guy have so much ability?"

Jiraiya also naturally knew that as the owner of the Kaleidoscope Shaker, Habara would definitely have some special powers, and these powers were bestowed upon him by those eyes.

It's just that Habara never opened those eyes from beginning to end, so why didn't Jirai feel curious?
And what made Jirai even more depressing was that in the records he knew that this kid could still fly, and the difficulty of this kid was really beyond imagination!


But soon, Jiraiya's expression changed slightly, because at this moment, Habara suddenly appeared in front of his eyes like a ghost.

The roaring chakra caused Jiraiya to suffocate a little with a terrifying spatial shock. What was even more terrifying was that after the boy threw a punch, he performed this spatial ninjutsu again.

The next moment, Jiraiya was shocked to find that everything around him began to collapse.

And even if he was in immortal mode, he seemed unable to resist the invasion of this terrifying power.
"Huh? What's the situation?"

Among Konoha, I don't know how many people suddenly felt that a vast torrent of chakra was spreading rapidly.

And such a chakra torrent is hugely different from the past, because this suffocating force seems to carry many other things.

A kind of inexplicable, but something that makes people fear from the heart!
They don't know exactly what happened, after all, strange things will always happen to Konoha during this time.

And this kind of situation has made them a little numb, and of course it has made them more cautious in their hearts.

After all, no one wants Konoha Village to be really chaotic, they are all Konoha residents.

However, when they saw that the people from the Security Department and Anbu were dispatched quickly, they felt a little relieved.

And they are also Konoha's ninjas after all. Although they were all worried, they quickly organized and set off towards the scene of the incident.

Just because their emotions recovered quickly did not mean that other people could recover so quickly, especially in the perception class.

"what is this!"

The ninjas of the perception class are not as simple as looking ugly at this time, they are really frightened.

They used to think that in just one or two years, they had been stimulated enough.

The damage caused by Uchiha Habara alone is enough to send a chill in their hearts.

They really couldn't forget the cold and destructive Chakra unleashed by Habara. Such power is still unforgettable to this day.

They really don't understand why a person can release such a dark power, and the strength of this power is still so high?

It's a pity that no one will answer this question for them, but they have firmly written down Hanbara's power.

But today they found that they still underestimated the Minister of the Security Department. This guy seems to be able to release that kind of cold Chakra at all, and he has other frightening powers!
The strength of this power may not have reached that gloomy power, but the strangeness of this power really made them fresh in their memory.

They have seen similar power like this, and it was felt in the fourth generation of Hokage.

However, although the powers of Habara and the fourth-generation Hokage are similar, they have a huge difference, that is, the power of Habara belongs to explosive power.

This power is constantly accumulating, and when it accumulates to a certain level, it suddenly erupts, no one can resist it!

"What kind of monster is this guy, and who is he fighting with? That kind of power full of natural aura seems to be Lord Hokage."

Jiraiya also used the fairy mode, and the essence of chakra has changed.

Even if these chakras still have his aura, the people in the perception class don't dare to confirm it easily.

What's more, they really didn't dare to think like this, because Habara just killed a Hokage - even if Habara didn't do it himself, it was indeed because of him that he died.

With such a fighting intensity now, is it possible that Habara is going to kill another Hokage?
People in the perception class, look at me, I look at you, and finally the group fell silent.

They didn't dare to discuss this issue, and they didn't dare to report so much on the same issue.

If Konoha is the only person who is still relatively calm, it is probably Kakashi.

Because he saw Habara and Jiraiya leave with his own eyes, and knew that the two were going to learn from each other, he concluded that this was the movement made by the two.

Although this movement was indeed a bit bigger, Kakashi felt that a smart and restrained person like Habara would definitely not do something incomprehensible.

Just thinking this way, Kakashi honestly rushed over with people. After all, as Anbu, he still has to determine the situation.

"I said, are you alright?"

When the chaos inside Konoha turned into a pot of porridge, Yu Principle looked at Jiraiya with embarrassment, while Jiraiya looked forward in silence.

In front of them was originally a large and small forest, but at this moment, an open arc appeared in the center of the forest.

This arc looks extremely weird. It evenly eliminates everything in it, and even the most trees are bizarrely divided.

Jirai also thought that he was in the center of the arc, and felt the unparalleled explosion of space power. At that time, he really had a feeling that he was about to end.

Even if his immortal mode is not as strong as he imagined in terms of perception, it is definitely not too weak.

Under such circumstances, the idea of ​​'certain death' appeared, which only proved that he might be cold.

Fortunately, at the most critical moment, Habara grabbed him and forcibly took him away from the place, which allowed him to avoid the most terrible thing from happening.

"Ok. Just"

Jiraiya also raised his head, he looked at Habara with a complicated expression.

"You shouldn't, you don't even know how to use your own skills?"

This technique of Habara really gave him a lot of doubts. This guy seems to be very skilled in using it.

But every time with a strong chakra vibration, this makes Jiraiya feel very strange, after all, such a vibration can easily expose himself.

This does not conform to the appearance of space ninjutsu, because the best way to use space ninjutsu is to pass through space silently and kill the enemy, just like Fei Lei Shen.

But now he seems to understand that this space ninjutsu is not designed to kill a target at all.

This kind of chakra shock is actually accumulating more powerful power, which is a large-scale space ninjutsu that wants to smash a whole group of enemies!
"Active and aggressive space ninjutsu, this is true"

This is really beyond Jiraiya's imagination, but he found that this technique is really scary!
The purpose of Habara's battle with him is to understand and study the immortal mode in the future, which Jiraiya already knew after using the immortal mode.

And he is also researching Habara, and this research he found that Habara really brought him a huge surprise.

It can even be said that this simply opened up his narrow understanding of space ninjutsu, and only then did he discover that space ninjutsu can still be used in this way!
However, this discovery also made him realize one thing, that is, it seems that this Habara in front of him doesn't have a clear understanding of his own art at all.

He didn't doubt that Habara wanted to kill him. If he wanted to do Habara, it was an opportunity, and what good would killing him do to him?
He wants to come back and be a puppet by himself. If he wants to kill it, he will be insane. Although the Uchiha family seems to have this tendency, Habara is definitely not.

Therefore, after thinking about it, there is only one answer, that is, Habara doesn't seem to know what the limit of his technique is, and what the power is.

Even, he won't even use it.
"There is indeed such a thing, it can only be said that my research is not deep enough."

Habara was a little embarrassed by Jiraiya's words. How could he not use the Void Walk technique?
After all, he has been using it for so long, and he has used it to sneak attack on so many people. It really shouldn't be said that he can't use it.

It's just that it can be used completely, and Habara is really hard to say, after all, Void Walking is a very destructive technique.

But in his hands, it has become a simplified version of the Flying Thunder God's technique that can travel through space without enchantment. He has never exerted the power of walking in the void at all.

In his cognition, Void Walk needs to be used continuously, and only when it is superimposed to a certain extent can its power be fully exerted.

Habara has never been superimposed to a high level because of insufficient chakra.

And there are more chakras, and his attack method can't use this technique, so he still uses it as a teleportation ninjutsu.

He has to admit one thing, that is, he really used too little in the development of this technique, so he also made a big oolong today.

Habara, who was attacking Jiraiya directly through space, did not pay too much attention to the injection of chakra.

After all, for him, injecting chakra into this technique does not require him to think too much. He only needs to inject the minimum chakra required by this technique.

However, just now, when he used this technique continuously and unintentionally, the chakra injected almost subconsciously increased.

And the consequence of such an increase is that he inexplicably triggered a relatively high burst level of this technique.

It can be said that in the past, he used the lowest chakra to activate this technique, and he used more the next time to ensure that the level of this technique would not increase.

But now, he has injected Chakra into a higher level at one time, and in an instant, this technique has reached the level of [-]nd or even [-]rd rank!
Such a level is fatal. The power of the second to third stages in the game is not weak, and it will only be more terrifying in the real world.

Habara really didn't know such a thing. After all, he didn't study deeply the techniques he got from the system.

Even if the system gave him these techniques, and how to cultivate these techniques and how the chakra changes occurred, the entire change process would still be handed over to Hanbara.

But Habara basically didn't try to develop these techniques in the past. Perhaps the only thing he explored more thoroughly was the tauren's ultimate move.

Since the part of speech of the word tauren changed, Habara has always kept an interest and distance from the word.

He is a firm pure love warrior when he treats himself, and it's okay to treat others like a cow, especially when he is a yellow-haired man.

Therefore, the tauren's skills have attracted a lot of attention in his hands, especially this skill is more effective against ninjas with the most eye-catching illusions.

As a result, in his use, he found that this skill is not only as simple as eliminating illusions, resisting illusions or even restoring himself.

It can be used as a super burst, even if it only lasts for eight seconds, but the question is how many ninjas can survive eight seconds under such a burst?
"It seems that I have a lot to learn and add, such as this Void Walk.

It seems that except the first chakra input is mandatory, and then its subsequent chakra input can be improved by itself. "

Habara is a very realistic person, knowing that he has mistakes and problems, he will never deny it.

It's not good to be tough, even if he can turn over the reincarnation of the dirty earth, Madara Uchiha, who has no strength, then he can say 'I don't have a deep impression of you'.

He can't do this kind of thing, only by admitting his own shortcomings can Habara make further progress.

"It seems that you are quite courageous. After all, you have already reached this level. Even if you don't admit it, no one will dare to say anything about you."

Zilai also stood up slowly, he now felt that his whole body was sore, and the feeling of directly passing through the space really made him very uncomfortable.

However, his sense of Habara has also improved a lot. Although this Uchiha is proud, he also has qualities that other Uchihas do not have.

"It does take courage to admit mistakes and deficiencies, and maybe some people can't do it, but for me, every mistake and deficiencies is the driving force for me to improve."

Habara shook his head slightly, he said with a smile.

"I don't lack courage, nor do I lack conviction. After all, I am a pragmatic person. Right is right, and wrong is wrong."

"You are so real"

Jiraiya originally wanted to praise Habara, but as a result, he was complimented by Habara's words and remembered the violent remarks that Habara told him before, which made him sigh involuntarily.

"Maybe it's good to be realistic, but your idea is too far away. Our top priority is still the three clans."

"The three clans are not a problem. I have already given you advice, haven't I, not to mention that we have longer-term measures to do."

Habara showed a smile, and Jiraiya's inner defense was weakened a little bit, which was a good thing for him.

Habara even thought that his approach could be used on girls, but after thinking about it, he thought it would be fine.

Because of this constant inducement and persecution, it always made him feel bad.

Especially if the girl has a boyfriend or something, then he really becomes the actual owner of 'firm will'.

"What else are you preparing for?"

Jirai also raised his brows, and he asked directly. As Hokage, he didn't know that this made him really depressed.

"About the welfare of Konoha ninjas, you can ask Minister Shijiu for the details. After all, I am only the Minister of the Security Department."

Habara smiled and spread out his hands. He could talk about this, but there was no need for it. He didn't want to go beyond the scope of others' power.

"But overall, it's a good thing, and it can bring substantial benefits to all Konoha ninjas."

"Does it include you too?" Jiraiya asked if he meant something.

"Of course, including us." Habara nodded unceremoniously: "But we are also Konoha ninjas, don't forget this."

Zilai also nodded, and was too lazy to delve into these things. He only knew that his teacher had forced the clan ninja to become bigger now, and he was simply here to take the blame and repay the debt.

But he has no way to refuse, nor much ability to refuse.

"Okay, let's go here today, Hokage-sama."

Habara stretched slightly, and then he said to Jiraiya with a smile.

"Actually, I always knew that Hokage-sama was psychologically dissatisfied.

It's just that you look at the problem from a different angle, so as Naruto, you have time to do things you like.

It's like writing novels, like developing some techniques to make it easier for you to peep, anyway, your teacher doesn't do much of it.

But then again, how much money did you put into the publishing house? "

"What do you mean?"

Jiraiya was still a little moved when he heard the words in front of Habara, but when he heard the last sentence, he was a little confused.

However, he responded quickly and immediately knew that Habara was mocking his writing skills, which immediately made Jirai unhappy.

"It's nothing, I just think that the book "Intimacy Paradise" is too ordinary. I still don't understand why it sells so well."

"Stinky boy, that's a great work, do you understand, can you write it?"

"What if I could write it?"

"If you write it out, then without challenging my bottom line, I can promise you one thing!"

"Is that so, then make a deal."

What is Jiraiya's bottom line, even if Habara doesn't know, he can guess.

After all, Jiraiya belongs to the old school of justice ninjas. Although they have blood on their hands, they are also full of justice in their hearts.

To put it in a very middle two words, that is - walking in the dark night, serving the light, everything is empty, and everything is allowed.

It's almost like Assassin's Creed, but they're really the 'in the dark to the light' type.

In fact, Habara didn't have any requirements for Jirai, anyway, according to his situation, it would be a matter of time to 'fall'.

And it was impossible for Habara to tell him what immortal mode, even Jirai knew that Habara might not be able to learn this thing.

But every ninja has its own secrets, even if others can't learn it, it's impossible to tell, especially the immortal mode is still a feature of Miaomushan.

Jiraiya has a very high level of trust in Miao Mushan, which is something that others cannot change. After all, Miao Mushan is also good to Jirai.

"But it doesn't matter, the Immortal Chakra has contaminated my ninja sword, and I should be able to try to understand it when I go back.

And the promise is still the first to get it. Although the most valuable thing at a certain time is a promise, but a certain time is worth a thousand dollars. "

Habara didn't have any resistance to writing the Little Yellow Book or something. After all, he had seen too many things in his previous life.

To put it in a bad way, whether it's people or animals, whether it's hands or feet, he hasn't seen anything except fencing.

In his opinion, Jiraiya's "Intimacy Paradise" is simply pure and flawless. There are some questions about whether it can be regarded as an enlightenment reading in his previous life.

"Just give him a "Youth Habara"?"

When he came to the office of the security department, Habara began to think about what he wanted to deal with Jiraiya.

The first thing that comes to mind is of course some of the most simple and rude classics. In fact, he also wants to come to a rainy night without anything, but he can't remember the plot.

However, he soon felt that the name didn't quite fit the bill. It was really interesting to see himself as the protagonist, but the problem with Habara's reputation would be bad.

"Or, "Youth Day Slash"? Forget it, let's pull that old monkey down. "Youth Jiraiya" is better than this."

It's not bad for the young Jiraiya, after all, Jiraiya's previous results were really not ideal.

But the problem is that since Jiraiya is now Hokage, isn't it a little too good to arrange it like this?

This matter gave Habara a bit of a headache. He was thinking about whether he should just play "Sun in Konoha", or "***" or something?
"Forget it, it's Abin, I feel more familiar."

Habara sighed faintly, and then he picked up the pen and began to write seriously, and he was too lazy to care about the disturbance in the village.

Of course he knew how much trouble his fight with Jiraiya had caused, after all, when he came back, he also saw a large group of people running past.

However, this matter has nothing to do with him. With Hokage giving him the bottom line, what is he afraid of, and what should he worry about?

He wrote it very quickly. Although he forgot a lot of some plots, he still remembered what he should remember, and he was not afraid that he would not be able to write it.

Just when the first small part was almost written, Zhishui suddenly ran over.

"Why are you here?" Habara glanced at Shishui strangely, then put the pen down: "Is there something wrong?"

"It's Jiaodu, he said he wanted to meet you." Zhi Shui said a little embarrassedly.

He saw that Habara had been writing and thought he was working seriously, but his presence obviously disturbed Habara.

"Kakuto?" Habara couldn't help but be stunned when he heard the name of Jiaodu: "I probably know, but I really want to find him."

Kakuto is also a bit unlucky. He originally agreed to let him be responsible for the delivery of the mission, but turned to Habara and the others to start the Hokage impeachment.

Then he honestly watched in the village as Habara and the others pushed Sarutobi Hiizan off the stage, and then watched Hokage Jiraiya ascend to the throne.

The time spent during this period is really a lot. This guy is not interested in these things if he wants to come. I am afraid he is impatient now.

Thinking of this, Habara simply stood up and said to Shishui, "Let's go, let's go see him, he should really move after staying for so long."

"Well, he still takes it with him in the forest, but I heard that he has a lot of resentment." Zhi Shui said with a smile.

While speaking, Habara had put his hand on Shisui's shoulder, and the two of them disappeared in place the next moment, and the entire office seemed extraordinarily quiet at this moment.

"Knock knock knock."

I don't know how long it took, when suddenly there was a knock on the door of Habara's office, but unfortunately no one opened the door at all.

This kind of knocking on the door continued for a long time, and the person who finally knocked on the door seemed a little dissatisfied, so he gently pushed the door open.

"Strange, what about people?"

The person who opened the door was Yan Ye. Holding a pile of documents, she glanced at the entire office strangely, and seemed a little helpless for a while.

Obviously, she found that her minister had run away again, which gave her a real headache.

This Minister is really better at fishing than himself, doesn't he know how many documents he has to deal with?

"What an asshole."

Yan Ye scolded helplessly, she actually didn't want to come in at all.

But the documents in Nai He's hands had to be handed over to Habara, so she had to send them over.

A helpless Yan Ye came to the desk with the pile of documents, and then she put the documents directly on it.

However, to her surprise, just before she was about to leave, she found that there was still a document on the table that she had just written.

"Is this a new plan, is it really okay to leave it here like this at will."

Yan Ye thought to herself, she simply picked up the document and prepared to put it in the cabinet.

Her approach is not overstepping, and it is not the first time that she has helped Habara clean up the mess, but when she glanced at the content from the corner of her eyes, her movements paused slightly.

"Fiction, this guy just reads this stuff at work, or is he writing it?"

Yan Ye looked a little weird, then she glanced at the current content.

However, the next moment, her expression became sluggish, and her beautiful face was even more dissatisfied and flushed.
(End of this chapter)

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