Chapter 18

Complicated mantras surround the body, protecting Mingyue tightly.


The wind whistled, and the bright moon urged the aura to run away from the entrance of the cave.

"Where to go!"

The green fox let out a yell, and stretched out both paws, and the fierce wind enveloped Mingyue's head in an instant.

With a muffled sound of "bang", the mantra around her body shattered, Mingyue's figure flew upside down, a mouthful of blood spurted out, and her face was full of shock and fear.

I am not its opponent at all, and I can support it until now, all relying on the spirit weapon and prop reserve on my body.

The green fox jumped up, its body turned into a green light, and chased after it, with a sneer on its lips.

Mingyue was very anxious, but there was nothing she could do.

Her figure flickered quickly, dodging attacks constantly, and her heart was extremely anxious.

"What's going on here? Why is there such a strong monster here!"

Mingyue was puzzled in her heart.

"You little girl dared to trespass on my Baiqiu. You deserve death. Today I must let you not live, not die!"

white mound.

Just in a daze, she suddenly remembered the records she had read in ancient books.

"Among the white hills, its yang is full of jade, and its yin is full of green. There is a fox demon, not nine tails."

Here is Baiqiu?
Mingyue remembered that there was a record in ancient books that there was a fox king in Baiqiu, whose strength was unfathomable. According to legend, it was the great monster who escaped from the hands of Zulong Lord in the Battle of Fengtian.

The fox king can be said to have swept all the heroes in Fengtian. Many strong human practitioners are not its opponents. The author of the ancient book claims that some practitioners have witnessed it with his own eyes. The Jiaolong of the gate.
Although this blue fox is a monster, Mingyue can't see through it at all. Maybe it is the offspring of the fox king in Baiqiu, or the fox clan attached to it.

Mingyue's guess is indeed correct, this blue fox is indeed difficult to deal with, it is a fox demon with more than five hundred years of morality.

It cultivated in the mountains, and now it has reached the peak of the demon general, and it is only a short step away from entering the realm of the demon commander, comparable to the sixth-rank monk of the alchemy realm of Taoism.

At this time, Mingyue had already escaped for a certain distance. Seeing that the green fox was chasing too quickly, she saw the timing, and suddenly sacrificed a bead in her hand, and then threw the bead into the sky.


A bead exploded, turning into a wave of air and spreading in all directions.

This is a powerful one-time spiritual weapon called "Explosive Yuanzhu", which can detonate the vitality of heaven and earth compressed in it, releasing huge power.

The Explosive Yuanzhu exploded, forming a ball of dazzling white light, spreading towards the surroundings, destroying all the surrounding trees.

At that moment, the entire mountainside was in a mess, and countless stones rolled down.

And Mingyue also took the opportunity to rush down the mountain.

"If you want to go, it's so easy!"

The blue fox roared, not affected by the falling trees and rocks, and followed closely behind.

Suddenly, it seemed to hit something head-on.


There was a loud noise, and a lightning bolt as thick as a bucket slammed into the back of the blue fox behind Mingyue.


The cyan fur was instantly sizzling with electricity, and the body of the cyan fox was also shaken a few times.

The blue fox had a pained look on its face, and its eyes flashed with anger, it roared angrily.

"Little bitch, how dare you plot against me!"

After all, the blue fox opened its mouth and sprayed a black flame towards the bright moon.

The speed of the black flame was extremely fast, and in the blink of an eye, it had already come to Mingyue's side.

The blue light on Mingyue's body bloomed, and a blue defensive cover emerged to protect her firmly.

That flame collided with the blue barrier, making a "chichichi" sound, and finally disappeared.

The blue fox was furious, and his flesh body jumped forward, and the blue mask shattered.


Mingyue flew upside down and spewed out another mouthful of blood.

At this moment, a person appeared behind Mingyue, reaching out to support her waist.

"Fellow Daoist Mingyue, how are you doing?"


With Shen Budu's one-hand support, Mingyue tried her best to support her body, she shook her head, and looked fearfully at the blue fox not far away.

"Fellow daoist, be careful, this monster is powerful, don't underestimate the enemy. It probably didn't use all its strength just now. If it did, even sixth-rank monks might not be its opponent."

Mingyue reminded in a deep voice.

Shen Budu originally wanted to put his hands together, but he was holding a red fox in one hand, so he could only silently recite the Buddha's name and said.

"Amitabha! This little monk has also noticed that the evil spirit revealed by the monster is a bit stronger than the one in the little monk's hand. I don't know if there are more powerful monsters hiding and not appearing."

Mingyue trembled in her heart, nodded and said:

"That's right. The blue fox just now is powerful, but it may not have stronger existences. If it summons another stronger monster, we will definitely not be its opponents."

Shen Budu also fell into deep thought when he heard the words, just now the red fox seemed to say that there is some kind of grandma.
"It seems that we must defeat it as soon as possible, so as not to have long nights and dreams. The little monk Guan Daoist has injuries on his body, so let's heal his injuries first. I will hand over this monster to the little monk."

Mingyue nodded, took out a elixir from the storage artifact and swallowed it.

The green fox in front of him didn't dare to act rashly when he first saw the enemy's reinforcements arrive.

However, after a few words, it discovered that the enemy's reinforcements were just two rookies at the Ninth-Rank Inducing Breathing Realm, and a young monk with no aura fluctuations.

The green fox sneered, these human cultivators still don't know its power, and the girls in the late stage of Foundation Establishment just now are not its opponents, let alone these people, they are just manipulating arms blocking traffic.

At this time, the red fox who was carried by Shen Budu also woke up.

Seeing the blue fox appearing in front of him, the red fox was very excited.

"Sister save me!"

Its eyes showed an expression of extreme excitement, its body twisted and struggled non-stop, trying to break free from Shen Budu's grasp.

Shen Budu frowned and said:
"You bastard, aren't you being honest?"

The red fox frowned a little aggrieved.

I treat you like a husband, but you treat me like a beast?
When she was young and ignorant, the blind old lady listened to the words of her elder sister in the clan and practiced repaying gratitude to such a thick branch.

The red fox was half angry and half persuading: "Little monk, give up, my sister is the strongest under my grandmother, and the strength of the monster general in the later stage, you can't be the opponent. Such a handsome face, by my sister What a pity to scratch the flowers."

"That's right, little monk, I don't know if your face was scratched by your sister, can you still be so handsome?"

While talking, the green fox stretched out its claws, as if it wanted to touch Shen Budou's face.

"My sister was there back then"


Shen Budu thought the red fox was too chatty, he didn't have time to listen to it's compliments on the green fox, so he was knocked out again and threw it on the ground.

There was a golden light on his fist.

"Sorry benefactor, I'm in a hurry."

(End of this chapter)

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