One Punch Monk

Chapter 23 Cowardly

Chapter 23 Cowardly
To be honest, Shen Budu understands the compulsion that the ancient monster wants to maintain.

With his hands behind his back, he stared coldly at the mortal man like an ant.

But the premise is, can you transform yourself into a set of clothes first, or grow taller?

Of course, this kind of thing is like Guobun. Generally speaking, as long as the person involved doesn't feel embarrassed, it's someone else who is embarrassed.

Look up and meditate.

"If you seek me with color and see me with sound, you are walking in the wrong way"

Shen Budu clasped his hands together and said calmly.

"Amitabha, benefactor, 996 years have passed since Fengtian."

The nine-tailed celestial fox was startled for a moment, and then heaved a long sigh.

"Thousands of years later, a new round of heaven and earth catastrophe caused by Fengtian will come."

Looking at Shen Budu who was not looking sideways, she didn't feel embarrassed.

The nine-tailed celestial fox just sneered: "Confucians and sages know the sexuality, but the bald donkey of Buddhism will make such a prudish appearance, talking about pink skull skins, who doesn't know what's going on in his heart?

Just watch it if you want to. Didn't you just watch it openly when I was sitting on the stone platform just now? Why should you suppress yourself for a young monk who is full of blood. "


Nine-tailed Sky Fox interrupted him, probably because she hadn't communicated with anyone for a long time, and she was obviously very interested in talking.

"This king sees that you have an extraordinary temperament. Although I can't see the specific cultivation level by restraining my breath, no matter how talented you are, in front of this king, you are just a young child."

Nine-tailed Sky Fox has completely immersed herself in the high-profile world of her own ancient demon king, and now she continues to talk with confidence.

"Since I practiced cultivation, I have gone through the Lich and Fengtian catastrophes. I don't know how many people are amazingly talented among mortals. More geniuses don't live to shine, but inexplicably appear in the battle. It was caused by the aftermath of the battle to fall.

So, young people, read carefully, study hard, the next words of this king will benefit you for a lifetime.

Of course, there may not be more than a few years left in your life, and you rescued this king. This king is not the kind of ruthless and ungrateful person, and this king does not intend to kill you.

But the catastrophe of heaven and earth is approaching, and countless souls will fall, and you may be one of them.

You must know that peerless powerhouses like me, taboo things left over from the ancient times, and even real gods will all be born before the millennium. "


"Are you going to let me speak?!"

The nine-tailed sky fox was really angry, her furry tails all stood up.

"You missed it."

Not the domineering side leak, but the literal side leak.

Although it is difficult for Shen Budu to understand how the old hag, who has a lifespan of more than 1000 years, managed to survive menopause.

But this does not prevent him from kindly reminding the ancient demon king opposite.

Mainly, it's really hard to spit.

But obviously, standing openly and frankly and frankly when there is a sudden physiological phenomenon are two completely different concepts for the opposite person.

This is like an old man who can swim naked in front of everyone, but it is absolutely unacceptable to swim while naked in public.

Shen Budu didn't understand this difference.

The face of the nine-tailed sky fox turned black in an instant.

"Little monk, you are courting death!"

The terrifying coercion was released in the grotto again.

In the grotto at this time, the tension seemed to be straightening and flowing.

Although I don't understand what is going on in a woman's brain circuit.

But Shen Budu was very afraid of the threat of the nine-tailed sky fox.

Out of respect for the terrifying existence of the ancient demon king, he also used his full strength.

Tathagata Divine Fist Eighteen Forms, now his aura reserves can only be perfectly released to the third form.

punch three,

Big Day Golden Wheel.

A huge, bright, and extremely dazzling golden wheel rose from his fist.

All the spiritual energy accumulated in the three years of silently reciting the "Truth" and all the sixty times of enlightenment on his own practice have been perfectly reflected at this moment.

The fiery air made a "hissing" burning sound. At this moment, the air seemed to become a furnace. The longer you stay here, the hotter your body will be.

The golden wheel started to rotate in his hands, and with the circles of golden rotation, the auras in all directions moved towards the unsinkable golden wheel as if being drawn.

Gradually, a scorching, violent, and destructive force gathered on Shen Budu's fist.

"how can that be?"

The nine-tailed sky fox was shocked.

In her opinion, at this young monk's age, the highest level of cultivation would not exceed the sixth rank, but the power of his supernatural power displayed at this time is simply unbelievable.

Even the Nine-Tailed Sky Fox, whose strength had only partially recovered, felt the fear of death.

Although the Nine-Tailed Sky Fox's innate supernatural power helped her immunize herself from death once, it was not without price.

Her realm has dropped very badly, and the correct approach at this time should be to retreat to her former hidden cave, lick her wounds and recover her strength, so as to prepare for a new round of catastrophe.

Instead of being seriously injured by this inexplicable little monk, or having a broken tail to avoid death here.

Young people don't talk about Wude!

"Don't, don't, little monk, calm down!

My sister was joking with you!
Sister has a valuable baby for you! "

But this is like many things. After accumulating strength for so long, I am only about to tremble for the last time. How do you let me calm down?

Fortunately, at the last moment, Shen Budu slightly adjusted the shooting position.

The golden wheel is like an arrow on a string,
Came outside.

The water in the pool has surged up again at some point, overflowing the lotus.

The golden wheel entered the water without any grandiose scene.

Just in the next moment,
The pool water and the withered lotus stand are annihilated together.

Any traces of matter are completely wiped away by the golden wheel.

Nine-tailed Sky Fox looked at Chi Shui with lingering fear, which had accompanied him for nearly 1000 years, just annihilated in front of him.

Afterwards, she showed Shen Budu the resilience of the ancient demon king.

Nine-tailed Sky Fox speaks very fast, and its movements are as proficient as if it has been rehearsed thousands of times.

"Good brother, sister and you hit it off right away, presumably your previous life and sister should have been little lovers.

You can see that my sister really doesn't have anything on her body. This ring is a gift from your previous life to her, and it contains a trace of time power.

It can consume spiritual crystals to create a small world where the flow of time is ten times slower. Now that my sister gives you this gift as a meeting gift in this life, it can be regarded as returning to the original owner. "

The Nine-Tailed Sky Fox took off a simple bronze ring from his hand and stuffed it into Shen Budu's palm, then he stretched out his hand naturally, peeled off the skin of the fox demon grandma and made a fox fur to wear on his body. Neidan didn't dare to take it.

"My sister is gone, don't miss her too much."

A set of movements is smooth and flowing, because the contrast between the front and the back is too great, taking advantage of Shen Budu's dazed moment, the nine-tailed celestial fox has disappeared.

Shen Budu came back to his senses, looked at the ring on his hand and suddenly realized.

The ancient demon king, is this cowardly?

(End of this chapter)

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