One Punch Monk

Chapter 31 Mr. Liu

Chapter 31 Mr. Liu

Meditate in the school, read loudly.

"The Master said: Wealth and honor are what people desire; if you don't get them according to the way, you don't get them. Poverty and lowliness are what people hate; if you don't get them according to the way, you don't want to go. A gentleman goes. Benevolence, is it evil to become famous? A gentleman will never end up violating benevolence.

Shen Budu and He Taixu didn't rush in, but waited for a while, the private school would be over soon.

With the passage of time, under the background of Empress Wu Zhou's opening of a course to obtain scholars, more and more children from poor families or ordinary people chose the way out of studying.

In the past, "knowledge" was monopolized by the elites, and the Confucianism's practice scriptures and annotations were passed down from generation to generation by the elites, and it was difficult for ordinary people to follow the path of Confucianism.

Although the imperial court's finances are very tight, and although there are still projects such as Tongtian Tower and Mingtang that require water transportation from Shandong and Jiangnan, the Queen's will has been fully implemented in the matter of running schools.

The county schools in the counties are the empress's facade projects, so naturally there will be no shortage of money or people, so the educational model of private schools has sprung up everywhere like mushrooms after rain.

Ordinary wealthy families, even if they don't expect their children to practice Confucianism or become officials in the imperial examination, it is excellent to read and understand some things.

Liu Qingshui is such a county school teacher and a part-time private school teacher.

After teaching the students in the county school, I came home to continue teaching the children in the "Meditation School" opened by my home.

On the surface, Liu Qingshui is a well-learned, virtuous, and everyday person.

Riren means that when he is not working, he will definitely enjoy life with peace of mind.

In the backyard, just as Liu Qingshui was about to lie down on the rocking chair for a while, he received news that a monk had visited.

"Let him in."

Liu Qingshui instructed the old servant beside her.

"Amitabha, since the bamboo forest left, I haven't seen Mr. Liu for some days."

Only Shen Budu came in by himself, he clasped his hands together, saluted and said.

"It turns out that Master Budu came to the humble house! I forgot to tell Master my address last time, but I was negligent. I don't know why I came to find you?"

Liu Qingshui stroked the three long beards and said with a smile.

"Hey, I thought Mr. Liu was always clever and would tell me why I came here."

"I really don't know. The mage is too famous. There is no magic trick in this world. Even a warlock or a high-level practitioner in the Taoist sect is just borrowing the rules of heaven and earth to predict some of the most likely things that will happen. What's more, some People and some things are simply not within the scope of prediction.”

Shen Budu slightly understood, after all, he was asking for help from others, and he didn't want to be a secret, he directly told Mr. Liu about Guoguo, except for the peaceful and blessed land and the key in his hand.

Last time, Mr. Liu told him that there were enemies against him, helping him not to be confused.

Right now, only this mysterious and unpredictable Mr. Liu can help him save Guoguo.

After all, Guoguo is also his student. According to Mr. Liu's attitude towards the scholar ghost, as a teacher, Mr. Liu should help if he has the ability.

"Hiding the soul? It's not the method of the Seven Dou Rice Sect in Hanzhong Mansion. In this way, the 'sacrificing wine' is also correct. The Seven Dou Rice Sect is a certain branch of the Taiping Dao after the failure of the Huangtian uprising."

Mr. Liu raised his head and said: "I really don't know how to draw the soul safely, but I can probably determine that this 'sacrificial wine' is not necessarily malicious. Of course, what is the specific reason for it? Know."

"Listening to your words is like listening to your words."

"The mage is an interesting person." Mr. Liu smiled and said, "Although I don't have the method of drawing souls, I know that there is a person in Taiping County who knows how to draw souls safely, and he should be reliable. The mage is going to find her."

"Sir, why not tell me who it is?"

"A woman with a white cat."

Shen Budu was startled when he heard the words,
It was the woman I met next to the powder stand.

"Have you seen it? It's not surprising. The fate of a mage is special. It's not surprising to see anyone."

Mr. Liu broke off a wicker stick, circled around the index, and said slowly: "This woman is an inspection sent by the Yin Division to the human world, and she has about the strength of a fifth-rank Yinxiu daily traveler, but it should be greatly reduced now. .”

Seeing Shen Budu's serious expression, Mr. Liu suddenly asked: "Does the mage not understand?"

"Yes, I understand all the words."

Mr. Liu is a good teacher, so naturally he is not afraid to answer his questions.

"Yinxiu is the name of all Taoist practice systems in the world, such as ghosts, zombies, skeletons, etc. The realm is also divided into nine ranks, which are basically the same as other sects such as Buddhism, Taoism, Confucianism, martial arts, warlocks, etc. .”

"The Yin Division is a system that was gradually formed, established, and perfected in the Spring and Autumn Period of 800. At that time, there were "district officials" selected by immortals in various countries to suppress demons and attract dead souls. The "district officials" died normally. Afterwards, they will enter the underworld and become a part of the underworld, because they are generally strong, so they are either Yama, or the judges of Zishou and Zhushou."

"However, the Battle of Fengtian happened later, the order of the Yin Division was affected, and internal turmoil began. Buddhism once sent Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva to intervene in the affairs of the Yin Division. Until now, the Yin Division is still divided. This is why ghosts, even ghosts The reason why it can stay in the world for a long time is because the Yin Division cannot spare manpower to manage it normally."

Shen Budu nodded slightly and raised his posture.

"What is the ghost hall that the little monk heard? I heard it once in Baiqiu before."

"The Hall of Ghosts is a judge in the underworld who used to work in the underworld. He was a "district official" in a certain country during the Spring and Autumn Period. During the civil strife in the underworld, he took the opportunity to return to the human world to establish a ghost cultivator. The forces acted treacherously, and their methods were vicious, so they were not easy to provoke."

"In fact, it was the mage who killed the Yin cub raised by the Ghost Palace last time, and the Ghost Palace tried to retaliate. By coincidence, He Taixu was regarded as the person who killed the Yin cub, and thus was misled by the Ghost Palace to enter Luckily, the mage is powerful and brought him out safely."

Shen Budu took a deep breath,

It's complicated.

In a small Taiping County, there is not only the ghost cultivator "Hall of Ghosts" established by the senior official of the former Yin Division, which is making troubles, but also the remnants of the Taiping Dao that once launched the Huangtian Uprising are about to move.

These enemies are powerful and should not be underestimated.

"Then how can I find this woman with the white cat?"

"Flying man."

Mr. Liu said bluntly: "Yesterday, if a Flying Man died, then there must be a headless female corpse. There will not be only one Flying Man. The mage only needs to follow this clue, and he will definitely find the corpse." A woman with a white cat."

"What is the necessary connection between Feitouman and her?"

"The Feitouman in Taiping County has a yin elixir in her body, her power has been damaged, and now she urgently needs to replenish pure yin qi, to catch ghosts or directly kill animals to create ghosts, not only time-consuming and laborious to get karma, but also slow to come. She will definitely go to the Flying Man, the Yin Division has the means to track down these evil spirits, the stronger the Yin Qi, the brighter it is in her eyes."

After investigating the Feitouman incident, he followed the clues to find the inspector of the Yin Division, and then asked the inspector to help save Guoguo with his soul, and asked about the Taiping Paradise.

A complete action chain appeared in Shen Budu's mind.

The significance of this event is not only to save the innocent little girl Guoguo,
More importantly, although his attack power is invincible, he still has shortcomings in other aspects.
If he can get the clues of Taiping Paradise, then he may be able to make up for his shortcomings in defense, dodge, and mental resistance.

In this unsafe world, it is extremely important to strengthen one's own strength.

"Thank you, Mr. Liu. I don't know if there is anything that I can do for Mr. Liu. I feel uneasy because I have received favors for nothing."

Master has said that cause and effect cannot be changed, and no predestined relationship cannot be saved.

Shen Budu is an optimistic and easy-going person. He is not afraid of any difficulties and challenges. In the chaotic world, he is willing to use his actions and words to help more people.

At the same time, he is also a cautious person. He doesn't think that anyone who helps him is justified and does not need anything in return.

Mr. Liu put down the willow stick on his fingertips and said calmly.

"No need, just make friends."

(End of this chapter)

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