Chapter 57
Besides, every official in the court is now forced to be involved in the battle for establishing a reserve, even this Master Huang is no exception.

He didn't write to the empress to appoint her son, the former emperor of Tang Dynasty, as the crown prince, or impeach Wu Jiusi, Wu Jiye and other Wu clan kings directly. Instead, he gave Wu Jiye's youngest daughter a closed door.

In line with the rules, it is in line with the rules.

Confucian scholars who came out of Haoran Academy have always liked to be angry with the rich and powerful, so as to gain fame and respect.

According to folk rumors, Wei Shu of the Taizong Dynasty of the former Tang Dynasty became the prime minister by scolding Taizong every day.

It's just the way the Master expresses,

Somewhat useless.
Of course, since people are not yet sages, they cannot be required by the moral standards of sages. After all, there is no love for no reason in the world, and there is no hate for no reason.

If Wu Jiusi, the king of Liang, hadn't got Master Huang to be dismissed from office and forced to return to Haoran Academy to teach, it would not have happened today.

In short, the two words brought back by the prison students are "no".

This time, not only the school captain who came to the door couldn't hold back, even Princess Pingyang's pretty face under the veil was a little frosty when he heard the news.

She had just promised Master Budu that she would definitely be able to bring him in, and now she was slapped in the face like this, how could she not be angry?

"Where's my knife?"

Wu Lanshan turned her head and looked around.

"Princess, calm down!"

Shen Budu quickly grabbed her.

After stepping down the stairs, Wu Lanshan calmed down.

After all, it is one of the nine great immortal sects, and after all, it is not easy to deal with the kings of the Wu family.

The student from the prison gate also bit the bullet and explained: "The master said, this is the rule of the academy. The academy is a place to read the books of sages. On weekdays, the students are neither allowed to go out for fun, nor allow family members to visit. Since Princess Taiping is the academy Disciple of the chief, you have to abide by this rule no matter what your status is, please come back, princess."

"Then why can they enter?"

Seeing a group of people who were obviously not dressed as academy students go in, Princess Pingyang asked.

"They are literati and poets invited to participate in the Liushang Poetry Club, and they have poem posts."

"How much is the poem post? I'll just buy it."

The student smiled wryly: "Princess, this is not bought, it is invited, how can I buy it if I have written my name and reported it?"

"What about him?"

Princess Pingyang saw a group of people surrounded by a small pavilion not far away, and one of them walked out and took a poem post from the academy student behind the case with his head held high.

"This is a scholar who has passed the assessment and can participate in the Liushang Poetry Club. In addition to the long-established literati and poets invited by the Liushang Poetry Club, there is also an opening for scholars who have poems and books but have not become famous. If the poems they write can pass You can get a poem post through the identification of the spiritual weapon, but it is extremely difficult, usually one in a hundred."

Princess Pingyang sent someone to ask, and knew that the student had explained clearly that it was not a secret operation, and that the academy's rule of not allowing visits was true, so he became a little frustrated.

Although she is a princess, she really can't put on airs in front of the Nine Great Immortal Gates, especially the Haoran Academy, which is famous for being angry with the powerful.

How else?Let the soldiers break in with their knives?
If she really broke in, she might be scolded by the scholars of the Manchu Dynasty. I'm afraid her father Wei Wang Wu Jiye would not be able to keep her.

As for getting in by writing poems?Don't be ridiculous, it's true that the ancestors of the old Wu family followed Emperor Gaozu Conglong to be a high-ranking official, but after all, he was born as a wealthy businessman. After decades, he hasn't cultivated any cultural bacteria. They are far inferior to the nobles who started from Guanlong's gang of military leaders.

Let Princess Pingyang go hunting and play, but let her write poetry, it is better to kill her.


Princess Pingyang lowered her head resentfully. This incident really slapped her in the face and made her a little embarrassed.

Shen Budu was also a little surprised at this time, Haoran Academy was so rigid that even the princess of the royal family was not allowed to enter, it was really beyond his expectation.

"Princess, can you compose poetry?"

"Cough I wrote a few poems when I was a child."

Well, looking at Wu Lanshan like this, it can't be said that it is at the level of "one look at the city of people, then the country of people, three times the troubles of the world, and four times the sword is at a loss".

Not to mention.

After pondering for a moment, Shen Budu said.

"Princess, why don't you send someone to ask, what is the title of this poem on spiritual weapon appraisal? Is it randomly selected, or does it have a fixed title?"

Later, someone came back to report.

"The topic changes every day. Today, the topic is 'Ode to the Lotus'. I don't stick to five words or seven words. If the spiritual weapon is in full bloom, I am qualified to participate in the Liushang Poetry Club, but..."

"Just what?"

"If only one person passes the test today, we count forward. There were only a few people in the past few days."

"What level do you need to pass the test?"

"I've heard people say that the level of Youyouzi's "Quchihe" is enough, which is the standard pasted on the paper over there."

Youyouzi, the alias of Lu Yinglin, a poet of the generation who was born in the Lu family of Fan Yang.

As for the so-called "Qu Chi He", it is not very famous among his many works, but it is extremely difficult for ordinary scholars to reach this level if they want to write in a hurry.

"Nian and the little monk listen."

"The floating fragrance circles the curved bank, and the round shadow covers the Huachi. I often fear that the autumn wind will be early, and you don't know if it is drifting away."

After listening, Wu Lanshan, the first-class retreat drummer of Dazhou, began to retreat, sweat dripped from the tip of her nose under her veil.

Wu Lanshan is actually a very cowardly person.

Her mother passed away since she was a child, and her father, who became the Queen of Wei, paid little attention to her, and the relationship between her siblings was not good.

That's why she is obsessed with playing and hunting. She doesn't look too fierce on the outside, but she's very cowardly on the inside.

"Master, let's forget it."

"Does the princess want to go in?"


Wu Lanshan nodded subconsciously. She had never been to Haoran Academy, but she really wanted to go in and see what kind of elegant collection the prestigious Liushang Poetry would be.

She immediately came to her senses, does it depend on whether she wants to go in or not?It's obvious that Haoran Academy put on an appearance of not being afraid of power, so they won't let her in at all, okay?

"Take a pen and paper, and the monk will write a few poems, and the princess will ask someone to try it."

I have already arrived at the gate of Haoran Academy. If I can't get in, I won't be able to see Dean Song.

If you can't see Dean Song, you won't be able to receive the reward for escorting the sacrificial wine, and you won't be able to learn the details of Taiping Paradise.

Therefore, it is probably a method of using a dead horse as a living horse doctor, with a maidservant next to him bringing a pen and paper.

Shen Budu splashed ink and wrote on the letter paper.

The handwriting is quite Wei Bei style, which can be called "Fengshen Eight Faces".

Wu Lanshan looked at the seemingly omnipotent Mage Budu, slightly dazed.

The mage is so handsome, he has a high level of practice, he is kind and can write poems, so amazing
"Take it and go. Just say that the princess has done it well. How many times you can pass, how many times you pass counts as how many."

The captain took the letter over suspiciously,

After a while,

The dazzling clear light reflects the small pavilion.

The people around were in an uproar. If the clear light of the passer-by before was just a small wave, then it was a monstrous wave as high as hundreds of feet!

The Poetry Appreciation Spirit Tool actually emitted a vision that had never been seen before!

For a moment, the scene was clattering and then became silent.

The Master Huang who was sitting in the small pavilion was looking at the thin paper in front of him in a dazed manner.

(End of this chapter)

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