Chapter 59
The so-called grand energy is a special aura of Confucianism, which can only be obtained by chance by masters above the fifth rank.

Confucian sub-sages have said: It is Qi, the largest and strongest, and it is directly nourished and harmless, but it is stuffed between heaven and earth.

The arrogance that Lu Daru bestowed on Wu Lanshan was judged by the rebate system, no, the Buddha's Compensation System, and it was judged by Shen Budu.

Is this reasonable?

This is reasonable.

Because Lu Daru was out of appreciation, he gave the poet a sense of arrogance.

And Shen Budu's naming the princess of Pingyang County is equivalent to giving her this opportunity, so the system judged that the gift was valid.

Hmm. One hundred parts of awe-inspiring spirit is a lot of weight.

Shen Budu intends to give it a try, to see if he can refine Haoran Qi into spiritual energy in his body.

Three people and one bear successfully entered Haoran Academy.

Don't ask Chi Ou how he got in, he just crawled in, the princess can't take care of himself and needs pets to take care of him.

"Ge Laozi, none of your bamboo shoots is free!"

Chi Ou patted his paw, stood up from the ground, and ended the mount mode.

According to legend, the ancestor of the iron-eating beast family was once the mount of the ancient demon god Chi You, who accompanied Chi You to conquer the world and experienced slaughter.

But judging from the actual driving experience, it is similar to driving a bouncy car.

Chi Ou is a dignified bear, he can act as a mount temporarily, but it is impossible to ride it all the time.

Speaking of this, Shen Budu somewhat missed the mount he had reserved, the bald and white-fronted tiger.

Riding on the tiger, flinging the cassock.

"Donor, please stay!"

Shen Gongbao has a good sense of sight, and anyone who hears it will be terrified.

But now I just think about it, Shen Budu's main task is to wait for Dean Song to leave the customs, and let Jijiu report to him.

Now Dean Song didn't leave the customs, but only said that he would show up at the Liushang Poetry Meeting, so he had to wait.

The guest accommodation area arranged by Haoran Academy is in very good condition, the environment is elegant and quiet, there is no noisy sound, the air is filled with a faint fragrance of flowers, and there is also a trace of coolness, which makes people feel relaxed and happy.

In the bamboo building, Shen Budu started a daily video with his master Zen Master San Zan.

The white beard and nostrils of Chan Master San Zan appeared in the mirror, and his lips moved slightly.

"My dear boy, the big rooster in the temple misses you very much."

"Master, why?"

"Because it's been calling for a day."

"... Is it possible that you forgot to feed it."

"Ahem, let's talk about your situation in the past two days."

After listening to the disciple's report, Chan Master San Zan pondered for a moment and said.

"Princess Taiping and the old monk once met. If you really don't want to see Director Song, you can go to see Princess Taiping and report the name of the old monk."

Shen Budu was in admiration, the master was indeed a master, he actually knew Princess Taiping, she was a dignified person like Wu Zhou.

"Since the immortals have appeared, it means that the immortals in the sky are not willing to be closed in the gate of heaven. Maybe you will encounter people or things related to immortals during this trip. You must act carefully. If you are not sure, don't take it lightly."

"Master, there will be many Confucian practitioners participating in Liushang Poetry, and many of them are descendants of powerful families. There shouldn't be any accidents, right?"

What does being a powerful person mean in Wu Zhou?
The famous scene in the former Tang Dynasty "It is better to marry a daughter from the five surnames than to marry the princess of the Li family" is not outdated yet. The Nine Great Immortals are very famous. How many of their disciples are from powerful families?

To put it bluntly, the clan and the immortal sect are originally one. The disciples of the clan clan apprenticed to the immortal sect when they were young, and those with poor qualifications or no intention of cultivating as adults joined the army or became officials.Those with good qualifications and a firm mind will become the next generation of the main force of Xianmen.

The clan is the undoubted ruling class in the Middle Kingdom for hundreds of years, and the disciples of the clan are the undoubted ruling elite. They have basically monopolized knowledge, practice, and officialdom. The aristocratic land merger did not cause substantial damage to the aristocracy.

The royal family came from a powerful family, and only another group of powerful people can defeat the powerful family.

In essence, the post-Three Kingdoms era is actually a contest between the three powerful families of Guanlong, Shandong, and Jiangdong.

So, with so many children from aristocratic families participating in the Liushang Poetry Club, what else can happen?


Zen Master San Zan expressed a different opinion.

He put down the bronze mirror, and mysteriously walked under the Bodhi tree with the "big brother".

Seeing Master's somewhat aged back, Shen Budu felt sore in his heart.

I must work hard to become stronger, make money, and make Xixing Temple bigger and stronger, so that Master can enjoy his old age in peace.

After a while, Zen Master San Zan turned around, put down the little stone monkey and said.

"Something should happen."

Shen Budu instantly became vigilant.

There is also a large lake outside the bamboo building. The lake is wide and the water is sparkling. There are many lotus roots growing in the water. The lotus leaves are still stained with morning dew and sway under the breeze.

In the woods by the lake, there are many fruit trees, and the fruits hanging on the branches make people drool.

On the shore of the lake, there is a small wooden bridge. At the end of the bridge is a stone pavilion surrounded by a circle of bamboo forests, which surrounds the entire stone pavilion.

Shen Budu brings Guoguo and Chiou out to get familiar with the environment.

"Wow~ so beautiful~"

Guoguo clapped her hands excitedly, looking at everything in front of her, she almost forgot to breathe.

Chi Ou let out a disdainful laugh, his claws started digging the soil to find the young bamboo shoots, and then he held the small bamboo shoots with a crisp sound of "snap", and the fresh and tender young bamboo shoots lay neatly in his paws.

Peeling off the skin covered with fine hairs, Chi Ou skillfully crushed the bamboo shoot tip, divided it into two strands, wrapped one strand around his right index finger and rotated it, removed half of the bamboo shoot shell, and wrapped the other half around his paw Turning around twice, the delicate bamboo shoots are exposed, some are green, some are yellow and white, as lovely as a hosta.

"I want to eat too~"

Guoguo carefully looked at the black and white fat bear with her hands behind her back.

"Okay, I'll give you something to eat, but I can only take one bite."



"What's your name?"


Guoguo's mouth was already full, and she made a vague sound of approval.

Chi Ou looked at the scene in front of him with disdain, then dug out another one, stuck out his tongue and licked the skin of the bamboo shoot on his paw, and then wanted to put it into his mouth.


Then a small mouth moved over and took a "one bite", eating with relish.

Chi Ou was very upset, this is called Xiongkou grabbing food.

So he dug another bamboo shoot.



For a long time, Chi Ou sat paralyzed on the ground, looking at Guoguo who could never have enough to eat, and shed tears of repentance.

"Ben Xiong has never done anything bad in his life, please, don't take any more bamboo shoots."


The answer was still the energetic chewing sound.

On the other side, Shen Budu was chatting with several people who looked like scholars in the stone pavilion in the bamboo forest.

These people also obtained poetry posts through various means.

Among them are scholars who really have poems and books in their stomachs, rich children with billions of dollars who can afford to hire talented gunmen, or poor children who occasionally pass poems with skillful hands.

Generally speaking, he is neither an academy student nor a well-known literati and poet.

They all live in this area temporarily, so it is only natural to have a chat and exchange news.

"Little monk, dare to ask, who is the ghost of poetry that you all speak of?"

The little fat man who was spitting was almost having a heart attack from fright.

The monk who had been listening silently asked him a sudden question, which was a bit annoying, but the little fat man saw the handsome appearance and extraordinary demeanor of the monk, so he didn't lose his temper and explained patiently.

"The poet's real name is Lu Xuanji. He was a person hundreds of years ago. He is a literary giant, rare among geniuses. His articles are the best in the world. He is known as 'Panjiang Luhai' in the world. It is said that his soul wanders in the world after death. For whom.

When Yu Yi visited the north in the Southern Dynasty, he saw the stones in Han Ling and sighed: Isn't this Lu Xuanji who was reborn in the northern land?Somehow, Lu Xuanji sensed something and came back to life. "

"That's not the case." The slender scholar next to him shook his head repeatedly and said, "It shouldn't be called Lu Xuanji now, it's more appropriate to be called Poet Ghost, but there are two people with the former Lu Xuanji, and they have gone under the hood. He cultivates the way of ghosts, but does not enter the underworld system, and acts extremely extreme. When he is insane, he will even force scholars to accompany him to recite poems, and if he is dissatisfied, he will be tortured."

"Well, why do you still say that he dared to appear in an open manner?"

The soldiers fell silent.

After a while, someone explained.

"There is no other, it is because the poet ghost was a strong Confucianist before he was alive, he is very familiar with all kinds of Confucian methods, and he claims that the poet ghost is romantic, and he has never killed anyone to cause karma after death, and the rest of the practice system deals with ghosts The means of cultivation are basically useless to him.

In short, his strength is too strong, if he can beat him, there is no reason to make a move, and if he can't beat him, there is nothing he can do about it. "

"But the little monk just heard that the poet ghost will arrest people to accompany him to chant poems, and torture him if he doesn't like it?"


Several people shivered in unison.

"What kind of torture method?"

The little fat man explained: "Punishment for writing, listening to lectures, and reading poems. There is nothing he can't think of. Some unconvinced Confucian practitioners challenged him, and he took him to study for a year. It is true that he has raised his realm. Half crazy, talking about something indecent every day."


At this moment, a voice suddenly came from outside the nearby bamboo forest.

"Brother Huang, is it true that you said that the ghosts and monsters in the academy have been happening recently?"

"It's true."

One person sneered again and again, and said: "It can't be said that these Mr. Nan Guo who have come to make up for their numbers recently are going to be in trouble."

Several people in the pavilion were furious, the little fat man stood up and shouted from afar.

"Who do you think is just playing tricks?!"

The voice outside the booth has not had time to answer,

Guoguo's small figure rushed out like a whirlwind,
With a look of joy and anticipation, he asked:

"Where is the taro?"

(End of this chapter)

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