One Punch Monk

Chapter 69: Form 1: Fist that Drops from the Sky

Chapter 69: A Fist That Falls from the Sky

"Mage, don't force yourself!"

The little fat man Yi Yuzhong tried to pull him down, but Shen Budu didn't move at all while grabbing the corner of the monk's robe.

Huang Kai, who came back from the toilet, looked in disbelief at Shen Budu who stood out from the crowd like a chicken.

"He's crazy?"

Liu Liulang muttered to himself: "Is it possible that we are crazy?"

Hundreds of people at the scene looked over in unison.

What is this occasion?
The Liushang Poetry Club is a gathering of countless Confucian practitioners, among whom there are definitely practitioners from the middle and third realms, and even the children of the top aristocrats with five surnames and Qiwang.

However, under the circumstances that Lu Xuanji, the poet ghost, had already grasped the rules of the Dao of Heaven and confirmed that he was in the upper three realms, no one dared to take the lead.

It's not like everyone doesn't know that since Shi Gui made an exception, he might start killing today, and everyone will be in danger if they wait.

But these people are smart, and they know one thing better, whoever takes the lead now will die first.

In this situation, Shen Budu stood up.

Say this little monk is brave?Or stupefied?
"Auntie, he is the genius I told you about, master!"

Wu Lanshan whispered to Princess Taiping.


Princess Taiping stared at the little monk.
"Isn't this the little monk we saw in the pavilion that day?"

"It's really him."

Shangguan Guan'er nodded slightly, with some doubts and regrets.

It's a pity that such a handsome little monk is going to die in vain now
"Little monk, sit down!"

Lu Daru put down Dean Song who was seriously injured in his hands, straightened his clothes, and scolded seriously.

"The benefactor asked the little monk to stand up, and the little monk will naturally stand up."

Shen Budu's expression was calm, he was not a reckless person.

Since he dared to stand up, it meant that he was certain.

At this time, a whole hundred Dao Ran Qi had been completely refined into spiritual energy by him.

What is this concept?
Grand Confucian Qi is a special aura of Confucianism, which contains a trace of the rules of heaven. Only great Confucianists and above can get it by chance when they burst out with literary thought or walk in the right way. An ordinary burst of Grand Virtue Qi can be called extremely precious.

And he refined a full hundred ways!

And these auras far exceeded the limit that his sea of ​​qi could hold. Not only were they dissipating all the time, but they also made him feel like he was about to explode.

Therefore, at this time, he desperately wanted to vent out these auras.

"What did you say?"

Shi Gui's cold eyes looked at the little monk on the ground who was walking towards the open space in the south.

"Didn't the benefactor ask, does anyone dare to stop you?"

While walking, Shen Budu's voice was still quiet, he seemed to be stating a fact that couldn't be more ordinary.

"The little monk once killed the white bone real person with three punches. The little monk is very curious. The benefactor looks very strong. I don't know how many punches he can get?"

Everyone at the scene gasped.

Bone real person, Yin Xiu giant!
The young monk in front of him actually uttered wild words, saying that he killed the real person with three punches?
If it is placed on other occasions, everyone will definitely sneer at it and spit it out dismissively.

However, at this moment, combined with what the ghost poet said, some people have a sense of absurdity and bizarre hope.

Maybe this little monk can save himself?
"Shan'er, what is the origin of this little monk?"

Facing Princess Taiping's question, Wu Lanshan answered honestly: "He comes from Xixing Temple in Taiping County, and his dharma name is not crossed."

Taiping Princess Li Jinyue murmured twice, but her complexion changed slightly as if she had thought of something.

Xixing Temple.
Could it be, that apprentice?
Li Jinyue looked thoughtfully, but she couldn't see anything except Shen Budu's blurred figure.

"Princess, can't you save him?" Shangguan Guaner asked after hesitating for a moment.

Shangguan Guan'er knew that Li Jinyue had a plan.

As the most beloved daughter of the empress, how could she not have the ability to protect herself?
Undoubtedly, the second-rank martial arts grand master who is currently sitting in Xijing is already on his way here.

As long as there is a delay, with Shi Gui's current state, it is a question of whether he can leave alive.

Li Jinyue's answer disappointed Shangguan Guan'er.

"It's too late. If the little monk is really strong, no one can save him now."

Lu Xuanji, the poet ghost standing in the air, looked coldly at the little ant-like monk below.

He didn't believe everything Shen Budu said at all.

What is the three punches to kill the real Baigu, the real Baigu is a serious fourth-rank master, even if he has just entered the fourth rank, he is still a fourth-rank, how can he be killed casually?
"Since you dare to speak wild words, let me show you what you can do."

The artistic conception behind Lu Xuan's plane smashed towards Shen Budu like a mountain crushing the top.

"not good!"

Li Jinyue and Wu Lanshan were shocked at the same time. Although they were distinguished, they were mediocre in terms of cultivation. Faced with this sudden blow, they could only watch helplessly and were powerless.

At this time, everyone looked at Shen Budu with pity.

A little monk who practiced in the womb of his mother is only at the seventh or eighth rank at most, can he stop it?

"Little monk, if you die under this trick, it's not a disgrace to my name."

Lu Xuanji sneered, he believed that if he continued with this move, the little monk would definitely die.

However, at this moment, everyone suddenly discovered that Shen Budu, who had walked to the open space to the south, did not evade the blow of this move, but stayed where he was.

"You are courting death!"

A trace of cruelty flashed in Lu Xuanji's eyes.

At this moment, an incomparably vast aura surged out from Shen Budu's body, as if thousands of troops galloped up, shaking the surrounding fields.


Shen Budu waved his arm and punched out, a dazzling golden dragon roared and flew out, colliding with Lu Xuanji's artistic conception.

Amid the exclamation of the crowd, he actually resisted forcefully.


Wu Lanshan's heart was beating fast, as if she was fighting with herself, her blood was surging.

"How, how is this possible?"

Shangguan Guan'er looked into the distance in surprise. She had fought against Shi Ghosts before, and she knew exactly how terrifying Shi Ghosts are.

That's why she was so surprised.

You know, Shi Gui can seriously injure her with one blow.

And even if she guessed right now, the ghost poet was seriously injured in the duel with Dean Song, but the ghost ghost who has mastered some of the rules of heaven is definitely not something that ordinary practitioners can fight against.


Lu Xuanji's pupils dilated instantly, and he was also a little surprised. Although he didn't use all his strength, this little monk was able to stop it, and it seemed to be unscathed?

Not right.

This is absolutely abnormal, this little monk shouldn't have such tyrannical strength.

"Hmph, I want to see, where did you come from, such a monstrous genius?"

Lu Xuanji raised his hand again, and the artistic conception evolved.

If it was just a casual smash just now, this time it really brought the rules of "aging".

However, to his surprise,
Before his artistic conception came into contact, the little monk faced the ground and launched an attack.

Shen Budu never knew how strong he was, but now, he had a standard reference.

——Lu Xuanji, a poet ghost who has just stepped into the threshold of the upper three realms.

The punch of the little monk was so powerful that the ground trembled, as if thousands of troops were galloping.

The power generated was so terrifying, there was a loud noise, and the huge air wave from the explosion sent Shen Budu's figure directly into the sky, so that he disappeared directly into the clouds.

"Master Budu, what are you doing?"

Wu Lanshan opened her mouth wide and stared blankly at the sky.

Shangguan Guan'er was also a little silly. Isn't this young monk not good at thinking?Without the ability to fight in the air, once you can't keep your feet on the ground, wouldn't you be slaughtered by a poet who can fly in the air?
However, Shi Gui soon realized that something was wrong.

He raised his head sharply.

In the sky, a huge "卍" character penetrated the clouds.

The time hangs down, as if the Buddha is coming.

Have you ever heard that there is a boxing technique that falls from the sky?
(End of this chapter)

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