One Punch Monk

Chapter 74 Master's Past

Chapter 74 Master's Past (First order!)
What is home?
Some people say that she is the confidant woman who looked forward to returning when the prodigal son abandoned the sword, and some say that she is the loving mother who lights up a lonely lamp when the wandering wanderer returns to his hometown.

For Shen Budu, home is the old monk who dozed off under the bodhi tree, the big rooster that had been starving twice for three days pounced on him fiercely, and the familiar pilgrim who said "Little Master Budu".

There is a long way to go, and there is a way back.

"Master, I'm back."

When a person is old and lacks energy, he will feel sleepy.

And when I wake up in the evening and dusk, I often feel a sense of loneliness in which time and space are disordered and isolated from the world.

So when the old monk opened his eyes and saw the good disciple standing in front of him, it was the first time that Shen Budu saw a little bit of confusion from his expression and behavior.

"Oh boy, are you hungry when you're back?"

In the Wu and Zhou Dynasties, two meals were served, and only the aristocrats could afford three meals, and temples did not have the habit of three meals.

It's not that Zen Master San Zan didn't know this, but because the little apprentice who was worried about him came back too suddenly, he didn't know what to say for a while, so he had to pick up some casual words.

"Master, don't eat tonight, I brought you back some pastries for tea."

"Then let's drink tea."

"it is good."

Under the bodhi tree, the black-hearted sun gradually sinking to the west reflected the long shadows of the master and apprentice.

The water is boiling and the white gas is escaping.



Master Three Burial twisted a piece of sweet-scented osmanthus cake and stuffed it into his mouth, the cake crumbs fluttered into the gap between the white beard, he patted it, and signaled his apprentice to speak first.

Shen Budu told his master the general experience of the party, and when he heard what Princess Taiping said, Zen Master Sanzan remained silent.

"Master, shouldn't this disciple be so showy? If Princess Taiping hadn't covered up one thing or two, someone with a heart would follow the clues and find out about Master."

"Disciple, there are some things that the teacher should tell you."

Hearing the implication of his apprentice, Zen Master San Zan sighed deeply.

"Actually, I have not only accepted you as an apprentice as a teacher."

Looking at the tea pet little stone monkey in front of him, the master spoke eloquently.

"Decades ago, the empress was still a talented person in the palace of Emperor Taizong of the former Tang Dynasty. As a teacher, she was entrusted by that Supreme Being to travel westward across the boundless sea of ​​suffering, passing through countless small countries in the Western Regions, and heading to the Buddhist Kingdom of the Western Heaven."

"And the origin of this matter can be traced back to the chaos at the end of the Sui Dynasty. During the chaos at the end of the Sui Dynasty, the Northern Wilderness Wu Kingdom was reunified, and the princes of the still divided Middle Earth Kingdom all used the power of the Northern Wilderness Wu Kingdom to compete for the world. , Even the Great Tang Dynasty is no exception, the seven imperial witch towns set up by previous dynasties exist in name only."

"After the Great Tang unified the Central Plains Kingdom, Taizong wanted to conquer the Wu Kingdom in the north, but at that time the people's livelihood was declining and the population dropped sharply, and he was unable to compete with this kind of great country. Therefore, Taizong planned to use the power of the Western Heaven Buddha Kingdom to spread , In the north of the Kuhai Desert, there is a real ocean, and the Buddha Kingdom of the Western Heaven and the Wu Kingdom of the Northern Wilderness can communicate with each other."

Shen Budu couldn't help asking: "What happened later? Did it succeed?"

"Successful, Emperor Taizong hastened his troops. After I return, he will join forces with the Western Heaven Buddhist Kingdom to attack and split the Northern Wilderness Wu Kingdom into east and west parts. The northern territory will be expanded by three thousand miles. The four towns of Yuwu were re-established in Hebei and Hedong, which is also the origin of the four feudal towns of Bohai, Pinglu, Changshan, and Mayi."

"Then Master is on the way"

The aroma of tea was tangy, Zen Master San Zan took a sip of tea to moisten his throat, and then said.

"Disciple, Master told you before that there used to be gods in this world, such as Chi You, Gonggong and so on."

Shen Budu was slightly taken aback, then nodded immediately.

"The folk saying that there are gods up to three feet above the head is not a lie. Since you have fought against the powerhouses of the upper three realms this time, you should understand that there are some 'rules' that are beyond ordinary people's imagination, including — can’t be said.”

"Land gods are no different from gods in the mortal world. Up to the third rank, the promotion of each rank is not the improvement of human beings, but the evolution of human beings to gods. There are some things that Master can tell you to listen to, but there are some things that you can talk about." To exit, it is necessary to disturb the cause and effect, and let certain existences spy on it."

"I understand that when the opportunity comes in the future, the master will solve my doubts."

Zen Master San Zan nodded in relief. He saw the tea pet little stone monkey in front of him, and suddenly felt sad.

"This is actually your elder brother's relic."

Zen Master Sanzhu pointed to the little stone monkey and said.

"In other words, it is the stone fetus of the Lingming stone monkey."

Shen Budu's heart trembled, the conjecture that had troubled him for three years was now verified from his master.

"Aren't you always curious, isn't your elder brother called Monkey King Monkey King?"

"Brother, he."

"Your elder brother is the great sage of the ancient demon clan who was famous in the dispute between liches and demons when the human race was weak. At that time, he was indeed called the great sage equal to heaven. And in the 800 years when the immortals remotely controlled the world, your elder brother has always been there. Served in the Celestial Court of the Immortal Realm, and returned to the Immortal Realm with the immortals after the Battle of Fengtian. However, 500 years ago, he suddenly broke through the lower realm of the Celestial Gate by himself."

Shen Budu couldn't help asking: "Master, since I came down from the mountain, I have often heard the legend of the Battle of Fengtian, but no one has mentioned it. Where is the Tianmen that communicates the two realms?"

Zen Master San Zan pointed to the black-hearted sun in the west border,

Shen Budu was stunned for a moment, what?
It looks like a black hole inside, and the golden sun outside is the Heavenly Gate?

With such a high temperature, not to mention practitioners, even the most solid top-grade spirit crystals thrown in, I am afraid they will be roasted, right?
Could it be that Monkey King's piercing eyes were refined in this way?

"In ancient times, there were nine heavenly gates in the sky."

Zen Master San Zan said slowly: "At that time, the ancient gods came and went between the human world without hindrance."

"Later, there was a battle of gods where the sky collapsed and the earth collapsed. Well, it was the real sky collapse. It is the sea of ​​suffering now."

"As for the other god, Hou Yi, in a fit of rage, he shot down eight gates of heaven, leaving only the last one, which is also the largest and most stable gate of heaven."

"You must know." Zen Master San Zan said meaningfully: "Only the gods of the past and the immortals of today have mastered the method to safely pass through the gate of heaven."

Shen Budu almost blurted out: "So the land gods mean that on land, they have mastered the same rules of heaven as gods and immortals?"

"Of course."

"Then how did the big brother get down?"

"Your elder brother, as the great sage of the monster clan, although his physical body is not as good as the ancestor witch, but the difference is not far behind, but he was forced to carry it down."

Shen Budu was a little awed, and he didn't even dare to think about carrying the scorching sun through.

As expected of a big brother!

It seems that there is still a long way to go on the road of self-cultivation.

"Actually, your senior brother also became what he is now for the sake of protecting you as a teacher."

Zen Master San Zan looked a little sad.

"As for your second and third senior brothers, you don't know if you are alive or dead. Your fourth senior sister is a dragon girl from the Eastern Sea Demon Kingdom, so she is probably still alive."

Seeing the old monk's appearance, Shen Budu felt extremely uncomfortable, and almost blurted it out.

"Master, what do you need disciples to do?"

Chan Master San Zan was silent for a moment, then suddenly asked.

"Do you know why Yujiu appeared in Hanzhong Mansion?"

"The disciple doesn't know."

"Because Hanzhong Mansion is the most stable landing point after crossing Tianmen from Immortal Realm."

Zen Master San Zhan solemnly confessed: "Disciple, as a teacher, I need you to go to Hanzhong Mansion and kill Yujiu. If you can get its inner alchemy, the immortal energy that has not dissipated may be able to awaken your elder brother." .”

Shen Budu looked at the little stone monkey who had never changed before, and nodded seriously.

"A disciple is duty-bound."

(End of this chapter)

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