Chapter 81

The air wall of the second formation trembled violently, as if it might burst at any moment.

The layout of the other layers of formations were also projected to the space on the second floor in turn, clay figurine soldiers, endless fire field, and thunderstorm piercing through the top.
Outside, there is a frantic hurricane released by the stone statue. In the hurricane, there are countless wind blades, densely covering the entire air wall. These wind blades will mercilessly kill all enemies.

This is the unique skill of the stone statue, the Great Array of the Big Dipper!
However, relying on his skill in formation, Shen Budu could tell at a glance that other attacks were insignificant.

The pivotal eye of the Beidou Tianshu formation is exactly this stone statue.


"Bang bang bang!"

The stone statue drove the seven-layer formation, unleashing a storm-like attack, and the entire storm began to roll violently, as if it was boiling.


All of this came to an abrupt end when the big sun golden wheel fell behind the air wall in front of the stone statue.


As the dust settled, the entire formation suddenly shattered.

There are no plains and streams around, and some are just a broken stone statue and jagged rocks in a narrow valley.

The stone statue of the old man Tianshu has completely collapsed, his head was smashed, his body was smashed, and the entire stone statue no longer exists.

"Haha! Finally got rid of this guy!"

Chi Ou patted his stomach excitedly.

"The old man Tianshu may have already sat down. The formation here should be presided over by this stone statue."

He Taixu was actually very happy, but there was a very regretful look on his face.

"Who is the old man Tianshu?"

"do not you know?"

Shen Budu shook his head, he knew nothing about the common sense and characters in the practice world.

Well, probably because he is used to the head-scratching knowledge of this invincible monk, He Taixu explained.

"The old man Tianshu is a well-known magician in the sorcerer system. He rejected Gaozong's conquest in the Tang Dynasty. According to legend, he escaped to Zhongnan Mountain to live in seclusion. He should be the owner of this place."

Listening to the conversation between the two, Mingyue didn't say a word, but just quietly looked at the pile of gravel, to see if the old man Tianshu would show up.

Shen Budu also turned his head to pay attention, if an old man of Tianshu really appeared, he would immediately destroy it completely, so as not to cause further problems.

However, nothing happened.

The valley is still that valley, and the gravel is still that pile of gravel.

"Let's go."

Several people jumped on the white-fronted tiger, turned around and wanted to leave.

But at this moment, Shen Budu suddenly raised his hand.


Shen Budu walked towards the stone statue.

And in the space he couldn't see, the stone statue opened its mouth wide and shook its head desperately.

"You can't see me, you can't see me"

Shen Budu stood in front of the stone statue, clasped his hands together.

"Amitabha, do you need little monk to help you out?"

With a burst of air twisting, a complete stone statue suddenly appeared in front of several people.

He Taixu blurted out: "Blinding the eyes?"

At this moment, the stone statue couldn't get angry anymore, and asked dejectedly, "How did you see through it?"

Shen Budu pondered for a moment, then replied.

"The gravel you simulated is wrong."

"What's wrong with gravel?"

The stone statue looked at it, and found nothing wrong. It was broken very naturally, and even simulated stone slag inside.

"It's not that the gravel is wrong, it's that there shouldn't be any gravel at all."

The stone statue suddenly realized.

Just now, it was the Beidou Tianshu array that blocked the blow for it, and it had no choice but to use the last trick to pretend to be dead.

And if this blow really fell on it, then there would be no rubble at all, but the entire stone statue would be annihilated.

The stone statue no longer had the previous contempt, but began to have doubts about what its master had left behind.

What if it can trap practitioners below the upper three realms?

The promised starlight charging is unbreakable?

The little monk was crushed with one punch
"God monk, I am convinced."

"Tell me, what's going on here."

For his own sake, the stone statue gave a detailed account of what happened.

After the old Tianshu lived in seclusion here, he gathered what he had learned all his life, established the Big Dipper Tianshu formation, and left a legacy, telling the stone statue that if someone can break through the seven-layer formation, then he will be eligible to inherit his mantle.

But the Beidou Tianshu formation is very complicated. After decades, no one can inherit the legacy of the old man Tianshu, and the stone statue gradually became disheartened.

Until today, I met the little monk.

The stone statue doesn't know if this counts as cracking the Beidou Tianshu formation, if so, this cracking method is quite hardcore.
"You said you knew a crow that asked you to help trap us?"

"Yes, the mourning crow lied to me, the monk must not pay attention."

"My little monk is very concerned, where does it come from?"

The stone statue was silent for a moment, then said: "It is the pet of a high priest of Qidoumi Sect. Inheritance. Other than that, I really don’t know about the others.”

"Ge Laozi, what's the use of keeping you?"

Chi Ou raised his short ears and asked with his hips akimbo.

"Don't, don't, I'm still useful, I have the inheritance left by the old man Tianshu."

"Good, good."

The stone statue had no choice but to open its mouth, and a box fell out.

There are several volumes of silk scripts inside, which record the experience of the old man Tianshu's formation.

"Ge Laozi, what's the use of keeping you?"

The stone statue grimaced, and spit out another box, which contained some old Tianshu's collections, including pills, talismans, exercises and so on.

"Ge Laozi, what's the use of keeping you?"

The stone statue closed its eyes directly: "You kill me, I really don't have any."

This time it looks like there's nothing left.

"Let's divide it up."

Shen Budu put the two boxes together, considering that there were not many remaining crit compensations and there were a lot of things inside, he was very cautious.

"These are all thanks to everyone. Everyone/monster has contributed. Choose what you want. If there is a conflict, let each other be humble."

Shen Budu only took away a few volumes of formation techniques, except for him who could master it by epiphany, other people took it and read it on the same day.


After taking away the formation technique experience, the following things appeared in front of my eyes.

He Taixu's eyes seemed to be glowing green.

"This is the authentic product of the Wei and Jin Dynasties!"

With trembling hands, He Taixu held up the album with a lot of history.

The content inside is very suitable for his taste, all of them are the kind of beauties who are dressed in cool clothes.

However, considering that this is the elder brother of the Hehuan Sect after all, it seems understandable.

"These are the picture albums collected by the old man Tianshu."

The stone statue urn explained.

He Taixu flipped through the album, and praised again and again: "My way is not alone! My way is not alone!"

He Taixu said solemnly: "I only want these albums, and I will leave the rest to you."

"No one is robbing you." Chi Ou rolled his eyes.

Another box contains some pills, talismans, and exercises.

Mingyue and Chi Ou split up, and even the white-fronted tiger got a few bottles of pills and a book of exercises, which he carried into the storage bag sewn around the tigress' neck.

Seeing that the team was assigned, the stone statue asked cautiously, "Can I go?"

This time it was the team's turn to be surprised.

"Can you still go?"

"The Beidou Tianshu formation has been broken, so I can go. Since I was created, I have been staying here. I want to go out and see the outside world."

Mingyue asked: "Then what will we do if you cheated us?"

The stone statue explained with a bitter face: "I just follow the rules left by the old man Tianshu, and regard you as the testers who entered the big formation."

This somewhat sophistical answer obviously did not satisfy everyone.

Chi Ou waved his fat bear claws to show his dissatisfaction.

The stone statue gritted its teeth and said, "Let me go, I will tell you a secret."

"You talk first, and then decide whether to let go."

The stone statue doesn't have the capital to negotiate, it said honestly.

"I heard from the crow that the people from the Ghost Palace have already withdrawn from Hanzhong Mansion. They got what they wanted, but they lost a lot. In Hanzhong Mansion, besides the people from the Seven Dou Rice Sect, there is also a huge man from the sky. Mianniao, they seem to want to start some rituals through blood sacrifices."

Shen Budu frowned, this is a very important piece of information.

Blood sacrifice, ritual.

Who is the ritual used to summon?
Is it to summon the immortals from the sky to descend to the earth?
Or summon some old monsters in the sealed land?

Shen Budu waved his hand, indicating that the stone statue can leave.

"Thank you monk!"

The stone statue stood up with a bang, and tried to take a step. At first, it was a little unskilled, and it stumbled, and soon it flew away across the mountains and ridges.

"Let's go too."

Several people got on the white-fronted tiger, and when it was Chi Ou's turn, the white-fronted tiger took a step forward. Obviously, Chi Ou's weight did not allow it to carry it for a long journey.

Chi Ou made up a straw hat and put it on his head, rolled his eyes and followed behind.

Fortunately, it was born in the Jiannan mountain area, and it is not a problem to climb mountains when it is on all fours.

Two days later,
Two figures appeared in this broken valley.

"You came."

"I am coming."

"You shouldn't have come."

"But I'm still here."

"Let's run."

The man in black froze, he took off his hood, revealing the Mediterranean Sea.

"Why should I run?"

The great sacrificial wine of the Seven Dou Rice Sect sighed while looking at the mountains in the distance, and said.

"My crow has already found out. That little monk has appeared in Taiping County, Haoran Academy, and Meridian Valley one after another. Don't you understand what it means?"

The guardian of Youhun Temple frowned, and said, "Could it be this little monk who destroyed my hall in Taiping County back then?"

"It is very likely that he was the one who killed the Bone Master and the Poet Ghost."

The protector of Youhun Palace looked solemn, and scratched his head vigorously, and a few more hairs fell out.


"Okay, I will report this to the Palace Master, what are your plans?"

"I have no plans."

The chief sacrificial wine of Qidou Mijiao seemed a little worried, he said in a low voice.

"I think our leader has been a little abnormal recently."

"What's abnormal?" The Guardian of the Ghost Palace was a little puzzled.


Qidou Mijiao Da Jijiu pointed to his head.

"Hasn't he always been abnormal here?"

Dajijiu shook his head, he didn't want to explain too much, he just said.

"If something goes wrong with the blood sacrifice, I hope that Xiongtai can help introduce the master of the palace, this half-step Yan Luo, I have admired for a long time."

The guardian of Youhun Temple's eyes froze, is this going to quit?
"Okay, next time for sure!"

The two looked at each other, and both sighed.

"The Lonely Shadow of the Cold River."

"An old friend from the rivers and lakes."

"You don't have to know each other before."


(End of this chapter)

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