One Punch Monk

Chapter 90 The Purpose of the Eight-Tailed Fox——The Evergreen Fairy Fruit

Chapter 90 The Eight-Tailed Fox’s Purpose——The Evergreen Fairy Fruit
Under the control of Shen Budu, Shuttle Treasure Ring went back in time and returned to the unopened ghost gate.

Shuttle Treasure Ring, the first time to go back in time in the actual combat state, travel time, this is simply beyond the limit of ordinary people's imagination, it can be called a miracle!

No wonder, there is a world of difference between a heaven-level spirit weapon and an earth-level spirit weapon, between a practitioner of the upper three realms and a practitioner of the middle three realms.

The use of the rules of the Dao of Heaven is mysterious and tyrannical.

Seeing this scene, everyone was a little dazed.

They didn't know why Shen Budu suddenly summoned the clone.

Shen Budu looked at the ring on his hand, it was worthy of being a heavenly artifact, but unfortunately, the number of times he can activate this treasure is not many.

But Shen Budu was very fortunate that the shuttle ring was able to be used successfully this time, because he finally remembered part of the memory of his body.

There may be a small part fabricated by the dream Gu master, but most of them should be real or close to the real.

The Wu family, Cong Longwei, Chang'an Osmanthus Tower Murong Shi, Hong Yu girl
A few key words were firmly recorded by him.

If something gets involved in the future, it's not like I don't have a clue.

And if there is no need for investigation, Shen Budu is of course willing to live his current life.

After all, the past of this body does not belong to him.

He is still clear about this point, no one will let go of living a good life, but he insists on seeking revenge for his predecessor.

As for this jade pendant, after leaving Taiping Paradise, he should study it a little bit. After wearing it for a long time, it seems to have become a part of his body, and even made him forget that he still has this thing.

When he was in the dream just now, he just woke up. Because he was in the dream, he was unable to perform any exercises. Only the Shuttle Treasure Ring could activate it even in the dream by virtue of the special nature of the heaven-level spiritual weapon.

But now, his strength has returned to normal.

"Amitabha, behind this door lies a dream."

Shen Budu clasped his hands together, and said to everyone with a serious expression.

"Dream?" He Taixu was a little confused.

And Mingyue quickly reflected, and asked: "Behind the door is a fourth-rank Dream Gu master from the Southern Border Gu Kingdom?"


He Taixu was a little hesitant: "Is it to find another way out, or to call directly?"

Chi Ou patted his belly, expressing his disagreement.

"How do you know that we are not dreaming now?"

"Are you kidding me? If I'm dreaming about me"

He Taixu suddenly froze.

Yes, how to prove that these people are not in a dream?

Chi Ou's words also reminded Shen Budu.

A fourth-rank dream Gu master, as a top expert in the third realm of the Gu master system, can even compete with the existence of third-rank practitioners in other systems by virtue of special abilities.

To build a dream, one uses some special rules of the Dao of Heaven.

Could it be that the dream environment set up is so rough?

Could this be intentional?

In other words, he was actually in a dream just now, and had a dream behind the door.

"This is simple, the monk has a way."

In just a moment, Shen Budu found a solution, he was in a dream just now, if it wasn't for understanding the past of his predecessor, he would have been able to go out a long time ago.

"any solution?"

"Dawei Tianlong, great compassion spell."

Shen Budu first swung four golden dragons around the stone bridge, but it was as silent as a mud cow entering the sea.

At this point, no one was surprised.

It seems that what Chi Ou said is true, this place is indeed a near-real dream.

Shen Budu clasped his palms together, with a calm face, mobilized his spiritual energy and began to chant the mantra.

He has mastered the correct way to use the spell, and now he will not let the friendly units have nothing to love.

"All living beings are afflicted, and afflictions are all suffering. Afflictions are neither born nor destroyed, neither dirty nor clean, nor increase nor decrease. The visible is born from the invisible, the incapable is born, and the existence returns to nothing. The state is born from the heart. If you recite the mantra"

A mantra resounded from Shen Budu's mouth, the sound of the mantra sounded like a dragon's chant, like a tiger's howl, like Huang Zhong Dalu's constant vibration, or like thunder rolling away evil spirits, the sound was obviously not very loud, but it was extremely deafening , hovering in the air for a long time.

This voice contained endless compassion and tranquility, and ripples visible to the naked eye spread from it, spreading towards the surroundings.

The entire space is shrouded in a vast and boundless Sanskrit sound, like thousands of monks singing together, making people's hearts instantly become extremely peaceful.

And in this burst of Sanskrit voices, countless souls and souls at both ends of Tongtian Road were expelled.

And on the stone bridge under the feet, the auspicious patterns on it have also turned into extremely ferocious monsters and ghosts.

Where is this "Tongtian Road"?
It is clearly Naihe Bridge!
They were baptized by the mantra one by one, and after saluting thanks to Shen Budu, they disappeared into the air.

All of a sudden, the entire space became clean.


Shen Budu clasped his hands together and smiled from the bottom of his heart.

A ray of merit flashed into his body.

And as the recitation of the Great Compassion Mantra of the Interaction between Heaven and Earth was completed, the entire area also began to shatter.

Sure enough, it was a dream within a dream.

They didn't walk across any stone bridge at all, nor did they encounter any kind skeletons.

When several people came to their senses, standing in front of them was a huge ugly Gu worm.

The Gu worm was seriously injured and fell to the ground, and in its body, countless fragments of dead souls that had been saved by the Great Compassion spell escaped.

They are all mortals and monks from the southern border Gu country. After their souls were devoured by the dream Gu insects, they became the nourishment for constructing dreams.

"Do you still want to escape?"

Seeing the black shadow flashing away in the distance, Shen Budu sneered.

A round of Jin Ri quickly chased after him, and after making contact without a sound, he directly annihilated the Dream Gu Master who was playing tricks behind his back.

Shen Budu didn't know whether this fourth-rank dream Gu master was a man or a woman, and he was not interested in knowing his/her past, and he didn't even know how prominent he was in the southern border Gu country.

But since Dream Gu Master accepted the invitation of Seven Dou Rice Sect, met him again, and ended up like this, then he can only sigh that he deserved it.


Just as Shen Budu opened the eyes of the Buddha's heart to look around, he noticed a strong fluctuation of spiritual energy.

No, it is evil.

He remembered that the skeleton pretended by the dream Gu master had asked Mingyue if they were with the eight-tailed fox.

After getting a negative answer, the skeleton seemed to heave a sigh of relief.

Then the answer is already obvious, on the other side is the eight-tailed fox, but it is not known who she is fighting with.

Shen Budu followed calmly, wanting to see if he could help.

In a distant palace,

The eight-tailed fox fought with another southern border Gu master.

However, the two were fighting in a dream.

Moreover, the dream reproduced the most unforgettable period of history in the memory of the eight-tailed fox.

This period of history is not even a catastrophe.

During the Great Tribulation of Heaven, she was already a well-known demon king, but in the last millennium, when the Lich Tribulation had just ended, when the first short-lived dynasty of the Middle Earth Kingdom, the Shang Dynasty, was not yet established. Being considered strong, she walked out of the deep mountains and came to the bustling world.

The Great Merchant King, unlike the officials of various countries in the Spring and Autumn Period 800 years ago, he is not willing to be a puppet of a fairy in the sky.

He resisted, and he failed.

Since then, the immortals have changed to a simpler and easier indirect rule method, dividing the Chinese kingdom into countless small countries, and the incense of each small country belongs to an immortal. Only practitioners appointed by the immortals can become heavenly officials, and Only mortals who have won the favor of immortals through the sacrifices of heavenly officials can become officials of the country and be in charge of government affairs.

A history that has been buried for 2000 years reappears in front of Eight-Tailed Fox.

Although she misses all the things in the past, Baweihu knows very well that these are all fictitious, like sand in the hand, which cannot be grasped at all.

And what she has to do is to find a way to leave the dream after a brief recollection.

She got up and left the burning palace to face the enemy.

But the battle didn't go well.

The enemy transformed by that Gu master is very good at all kinds of secret arts, and they are so weird and inexplicable that they are hard to guard against, making the eight-tailed fox exhausted and constantly dodging.

But the enemy seems to have some understanding of the speed of the eight-tailed fox, and can always catch a slight flaw of the eight-tailed fox.

The more the eight-tailed fox fought, the more frightened he was. Although he had a speed close to teleportation, his attacks seemed to be more tricky. Every time, he always made himself dangerous.

If it wasn't for the timely dodge, I'm afraid I would have already been defeated.

But even so, the eight-tailed fox gradually felt the strain. Although she slaughtered countless monsters in Qinling along the way and dug out the demon pills to restore her strength, her essence was still far from her peak.

After all, the influence of the thousand-year-old seal cannot be completely avoided just by cutting off a tail with passive magical powers to replace death.

What Grandma Fox Fairy said back then was correct. Indeed, every hundred years, her five declines would become more and more serious.

The reason why the eight-tailed fox took the risk to come to Taiping Paradise this time is because she knew that a new round of heaven and earth catastrophe was coming, and she could only get rid of the influence of the five declines of heaven and man only by obtaining a "Ten Thousand Years Green Fairy Fruit" in Taiping Paradise .

If the five declines of heaven and man are still hanging over her head, even if she cuts off her tail to survive, even if her strength recovers, she will still inevitably die.

Because, birth, old age, sickness and death are the greatest rules of heaven.

The human race has a short lifespan, while the monster race has a long lifespan, because the cultivation speed of the human race is also countless times faster than that of the monster race, and the Dao of Heaven does not favor anyone in particular.

If you want to live forever, there is only one way that is reliable at present, and there are many precedents, and that is to fit the Tao with the body.

Incense and wish power, this method was created at the beginning, for the ancient gods, it was just a measure to avoid confusion after fusing too many rules of heaven.

It must be known that the rules of heaven, any kind of profound meaning contained in it is extremely vast, not to mention the ancient gods often seized different rules into themselves in the battle of gods.

But in the hands of the immortals, this method is greatly carried forward, and it can even plunder the luck of the dynasty.

Therefore, the dharma body of the immortal is even stronger than the main body, thus realizing the true sense of longevity and long-sightedness.

As long as there is still one person who believes in it, he will live forever.

Speaking of the moment, the eight-tailed fox couldn't hold on anymore.

Her consumption is also increasing.

If you continue to fight like this, you will soon lose.

"Huh, huh~"

She was gasping for breath, her cheeks were flushed, her breath was short of breath, and her forehead was covered with sweat. Obviously, she had consumed a lot.

The strength of the enemy is stronger than I expected!

The eight-tailed fox looked solemn. She had already encountered such a powerful enemy before reaching the deepest part of Taiping Paradise. She really didn't know how many twists and turns she would have to go through if she wanted to obtain the "Eternal Green Immortal Fruit".

However, the enemy did not give her much time to breathe, attacking overwhelmingly, like a shadow.

(End of this chapter)

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