How can there be a big business in retail to get money quickly?

From the beginning when he decided to start this business, he didn't intend to point out how much retail sales in Shrek City could make, the bulk of it was on Shrek Academy's side.

As long as you give money, you can have as many rare metals as you want that are not strategic resources.

If Shrek couldn't eat it by himself, Qian Chaoguang even prepared a second handwritten letter, planning to let Nana go to Xingluo City to talk with the Xingguang Auction.

With the power of the empire, no matter how much surplus there is, it can take it all.

If you give more money
It is not impossible to get a small amount of strategic resources.

Businessmen are all profit-seeking.

Coupled with the camouflage of the Sun Moon Empire's own people, the price is higher, and those ordinary strategic resources can also be obtained.

On Blue Star, as long as you pay enough, you can even buy things of the level of truth.

On Douluo Star, this set is also applicable.

"Well, that makes sense." Mu En smiled and nodded, "What about the others? What do you want to say?"

Unexpectedly, the one who stood up this time was Shaozhe, who had always sneered at the Soul Guidance Department: "Teacher, I also agree with this cooperation, which is only good for the academy and not bad."

"The price Zhaoguang gave is simply too favorable. If it weren't for his greedy character, I even suspect that he is subsidizing the academy at a loss. Recently, the Wuhun Department has been merging with the Soul Guidance Department, and I know many things. What he can provide Don’t say that those rare metals are lower than the market price, in many cases, even if we increase the price, double or triple the price, we can only get a few sporadic ones.”

"The so-called market price is just a reference standard for the price increase multiple. Selling it at [-]% lower than the original market price of Douluo Three Kingdoms is almost like making a profit at a loss!"

Elder Xuan also murmured beside him: "That kid Chaoguang really didn't know how his brain grew. He actually set up a chamber of commerce while he was an exchange student, and even a chamber of commerce that can do cross-border metal trade. .”

"Who said it wasn't? I don't know where that kid got it. Our college has spent so many years trying to get a piece of meat out of the mouth of the Sun Moon Empire. He just went there less than a week ago. I did it in [-], and it was in my spare time, it's just... incredible."

This time, it was Elder Lin who spoke. She is not only a level ninety-seven Super Douluo, but also the treasurer of Jubao Pavilion in Shrek City.

It can be said that almost all of Shrek's resources are purchased from all over the mainland through her hands, and are finally used by many students and teachers in Shrek Academy.

She is also the one who has the most say on the types and prices of rare metals.

Mr. Lin knew very well that if this business could really be facilitated, what Qian Chaoguang said was true, maybe the soul guidance department could usher in a period of rapid development that lasted for decades.

You must know that the development of the Shrek Soul Guidance Department is not only restricted by the previous policies, but also the lack of rare metals.

The Sun Moon Empire is not stupid either, they are almost extremely strict in restricting the export of rare metals.

Almost all the metals that only exist in the Sun Moon Empire are not sold by non-Sun Moon Empire natives, and for large transactions, only soul masters and soul engineers whose ancestors have been citizens of the Sun Moon Empire for more than ten generations are allowed to buy.

Under various restrictions, the Shrek Soul Guidance Department was able to climb to its current position, almost entirely relying on the name and financial resources of the number one academy in the mainland.

Those few rare metals were acquired piecemeal and piecemeal by some people secretly bought by Shrek.

This is also why Qian Duoduo is almost stingy to the extreme, even holding on to a few low-level custom-installed soul guidance shells.

Xian Lin'er couldn't save face, but Qian Duoduo could.

If you can spend money freely, who would like to be called dead stingy and iron cock every day!
Isn't that because of poverty?

As the "Minister of Logistics" and "Minister of Purchasing" who are in charge of all Shrek's property, Mr. Lin understands the difficulties of the Soul Guidance Department very well.

After reading the cooperation matters in Qian Chaoguang's letter, Mr. Lin had already decided silently in his heart that he must spare no effort to facilitate this matter.

Even if it wasn't for the soul guidance system, it would be of great benefit to Shrek itself.

Even if he is a second-hand dealer and sells food, Shrek can make a lot of money.

So, Lin Lao resolutely said: "I also agree with this matter, I think this is my Shrek's great fortune."

"I agree too." Elder Xuan raised his hand carelessly, "I've figured it out now, I'm done listening to the ideas of that kid Chaoguang, and there must be nothing wrong with him. How can I eat his ghostly ghosts?" Got a loss?"

"In that case, let's vote with a show of hands, and those who agree will raise their hands."

Following Mu En's words, all the elders present raised their hands in unison to show their support.

"Then this matter is settled like this, Lin'er, you go and meet with the members of the chamber of commerce sent by Chaoguang, and implement this matter as soon as possible."

"At the same time, grant them a piece of land in Shrek City. I think it should be near the Tang Gate. Send the construction team of the academy to build their place as soon as possible. The sooner the better."

"Yes, teacher." Xian Lin'er stood up and saluted respectfully.

Elder Xuan also volunteered at the side and said, "I'll go to help too. They definitely need a big warehouse for their business. With my gluttonous cow power, I'm the most suitable for this kind of underground reconstruction work."

Mu En nodded slightly: "Alright, the sooner this is done, the sooner the academy can be further improved. The Soul Guidance Department is at a stage of prosperity, and it is also a time when rare metals are lacking. If there is nothing else, it will be disbanded." Bar."


After a while, only Mu En was left in Nuo Da's golden ancient tree meeting room.

This old man with a haggard face but still possessed the ultimate cultivation was lying there quietly, his eyes were slightly closed, his fingers were crossed, and the index finger of his right hand was lightly touching the back of the other hand. He didn't know what he was thinking about. Sophisticated question.

With this demeanor, it is difficult for people to see that he is the world-renowned Lord of the Sea God Pavilion, the actual supreme helm of Shrek.

After a long time, a long sigh echoed in the empty meeting room, full of anticipation and deep worry.

"I hope my choice is right. Destiny, I can vaguely see that Huo Yutong's future is limitless, but I can't see you anyway. The interweaving of light and darkness, what is this... oh .”

After the meeting in the Sea God Pavilion, Nana and her group were very politely invited by the teacher sent by the Wuhun Department to the headquarters of the Soul Guidance Department for a negotiation.

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