Douluo: Peerless Light.

Chapter 529 Mingdu in dire straits, blade of space [6000 words]

Chapter 529 Mingdu in dire straits, blade of space [6000 words]

There are a total of eight high-ranking soul engineers who are stationed here. The leader is the old man named Xu Guozhong, a ninth-level soul instructor, with royal blood, and one of the powerful princes.

It can be said that among those who launched the rebellion back then, this Prince Xu was one of the core planners and was deeply trusted by the old emperor.

However, he is not a supporter of Prince Xu Tianran, but the object Xu Tianran has been trying to win over.

It's not because of how capable he is, but mainly because he controls the large arsenal that was just stolen by Qian Zhaoguang.

The confidentiality level of this arsenal is so high that it ranks among the top in the entire Sun Moon Empire.

Any transfer must be issued by the emperor himself, and even Xu Tianran has no right to use it.

Any resources here are under Xu Guozhong's single-handed control.

Coupled with his status as a ninth-level soul engineer and prince, he is a real big shot in the Sun Moon Empire.

As a miser, his biggest hobby every day is to come to the arsenal to count his treasures, especially the second and third floors.

Therefore, after going to the palace for a round, seeing that there was nothing else to do, he rushed back immediately.

Xu Tianran's death has nothing to do with him, and he, Xu Guozhong, doesn't care at all.

His allegiance is to the Sun Moon Empire itself, and he doesn't care who is the emperor.

"Where's Li Chong?"

Walking into the alley, seeing that the guards outside were all normal, Xu Guozhong felt relieved and strode into the courtyard.

Here, he is the only one who has all the Portkeys.

He has all the keys to the third and second floors, and even the soul sage guarding the second floor cannot get out without Xu Guozhong opening the door.

As soon as he entered the courtyard, Xu Guozhong began to call his cronies.

"Where's Li Chong? Where did he die? Come out to me quickly!"

Seeing that the other party didn't come out to greet him immediately, Xu Guozhong felt a little upset.

However, there was still no movement.

Xu Guozhong was also an old man, and he immediately realized something in his heart, and his eyes froze.

"Not good, be on guard, I'm afraid Li Chong has encountered an accident."

The seven people with him were all seventh- and eighth-level senior soul engineers, and they immediately searched around.

As expected, Li Chong had disappeared without a trace, and the several rooms were completely empty without any human figure.

Xu Guozhong's expression changed again and again.

Thinking of the treasures in his own warehouse, he gritted his teeth for fear of being stolen, and took the lead to enter the outer gate of the warehouse.

Soon, the elevator opened the door, and eight people entered in a file. Everything seemed to be normal.

A seventh-level soul engineer tapped on the wall of the elevator according to the code.

Unexpectedly, when they were about to take the elevator down, the elevator, which had been running stably, slipped down instantly and got stuck in the middle of the descending passage.

This is only the case if the password is wrong.

Not only that, even Xu Guozhong couldn't use the start key to enter the backstage and forcibly control the elevator. The energy supply system has been completely cut off.

Xu Guozhong's face suddenly changed, and he said angrily: "Quick, break through forcibly! Break through from below! We've been thieves!"

In the western suburbs, the final scene of the soul mentor competition.

The nine contestants have all completed their proud works, and now they are all sitting quietly in place, recovering from the exhaustion of their mental and soul power.

In Mingdu City, the violent undercurrent has intensified at this time.

A large number of soldiers took to the streets and began to blockade and martial law. A large number of people who were wandering and living nightlife were driven back home.

Nearly a quarter of the Sun Moon Palace has been turned into ruins due to the aftermath of the battle, and all the previous gun ports have been retracted at this time.

All kinds of cleaning, ambulance, and repair work are going on in an orderly manner.

Juzi had already appeared here instead of Xu Tianran, standing at the same time as Zhongliwu, the leader of the Holy Spirit Cult.

The evil soul masters have all disappeared, and the Dragon Emperor Douluo has long since disappeared.

A guard in a pale gold robe quickly ran to Juzi and whispered something.

Tangerine nodded, thought for a moment, and passed on the order.

Xu Tianran was seriously injured, and his life and death are uncertain.

As Xu Tianran's confidant, Juzi must cover up the truth of Xu Tianran's serious injury no matter what, and temporarily stabilize the situation on the bright side.

Therefore, she just told Xu Tianran's subordinates that His Royal Highness was slightly affected by the previous attack and needed to recuperate in a safe place for a short time, and she would pass all orders on her behalf.

Of course, Orange knows that this is a fake tiger's prestige, and there is a risk of being exposed at any time, but she has to do it.

Once Xu Tianran really collapses, her long-standing goal will forever become a dream bubble, and it will never be possible to realize it again.

Xu Tianran is using her, but why isn't she using Xu Tianran?

Without the support of the imperial prince and future emperor, how could she gain military power and launch a war against the Star Luo Empire?
Xu Tianran, Xu Tianran, even if your life is really coming to an end, please try to last for a few more days!
Inside the safe house, several top healing soul masters from the Sun Moon Empire have arrived hand in hand.

They carried countless precious medicines, all of which were the top scientific research products of the Sun Moon Empire.

Xu Tianran has been put on a special respirator to replace his lungs that were severely damaged by Song Lao.

Now his whole body is soaked in a special nutrient solution, barely maintaining the vitality of his body with the full efforts of the healing soul tool and healing soul masters.

Even so, Xu Tianran's aura continued to weaken uncontrollably, decreasing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

It cannot be delayed by any medical measures and drugs.

The bursts of soul power fluctuations and spatial shocks brought about by the gradual disintegration of the soul core are enough to make any middle and low-level soul master shudder.

Once the soul core disintegrates, the resulting soul power explosion and space disorder are enough to kill them instantly.

All healing soul masters are diehards loyal to the Sun and Moon royal family.

Only they have the courage to risk their lives to try to rescue Xu Tianran.

The city of Mingdu is extremely hot, but the scene of the soul mentor competition is not deep, only hot.

Seeing that the hourglass that represented the end of the countdown was empty, Ye Yulin said in a deep voice: "Okay, everyone has completed the production of the soul guide, and the production time is over. From now on, you can only use the soul guide that you made in the next competition. A soul guide. Apart from this, no other soul guide is allowed."

"The next step is to conduct a skill assessment. In the production of soul guides, especially in the production of core magic circles, special skills are very important. Only with these skills can a soul engineer reach the peak in the production of soul guides."

"The next thing you have to do is to complete some skills within the specified time, and the last one to complete will be eliminated."

Ye Yulin kept looking towards Qian Chaoguang and Huo Yutong while speaking.

An unremarkable-looking long sword of the soul tool, and a human-shaped soul tool that looks very powerful, how can this veteran ninth-level soul engineer not be tempted?
However, due to the competition and status, he could only hold back his temper at this time, suppressing his impatience and continuing to host the competition.

Soon, a tray was placed in front of every soul master.

Each tray contains nine different pieces of metal.

"In order to ensure the fairness of the skill assessment, you all need to use the carving knife prepared by the organizing committee to complete the production skills of the nine core formations on the nine pieces of metal in front of you, respectively."

Following Ye Yulin's request, the faces of many participating soul engineers began to turn ugly.

The nine tricks range from easy to hard, but all use rare metals that are least suitable for performing these tricks.

It can be said that this skill assessment is indeed a test for many soul engineers, and it tests whether their foundation is solid.

Using the most common stainless steel carving knife to carve, the understanding of the soul tool is immediately highlighted.

Following Ye Yulin's order, the nine people showed their magical powers.

The method of mixing vegetables is simple and rude, just light a big cigar that restores soul power and start to harden it.

These cigars are prepared ahead of time.

As long as he didn't rub the cigar out on the spot, no one would suspect He Caitou's body, they would only think that this guy was a bit unsophisticated, even smoking at the soul engineer competition.

The referees didn't say much about it.

It's just a small hobby, many soul engineers have it.

Compared with him, Huo Yutong directly exposed the Dark Gold Terrorclaw that he had evolved once, and carved it with his hands without using a carving knife at all.

Up to the time of her last appearance in the soul master contest, no one has been able to force her to use the dark golden claw, so naturally she is not worried about revealing her identity.

Qian Chaoguang's side is even worse.

It doesn't matter if ordinary light is not allowed to be used, but there is also a kind of light in undead magic-the light of corrosion.

This kind of light is extremely corrosive to any object, and it is perfect for carving.

According to Qian Zhaoguang's current mental power and manipulation ability, using Corrosive Light to carve the core magic circle is just like using a fine carving machine tool, and there is no need to worry about losing control.

Not only is it fast, but the accuracy rate is infinitely close to [-]%.

Seeing everyone's progress, the seven referees couldn't help but secretly nodded.

Especially when looking at Qian Chaoguang, surprise appeared on everyone's face.

As soul instructors, several of them are veterans who have been famous for decades.

But no matter who among them, they need to honestly use a carving knife to carve when making the core magic circle. I have never seen this kind of two hands holding rare metals.

What exactly is that gray glow?
Nobody knows.

But they are very clear about one thing - Qian Zhaoguang's completion speed is really too fast.

In less than seven minutes, he was the first to complete the production.

It was a full three minutes faster than Huo Yutong who took the second place ten minutes.

The third one to finish was the vegetable head. It took him about eleven and a half minutes, and there was still about a quarter of the hourglass left.

The fourth completed one is Ye Guyi from Pingfanmeng, wearing a yellow skirt.

It is enough to see from the skill assessment that the strength of Qian Chaoguang and the others is completely crushing.

The three of them took the top three, which made all the elders of the Holy Spirit Sect smile crookedly.

The two helmsmen of the Aodu Chamber of Commerce and the Ordinary League in the audience looked extremely ugly.

Especially the president of the Odu Chamber of Commerce, the three players on their side are obviously the most rubbish, and there is only one who has completed the competition.

"time up!"

Ye Yulin stopped all the contestants the moment the last gravel rolled down.

Nine people participated in the assessment, five completed it, and four did not.

After the referees stepped forward to judge, among the four unfinished players, the one who was eliminated was from the Odu Chamber of Commerce.

The remaining two who barely made it through were only ranked third from last and first from last, which was simply appalling.

In the rest area, Nangong Wan never stopped smiling.

The three of them swept the top three with their crushing strength, which was definitely a surprise.

Now he can rest assured that the champion must be in Xishuimeng's pocket.

Although Nangongwan had never seen Huo Yutong making a humanoid soul tool before, he had seen a close-body soul tool made by Qian Chaoguang!
He can even say responsibly that the close-body soul guide made by Qian Zhaoguang is the well-deserved number one in the horizontal comparison of soul guides of the same level.

Even Minglei Douluo, who is a ninth-level soul instructor, admits that if he is making a close-body soul guide of the same level, he is by no means inferior to Qian Chaoguang.

That kind of unique understanding cannot be imitated by other soul engineers.

Minglei Douluo, who is a ninth-level soul instructor, has said so, and Nangong Wan naturally trusts him extremely.

"Five minutes of rest, five minutes later, the knockout round will begin." Ye Yulin said in a deep voice.

A large number of staff rushed to the competition stage immediately, and took away those soul tool production stations and various scattered materials.

The nine people who participated in the competition representing the three major forces also stepped down one by one and returned to the rest area to rest temporarily.

As the number one player, Qian Chaoguang had to face the bottom one from the Aodu Chamber of Commerce.

Coincidentally, the other party actually built a close-body soul guide.

What's more coincidental is that the close-body soul guide he made is also a knife.

At this moment, Qian Chaoguang was closing his eyes and resting his mind, waiting for the good show to start, Xu Guozhong was going to explode with anger.

They finally opened a hole under the elevator and got out.

When he came to the corridor on the first floor, looking at the empty corridor and the heavy door, Xu Guozhong's anger almost broke through the sky.

Before leaving, Qian Chaoguang had completely destroyed the internal structure of the gate, and even melted the core into a whole.

Now if you want to open it, the only way is to force your way in and tear down the whole door.

Xu Guozhong and his party, who had no engineering soul guide and were worried about being counterattacked by automatic defensive firepower, were directly caught in an embarrassing dilemma.

But no matter how angry they are, one Buddha leaves the body and two Buddhas ascend to heaven, this door should be opened and still have to be opened.

Xu Guozhong always wants to see what the interior is like.

There was no way, and the few soul engineers could only bite the bullet and start dismantling the automatic defense soul guide step by step, and then break down the gate bit by bit.

"It's time for a break, the first and eighth place winners from the previous Skills Challenge are on the stage."

Hearing the host's shout, Qian Chaoguang walked slowly onto the stage, knowing in his heart that the prince surnamed Xu should have returned to the arsenal at this time, and was furious at the little surprise he left behind.

But he doesn't care about that because it's exactly what he wants.

It's just a pity that without the big explosion in Mingdu this time, he might still be able to survive.

I hope that this ninth-level soul engineer will not die of cerebral hemorrhage. I deliberately did not destroy the overall structure of the arsenal, but buried a small skeleton deep in the underground palace.

After Xu Guozhong refills the arsenal in the future, he plans to make another second entrance to the palace!
Starry Sky Douluo Ye Yulin stood in the center of the competition stage.

As the main referee of the game, he didn't need to do this, but he really wanted to see the magic of Qian Zhaoguang's knife and Huo Yutong's human-shaped soul tool up close.

That's why I personally stood on the competition stage as the referee.

As the saying goes, hitting a weapon is not scary, it's embarrassing for whoever cooks.

The soul engineer from the Aodu Chamber of Commerce made a strange looking long-handled saber, somewhat similar to a simple sword, with a long handle and wide blade, very thick.

The head of the knife is only two feet long, but the long handle is as thick as an ordinary person's forearm, which can be said to be extremely ugly and deformed.

The saber made by Qian Zhaoguang is shining silver all over, and the four-foot-long long and narrow saber is decorated with gorgeous gold patterns.

The handle of the knife is wrapped with prismatic crystal as the shell, and a fine and exquisite dragon scale relief is carved out.

While increasing the friction, it also highlights the strange beauty, making people feel handsome at first glance.

In contrast, the long sword made by Qian Chaoguang is like a banished fairy descending from the nine heavens, exuding an ethereal aura everywhere, which makes people feel miraculous at first glance.

On the other hand, this... uh... strange-looking broadsword of the players from the Odu Chamber of Commerce.

It can only be said that it looks quite bluffing, but no matter how you look at it, it is full of incongruity, and it feels like it was forcibly mixed together.

However, as the soul engineer who made this knife, Zhao Shouze from the Aodu Chamber of Commerce was very confident in himself, and looked at Qian Chaoguang with deep disdain.

He thinks that Qian Zhaoguang's knife looks like a flashy silver gun and wax gun head at first glance. The fancy production method and picturesque appearance are all gimmicks. .

Ye Yulin looked at both sides, and said in a deep voice: "Both sides share their names and are ready to fight. Let me emphasize that the competition is life or death, until one party admits defeat or loses combat effectiveness. If you lose, surrender as soon as possible to avoid injury."

"Thousands of streams."

Qian Zhaoguang's words were full of harshness and coldness, short and powerful.

"Aodu Chamber of Commerce, Zhao Shouze."


As Ye Yulin's body soared into the air, the whole match officially started.

This is not a "regular" "discussion" like the "Continental Young Advanced Soul Master Elite Competition", but a real life-and-death struggle, and naturally there is no protection.

Therefore, there is naturally no protective barrier around the stage.

Watching the game was accidentally injured or died, and no one will be responsible for it.

Zhao Shouze touched the ground with his toes and rushed towards Qian Chaoguang.

With a wave of the big knife in his hand, a layer of dazzling golden-red flames lit up on the knife, and the flames were overwhelming for a while.

Accompanied by the appearance of the flames, six soul rings, three yellow and three purple, rose rapidly on his body during the sprint, which was obviously the cultivation level of the soul emperor.

Is this the soul ring configuration?
It was a little too watery.

It is definitely the best one among the soul emperors Qian Chaoguang has fought so far.

Even the evil soul masters of the Holy Spirit Sect are not so good.

Facing such a naive opponent, Qian Chaoguang seemed to lack interest.

He just made one movement.

Raise your hand and swing your knife.

After that, he didn't even look at it, and walked straight off the stage.

There is no need to read it anymore, the result has already appeared.

I saw a faint knife light drawn by Qian Zhaoguang became extremely sharp in an instant, cutting through a distance of more than fifty meters at an extremely fast speed.

That Zhao Shouze violently urged the long knife, released a huge flame knife, stretched to a length of more than ten meters, and tried his best to block this seemingly weak blow.

But in the face of Qian Zhaoguang's casual blow, it was futile after all.

The thin knife light directly cut off the wide flame blade, cut off the body of the soul guide long knife, and left a bloodstain on Zhao Shouze's neck.


The blade of the long knife fell to the ground with a crisp sound.

Zhao Shouze had an unbelievable expression on his face, as if he wanted to look down.

But in the next moment, a huge human head tumbled to the ground.

The cut surface of the wound was as smooth as a mirror, without even spurting out any blood.

Looking carefully, a layer of silver light was entrenched on the wound, filled with a dreamy luster, blocking all the blood vessels.

Stopping the outflow of blood is also preventing the automatic repair of flesh and blood.

The audience fell into silence.

In the next second, the wisp of silver that was originally just on the wound site suddenly enveloped the corpse on the ground, together with the clothes, it was swallowed without a trace, leaving no trace.

Although everyone knows that there are no rules in the game of underground forces.

But no one thought that with just one trick, a young soul engineer with a bright future would fall here without leaving any bones.

For a while, the sound of air-conditioning came and went.

On Xishuimeng's side, except for Feng Ling who was slightly shocked, everyone else couldn't help but stood up and cheered crazily.

Even Huang Zheng and Merck, who had been educated by Qian Chaoguang, were no exception.

The melee soul guide can even burst out the power of space, this is simply a genius-like idea and idea!

Yes, the silver light that swallowed Zhao Shouze was just a force of space.

Although the top-level space system material currently known on Douluo Continent is only Qiankun Star Silver, there are still quite a few advanced materials.

Qianji Copper is one of them.

The main material of Qian Zhaoguang's knife is Qianji Copper and Nether Iron, and he added some new things that he has recently comprehended, and finally made it.

In a sense, the "knife light" just now can also be called space cutting or space cutting.

Even such a weak power of space is not something that Zhao Shouze, a forceful soul emperor, can resist.

Naturally, it doesn't seem strange at all to be killed in a flash.

"The first round is over, Qian Daoliu wins."

Ye Yulin's eyes were shining brightly, and he stared at the space blade tightly.

 Thanks to the book friends 20210724204602184, the trace of the ice mark, the deep red ss, and the four bosses of Taixuan Sword Immortal for their rewards

(End of this chapter)

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