Chapter 158 Crossfire (add more)
"Sub-quest: [Returned Time and Space Agent], triggered."

"Mission Objective: Browse Professor Wu's research results and bring the memory back to the past."

"Task reward: 500 reincarnation points, 1 attribute point."

"It's time for a mission..."

Li Tianxiu had a headache, but he still asked patiently: "I don't need to write it down, do I?"

In terms of memory, he is not bad in itself, but he is far from being able to achieve the level of photographic memory.

A professor's savings of more than ten years, he may have to look through it for an hour or two.

"Don't worry, there is a memory extractor on it. As long as you can go back and complete the closed loop of consciousness, I will be able to extract the memory at that time." Professor Wu signaled him to rest assured, and started the elevator.

"So, you sent a total of two people?"

When the elevator closed, Li Tianxiu noticed the laboratory of BN-2 next door.

"Yes, consciousness projection is not something everyone can bear, and the only ones who didn't die on the spot after receiving the complaint were you and the two of you that day.

Later you also know that your consciousness has been damaged during the projection process, and you can’t even remember who you are. "Professor Wu explained.


Li Tianxiu glanced at him and said nothing.

In fact, he didn't say a word. He lost so many memories when he came here. Will he be able to guarantee it when he goes back?

In case of going back, it will look like this again, but it's just a bamboo basket to fetch water in vain.

However, since there are missions in the reincarnation space, the success rate should not be wrong.

It is worth noting that if there are only two projected consciousnesses in this era, does that mean that Chen Xi is not here?

Could Remnant still have the means to ignore their team contract?


The elevator stopped outside a small, brightly lit office with a computer already on.

The screen covered the entire wall, and it was full of documents.

Obviously, before Li Tianxiu came, Professor Wu was ready.

"You browse here first, you only need to read each page for one second, and I will prepare to transmit energy to you."

Professor Wu issued the order on his own, and then left in a hurry.

It seems that if you don't follow what he said, the main line will also be stuck here.

Li Tianxiu breathed a sigh of relief and started the quantum reading mode.

Time passed by one minute and one second, and 20 minutes passed in a flash.

A total of 1356 pages of documents have been browsed by Li Tianxiu for nearly [-]%, and the speed is quite fast.

Just when this boring process was about to end, a strange man appeared outside the surveillance, and behind him stood the murderer Yang Zhen whom he had seen before.

"Open the door, Professor Wu. The time for change has come."

The person who came was holding a mobile phone, and the video of him burning down the Huolong State Police Station was playing on it.

He looked up at the monitor with a provocative smile on his lips.

"Fire remnants?"

There is surveillance in the office, and Li Tianxiu noticed him at a glance.

As another consciousness projector, this guy also used the entire police station as a testimonial. Professor Wu will definitely be included.

And how would he respond?
"Let's speed up."

Li Tianxiu withdrew his mind and continued to look at the screen.

Professor Wu's file contains not only the formula of the medicine, but also some unknown scientific research formulas.

It also recorded the specific process of his discovery of these results, which mentioned a thing called the Eye of the Fool.

It was a creature that Professor Wu found in the space ruins. It looked like a conch with eyes, sealed in a translucent yellow rock, similar to amber.

After research, this thing emits powerful radiation, which can make people hallucinate and get a strong pleasure of indulgence.

This kind of radiation is harmful to the human body, and long-term exposure will cause genetic mutations and transform into so-called new humans.

It is not difficult to see that this thing, or the place where it was produced, is the source of this disaster.

But Professor Wu intends to use magic to defeat magic, and use its characteristics to study medicine.

Obviously, this path has gone wrong.

But he still firmly believes that this is a problem of the experimenter's lack of talent.

If they are all as good as him, after using the improved medicine, they can evolve while retaining their sanity.

"Is the thing on the fourth floor underground? But what does the mission want me to do with this thing?"

While thinking about it, Professor Wu has already opened the door for Remnant Fire.

Li Tianxiu didn't wait any longer. When he went out, he turned left and the second room was the arsenal, which contained a lot of weapons.

He picked out two convenient pistols and put them in his belt, and picked up a repeating shotgun, then walked to the elevator door and waited.

When the elevator door opened, Professor Wu was pushed away by an arm. The black muzzle of the gun pointed directly behind him, and he pulled the trigger brazenly.

The remaining fire in the elevator was taken aback, took the shot with Yang Zhen as a shield, and suddenly pushed him towards Li Tianxiu.

Blood splattered, scaring Professor Wu quite badly.

When he turned his head, Li Tianxiu bypassed Yang Zhen with his gun, and fired another shot at the short body hiding in the remaining fire.

The projected shrapnel whistled in the elevator room, scratching a large number of sparks.

But after all, Remnant Fire is a Tianyao man who traverses the world of the third difficulty. He had already approached him in a low voice when he was pushing him, grabbed the barrel of the shotgun, and lifted it up.

Bang bang bang!
Li Tianxiu doesn't care if the bullet hits or not, as long as the trigger is pressed, it will output one shot.

The huge recoil made his wrist ache, and Remnant Fire's wrist was even cracked. He had to let go of the barrel and reached for the pistol at his waist with the other hand.

Puff puff!
Under such pressure, Li Tianxiu would not easily give him a chance to resist. While attacking, he drew his pistol with his left hand and fired three shots at the remaining fire.

This shot hit the palm, and two shots hit the body armor.

Just when Li Tianxiu was about to continue firing, Yang Zhen's body was kicked again, knocking him back with it.

Faced with this situation, Li Tianxiu could only suspend the offensive and retreat to defend.

If the remaining fire is full at this time, this will be an excellent opportunity to attack.

But things didn't matter, his current body was just an ordinary person, and after his right hand was injured, his combat effectiveness would be greatly reduced.

So he had to rush out of the elevator, trying to find an environment suitable for dealing with combat.

"Is this the eternal fire?"

Li Tianxiu grinned, pushed the corpse aside, quickly unloaded the shell casings, and quickly reloaded the shotgun.

But Remnant Fire didn't like this, and ran away without looking back.

"Are you crazy?!"

The confrontation between the two was only a flash, and by the time Professor Wu came to his senses, the remnant had already left the elevator.

Seeing that Li Tianxiu was about to chase again, he hurried up to stop him.

"Don't try to stop me, he is the enemy, he and I can only live one today."

This kind of thing is difficult to explain, and Li Tianxiu has no time to waste.

He glanced at Professor Wu coldly, and chased after him with a gun.

 It was smooth yesterday, and just stabilized at 1400, so let's add another update.

  Thinking about it, this is the third time I have added updates this month. Maybe my codeword proficiency has really improved.

  So after that, every time I pass 100, I will find a way to add a change, and if the monthly pass can break 1000, I will also add it.The helmsman does not necessarily add it, after all, sometimes he will get stuck, his hands will be added, and the leader of the reward must be added.

(End of this chapter)

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