Some people are born with obtuse angles

Chapter 19 The Local Church Is So Rude

Chapter 19 The Local Church Is So Rude
"So everyone, what do you think?"

In the bright meeting room, there is a long table.

A man with glasses was holding his chin with his hands clasped, thinking about something seriously.

There is a screen directly in front of him, playing everything that happened in the arena of death.As he asked the question, the picture froze, right at the moment when Li Tianxiu pointed his middle finger at the camera.

"From the perspective of overall quality, number one is definitely the strongest. But judging from the performance of this level, the potential of number five is immeasurable." The man in the second seat concluded.

He was wearing a chic windbreaker, with a portrait of a man riding a war horse printed on his back.

There were eight other people like him. They surrounded a long table, and the logos on their clothes represented different forces, as if representatives of different companies were in a meeting.

"They actually killed Night Dire, which only happened twice during our tenure." Number Three also nodded.

"I said, why is this picture frozen here?" Number Four pointed to the screen.

"Let's talk about business, don't interrupt."

The number one sitting in the main seat angrily reprimanded him, and then looked at the man in the fifth position: "So this time the priority should be the turn of the Scarlet Church."


"Who do you want?"

"Number two."

"Number two?"

"Isn't it number one or number five?"

"Electing is one thing, and whether others will join is another."

"Okay, then Shinrikyo...should choose No. [-], right?"


"Really, can't the picture be cut?"

"What about the cursed church?"

"We postpone."

"What about the Eternal Church?"

"We want number five."

"Okay, are numbers [-] and [-] interested?"

"That kind of stuff is not worth our shot."



Several people quickly reached a consensus, as if deciding on the ownership of a certain item.

"You don't like being pointed at like this, do you?" Number Four wondered.

"To shut up!"

The eight people scolded him in unison.

Every time when discussing business, this guy can always find an entry point to interrupt.

It's just disgusting.

"Okay, let's go!"

No. [-] recorded the result with a gloomy expression, then stood up and warned No. [-]: "When the next set of trials begins, I hope no one will be late!"

Number Four: "..."


"Reincarnation number: 5141003."

"Name: Li Tianxiu."

"Life: 5 points."

"Strength: 4 points."

"Agility: 6 points."

"Physical strength: 3 points."

"Intelligence: 12 points."

"Charm: A."

"Lucky: C."

"Basic skills: [riding lv2], [deception lv2], [fighting lv1], [medical lv1], [repair lv1], [music lv1], [painting lv1]..."

"Note: 1. The standard attribute for an adult male is 5 points, Charm and Luck are attributes that cannot be added actively.

2. The highest level of basic skills is lv3. "

"Special Skills:
[Extreme reaction]: Your body's reaction nerves are different from ordinary people. When you actively activate the skill, you can enter the bullet time.

[Ghost Battle Dance]: A special fighting style extended from dance, the ghostly steps are unpredictable.Only in a dusty environment can it exert its maximum combat power. "

Looking at the data given by the space to his body, Li Tianxiu walked out of the gate of reincarnation and came to a wide square.

Saruman and Chen Xi are not around, it seems that the space is separated.

The outside world is at night, and the moon here is blue, giving the earth a poignant color.

It's much bigger than Earth, which is probably...

Ten times like this?
Or nine times.

Li Tianxiu is not sure, it is very big anyway.

Going outside into the square, there are nine tall statues standing there, surrounding the square in a semicircle, with an interval of about 20 meters between them.

Some hold flowers in their hands, some have gears on their shoulders, and some even open their hands and sing, with a huge fireball floating behind them...

Each statue has its own unique temperament, either beautiful or dark, but without exception, it can make the beholder feel an inexplicable sense of humbleness.

"Nine Pillars God..."

After remembering the characteristics of each statue, Li Tianxiu continued on and saw a tenth statue.

The statue is located in the center of the statue of the Nine Gods, and it is only the size of an ordinary human being.

He was facing the direction of the gate of reincarnation, his hands were spread out at 120°, his clothes were ragged, and dead mold remained on his skin.And those sunken eyeballs seemed to have a bit of a human look left.

"Don't touch him, he's alive."


Li Tianxiu blinked in surprise, then turned his head and saw a middle-aged man in a windbreaker.

On the man's shoulder was affixed the emblem of a burning sun, exactly matching the pattern on one of the gods.

"I am the supervisor of the Eternal Flame, code-named Remnant Fire. We just saw your performance in the Theater of Death, which was quite exciting." The other party said straight to the point.

"What is he doing here?" Li Tianxiu asked curiously.

"I'm telling you something serious, don't ask such silly questions." Remnant Fire frowned.

"What's the matter?"

Li Tianxiu turned to look at him.

"Your performance in the Theater of Death has been recognized by us, and I'm here to invite you to join us." Remnant Fire said a little more clearly.

"to join you guys?"

Li Tianxiu looked up, looked at the nine statues not far away, and looked at him again.

That expression seems to be asking, why should I join you?

"The us I mentioned just now refers to the nine factions that the Nine Pillars God belongs to. Before coming, our Nine Gods Sect has reached an agreement, so don't worry about it." Remnant Fire said lightly.

"But I don't know you at all, why don't we talk another day?" Li Tianxiu frowned.

"Let me just talk about the conditions. After joining the church, we can provide you with valuable item rental services, which can greatly increase your score in the mission world. For example, the space belt that can store weapons and the team contract."

Remnant Fire showed his belt and explained: "This can be said to be a necessity for every reincarnation, but because of its practicality and rarity, the lowest market price is [-] reincarnation points, and we only need [-] reincarnation points." , and the rest can be settled within the two worlds.

The same is true for other things, the price will be cheaper than outside.

More benefits, after you make contributions to the church, we will also reward you. "

"Space Belt..."

Li Tianxiu looked at his umbrella.

When there is nothing, he may still be able to hold it as a weapon. When there are more usable things, this kind of space prop is indeed a necessity for adventure.

The only problem is that Remnant doesn't hide his arrogance when he speaks.

What Nine Gods agree on, you can rest assured.

What We will reward you for your contribution to the church.

All of this seemed to be sure that it was impossible for him to refuse, and he didn't know where this confidence came from.

"Then what's the price?"

After thinking for a moment, Li Tianxiu asked this question again.

"There is no price, as long as you believe in the God of Eternity." Remnant Fire replied.

"The God of Eternity..." Li Tianxiu narrowed his eyes.

A belief chosen for the sake of gaining benefits, can it still be regarded as a belief?
"Thank you for your popular science, but I still need a while to understand this world." He refused.


As if he was holding his breath in his chest, Remnant Fire's expression obviously became impatient, and he said with a calm face: "Then go and inquire about the rules here. After the end of the three mission worlds, I hope to get your affirmation." reply."


Li Tianxiu raised his right hand and made a goodbye gesture.

The remnant fire got bored and walked away angrily, then turned into a flame and disappeared in the square.

"Troublesome guy..."

Frowning and muttering, Li Tianxiu also left the square.

The streets of the main world have less exhaust fumes, and they don't look crowded.

"Boss, here are four skewers of grilled chicken wings, it's freaking spicy."

Just like the original plan, Li Tianxiu found the roast chicken restaurant he was thinking of, and sat down happily with a bottle of soda.

However, not long after he sat down, a strange figure sat across from him and smiled at him: "We meet again, number five."

"You are……"

The man's voice was somewhat familiar, making Li Tianxiu frowned.

"My name is Dire, or you can call me..."

The visitor smiled mysteriously, showing his white teeth.

"Mr. Mask."

(End of this chapter)

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