Some people are born with obtuse angles

Chapter 383 Liquan sharp gun: I can't bear this kind of cyber violence

Chapter 383 Liquan sharp gun: I can't bear this kind of cyber violence
"You say an artifact, how much can it sell for?"

In the Keqing courtyard of Nanzhan Mansion, Chen Yaxi was holding Xia Zhi's Liquan gun, with a pensive look on his face.

"Weapon name: Liquan sharp gun (seal)."

"Quality: Artifact."

"Equipment requirements: 1. It needs to be approved by the artifact, otherwise its attributes cannot be unlocked."

"Effects: 1. Additional basic attack power: 400 points.

2. Handed down Spear: Get full-level Spear Specialization, the damage of gun skills will increase by 60%, and the remaining weapon specialization will be permanently reduced to 0. "

"Remarks: Let the artifact recognize its owner and unseal it, and new effects will be obtained, and all effects will be upgraded."

"Why did you sell it?" Chen Xi was shocked at the time.

They have penetrated so many worlds, and the best equipment they have seen is a legend.

God-level equipment, this is the first one.

"Which of the brave generals in ancient times was not proficient in bow and horse, and mastered eighteen kinds of martial arts.

This kind of petty weapon is not worth mentioning. "

Chen Yaxi looked at the golden gun on the table indifferently, like looking at a flashy vase, without any regret.

"No, you can give it to me. It's really troublesome for me to deal damage now." Chen Xi frowned.

After he and Chen Yaxi separated, he had a symbiotic induction skill, which could control his scarlet breath to erode the enemy's spirit, and then launch a mental blast.

This move was the last straw that crushed Xiu Mi, directly attacking the spirit, and the damage was ten times higher than Li Tianxiu's mental impact.

But his scarlet body is not as good as Chen Yaxi's cultivation, the damage of the scarlet burst alone is as much as 40%, so if Chen Yaxi is not around, it will be difficult for him to complete this move alone.

"Take it if you want it."

After all, they were two brothers, so Chen Yaxi didn't care, and put the spear horizontally on the stone platform.

But Q, who was sitting next to him drinking tea, thought about it carefully, but stopped Chen Xi: "Wait a minute, if you use this gun, won't all the previous specialization be useless? It won't improve much. "

Just like Chen Yaxi's passive plus crit, the scarlet body has also cultivated a strong physique, Li Tianxiu also has various titles of swordsmanship bonuses and passive.

When Chen Xi developed his own promotion direction, he also invested a lot in shooting skills. What he honed in the scarlet faction was consciousness, and his physical body was not strengthened much.

If it was disabled, at least [-] reincarnation points would be lost, and since he didn't enter the battle with a passive bonus, he would still be unable to beat Chen Yaxi, so it didn't make much sense.

It's better to continue to develop the magic bullet. Although the dps is far behind her, it is more flexible and can be controlled with various effects.

"Don't think about it, you are not used to close combat, you will not recognize the Lord."

Li Tianxiu, who came out of packing his things, also made a repair.

"But... can't really sell it? What a pity?"

Chen Xi understood the truth, but he just didn't want to sell it.

"Would you like to come?"

Q raised his eyebrows and looked at Li Tianxiu.

If anyone here can be recognized by the sharp gun, besides Chen Yaxi, there is only Li Tianxiu.


Li Tianxiu's expression changed slightly, and he smiled awkwardly: "You may not believe it, but I am a mage."

Q: "..."

God Meow Mage.

You don't spend more than a third of the time you spend holding a staff with a sword, do you?

"So, I don't think it's impossible to sell it." Li Tianxiu shrugged.

Aside from the negative effects of not being able to use other weapons, this artifact itself also has a weapon spirit, which is not compatible with the small umbrella.

Although the rank of this weapon spirit may be higher than that of Xiaosan, judging from Xia Zhi's situation, it has never appeared in a desperate situation, and it has not seen much effect except for the entire seal.

On the other hand, Xiaosan, although she is a low-level ghost, can grow in every world.

And because of his low starting point, he also ate a lot of spiritual fruits in Nanzhan Mansion, and witnessed the catastrophe, and his attributes have also improved a lot.

"Name: Umbrella Spirit."

"Level: Grade B."

"Life: 14 points."

"Strength: 12 points."

"Agility: 0 points. (Can't leave the host body, can't be added)"

"Physical Strength: Unlimited. (Related to mental strength, cannot be added)"

"Intelligence: 22 points."

"Characteristics: Intimidation, Possession, Will-o'-the-wisp, Cute."

1. [Fear Absorption] (Passive): By absorbing the enemy's fear, you can gain stamina and health recovery, and increase attribute points.

A single world can be increased by up to 6 points, but only 3 points are permanent.

2. [Tongue Attack]: The spiritized tongue can extend up to five meters, ignoring the physical defense, and complete 120 points of damage to the enemy, with paralysis effect.

Cooldown: None.

After the tongue is broken, it needs to consume mental power to re-condense.


Spell consumption: 100 points of mental power.

Cooldown: 10 seconds.

4. [Evil Spirit Possession]: It can be combined with the contractor, providing a 25% attribute bonus, granting the recovery ability of [Fear Drain], and providing [Wildfire Shield], which can weaken 30% of magic before it is extinguished damages and burns the attacker.

Skill consumption: 30% of the mental power of the umbrella.

Duration: 15 minutes. "

Although only looking at the attributes, there is still a big gap between Xiaosan and the monsters of the second difficulty, but the skill of evil spirit possession itself is irreplaceable.

First of all, it can increase Li Tianxiu's attributes by a full 12 points, giving him the capital to fight against the Angel Lord.

The most important thing is that it will not conflict with the status skills such as Natural Battle Madness and Blood Rage, and can be used at the same time.

Coupled with the damage reduction of the Flame of Fear, it is much better than a Liquan Sharpshooter that does not let go, so Li Tianxiu has no idea about it.

"It's not bad if you sell it. If you sell it for tens of thousands of points, maybe you can change it to a weapon with a higher compatibility." Zhao Miaomiao also echoed.

"That's right, no matter how powerful this artifact is, it will be blown away by my epic weapon." Chen Yaxi also said.

But at this moment, the Liquan sharp gun suddenly trembled, and the gun body made of gold quickly collided with the stone platform, making a "cracking" sound.

"So that's what the spear is called?" Chen Xi raised his eyebrows.

"After all, there are weapon spirits."

Q adjusted his carefree stance, bent down with his hands on his knees, and asked curiously, "It seems very angry?"

"After all, who can stand the violence on the Internet like you?" Li Tianxiu couldn't help laughing.

"Where did you get the internet?" Chen Xi complained.

"Q slightly." Li Tianxiu replied.

After all, Q's brain has its own local area network.

"Then this gun can't connect either." Q spread his hands innocently.

At this time, the Liquan sharp gun was really angry, trembling, and the tip of the gun was cold.

In the end, Chen Yaxi picked it up, frowned and said, "What do you want to do?"

Liquan Sharpshooter didn't speak, but the tail of the gun shone brightly, covering the gun body and tip all the way, and then dimmed again.

Chen Yaxi held the gun and thought for a while, then turned around and said to everyone: "The restriction has been lifted."

Everyone: "..."

(End of this chapter)

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