Some people are born with obtuse angles

Chapter 447 Crazy, the real pupil of madness!

Chapter 447 Crazy, the real pupil of madness!

"Tear apart... that Warlock Legion?"

After hearing Li Tianxiu's words, Julong's heart couldn't help but tremble.

If it was before the war started, it would naturally not pay attention to warlocks like Huangquan Raven.

It's just that its body is in tatters now, and Huangquan Raven doesn't know what magic is brewing, so that the whole earth is surrounded by a gloomy atmosphere, and the dark clouds in the sky also form a huge vortex, burning black flames.

It has a hunch that something more terrifying than anyone present will emerge from that vortex!

"Time to think."

Li Tianxiu narrowed his eyes, grabbed the dragon spear with both hands and stabbed down.

"No, no, no, I'll go!"

Feeling the cold curse on the back of his head, the giant dragon quickly threw away all his worries, and flew to the distant battlefield with wings.

No matter how powerful the thing brewing over there is, it is not as strong as the dragon gun pointing at its head.

Its only chance of survival is to wait until the battle is fierce, and then take the opportunity to escape.

"Your efficiency is really high."

Just as the dragon was flying, Q also flew to his side wearing a set of silver mechs.

"It's so late?" Li Tianxiu turned his head.

"Look at him a little bit."

Q pursed his lips and looked in Chen Xi's direction.

Jiagu and Omega were seriously injured by his scarlet bullet storm. If it wasn't for the too much movement on Huangquan Raven, she would really like to go down to make up the knife.


Li Tianxiu also glanced over there, Chen Xi fought and retreated, and was leading people in the direction of the large army.

On the side of the Wolf Fort army, Chen Yaxi went through an emergency breakthrough, and was barely able to fight back and forth with the shadow elder like the gap bug.

With the support of Zhao Miaomiao and the Suzuka Legion and others, there shouldn't be any problem in winning.

"Then it's just me."

Li Tianxiu stood on the back of the dragon, his eyes scanning the front.

"He's here, and there's a giant dragon." Artemis said solemnly.

"It's okay, I'm about to finish."

The eyes of the burning corpse on the Huangquan Raven battlefield gradually calmed down.

Even if Li Tianxiu obtained the double artifacts, he still couldn't escape the shackles of the second difficulty.

A high-quality soul has been offered, and as long as he waits for the response from the other side of the underworld, he can get a helper whose strength is far beyond this world.

He will never die here!

"The one who disturbed the situation is you, right?"

Just as the Ravens of Huangquan were communicating with other worlds with their minds, the figures of Alkin and Herbert suddenly appeared above the Warlock Legion.

They have prepared for this ceremony for hundreds of years, but now they are making a wedding dress for Huangquan Raven, how could they let it go.

I saw Alkin tap lightly on the shield with his finger, and there was a little ripple on it.

The two passed through the barrier expressionlessly, their eyes full of killing intent.

Herbert held a huge sickle and slashed four sharp blades from a distance.

Huangquan Raven tapped his finger, and a sixth-level hellfire stood in front of him, waving his arm made of Netherstone and blasting towards the light of the knife.

The violent collision distorted the space, making a sound like the whining of a night bird.

Hellfire's arm exploded on the spot, and a gap was cut in his chest by the fierce aftermath.

"Just a wave of attacks..."

Artemis' eyes fluctuated, and his palms were slightly sweating.

She has seen these two mysterious guys before, judging from their current skills, they probably have surpassed the sixth level!
"Are you afraid?"

There was a sneer on the corner of Alkin's mouth, and his figure was flying lightly in the air like a swallow.

Wherever he passed, black air rose from the foreheads of the controlled warlocks, and they died silently.

However, thousands of warlocks are not waiting to die. They all raised their staffs, fired invisible shock waves, and knocked them back together.

"It really drove people into a hurry."

Li Tianxiu arrived at the scene ten seconds late, ordered the giant dragon to spray its breath, and at the same time entered the overclocking analysis state, scanning the defensive circle below.

It is not difficult to see that Alkin and Herbert are very strong, and Vlad who broke the city with one blow is even stronger.

But in front of the undead warlocks and hellfire here, they are probably as stretched as he was.

Not to mention that Huangquan Raven has a second hand.

"Attack the space node I marked, and I will help you kill this sinister guy."

Li Tianxiu issued instructions to the dragon and Q, and at the same time informed the two ancient creations through a spiritual link.


Herbert chopped off the head of a Warlock blocking the way, and suspicion flashed in his eyes.

Although they can't wait to kill Huangquan Raven, but Li Tianxiu is not a good thing.

They knew he had managed to cut Vlad from their spells, and after the Raven of the Underworld, he would be next!
"Listen to him."

Alkin didn't think much about it, and took a short stick and cast an explosion magic at the location where Li Tianxiu sent it.

The turbulent flame element exploded at the corner of Grimace's mouth, destroying the stable runes on it, and burning more than a dozen warlocks and pieces of undead to ashes.

It's just that this has little effect on the hellfires living in the scorching hell. They absorb all the flames of the explosion, and rush forward against the violent explosion, or throw their fists at Alkin, or shoot out their eyes. Beams of destruction, trying to tear him to shreds.

That fist, which is taller than a human being, can easily smash the city wall, and the flame rays that strike from all directions can even melt the gold essence, so even Alkin did not dare to challenge the edge, rushing left and right in the air, struggling to resolve Binding magic used by the Warlock Order.

However, the fighting power of the legendary characters should not be underestimated. Although they are a little embarrassed at this time, the number of Warlocks and Hellfires who died under their hands is increasing rapidly, and more and more nodes are destroyed.

As the first breath of the dragon passed through the invisible war shield, Li Tianxiu's offensive was officially launched.

"Look at me, ignite the madness in your hearts!"

Li Tianxiu's eyes turned red, and without hesitation he activated the ink frenzy of Adun's magic source and activated the pupil of madness.

His voice sounded in the minds of the controlled warlocks. When they raised their heads, they saw a mysterious eye appearing in the sky, sucking their consciousness into it.

"No, I can't see..."

"My pumped..."

"It's about to explode..."

Under Li Tianxiu's "watching", the warlocks unconsciously protruded their eyeballs, blue veins appeared on their foreheads, and their expressions were extremely painful.

They were affected by the pupil of madness.

Only this time, Li Tianxiu did not give them the illusion of heavy limbs, but activated another emotion that was difficult to release in them - madness!

The warlocks were controlled by the ravens of Huangquan, and their spirits were already in a weak state.

Now being influenced by Li Tianxiu, their brains were immediately filled with killing emotions.

This kind of strong emotion made them want to cast magic to attack others, but their magic power output was hijacked by Huangquan Raven and supplied to the wrong place.

This directly caused a group of warlocks to make mistakes in casting spells, and they were backlashed by magic power.

There was a burst of "crack, bang, bang", and the heads of the warlocks burst open like smashed watermelons!


Huangquan Raven's heart skipped a beat, and horror was written in his eyes.

Killed hundreds of high-ranking warlocks with just one glance, the strength of this guy...

Is it so scary!
(End of this chapter)

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