Chapter 481 The War Begins
"Hahaha, she is really handsome, I want to go too."

Looking at the disappearing Chi Yanji, the emperor smiled heartily.


Li Tianxiu looked at him with raised eyebrows, and asked, "Aren't you determined to be a good man with noble morals?"

"Hahahaha. But this is really fun." The emperor laughed.


Li Tianxiu: "..."

It seems that they still think highly of this kid.

"But blatantly killing people like this will reduce the prestige of the demon hunter."

Xie Xiao was silent for a long time, but finally felt very awkward.

Controlling violence with violence seems cool, but it always feels that it violates public order and good customs, and will have a negative impact on social stability.

"Prestige can't solve the problem. Although the disturbance caused by the war demon is not as great as that of the plague demon, you can also see how many white-clothed clones there are.

Even if we are forced to fight, it may be consumed to attrition.

And the demon hunters in Blackwood City suffered heavy casualties in the accident in the afternoon, how do you ask them to solve the war? "

The major said, calling out the surveillance in other places.

Violent incidents emerged in the screen one after another. Many civilians were rushed into their homes by white-clothed demons and beat them up, screaming incessantly.

In other words, those avatars who claim to be righteous and like to maliciously slander are not only targeting reincarnated people.

The white-clothed demon's fighting power varies from high to low, and the powerful ones can at least fight the Holy Master for several rounds.Not to mention the demon hunters in Blackwood City, even if they called in the reinforcements from next door, they would still be able to deal with the war demons.


Xie Xiao sighed and expressed helplessness at the situation.

The world is too chaotic, and he has no way to do both.

"Major, I'm in a bit of trouble."

Chi Yanji's face appeared on the other side, and she raised her hand to pat the air.

Several flying cars are gathering in her direction.

"Aren't you coming back for supper?" asked the major.

"Don't eat, 3 minutes, I want all the information of this person."

Chi Yanji uploaded a photo with a serious expression.

The man just came up and muttered that even demons cry, and handed me Yan Mo Dao, she didn't understand at all.

Anyway, as far as I can tell, that demon hunter is very strong, and she won't be able to take it down for a while.

If it drags on for too long and attracts hunters from all over the city, it will be in big trouble.


The major entered the photo, found out the full set of information in almost a second, and then raised his eyebrows: "It's incredible, you have met the only seven legendary demon hunters in the world."

"Hey, never mind how old he is, just send me the information."

It is better to have teammates at critical moments than to fight alone. Chi Yanji just hooked her fingers and got a piece of information.

But her expression soon became serious.

Because the abilities of this world are relatively solid, as long as you understand the general characteristics of demons, it is easy to find a way to restrain them.

And this person in the data has as many as 28 abilities!
"Drip drip drip."

While Chi Yanji was browsing, a siren suddenly sounded in the major's ear.

Looking up, the nearby white-clothed demons seem to have received some signal, and they are gathering here from all directions.

"It seems that the war can't sit still."

The major raised the corner of his mouth, and entered the code with his fingers on the silver metal armor. The wall behind him opened to both sides automatically, and a row of humanoid battle armor was standing neatly inside, with a red light in his eyes.

When it comes to war, their Mechanicus is as good as anyone.

"You... When did you remodel this place?" Xie Xiao was dumbfounded.

"There's nothing wrong with being prepared, comrade."

The major grinned, waved his hand, and led the whole team of robots towards the outside.

"It's all done, everyone."

Xie Xiao also picked up the shield and warhammer, and walked towards the open balcony.

"It's time for my uncle to show his skills again."

The emperor jumped up to the balcony in high spirits, and fell down from the eighth floor in a big shape.

Two seconds later, there was the sound of splashing water from below, and the water in the swimming pool was sprayed three meters high.

"Are you coming or am I coming?" The bishop looked at Li Tianxiu.

This is the second step of the plan.

Tonight's incident is so big, it is impossible for the war demon to sit still.

As long as the war demon moves, there is a chance to find out his location.

At this time, an observer is needed.

"Let's go together."

Li Tianxiu frowned and said, "I may have some inspiration."


The bishop didn't say anything, the two just sat on the sofa in the presidential suite, their consciousness soared into the air at high speed, like a newborn morning star, wanting to merge with the starry sky outside the domain.


When he opened his eyes, Li Tianxiu's mood became extremely peaceful.

His spirit stretched out, and he saw the reincarnated people who were already in battle below, and even further away, he could see Chi Yanji who was fighting alone in another city.

But these are not their purpose.

His spirit continued to function, and the world in his eyes gradually faded, as if a filter had been applied to filter out all real objects, leaving only the various spectrums of energy.

From this perspective, Li Tianxiu can easily analyze their trajectories from the energy flow of the demons in white, and it is also easy to judge the skills and flaws that are about to be activated.

So in theory, as long as one finds the place where all the power trajectories converge among the thousands of white-clothed demons, one can find the location of the demons.

It's just that these demons are born in different places, and their action trajectories will fade with time. It will take a long time to figure out the source.

Therefore, they now have to wait for other reincarnations to clean up those minions, and then choose the newborn demons to trace the source.

"Huh? Plague."

Li Tianxiu suddenly saw the plague demon.

Having lost most of his strength, he was now incarnate as a bearded and decadent man, sitting and drinking in an open-air bar.

"It's really relaxing..."

Li Tianxiu sighed in his heart, his eyes drifted into the distance.

The world is huge, and there are many things to see. Even if his consciousness is running extremely fast, there will still be things he overlooks.

The reason why observation is sought after by Yong Yao is not only his rapidly improving thinking ability, but also because he can find inspiration by following his intuition.

Theoretically, this mode of operation is related to cause and effect.

This is the most elusive concept in the extraordinary world, and even the gods cannot manipulate it without authorization, let alone those reincarnations who have just stepped into the third level.

But as Li Tianxiu, who successfully observes the slate for the first time, can make his consciousness go back in time the second time, and has stepped into the third level of observation, the word difficulty is just an established destination for him.

The reason why he let go of the plague demon was to preserve this last trace of karma.

He wants to break through the existing observation shackles and go to a deeper realm!
 In a fit of anger, I made a joke with the Poet of Eternal Sin to see who gets the ten-day explosive badge first.


  I'm in Calvin, and that old six-day million is four days old!
  I feel so embarrassing! ! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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