Some people are born with obtuse angles

Chapter 483 The Gradually Clear Truth

Chapter 483 The Gradually Clear Truth (3.5K)

"Death...death...where are you?"

Time moves forward until the battle between the reincarnation and the war demon reaches a fever pitch.

Li Tianxiu's consciousness wandered back and forth around Heimu City, trying to find out the answer to this world.

Because from the perspective of time, the plague, hunger and war demons all attacked the reincarnated people at almost the same time, because the will of this world felt that their arrival would bring destruction.

But if this is the case, what is death doing?
They can easily feel the strength of the enemy, but he has no breath of death so far.

This guy can't be ready to single out all reincarnations, can he?

With such doubts, Li Tianxiu searched for a long time.

But since there was no intersection between the two, he didn't find any inspiration.

"Huh? Plague?"

After an unknown amount of time, Li Tianxiu's attention was drawn away by the plague, and he saw the decadent man again.

"who are you?"

Plague leaned back on a park bench, holding a half-drunk can of carbonated water in his right hand.

In front of him stood a few men in suits and leather shoes, with mist emitting from their necks.

One of them took off his sunglasses and said hoarsely, "The headquarters asked us to bring you back."

"Oh, so it's you..."

The plague demon took a sip of his drink, the corner of his mouth raised mockingly.

He remembered that these two were the demon hunters with the smoke ability in Blackwood City, Nicotine Zhen and Furong Wang Yuan.

If it was in its heyday, it would be no problem for him to deal with two alone, but now...

"Don't rush to do it, you look at this first."

Zhen opened one side of the suit, fumbled in the pocket for a while, and then blew on his mouth, blowing a smoke ring on his face.

"This is……"

The Plague Demon is immune to diseases and curses, took a breath unscrupulously, and immediately widened his eyes: "Mother's smell!"

"Can I go now?"

With his hands in his pockets, Yuan asked coldly.


The plague demon threw the jar aside, patted his pants and stood up.


Li Tianxiu narrowed his eyes.

He seemed to feel a hint of inspiration dripping into the vast land, and it quickly took root and sprouted under the nourishment of rain and dew.


The connection between cause and effect, like this.

The night in the suburbs was quiet, and the plague demon got into their silver off-road vehicle and drove all the way to a substation in the suburbs.

They went around behind the two main transformers and into the underground car park.

After getting out of the car, they entered the nearest elevator.

The interior of the elevator is bright and spacious. There are only three buttons 1, 0, and -1 on the metal panel wall, but after Zhen's ID card is recognized, two touch-activated buttons -2 and -3 are unlocked under the metal panel.

Zhen pressed the button to go to the second basement floor, and the elevator went all the way down, moving about 2 meters before stopping.

And when the door opened, Li Tianxiu clearly sensed a vague barrier that blocked his consciousness from entering.

"what is this?"

Li Tianxiu was puzzled.

The reason why observation is called a divine skill is because its priority is infinitely close to the god level, and it can be said that it will basically not encounter obstacles under the fifth difficulty.

Could it be that in this third-difficulty world, is there still someone who can surpass divine skills?


He couldn't help but think so.

If the physical body is destroyed during observation, it may cause the consciousness to be unable to return and be trapped in this world.


Lawrence's body is in Yongyao.

"Calm down, Li Tianxiu."

Li Tianxiu put aside the distracting thoughts in his mind and quickly calmed down.

This chaotic mist cannot be invaded, and it should not be supplemented by improving mental power, but by increasing the priority of skills.

The plague was deliberately let go by him, disrupting his fate of death, which can be regarded as a seed of cause and effect being planted.

Now that the plague has been brought in, it means that what will happen here is related to Li Tianxiu.

As long as he follows the direction of cause and effect, he should be able to break through this barrier.

"bring it on."

Li Tianxiu's consciousness was emptied again, and the real picture in front of him became a red and green vision in his eyes.

This is the vision of energy, obviously inaccessible.

So he modified the filter conditions again, turning the world into a black and white linear space.

This is a perspective that transforms the world into a mathematical model, which is composed of geometry and arithmetic, and it is easier to deduce the physical nature of changes in things.

This is obviously not right either.

Li Tianxiu is not discouraged, like looking for a needle in a haystack, he constantly eliminates the redundant characteristics of things and focuses on one point.

In his eyes, the world is also constantly changing into a jagged, granular, faulted sponge map, and so on.

Finally, in a field of vision that was as muddy as sewage, he saw a light point slowly moving forward.


This is the direction.

Li Tianxiu's consciousness swam forward, like swimming in mud, chasing it was extremely difficult.

He heard voices ahead.

"Dr. McCann, we've worked it out."

In reality, the three passed by and walked deep into the research facility under the leadership of a researcher.

An excited researcher ran up, stood in front of the frontmost researcher, walked back and said: "Project 2319 has been successful, the embryo has matured and landed!"


Dr. McCann was slightly taken aback, then turned to look at the plague, and said with a smile, "Before going to the leader, let me show you around."

"Is it necessary?"

Looking at the artificial devil embryos soaked in culture fluid on both sides of the laboratory, the plague devil lost interest.

He came here to see where his mother's breath came from, other things were out of his scope.

"It's still there."

Dr. McCann raised his hand to signal him to move forward, pointing to the training cabin next to him and said, "Although the leaders and your stances are different, those who have reached the top level of strength will have their own bottom line in their hearts, and their views on the world will also be different." Not simply limited to good and evil.

It is also convenient for us to reach an agreement before we communicate, isn't it? "

"As you please."

The plague demon said impatiently.

So they were led by the researcher into a brightly lit room.

The walls here are painted white, and a hexagonal cage is surrounded by tempered glass in the middle, and a strange fusion monster is locked in the cage.

The guy is huge, with thick and steady legs, and his eyes are extremely deep, exuding a light of wisdom.

The young researcher held a digital board, looked at the data on it, pointed at the monster and introduced: "2319 is a new species created by us by extracting various genes of demons and performing phase matching. We call it Aqiu .

It combines the characteristics of various species, with the food intake of a pig, the eyes of a python, the speed of a turtle, and the memory of a fish..."

"What do you say?"

Dr. McCann turned his head and looked at him with "Are you mentally retarded?" eyes.

"I... I mean, it's the first...artificial demon to be successfully born in a lab.

The intention is to feel that highly aggressive samples are difficult to survive, hoping to cause qualitative changes through quantitative changes, such as negative and positive..."

While the young researcher was talking, he heard the fusion monster let out a wail, and fell heavily to the ground, dead.


The plague demon couldn't help laughing out loud, jokingly said, "There are still mayfly lives, right?"

Dr. McCann felt very ashamed, and said angrily: "Who proposed this project, and who was responsible for reviewing and signing it? Transfer me to the third district to study the toilet-sweeping devil!"

"Ah this..."

The young researcher wanted to explain, but the latter had already walked away with his hands behind his back.

He quickly chased after him.



Dr. McCann turned around angrily.


The researcher said in a low voice: "You signed this project at the beginning."

McCann: "..."

Researcher: "So when are we going to District Three?"


McCann didn't remember this at all, and raised his hand in frustration to lash out.

Seeing this, the researcher ran away in a hurry.


The plague demon laughed unscrupulously, and Zhen Heyuan behind him couldn't help laughing.

This puts Dr. McCann in disrepute.

The current demons and demon hunters are all products of natural mutation, and there is still a long way to go before the maturity of this technology.

"Makan, bring the plague in."

Just when McCann was so embarrassed that he wanted to dig out three rooms and one living room on the ground, a voice on the radio saved him.


McCann let out a long sigh of relief, adjusted his mood and led the way ahead.

After walking through five corridors in a row, they came to the elevator that only executives could take.

"You are waiting here."

Let Zhen Heyuan stand by, and McCann entered the fourth underground floor with the plague.

The elevator door opened, and what came into view was a dimly lit room in a baseball field.

A chaotic ball of light resting on a triangular magnetic bracket floats in the center of the room, half a meter above the ground.

"how is this possible……"

The plague demon's eyes widened, and he shook his head in disbelief, "The door is obviously...the smell of mother..."

"You came?"

A man in a windbreaker was standing next to the ball of light, turning around slowly.

He is the founder of the Demon Administration Bureau and the head of the seven legendary demon hunters, known as the madman.


The plague demon cursed secretly, and ran away subconsciously.

It's just that the elevator door behind him has been closed, and it's hard to break through with extraordinary strength, let alone the current him.

In desperation, he could only hold the nearest Dr. McCann hostage, and said angrily: "Do you know what you are studying?!"

The four disasters of annihilation originate from the causal source of the world.

The mother in the mouth of the plague is the will of the world that lingers in this world.

But this chaotic and disorderly thing in front of him exudes an aura of destruction everywhere, and it is simply a sinister pretender.

"Don't be afraid, Plague, she is your mother."

Kuangmo walked forward unhurriedly, opened his hands and said, "At least, a small part is already there."

"What did you say?!"

Hearing the words, the plague demon had a bad premonition in his heart.

what is...

Already a small part of it?
"The order of this world is collapsing, and the damage caused by the demons that emerge every day has far exceeded the current level of productivity that can be restored."

"According to our calculations, in another 150 years, our civilization will fall back to the barbaric period of 2000 years ago. If the frequency of demon disasters does not slow down by then, then human beings will be completely extinct.

When human beings are extinct, you demons will also kill each other, and in the end there will be nothing left. "

"That's also a natural choice!" Plague trembled.

"No, your mother is ill, and there seems to be no cure."

Mad Demon stopped in his footsteps, raised his voice and said, "Now we have found an existence that can perfectly replace her, but we need a lot of knowledge for supplementary study, and the materials are your bodies that are differentiated from the origin of the world."

"whispering sound!"

Plague sneered and said, "If you want it so much, then come and get it."


Professor McCann suddenly responded, and his body suddenly swelled and hardened at that moment.

The plague demon couldn't be suppressed, and was knocked down by McCann.

When he looked up again, a huge monster had already crushed him under him.

 Riwan small badge progress (3/10)

(End of this chapter)

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