Chapter 81 Catch You
"Lie Feng? Lie Feng?"

"What's wrong with you? Can you hear me?"

Hearing the sound from the earphones, Qingniao and Li Tianxiu called Lie Feng's name one after another.

It's just that there was no answer from the other side.

"Damn! Something happened to him!" Blue Bird said anxiously.

"I'm almost ready, you find a way to bring Wushuang out."

"Where are you?"

"The recital room."

"The recital room?"

While the two were talking, the huge mother had already arrived at the place where Lie Feng disappeared, and the leather high heels made a rattling sound in the night sky.

She quietly came to the pool, touched the water surface with her hands, and then showed a sad expression.

But soon, her attention was disturbed by a sound not far away, and she got up and left the fountain square.

"Yah! Ya!"

The bushes in the garden are getting taller and taller. They sway in the night wind, and their swaying branches are like struggling hands, which will drag passers-by into them at any time.

The ones who made the shrill and strange noises were small tree spirits with green skins. Their backs were connected to the vines of the bushes. Their skins were rough and hard, and their mouthparts were as sharp as mosquitoes.

These gadgets are not strong, it can be said that they are one knife at a time.

But the problem is that there are too many of them, and they continue to flow one after another.

Accidentally, Admiral Wushuang's back was climbed up by a little dryad.

The sharp mouthparts pierced through the gap in the body armor and planted a tree seed.The tree species grew when exposed to blood, sucking his blood like a leech, and quickly grew roots.

"Damn it, I would have worn armor if I knew it earlier!"

With one knife, the tree spirit attacking from the right was cut into pieces of wood. Admiral Wushuang dug his fingers into the flesh with great difficulty, and forcibly pulled out the tree seed.

Because wearing armor is too weird, sometimes it is not conducive to action, so he always wears cheap body armor when entering missions. At this time, the disadvantage of insufficient protection is revealed.

Ants killed elephants more, and he couldn't clean them up quickly with a knife as his weapon. Coupled with the exhaustion of physical strength, his body would suffer more and more injuries.

To make matters worse, there were heavy footsteps not far away.

Mom is here!

"Wu Shuang! Follow my summoned creature!"

A ferocious cat demon and vicious dog half the height of a person came out from the nearby bushes, and spit out two wind blades from its mouth, cutting off stretches of vines.

The surrounding dryads spotted them and turned on them.

Surprisingly, they don't seem to be able to damage summons in spirit form.

"If you come later, I will die!"

General Wushuang was refreshed and took a sip of the healing potion.

Qingniao left behind the cat demon and let the dog demon lead him forward.

At this time, the mother's figure had appeared around the corner.

"Wu Shuang, Qingniao, watch it. After I lead my mother into the room, you come out of the maze and set fire to the yard." Li Tianxiu's voice appeared on the other end of the earphone.

"Hurry up!"

Admiral Wushuang was very anxious.

The next second, Li Tianxiu's voice came from the speaker on the third floor of the villa.

"Ahem, hello, all you demons and goblins, I'm Flandre, a cute new reincarnation with a mission of two and a half hours, music."

General Wushuang: "???"

Blue Bird: "???"

Just before the two of them knew what he was doing, the sound of an electric guitar came from upstairs.

The volume was so loud that not only did my mother raise her head in displeasure, but she even trembled in fright because she was about to go mad with a guilty conscience, and she disarmed on the spot.


I'm about to go crazy and feel depressed all of a sudden.

"He started working again?"

Chen Xi frowned, lifted a corner of the curtain, and immediately hid when he saw his mother looking up.

excuse me.

"I wash kelp, I wash kelp, Sono, I wash kumi..."

The magic sound pierced the ears, and there was a bit of pain, and the large group of little tree demons felt desperate and reduced their desire to attack.

And this extremely disturbing volume, coupled with the restless effect of the occasional frenzied scale, also made my mother give up the small and troublesome General Wushuang and set off to walk towards the villa.

"Let's go! You speed up!"

Seeing this, Qingniao hurriedly urged Admiral Wushuang to speed up.

And above, Li Tianxiu was still outputting.

"Fish strips! You should fight whoever you want, and you'll explode!"

Q: "Pfft!"

Black Widow: "What exploded?"

Chen Xi: "Second Miss's reputation was murdered."

About to go mad: "My whole body hurts..."

The tree spirit in the garden was howling, and everyone on the second floor also expressed their ignorance, while Li Tianxiu monitored his mother's route through the camera.

Probably because the level of hatred was not enough, she did not choose to flash upstairs, but took the stairs normally.

But her speed was not slow, and she arrived at the corner of the second floor within 2 minutes.

Dream Talisman!

Through the small speaker temporarily placed there, Li Tianxiu launched a phantom attack, which is the maximum effective range of the notes.

After being attacked, the mother's body was obviously stiff, but she recovered quickly, and her expression became more angry.

"Very good, it can take effect."

Although it was only a short second, Li Tianxiu was very satisfied with the result.He locked in the timing and turned on the tape recorder to take over the performance. At the same time, he climbed out of the window, closed the window, jumped down, grabbed the fence on the edge of the second floor, and fell in.

Two seconds later, my mother pushed the door open and walked in, looking around the empty studio.

Seeing that there seemed to be no one around, she picked up the tape recorder and felt the faint residual warmth.

"Where are you?"

He casually squeezed the noisy tape recorder, sensed the direction where the temperature disappeared, opened the window and stared down.

That's where the temperature disappears.


With a loud grabbing sound, Mom fell down the second floor.


Li Tianxiu didn't leave, but lay on the table wearing earphones and entered a state of meditation.

In this state, his breathing is close to sleeping, which can restore his mental strength, and he can also keenly perceive the external changes.

This is also the third rule he wants to prove tonight, whether it is safe to sleep or not.


Looking at the target in front of her eyes, her mother didn't pause for a long time and walked towards Li Tianxiu.

Da da da.

The hard sole makes a crisp sound when in contact with the ground.

Mom walked up to the desk, her expression was still angry, she lowered her head to Li Tianxiu's side, her eyes without pupils reflected his profile.

The cold breath caressed his cheeks, carrying a corrupting force.

If you can't resist the fear in your heart, you will be forced to stand up and fight back by this invisible pressure.

But Li Tianxiu was unmoved like an old monk in meditation.


Mom reached out and grabbed him.

(End of this chapter)

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