Chapter 99
"It's half past ten, so you don't have to wait until midnight, right?"

In room 206, Li Tianxiu put down his needlework, opened the curtains and took a look outside.

The burning of the courtyard seemed to have done a lot of harm to my mother. She was still busy below at this time, and she seemed to have no intention of coming up.

So, Li Tianxiu picked up the candy and the doll's clothes that he had just sewn, and walked to the bathroom.

The conflict in Miss Mary's story is very simple. The puppet's longing for its master has turned into resentment during the long-term neglect.

And since love breeds hatred, then this issue can be transferred from the prevention of sneak attacks to the field of scumbags.

From this point of view, the reason why the dolls were neglected has become the number one problem that must be solved.

In this regard, Li Tianxiu's idea is to make a good-looking dress for the doll. When she shows up on the phone, first say "Surprise Motherfucker", and then use the clothes as a jingle bell with lightning speed. Present.

Tell me how much you have suffered from those scheming bad dolls in order to prepare this gift for her in the past few years.

In the end, I have achieved something in my studies, and it is an inspirational story of returning with my own work and reuniting with a broken mirror.

After this combination of punches, normal women may be beaten, let alone these little monsters with not very perfect minds.

"I'm sure she will be very moved."

After tidying up his appearance in front of the mirror for a while, Li Tianxiu turned off the light with a smile.

"Miss Mary, I'm back."

"Miss Mary, you...should be single now, right?"

"Miss Mary, please marry me!"

After chanting the name three times emphatically, the lights in the bathroom suddenly began to flicker rapidly.

Then, the phone rang.

Jingle Bell!
Jingle Bell!
"Hello, Miss Mary."

Li Tianxiu picked up the phone and leaned against the wall naturally.

"Hello, intruder, I'm coming to find you~"

It was the same opening statement, and Miss Mary's tone was full of joy.


From the analysis of the timbre, the other party did not use an adult CV, which made Li Tianxiu frowned.

If the other party is a child, many methods are inappropriate to use.

After all, he is not a Lolicon.

"Beep beep..."

A busy tone rang on the other end of the phone, and Li Tianxiu hung up the phone.

According to the introduction of the story, there are still two phone calls, and Miss Mary is coming.

Jingle Bell!
"Hello there!"

"I'm outside your door now, do you want to open the door for me?"

"The door is open, come in."

"Beep beep..."


After hanging up the phone for the second time, Li Tianxiu frowned.

With such an innocent and lively tone, how can there be any resentment towards the master?
"Could it be sick and delicate?"

Li Tianxiu was guessing, but the lights in the room went out instantly.

The third time the phone rang.

Glancing at the unopened door, Li Tianxiu picked up the receiver.

"I'm behind you now~"


Li Tianxiu was about to turn his head, but a dangerous feeling came from his neck, and his hair suddenly stood on end!
She is coming!
Li Tianxiu moved back suddenly, and at the same time picked up the water glass on the table, and poured it in the direction of the crisis.

The cold water fell unimpeded, splashing all over the place.

The room quickly fell silent, as if nothing had happened.

Li Tianxiu touched his neck, there was a tiny scratch on it, he reacted the moment he was hit, and then avoided the attack.

In other words, when Miss Mary was moving and attacking, he couldn't notice it at all.

The same sense of crisis came again, Li Tianxiu quickly dodged, and a small cut was made on his collar.

The position of the opponent is still not able to be sensed.

"You are not Miss Mary!"

Li Tianxiu spread his hands, his gaze became sharp.

For others, not being able to perceive the enemy may be due to their lack of academic skills, but if it happened to him, it was not as simple as a problem of ability.

Because he is the best at observation, even existences like space barriers and mothers cannot escape his surveillance.

As a branch of the mission world, even if Miss Mary's ability is invisible, the upper limit is absolutely impossible to exceed the "absolutely powerful" mother.

She is not Miss Mary!
The sword light streaked across the darkness, and Li Tianxiu cut through the air, so he opened the umbrella to cover half of his body, and at the same time gave up the hole in his back, and secretly took out the underground rose.

Chord of death!

Accompanied by a piercing string-bending sound, a vague shadow appeared in front of Li Tianxiu on the left.

After seeing her danger, Li Tianxiu didn't hesitate, quickly condensed a bolt of lightning with his right hand, and threw it precisely in the direction where the abnormality appeared!
It's sizzling!

The blue streamer hit the enemy, bringing the petite figure over and overturning the sofa beside it, exuding a burning smell.

The sofa is muddy.


A hat tied with a ribbon bow fell to the ground, "Miss Mary" picked it up and put it on her head again, looking curiously at Li Tianxiu's guitar: "Did you use this to fight?"

It was a girl who looked to be only eight or nine years old. She had gray-green short hair with a shawl, a wide long-sleeved top that was a bit playful, and a light green knee-length skirt embroidered with patterns of petals.

A vine-like tube wrapped around her body, outlining the shape of a heart. A strange closed eye was connected to the tube, floating quietly in front of her chest.

"Feel a monster?"

Looking at the girl's shape, Li Tianxiu couldn't help being stunned.

Now he understood why he couldn't perceive the other party's existence. The legendary Jueyoukai had the ability to read minds. Some works said that their ability came from the floating Jue's Eye.

And after choosing to close the eyes of Jue forever, Jueyoukai will have the ability to manipulate the unconscious.

She can manipulate the opponent's subconscious mind so that the opponent cannot recognize her own existence.

This is a subconscious ignorance, not a blindfold.

But the problem is...

Why is there a sense here?

"You know me?" Jue Yaokai asked curiously.

"Ah, I've heard of it."

Li Tianxiu quickly adjusted his mood, sat on the sofa with the guitar, raised his eyebrows and said, "Want to learn? I can teach you."


Jue Yaokai's expression suddenly became happy, and he trotted up and sat on it.


Li Tianxiu nodded slightly, plucking the strings with his fingers.

The power of the lightning bolt is not very high, but it still has 124 points, and it can also deal damage when it hits the emperor.

Judging from the current situation, Jue Yaokai hardly felt the slightest pain reaction, which meant that her vitality was at least at the level of her mother's, and she couldn't be killed at all.

Furthermore, her character is a bit naive.

The reason for attacking humans is probably for fun, not rules.

Like she stopped attacking now.

To deal with such a role, you must do what you like.

(End of this chapter)

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