My father-in-law is Kangxi

Chapter 130 Princess

Chapter 130 Princess
Shu Shu didn't dare to delay and got out of the carriage.

The Qifujin in front also got off the car.

The two looked at each other.

Although they were decently dressed, they were just ordinary clothes, a few pieces of jewelry, and no makeup. In addition, they were busy all day, and they were full of dust, which was completely different from the first appearance they had imagined before.

"Don't say it's Lu Fu, I'm afraid it's not just showing cowardice?"

Qi Fujin was annoyed: "The jewelry given by Concubine Yi, I tried on two pieces in the morning, thinking that I will arrive at the right place tomorrow, so I put it in my luggage again..."

The Empress Dowager summoned Lijian, and their sisters-in-law couldn't delay, they didn't have time to readjust their makeup, so they had to just go.

While talking, the two arrived at Wufujin's place.

Wu Fujin was already waiting, took a look at Qi Fujin, and greeted her: "I have a spare pair of shoes in the car... just not new..."

Qi Fujin lowered his head, showing annoyance: "How did I forget this?"

She was wearing one-inch-high flat-bottomed flag shoes, not to mention her short stature, and the lower part of the cheongsam also had her feet kicked, making her look a little sloppy and awkward.

"Thank you sister-in-law..."

Qi Fujin said, and couldn't wait to get on the carriage.

Shu Shu was embarrassed, she was thinking about jewelry just now, but she didn't pay attention to Qifu Jin's stature.

In fact, Shu Shu also wears one-inch flag shoes, but she has grown an inch taller these days.

Even among the noble ladies of the Eight Banners, this stature is outstanding.

In addition, he has good manners, and wearing flat flag shoes will not slump like others, and his posture is still upright, so he can't go wrong.

When Qi Fujin got out of the carriage, he had already changed into two-and-a-half-inch flag shoes.

The sisters-in-law were standing together, but there was still an obvious gap in stature.

"My four-and-a-half-inch shoes are in the luggage..."

Seven Fujin's voice was annoyed.

"It's okay, let's just make up the number and go through the motions. The princess reunites with her relatives after a long absence. I have my own words. How can I pay attention to these..."

Shu Shu comforted her.

While talking, the three arrived in front of the queen mother's car.

The queen mother had already got out of the carriage, holding a beautiful woman in a flag dress in her hand.

Yes, beauty.

Even if she is not as bright as Concubine Yi and as gentle as Concubine Liang, she still has her own charm.

This should be the "Three Princesses" and Princess He Shuo Duanjing.

She looks to be in her twenties, with white skin like snow, delicate eyebrows and eyes, and a petite and cute figure...

Shu Shu's first feeling was that she didn't look like a princess.

Not only does she not look like a princess, she doesn't even look like a noble lady from the Eight Banners, on the contrary, she looks like a charming young lady raised in a deep boudoir.

The princess of Fumeng has such character!

Shu Shu somewhat understood why among the four princesses in Fumeng, this one was the one with the lowest status as a biological mother, but she pointed out that she was the closest to the capital.

You should be worried!
After all, Kangxi is the real father, not the descendant.

Several Fujin looked at the princess, and the princess also looked over tenderly.

The Queen Mother greeted several people to come forward, and said to the princess: "This is the fifth Fujin, and this is the seventh Fujin, who married into the palace together last year... This is the old Jiu Fujin, the great-great-granddaughter of Princess Wenzhe, who was born to both great-grandmother and grandmother." The lineage of Prince Li Lie..."

Shu Shu was beside her and understood what the Queen Mother meant.

Because Brother Jiu had mentioned earlier that besides Princess Heshuo, there are still several princesses, county masters and ancestral daughters who were fond of Meng in the early years of the Karaqin tribe, most of whom are from the lineage of Prince Lilie.

This is the imperial court's favor for the clan of this lineage, even if the clan's daughter Fumeng is the nearest to the capital.

In this way, they are relatives again.

The princess held hands with several younger siblings one by one to salute, with curved eyebrows and closeness, and then praised one by one in front of the queen mother: "The emperor's grandmother is so lucky, and the granddaughter-in-law is such a talent... The fifth younger siblings are graceful, and the seventh younger siblings are graceful, The nine younger brothers and sisters are well-behaved and lovely..."

The queen mother smiled and said: "They are all selected out of thousands of choices, and they get along well with the elder brothers. They are affectionate and loving. It makes people happy to see..."

The princess was still smiling, and when she looked at Shu Shu and the others, she was envious.


Shu Shu looked at some bad guesses.

The Empress Dowager didn't get in the car, and was surrounded by everyone and entered the palace.

On the left hand of the queen mother are two concubines, and on the right hand are the princess, concubine Yi and concubine Zhang.

The princess's birth mother, Bu Guiren, and Guerjia nobleman were one step behind, walking alongside Shu Shu and the other three.

I didn't see Guo Guiren, nor did I see a few people agreeing.

Promises are not qualified to be in front of the Queen Mother, so what about Guo Guiren?
I have been out of Beijing for more than ten days, but I have not seen that person.

Shu Shu pressed back the doubts in her heart, and glanced at Bu Guiren.

Bu Guiren's eyes were red.

The princess had just been polite and alienated to this biological mother, and was not much closer than other concubine mothers.

But this is also normal, because of the rules in the palace, the emperor's daughter will be carried to Zhaoxiang's upbringing as soon as she lands.

After one year of age, it is raised and lived, and then refers to the upbringing of a foster mother with status.

They wait until they are six or seven years old and then move out of the palace and live in the princess house at the back of the queen mother's palace.

A low-level concubine has no chance to get along with her own daughter at all.

Who is the princess' adoptive mother?
You must know that although this princess is ranked as the "Three Princesses" according to the time of canonization, the "Eldest Princess" is an adopted daughter.

She is the second imperial daughter to live with.

The preface comes first, whether it is a princess or a prince, they are all precious.

It can't be the fourth concubine, otherwise something would have been revealed.

It won't be Queen Tong either. In that case, growing up with the fourth elder brother will always be remembered in history.

Mostly because of Empress Xiaozhao and the mysteriously disappearing "Concubine An" and "Concubine Jing", no one mentioned this.

Before Shu Shu could ask Brother Nine, he got the answer.

The crowd surrounded the queen mother into the palace and just took their seats.

A eunuch came to report that the princes and elder brothers have come to greet the princess.

The third elder brother was the leader, and several prince elder brothers came in one by one.

Brother Seven, who had disappeared in front of people for a few days, was also there.

The princess stood up to greet her, and looked at the brothers.

Princess Kangxi was born in the thirteenth year, older than all the princes.

"Third sister is still graceful and elegant..."

The third elder brother was very enthusiastic and familiar: "I still remember the scene when Khan Ama taught us to recite poems, and these years have passed in the blink of an eye..."

The princess smiled and said: "The third brother is also becoming more and more extraordinary, congratulations to the third brother for being a knight..."

The third elder brother was faintly proud: "It's all Khan Amaron..."

The remaining fifth elder brother, seventh elder brother, ninth elder brother, and the princess are all different in age, and they seem to have no relationship with each other, and they are all polite to each other.

Even with the fifth elder brother, the princess didn't show much intimacy.

Temperament is evident.

Otherwise, no matter from the perspective of the Empress Dowager, she should be somewhat close.

On the contrary, for Elder Brother Ten, Princess Duanjing held hands, looked carefully, and her eyes turned red: "It's so big..."

Shu Shu saw it in her eyes and knew it in her heart.

This princess should have been raised by Empress Xiaozhao.

Elder Brother Ten was also moved, looking at the princess' expression: "My sister's life is going well..."

Princess Duanjing was caressed by Kangxi in the [-]st year, and Elder Brother Shi was already ten years old at that time.

Looking at how the siblings get along, they are also very close.

Princess Duanjing nodded: "I'm fine, I live comfortably, and the supply is abundant... How has my brother been doing these past few years?"

"Okay! It's about the same time as the empress..."

Elder Brother Shi replied: "The emperor's grandmother is kind, and Concubine Yi also takes care of her..."

Princess Duanjing looked at the Queen Mother and Concubine Yi with gratitude on her face.

After talking with the tenth elder brother, it is the last thirteenth elder brother.

This one is the younger brother.

And it's from the favorite concubine.

Princess Duanjing's expression was just ordinary, and she only said: "When I left Beijing, Brother Thirteen hadn't entered school yet, and now he's so old..."

Elder Brother Thirteen had never gotten along with this half-sister, but only remembered her wedding and smiled shyly.

Princess Duanjing prepared gifts for her younger brothers, each with a Mongolian knife.

"There is a good craftsman in the flag, and the forging of knives is good, you should keep it for rewarding..."

Princess Duanjing said politely.

When she arrived at Elder Brother Ten, she spoke softly: "You are growing up too, and you will be riding a horse when you go in and out..."

Therefore, Elder Brother Ten here is a double gift, in addition to the same Mongolian knife as the brothers, there is also a saddle inlaid with gold and jade, and a horsewhip with a handle inlaid with gems.

"I also got a good horse, in the Princess Mansion, I will give it to you later..."

On the face of Princess Duanjing, she still had a humble appearance, wishing to give everything she had.

Others are okay, most of them know the origin of the two.

After the death of Empress Xiaozhao, Princess Duanjing did not choose another adoptive mother, and was usually taken care of by Concubine Wen Xi.

The scene in front of me is nothing but the imperial concubine Yu Ze.

Even the thirteenth elder brother, if he doesn't know this, he is just envious.

The third elder brother couldn't hold back his expression, his face was turning green.

Shu Shu, Wu Fujin and Qi Fujin also received the princess' meeting ceremony.

One set of coral beads per person, one pair of coral eighteen sons.

Looking exquisite and simple, it is the style of the capital. This should be a dowry gift for the princess.

Because I was doing well, there was no banquet that night.

The next day, Shengjia arrived at the residence of the Prince's Mansion in Harqin Right Banner, which is also where the Princess Mansion is located.

Prince Baylor and Fujin Zongdaughter from the two banners of the Harqin Tribe gathered at the Princess Mansion.

Shengjia is directly stationed in the Princess Mansion.

Naturally, Shu Shu and others also moved in.

The Princess Mansion occupies an extremely vast area. Although the regulations are three-span and five-entry courtyards, the courtyards are very large.

There are also more buildings than ordinary five-entry courtyards.

Shu Shu was assigned to a separate yard again.

Just after the resettlement here, the eunuch sent a message that the princess and her son-in-law will have a banquet tonight to clean up the dust for everyone.

Xiaotang had already dug out two flag outfits and prepared them, both of which were embroidered cloaks inlaid with tapestry.

In order to wear the collar, today I chose the one with the crane pattern on the small stand collar, and then put on the pink tourmaline and gold collar given by Concubine Yi.

Two gold hairpins are also on the head, and three pairs of tourmaline earrings are worn on the ears.

It's just that when wearing the bracelet, Shu Shu also wore the eight-treasure bracelet bestowed by the Queen Mother in addition to the matching tourmaline bracelet, which didn't look awkward.

It was this whole set of jewelry that weighed several kilograms, making people straighten their neck unconsciously, for fear that the gold jewelry would fall off.

Even the wrist is not easy to lift.

Today's flag shoes, the standard three-inch height, are not ordinary simple embroidery, but magnolia flowers embroidered with pearls and coral beads on the side, and coral tassels on the front.

It was the first time for Shu Shu to dress up like this, and she felt like a cheongsam doll.

Brother Jiu looked at it, and couldn't move his eyes at first, and then began to protest: "Do you have to wear such tall shoes? What should I do if I sprain my feet?"

Shu Shu stretched out her finger: "Just this time, the empress has specially instructed that the face of the court represented by the Mongolian Fujin cannot be compared to that of the Mongolian Fujin..."

(End of this chapter)

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