Chapter 21 Makeup
When June came, time passed quickly, and in a blink of an eye it was the day when Dong E's house set up a wedding shed.

Two days before the wedding, relatives add makeup as usual.

The family relatives here have sent the big heads early, and the rest are jewelry materials among the female relatives.

But for the in-laws, Prince Kang Taifujin sent his confidantes and mothers to give him the land deed, adding a large estate in Haidian, a handle of gold and jade Ruyi, a pair of emerald heads, and a string of coral pearls.

No one paid attention to her, after all, she was a direct aunt and the most honorable person among her in-laws.

Only in this way, the dowry became an odd number, Jue Luo Shi discussed with Mrs. Uncle, reluctant to reduce it, and decided to add one.

Dong E's family is willing to reduce the amount of dowry, which is to abide by the rules of seniority and inferiority, but the amount of dowry depends entirely on the wishes of the mother's family.

There were exactly ten marriages before, and the number of shops and houses was even, so we needed to add a Zhuangzi or fertile land.

"There is another Zhuangzi in Gongzhong, but it is in Changping, and the location is a bit off...or else add that one first, and find a suitable one later and then change it..."

Jueluo hesitated, because there was no suitable one in the first place, so he replaced the land in Tongzhou uniformly.

Mrs. Uncle said: "I still have Zhuangzi, who is in Huairou, but it is farther away."

There is a limit of forty miles for bannermen stationed in Beijing to leave Beijing.

For more than forty miles, it is convenient for business affairs, but it is very troublesome to leave Beijing for private reasons. You have to report to the assistant leader where you are, and you can only leave Beijing after the official approves and issues a stamp.

Even the princes of the clan, without a valid reason, it is not good to send people out of Beijing.

Zhuangzi in the outer suburbs is inconvenient to take care of, and it cannot be watched by old-fashioned people, so the benefits are limited.

Shu Shu came over with his cousin sister-in-law, who just listened attentively, and hurriedly dissuaded: "No need to add more, there is no need to make an even number..."

Gui Zhen said straightforwardly: "I have a small village in Daxing, it's only [-] acres of small village, it's all sand-alkaline land, and I only grow fruits and vegetables on weekdays, with limited prospects, I'm planning to add makeup to my sister, my sister Just don't dislike simplicity..."

Shu Shu hastily declined: "Sister-in-law, don't join in the fun... If the county prince's mansion finds out, it will look like our family is searching for sister-in-law's dowry..."

"Can't it be me, the cousin, who honors you, Prince Fujin, in advance?"

Gui Zhen hugged Shu Shu: "We are all in the same family, so don't be polite, or if you are too noble, you will accept the makeup? My sister-in-law has no orders, so you will not accept it if you are contemptuous?"

Shu Shu didn't know whether to laugh or cry, looked at Mrs. Uncle and Jue Luo Shi, saw the two nodding, and said: "Then accept sister-in-law's favor, and I will add them when I have a nephew and niece..."

In fact, Shu Shu still holds two shops in her hands, two Zhuangzi, both of which were intercepted and bought from Brother Jiu, but the three have been "resold" to Brother Jiu in name, so there is no need to move.

The previous shop has been operated in a low-key manner, and Shu Shu plans to leave it to his cousin Fu Song.

Fusong's status is noble, so he can't really just be used as a manager, but he, Ama, is partial to his step-wife and young son, and he is also absurd and useless.

In the early years of the Manchus, the eldest son Cheng Ding went out, and the youngest son kept the stove and took care of his parents.

Ma Jia used this as an excuse not to distribute the property to the Fusong family, and no one else could say anything.

If you talk about it vaguely, the teahouse separated from Qianjinfang is also considered as a property, but it didn't go to the Yamen to change the house and land deeds, and it was still counted as a shop.

A few days ago, Brother Nine was thinking for some reason, and said that he could put all the previous three properties under Shu Shu's name for marriage, but Shu Shu declined.

However, Shu Shu doesn't intend to take advantage of Tang's sister-in-law. The tea business that she thought about before has been well planned, and the wholesale tea house is also a part of it. This is the friendship between their sisters-in-law, Mrs. Uncle and Jue Luo would be happy to get close to them.

With the ten-mile red makeup of the Eight Fujins in front, many people stared at Dong E's family's dowry as soon as they went out.

As soon as the dowry was carried here for the last time, someone left the Dutong Mansion, and someone immediately sent a message to the inner house of the Anjun Prince's Mansion.

"One hundred and fourteen lifts! This is the character of the Dong E family!"

Tai Fujin was not surprised, and there was a bit of sarcasm at the corner of his mouth: "Only that fool, who claims to be of noble birth, is afraid that people will look down on him, and if others encourage him, he will fight for it. Is it really easy to be a royal daughter-in-law? She The dowry slaps Wu Fujin and Qi Fujin in the face, and leads the Empress Dowager and Concubine Yi from the back... It's Brother Seven, and Dai Jia's family name is also the old surname of the Ministry of Internal Affairs..."

Here in the palace, more people pay attention.

Qianqing Palace, Xinuang Pavilion.

Kangxi was looking at the records of the clan's mansion.

In April, the clan was investigated, and the nobles of Beizi Yunrui, Zhenguo Gong Liu Yong, Gendu, and Mingrui were removed. The assistant leaders of these four people have not yet been assigned.

According to Taizong's oath in life, Niulu under the Five Banners will only be transferred in this banner.

Kangxi squinted his eyes. Although the South Study Room was set up to curb the meeting of kings and ministers discussing politics, the clan also needed to be appeased.

The Manchus are small, and the clan has multiplied for several generations, and even the number of red belts is only three or four hundred.

The founding king has withered, and the Eight Banners' combat power is weakening, so it is really not appropriate to be turbulent again.

Thinking of this, he picked up a pen and wrote Zhu Pian.

Yun Duanzuo was given to the king of An Jun Ma Hun, Genduzuo was given to Zhen Guo Gong Mendu, Ming Rui Zuo was given to Zhen Guo Gong Tunzhu, these three are all entrusted, and Zuo Ling was transferred to the same branch; Zhen Guogong Liu Yong was the first seal, and the four assistants who belonged to him were allocated to the original one.

The princes have already been knighted, except for the eldest and the third son, the other princes are just Baylor, and they belong to a limited number of assistants. The lower five banners are enough for the public and middle leaders, and he does not intend to go down from the upper three banners.

An Junwang's family is crazy. In April, he just cut the Yunduan Viscount Bei, and in May, he still had a big banquet for relatives and friends. Did he know that he would not take the clan's sword?

Eighth brother...

Zhenglan flag...

Kangxi was still pondering, but Li Dequan had already bowed in.

Kangxi glanced at him and saw that he was holding a yellow purse in his hand: "Is this a reward from Brother Nine? Double copies?"

Li Dequan bowed, his face full of joy: "Thanks to the master, when the slave passed by, he caught up with the fifth master and the eighth master, and got several rewards..."

The sons are brothers and sisters, Kangxi can only feel relieved, and raised his eyebrows: "Dong E's family's dowry has been carried into the palace?"

"The servant waited until the last one was carried into Elder Brother's house before coming out... A total of [-] dowries were carried, and the boxes were full. Not to mention anything else, only books, calligraphy and paintings are full of eight boxes. I heard that there are many more. Rare Ben, seeing the third master's eyes straightened..."

"One hundred and fourteen lifts..."

Kangxi's face became more and more relaxed: "Qi Xi's style is passed down in the same line as Peng Chun, and his temperament is respectful..."

At the beginning, Sanfujin was his sister-in-law, even if she married in later, the dowry could still weigh on Sifujin's head, but it was only one hundred and twenty-two lifts, the same as sister-in-law.

Last month, one hundred and twenty of the eight lucky Jins carried their dowry into the palace. If we really want to talk about it, we didn't go past the sister-in-laws in front of us.

When I arrived at Dong E's house, if I didn't want to lose the wind, I could carry the dowry with [-], but I chose [-] to show courtesy to the sister-in-laws in front.

Ganxi No. [-], the main house.

The furniture and furnishings in the dowry have been laid out, and the others have also been put into storage.

Nanny Qi, who entered the palace with the dowry, took Xiaosong and Xiaotang to look at the house.

Brother Nine pursed his lips and called his brothers to drink in the front yard.

Now, although the elder prince has been granted a title, he hasn't set up a mansion yet. He lives in the No. [-] house in the east and the No. [-] house in the west. Xiangsuo.

Tomorrow is the day of the big wedding, today most of the brothers left after showing their faces, only the fifth elder brother, the eighth elder brother, and the tenth elder brother were there.

The fourteenth elder brother refused to leave at all, but he still had homework in the Shang study, so the fourth elder brother slipped away.

"Dong E's family knows the rules and pays attention to their daughter. This marriage is well chosen..."

The fifth elder brother is honest and honest, he doesn't know those oblique words, and said directly: "In the future, elder brother will hand it over to his younger siblings to take care of it, so as to save you from being sloppy, making a deficit, and always raking in money..."

Brother Jiu blushed, "Brother Fifth!"

The fifth elder brother didn't stop talking, just looked at him questioningly: "What expenses do you have? A loan is a few thousand taels, a few thousand taels last month, and a few thousand taels this month...Anyway, next time If you continue to cover up like this, if you don’t explain clearly, don’t coax money from me.”

The eighth elder brother and the tenth elder brother also looked at the ninth elder brother, each with doubts.

Both of them knew that the gift money given by Brother Ninth was three thousand taels before the big wedding of the eighth elder brother, was that borrowed?

The eighth elder brother felt uncomfortable, the three thousand taels of silver was not Lao Jiu's own, but he borrowed it from the fifth elder brother?

Fortunately, few people know about it, otherwise it would be like him, the older brother, coaxing his younger brother Yinzihua.

If it wasn't for sure that the fifth elder brother didn't know about it, he would have suspected that the fifth elder brother deliberately mentioned this in front of him.

The tenth elder brother glanced at the eighth elder brother quickly, and did not agree with the ninth elder brother's boldness before.

The elder brothers are all knighted, they will all have annual salaries in the future, and they will be filial to their disciples, so where is the money they need?

It's just that I gave it all, let's not talk about it, how did I spend the thousands of taels of silver this month?

People are in the palace, and they didn't go out twice in total, so it costs so much money?
"Ninth brother, are you being tricked? Immortal dance? Or gambling?"

Elder Brother Shi was worried: "I can't get involved in sex or gambling. At this juncture, it's really shameful to make a scene. It's a joke to hit Dong E's family in the face."

Brother Nine rolled his eyes at him: "What are you talking about? It's tight for a while, but it will be fine in a few months..."

The fifth elder brother said seriously: "Forget about these two times, I have the right to give you pocket money, and if you use the silver in the future, I will hand it over to my younger siblings, so you can save me from fooling me..."

Ninth elder brother can't laugh or cry: "Fifth brother, who is far and who is near?"

The fifth elder brother snorted softly: "Siblings are sisters, they are the same as you, they are all the same close, maybe they are more sensible and obedient than you..."

Brother Jiu didn't refute, thinking about Dong E's dowry list, his eyes lit up a little.

The dowry was one hundred and fourteen, the least among the princes Fujin, but no one would underestimate it. The box was full, which was no less generous than the dowry of the eighth Fujin.

The dowry post stated [-] taels of silver in the press box, which was [-] less than the [-] taels of Wufujin.

However, there are twelve marriages and births, only two fewer than Dafujin and Crown Princess, and equal to Bafujin.

Just in case, Brother Jiu was afraid that Dong E's dowry would be really difficult, so he sent five thousand taels of silver, and also expressed to his face that he could fill in the dowry with the three properties that had not been transferred.

Dong E's family said that the marriage and property had been fixed, and they didn't intend to move those properties, but they took the money.

Although it was said that there was less silver in the pressing box for noodles, which was less than what Brother Jiu took out, but Brother Jiu still realized Dong E's carefulness, which saved Wu Fujin's face.

The fifth elder brother is just generous and doesn't care about it, and he is not stupid. Just looking at his closeness to his future siblings, he knows that he knows it well and accepts this love.

(End of this chapter)

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