Chapter 25 Court Meeting Ceremony (new book for collection)

The next day, Nanny Zhou and Nanny Qi cleaned up the kang by themselves without using the maids.

Shu Shu sat in front of the dressing table, letting Xiao Yu comb her hair, but she couldn't help looking at Brother Jiu from the corner of her eyes.

who would have thought...

Brother Jiu is a fresh peach?

Never been bitten?
How can you be clumsy if you have experience?
Although it was a bit embarrassing for the first time, it doesn't look like a "sick peach" from the back?
But if he hadn't been "bitten" by someone, what happened to the two court ladies in the backyard?

Brother Jiu only felt that Shu Shu's eyes were like hooks, hooking him every now and then.

It's broad daylight...

His mouth is dry...

Is this overwhelmed?

Still not convinced?

this woman...

How dare you turn around...

Thinking about last night, Brother Jiu couldn't help gnashing his teeth again, but seeing the girl holding the high-soled flag shoes, he couldn't help reminding: "I'm going to several places in a while, I don't want to have such high shoes... ..."

There are chariots in the palace, but they are obviously not available to their younger generation, so no matter where they go, they have to walk there.

The newlyweds will go to the Ningshou Palace in the northeast corner of the palace today to meet the Empress Dowager, then go to the Qianqing Palace to meet the Emperor, go to the Yikun Palace in the West Sixth Palace to meet Concubine Yi, and then Yuqing Palace to meet their peers.

It was Xiao Chun who delivered the shoes, but he didn't take them away immediately, but looked at Shu Shu.

"For the two-inch pair..."

Shu Shu ordered.

In fact, Shu Shu's height is here, and she is not short in flat flag shoes, but that is too homely and rude.

Bannerman's rules, the most important thing is this ceremony, and today is the first time to pay respects to the elders.

Xiao Chun changed shoes and came over, Shu Shu changed into them, she was still dressed in a full set of auspicious clothes, but it was no longer the red color of yesterday, but the autumn fragrance color of Prince Fujin's clothes.

In order to catch up with time, the two had no time to have breakfast, and one of them came out of the second institute after drinking a bowl of noodle tea.

Ganxi Wusuo is five connected courtyards with three entrances, sharing a corridor at the front. It is located in the north and west of the Forbidden City, on the outer road of the West Inner Court.

The husband and wife didn't take many people with them. Behind Shu Shu were Xiaochun and Xiaosong who had changed into court ladies' costumes, and He Yuzhu was behind Jiu elder brother.

The husband and wife have met several times before, and they have dealt with each other, and they are not that unfamiliar and uncomfortable. In addition, they had a half-night fight last night, and they have more relationships, which is different.

"The empress dowager and several concubines all lived in Ningshou Palace. Earlier, the empress dowager was alive, and both the empress dowager and the concubine lived in the Cining Palace... Later the empress dowager passed away, and this side was repaired, so they all moved here Come……"

The two of them went out the side gate of Ganxi Wusuo, passed through the imperial garden, and arrived at the East Road, Brother Jiu was talking while walking.

The Forbidden City is a symmetrical building. When you leave the Imperial Garden, you will find the Gandong Wusuo corresponding to the Ganxi Wusuo.

From west to east, they are the first, second, third, fourth, and fifth.

"Big Brother, Third Brother, Fourth Brother, Fifth Brother, and Seventh Brother live here. This side was damaged in the early years, and it was repaired later than the west side. They only lived here in the past few years... A few years ago, they lived in San, Big Brother, Third Brother Live in Xiefang Hall, Fourth Brother, Seventh Brother, Eighth Brother live in Jingren Palace, Fifth Brother live in Ningshou Palace..."

Shu Shu listened carefully, and couldn't help gossiping in her heart, four four eight eight is a bamboo horse?
In addition, the five Ganxi schools plus the five Gandong schools are only ten courtyards, which cannot be separated no matter what.

The thirteenth elder brother and the fourteenth elder brother are not young anymore. One is thirteen years old and the other is eleven years old. They are not the age to live with concubines.

"Where do the thirteenth and fourteenth brothers live?"

Brother Nine pointed to the direction of the northeast corner: "They all live in Zhaoxiang's house... Wait until the brothers who are enshrined at the end of the year will move..."

Shu Shu had a bad feeling.

The eighth elder brother next door moved at the end of the year, so who came in?
Although I haven't seen Elder Fourteen yet, I also indirectly saw his stubbornness yesterday.

When the two of them said this, time passed quickly, and in about two quarters of an hour, they arrived outside Ningshou Palace.

A palace man had been waiting for a long time. When he saw the two people coming, he immediately sent a message.

After a while, an elderly palace nurse came out to send a message, calling the two of them to go in.

The queen mother did not ascend to the palace, and met people directly in Dongcijian.

The queen mother is in her fifties, with a typical Mongolian appearance, high cheekbones and single eyelids, a little rich, homely attire, a stone blue loose robe, and hair on her head. She is holding a bunch of Hetian white jade [-] seeds in her hand, sitting cross-legged On the kang.

Sitting on the chairs on the ground were two concubines of similar age, also Mongolian concubines, the older one was Concubine Duan Shun, and the younger one, who looked similar to the Empress Dowager, was the Empress Dowager's sister, Concubine Shuhui.

Shu Shu followed Ninth Brother to give the Queen Mother a "meeting ceremony".

A brocade mat was placed on the ground, the position of the elder brother Jiu was slightly forward on the left, and the position of Shu Shu was slightly behind on the right.

After the salute was over, the young couple greeted the two concubines again, this time it was simpler, Brother Jiu was "beating a thousand sons", and Shu Shu was "squatting to salute".

Shu Shu can speak Mongolian, and she learned a few sentences when she was a child, and most of the rest is a surprise study in the past two months.

Nanny Qi is half Mongolian, and she can only bring out a sentence or two in daily life, but the usual conversations used by female relatives are enough to learn, and simple daily conversations are enough.

At first, the queen mother still stumbled to greet Shu Shu in Manchu, but because of the lack of speaking, there was always a sentence and a half of Mongolian between the two or three sentences.

Shu Shu naturally switched to Mongolian to answer the conversation, but the Queen Mother's face became more joyful, and she took Shu Shu's hand: "Who did you learn Mongolian from? You speak it very well."

"My granddaughter-in-law's nanny was born in Mongolia. She learned a few words when she was a child. At that time, she was naughty and couldn't calm down. In the past two months, she has learned a few more. These are a few auspicious greetings. If there are too many, it will not work... "

Shu Shu didn't hide it, and told the truth.

The queen mother couldn't hear her jerky, but she liked her sincerity, and patted the back of her hand: "Good boy, good-looking, honest and honest, he is a good boy!" Roll it off and put it in Shu Shu's hand: "Longevity will bless you..."

"Given by the elders, I can't deny it." Shu Shu cupped it with both hands, and hung it directly on the lapel: "The grandson also prays to the Changshengtian, and the emperor's grandmother can live a long life..."

Shu Shu offered her filial piety, a sapphire blue forehead, did not sew any coral or beeswax, but used millet beads to sew three round little lambs the size of a thumb, with black agate eyes, and Ruyi on both sides. A mini yurt composed of patterns.

The things are not luxurious, but they are more attentive, and the queen mother caressed them for a while.

The faces of the two concubines were also softer.

The Empress Dowager has no biological flesh and blood, her dignity in the palace all these years has depended on the Emperor's filial piety, and in the younger generation, there is another layer of separation after all, it is rare to be able to use this kind of heart.

Coming out of the Compassionate Ning Palace, Brother Jiu's eyes fell on Shu Shu's lapel, which would be very flattering.

This string of eighteen sons looks simple, but both the beads and the Buddha head are made of sapphires, which are high-grade made in the palace, and are used by the Empress Dowager every day, so the meanings are naturally different.

Holding a sandalwood box in Xiaochun's arms, it is a pair of double happiness and double wishful emerald emerald hairpins, which are the regular rewards of the empress dowager.

Every prince Fujin who came to perform the "meeting ceremony" had a similar share.

Only these eighteen sons are different.

Shu Shu also knew that she didn't intend to hide it.

After a short while, the two walked to Qianqing Palace, and the soles of Shu Shu's feet began to ache.

These are really two-inch soles. If I wear the previous three-inch soles, I'm afraid it will be even more useless.

When summoned to go in, kneel down according to the rules, this set is the same as that of the Queen Mother.

Shu Shu couldn't look directly at her, but she took a quick look when she got up.

This is the Xinuang Pavilion, which is much larger than the second room of the Empress Dowager's bedroom.

Kangxi also sat cross-legged on the kang, with several desks next to him, with brush and ink notebooks on it.

The first impression is that he is a thin middle-aged man in his forties. There are already lines in the middle of his brows, with thin eyebrows and eyes.

Kangxi's eyes fell on Shu Shu's skirt, and he saw the string of eighteen sons.

He went to Ningshou Palace Dingxing the next day, and naturally knew that this string of eighteen sons was the Queen Mother's favorite.

The reward was given to Dong E's family, obviously because Dong E's family was liked by the queen mother.

Kangxi's expression slowed down a bit, with a bit of mystery: "You two are destined..."

Brother Jiu was confused, Shu Shu had already woken up, she quickly lowered her head, her face turned red, not because of embarrassment, but because of holding her breath.

How else?

Can't I be startled and turn pale?

This is the strict imperial power?
The movements of the capital are all in his eyes.

Nine elder brothers realized later, realized it, and felt embarrassed: "How did Khan Ama know this? It was all caused by Guidan, and my son was so mad by him!"

Kangxi glared at his son: "From next month, you will add a "Great Qing Law" to your homework in Shangshufang, and I will take the exam later!"

"Ama Khan, your sons and daughters are married, and you still want to go to school?"

Brother Jiu showed disbelief on his face: "After the brothers got married, didn't they start to learn to work as errands?"

"Impressive prince elder brother, you don't understand the "Law of the Qing Dynasty", what can you do without reading?"

Kangxi snorted softly, "When did you finish reading the "Law of the Qing Dynasty", let's talk about errands!"

Brother Jiu's face immediately turned bitter, and he looked at Shu Shu with complaints.

Shu Shu's head was lowered even lower, her chin was pressed against her chest, and she really felt a little uneasy.

Kangxi not only admired Confucianism, but he also admired the saying that "a woman who has no talent is a virtue"?

In her dowry, there are eight boxes of books, not for the purpose of being a "talented woman", but for laying the groundwork for future actions.

Kangxi's eyes turned to Shu Shu, seeing her quail appearance, he couldn't help laughing, he waved to Brother Jiu and said: "Your mother is still waiting, take Dong E's there..."

Brother Jiu responded respectfully, and brought Shu Shu out of Qianqing Palace to the West Sixth Palace.

It wasn't until they left the Longfu Gate that Shu Shu and Brother Jiu breathed a sigh of relief.

The two looked at each other, Brother Jiu remembered the matter of continuing to study, and complained in a low voice: "It's all your fault, why did you keep talking about "The Law of the Qing Dynasty"..."

Shu Shu was not angry, but he didn't want to argue with Brother Jiu outside, so he just reminded: "Master, don't say a few words, do you want everyone to know the antecedents of "Great Qing Law"?"

Brother Jiu stared blankly, feeling lucky, and snorted to stop talking.

Going out of Longfu Gate is a long road from north to south, and there are several side doors leading to the palaces of the Sixth West Palace.

Diagonally facing Longfu Gate is the right gate of Guangsheng leading to Yikun Palace.

After entering the right gate of Guangsheng, go west along the corridor for dozens of steps, and you will arrive at the Yikun Gate, the main entrance of Yikun Palace.

The little eunuch at the door saw a group of people coming, and hurriedly sent a message inside.

When Shu Shu followed Brother Nine into the courtyard, there was already a maid in her twenties waiting in front of the main hall, squatting down to pay her respects, and led the two of them in.

The main hall of Yikun Palace is five rooms wide and three rooms deep, with one bright room and four dark rooms. When you enter the door, you can see a throne and a screen in the middle of the bright room. The room is separated by a fan.

Concubine Yi lived in Dongci Room, Shu Shu and Brother Jiu were directly led to Dongci Room...

 The collection is related to the recommendation arrangement for next week. Those who have not joined the bookshelf can help to add it, please.


(End of this chapter)

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