My father-in-law is Kangxi

Chapter 311 The Iron Hat Is a Dream

Chapter 311 The Iron Hat Is a Dream

He Yuzhu stayed up all night in the Punishment Department, and Brother Jiu sent him down to rest before.

But since he listened to Shu Shu's reminder, and since he was going to file a complaint before the imperial court, Brother Jiu naturally wanted to know as much detail as possible.

When Brother Jiu passed by the wing room in the front yard, he lifted He Yuzhu up: "Follow me to the front of the imperial court, in case Khan Ama asks you..."

Khan Ama is not the kind of person who believes what other people say, asks, and then sends someone to check to be sure.

He Yuzhu didn't dare to delay, washed his face with cold water, and followed.

They are all old people around, even if there is one Yao Zixiao, Brother Jiu has no intention of angering the others.

How can everyone be Yao Zixiao?

I'm not actually stupid.

Yao Zixiao didn't pay much attention to his master before, and he also noticed it a little bit. He only valued other people more when he read crookedly and couldn't serve others.

Thinking about it now, maybe Yao Zixiao did it on purpose, unwilling to be a slave.

Really, entering the palace is to serve people.

If you don't like it, you shouldn't go this way.

Let Sun Jin pass the steamed stuffed bun to He Yuzhu, Brother Nine said: "Let's deal with the two first, and we'll eat when we come back later..."

He Yuzhu thanked the grace, and devoured the two cabbage buns.

I didn't expect Sun Jin to check here for a day, and he would gain something.

Shi Gege's nanny, Mrs. He, was born in ordinary clothes. In the past few years, she has lived a life and added two houses in the outer city. I heard that the family has put a lot of money out to earn profits.

Also Sun Jin is clever.

There are six princesses in total in the palace right now, the youngest Shiliu Gege is still young and lives in the West Sixth Palace.

The remaining five princesses were raised in Ningshou Palace.

Nine Gege produced by Concubine De.

The ten grids produced by the nobleman Ulanara.

The thirteen grids and fifteen grids produced by Zhang Pin.

The fourteen grids produced by Wang Shufei.

This concubine is not the biological mother of the fifteenth and sixteenth elder brothers, that one is the concubine of the Yonghe Palace, and this one is the concubine of the Changchun Palace.

Sun Jin checked directly from the nurse next to Shi Gege.

Because Jiugege is the same as the fifth elder brother, he was raised by the Queen Mother himself.

There is a biological mother of the fourth concubine, and two brothers of the same mother, so there will be no one who is not open-eyed to bully Jiugege.

Although Thirteen Gege and Fifteen Gege are not as good as Nine Gege, they are only slightly inferior. Besides, they are sisters of the same mother and can rely on each other.

The remaining two people are Ten Gege and Fourteen Gege.

It's only been three years since Fourteen Gege moved to the princess's house, and the babysitter wants to embezzle, so there are probably limited things he can embezzle.

Sun Jin chose Shi Gege to check.

As a result, after a day of hard work, I got the news.

Brother Jiu was very satisfied.

Let Khan Ama take a look, it's not that he is hysterical and slanders those servants of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, or someone is greedy.

These coats of the Ministry of Internal Affairs are getting bolder and bolder, and they really think that the Forbidden City is their Forbidden City, and the little masters are fat.

Taking advantage is not enough, if you don't take advantage, you will feel a loss.

Arriving at the Qianqing Palace Square, Brother Jiu hesitated for a moment.

According to his original intention, even if the old ten is involved, the old eleven should be informed.

But thinking that Niu Hulu's family was going to be sued, he became more worried.

He thought of starling...

Before the starling entered the palace to plead guilty, both Shu Shu and Lao Shi advised him not to go to Babeile's mansion...

Don't go looking for Old Ten yourself.

Otherwise, others would misunderstand or suspect that it would be bad to think that this complaint still has the share of the old ten.

In today's world, what is emphasized is "family ugliness should not be publicized", "keep taboo for the venerable", and "close relatives".

Otherwise, even if he is selfless in his heart, he will be said to be ungrateful and have a bad reputation.

Now it is Chenzheng, and many officials outside the Jingyun Gate on the south side of Qiantou Square are Hou Jian.

It was handed over the green lottery this morning and the sign was overturned.

According to the rules in the palace, the official sees that the green lottery is drawn twice in the morning and evening, waiting for the emperor to turn over the card.

The official whose sign was turned over was waiting outside Jingyun Gate.

Led by the servants of the Qianqing Palace, you will see your Majesty one by one.

Brother Jiu didn't pay attention to this before, but now he looked at it and touched his chin.

It seems that his entrusted head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs has not yet made the first sign.

This is not in a hurry.

Otherwise, when he goes to Qianqing Palace in the future, he will hand over the sign sooner or later like other officials who are waiting to see His Majesty?
If you wait until the card is turned to invite you to see him, then it’s up to Khan Ama to decide whether you will see him or not...

Right now it's fine.

Brother Jiu didn't go to the Yamen of the Ministry of Internal Affairs first.

If you don't rush in that way, it will appear that things are not urgent or important.

He stood at the door of the upper study room, just in time to hear the sound of the twelve elder brothers reciting a book.

"Guihai, the prince Zhongshan Wang Chengqian was established as the crown prince, and he has been born for eight years."

Brother Jiu also read "Zi Zhi Tong Jian" when he was in the study, and knew that this was the Tang Ji chapter.

Li Chengqian, the eldest son of Tang Taizong...

Brother Jiu looked towards the direction of Yuqing Palace, with a dazed expression on his face.

In the eyes of the emperor, the eldest son is different after all.

Even in the eyes of the court ministers, it is believed that the position of the reserve is determined, and the world is determined.

When he came back to his senses, the twelve elder brothers in the room had already recited the next paragraph.

"In the early days, the emperor wanted to strengthen the clan to rule the world, so the emperor's Zai Cong, San Cong's brothers and brothers' sons, even children and Confucians, were all kings, and there were dozens of kings..."

Brother Jiu couldn't help shaking his head.

No wonder the world admires Tang Taizong, not Tang Gaozu.

The clan is provided by the world, but the tax is fixed.

They were all used to support the clan, and when it came to major issues of the people's livelihood, the court had no money to use, so how many major events were delayed.

After hearing the follow-up "November Gengyin, all the descendants of the clan and county kings are county princes, but only those who have made meritorious deeds will not surrender...", Brother Jiu felt that Khan Ama's control of the clan's grace and title was also a sage.

Otherwise, just like the previous dynasty, the final clan has a population of one million, which is unthinkable.

As for Khan Ama's brother Gao Feng and son Gao Feng, they are different.

It is also Enfeng, but if the blood is far away, is it the same as the blood is close?
The descendants of the emperor's line and the descendants of the king's line should not be regarded as the same.

Thinking of this, Brother Jiu couldn't help but pause.

It's okay if she and Shu Shu really have no children, don't worry; if they really have children and grandchildren, they will also be descendants of the royal family.

He involuntarily touched his warm hat.

Soft and fluffy.

It's better to have an iron hat.

It was like a dream.

Brother Nine shook his head, throwing away this unrealistic idea.

Contentment and happiness is the truth.

Unsatisfied, this day is not happy.

Seeing that the people waiting outside the Jingyun Gate have almost left.

Then Ma Qi, Minister of the Ministry of Household Affairs, and Xiong Yixiao, Minister of the Ministry of Industry, came out.

The third elder brother followed behind.

It seems that today is the shift between the Ministry of Households and the Ministry of Industry.

Brother Nine straightened his hat and stepped forward with a tense face.

The third elder brother was talking with Ma Qi, the Minister of the Ministry of household affairs.

After seeing Brother Jiu, the two ministers stopped to pay respects.

The third elder brother also saw it, and stopped, looked at the ninth elder brother and said: "The ninth brother is looking for Master Ma..."

Now he is on duty in the household department and is familiar with Ma Qi.

Even though he was dissatisfied with the emperor's father who allocated Ma Qi's family to the eighth elder brother, the third elder brother did not change his attitude. He was still polite and warm to Ma Qi, with the appearance of a corporal.

Brother Nine waved his hands and said, "I'm not looking for Mr. Ma, my younger brother is going to the court, and I have something to report..."

The third elder brother's smile faded, and his tone was admonishing, he said: "Ninth brother, since you have an errand, you are no longer the idle elder brother before, this imperial majesty sees the rules..."

Speaking of this, he glanced at He Yuzhu and Sun Jin, and frowned even more: "According to the rules, the subordinates are only allowed outside the Jingyun Gate, and are not allowed to enter the Qianqing Palace Square..."

Brother Jiu saw that he was pretending to be a wolf with a big tail again, and wanted to go back, but this is the gate of Qianqing Palace, and he is still in front of the two ministers...

He lowered his hands and made a gesture of respect: "What the third brother taught me is that my younger brother must abide by the rules..."

Haha, as for not doing the first lottery, you can't meet the court from the outside according to the rules. This is a helpless thing!

Besides, he was not very well-behaved, and he didn't rush to Yuqian. Every time, he called someone to send a message at the door, waiting to see you.

As for He Yuzhu and Sun Jin, they were originally eunuchs walking in the inner court, so naturally they don't need to be regarded as the same as the court officials.

Those rules are for those who are outside the palace.

The Qianqing Palace Square is the boundary between the inner and outer courts.

Only in the Qing palace, there are many low-level concubines.

If it's messy and anyone can come in, it's not messy.

But what is the eunuch afraid of?
If you want to bump into Concubine Yu, you can't.

His respectfulness stunned the third elder brother.

Couldn't it be that Lao Jiu was thick-skinned and went to the imperial court to make do with it, because he was summoned here?

At this moment, someone has already seen brother Jiu coming and reported to the imperial court.

Liang Jiugong came out and said: "The emperor has a decree, to pass on Brother Jiu to see him..."

Brother Jiu quickly bowed in response, and followed Liang Jiugong in.

The third elder brother looked at the back of the ninth elder brother, curious, and asked Ma Qi: "Master Ma, besides the thirteenth elder brother and the fourteenth elder brother wanting to move the palace these few days, is there anything else going on in the House of Internal Affairs?"

After hearing this, Ma Qi was very helpless.

Even if something really happened, can I talk about it at the gate of Qianqing Palace?

His expression remained unchanged, and he said: "Master Belle knows that I have been in the Ministry of Household Affairs for the past few days, and I have never been to the Ministry of Internal Affairs. I really don't know about these..."

The third elder brother expressed his disapproval, and said: "Elder brother is young, and there are many deficiencies. Khan Ama asked the lord to be the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, just to let the lord be in charge, and the lord is not good to let go..."

Ma Qi respectfully replied: "Yes, I am slack, I will listen to Lord Baylor in the future, and pay more attention to the internal affairs..."

While speaking, a group of people left the gate of Qianqing.

Seeing that Ma Qi was following the direction to go to Daqing Gate, this was the way to go back to the Ministry of Households, not to the Yamen of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

The third elder brother was anxious, wishing to stop Ma Qi and let him turn around and go to the yamen of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, instead of spending all his time at the yamen of the household department.

But with Minister of the Ministry of Industry by his side, he couldn't say anything more.

Otherwise, it would appear that he is greedy for power, and when he works in the Ministry of Accounts, he is running on the Minister of the Ministry of Accounts...

Hey, it’s like this when you come out to work, you have to be considerate, and you don’t feel guilty if you don’t become a thief...

Qianqing Palace, Xinuang Pavilion.

Kangxi watched Yao Zixiao's confession for a long time.

The above only explained that he met the steward of Niu Hulu's house.

The things that were given and received privately by the two institutes were also provided by the steward.

He also noticed that "the younger sister is a servant of the government's household", so he asked someone to call He Yuzhu who followed the whole process of interrogation: "Since it is written in his palace book that there is no one in the family, why is there another blood compatriot?"

He Yuzhu knelt down and replied honestly: "The head of the Punishment Department also asked him about this matter. He said that it was a daughter born after his mother remarried, and she was not on his household registration..."

Kangxi looked at Brother Jiu, saw him looking thoughtful, and said, "What are you thinking about?"

Brother Nine hesitated and said: "My son is thinking, there are still traces of palace maids, and the household registration of the coat is clear, but these eunuchs with civil registration seem to be quite easy to manipulate..."

Nine out of ten eunuchs suffer.

Even if it is no problem to check the three generations, but in reality?
There are not many real relatives alive.

No one had the time to check the identities of the little eunuchs one by one.

"My son was confused before. He only thought that Yao Zixiao was a slave who was eager to learn, so he couldn't help him, and let him serve him when he went to the study... Now that I think about it, it's not quite right. It seems that I read the book earlier, picked it up again, and talked. He is more gentle than other slaves... His cousin is also the same, he is smarter than other slaves, so he is valued by mynah, I am afraid that their brothers have learned a lot outside before sending them in..."

(End of this chapter)

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